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Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, tied to a sled

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, tied to a sled, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Ashley's captor offered her as little assistance as was possible to get her up and moving towards the cleaning room, grudgingly offering an arm on which she could keep steady before essentially shunting her into the small washroom. The door closed behind her, leaving Ashley to figure out what exactly she wanted to do and how exactly she wanted to do it.
Ashley breathed a sigh of relief as the door closed behind her. The trip was more than enough proof that she wasn't going to win a fight. She couldn't have walked across the room without someone to help her! She needed her strength back. Her magic back. To be rid of the foulness in her womb. And none of those was going to happen in this washroom. She wiped away tears of frustration. The plan that made sense was to clean up, go back into the other room, and cooperate. To wait whatever time was needed for the horrors to be born - gods she did not want to think about that - and only then try to escape, when the odds were best. Not give them excuses to further bind her. Not antagonize them.

The wind mage made use of the water to start cleaning the caked cum off her body, starting with the worst of it, below her egg-swollen belly. And just touching herself there made her uncomfortably aware that the beast who had done this to her was just outside. She couldn't tell where. Maybe it had positioned itself on the other side of the door, just waiting for her to clean up and come out, so that it could dirty her again. She realized she was shaking, and switched to her breasts instead. Her body was changing, with the pregnancy. Or with the corruption of the things that had raped her. Her breasts were definitely a size bigger than normal, but was it a permanent change, or not?

It didn't matter. Ashley finished washing her chest, and her back and butt as best she could. She dipped the cloth in water, cleaned it as best she could, and wiped her face as well. A thought occurred, and she wiped at her neck, where Jenn's symbol had been. Probably it wouldn't work, but just in case...

Eventually, there was no more to clean. Well, except between her legs, where she'd splashed a little water, but couldn't bring herself to touch there again. Not yet. Maybe if it was disgusting they would be less likely to try to use her again. No. That thing had been ready to fuck her brains out the moment it saw her, before she'd even started to clean. As long as she had a pussy, it would want to stuff its tentacles in. She would just have to... not let it.

Ashley found herself with her hand on the door of the washroom, hesitating. The smart plan was to wait. But if she let that orc tie her back up, she would be raped again. Letting herself be tied up was the same as not struggling when the tentacles came. And she knew herself. She wouldn't allow that to happen without even trying. She couldn't.

The plan, then. There had to be a plan. Break away from the orc. Get the bag with her stuff. Get to Jenn. Find the amulet. Use it. She'd studied enchantments, and while she hadn't set that one herself, she knew that it was technically the amulet that would cast the spell. From its own well of power. The seal wouldn't matter. She and Jenn would blink and be back in the university. They'd probably be in trouble for leaving the expedition, but the expedition had clearly failed. It was over. And being in trouble would be better than whatever those demons had in mind. She could picture the plan clearly in her mind. But it looked improbable. Her, breaking that orc's grip? And then she realized she was picturing herself fully clothed. Naked, it seemed even more ridiculous somehow, though that didn't affect her plan. And... she rested an arm on top of her belly, then added that to the mental picture. Now it seemed farcical.

But she had to try. She swallowed her doubt, and stepped out of the room.
HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, less tied to a sled

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, tied to a sled, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

When Ashley stepped out of the room, her captor was waiting for her. The orcess gave her a flat look as soon as she emerged, having been staring off into space in apparent boredom. She seemed to be searching for something in Ashley's expression, but whether or not she found what she wanted was impossible to say. Sharog offered Ashley a grudging arm, and lead the wind mage back to her sled, which she noticed had been cleaned - likely via magic - since Ashley had last been trapped in it. Unless Ashley opted to start her escape attempt right then and there, she would be helped back into the sled and partially tied down, though now her arms were free.

The backpack theoretically containing her enchanted gear was by the chair that Sharog had been sitting in, some twenty feet away from the sled. The door was between the sled and the chair, and some ten or so feet off to the right if Ashley were looking towards the bag. Jenn was in the other direction, maybe ten feet from Ashley's sled, and the captured knight Karena was about ten feet past her still hogtied. The insect-like horror was about ten feet further past the knight, its ant-like legs folded under it and the forest of tentacles jutting from its back all still... But poised like serpents waiting to strike.

"Alright, you've played nice, so you only get your legs bound and can feed yourself. Might be the last time you ever get the chance, so... Enjoy it I guess."
The wind mage hestitated slightly to see the orc standing just outside the door. Suddenly that seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. Run away from her, sure. Through her, though? She'd bounce off and land on her ass. And then need help to get back up, heavy as she felt. So the plan would go into effect... shortly. When it seemed less likely to fail at the first step. And if she wasn't going to run through the orc, accepting her arm seemed like it had to come next. And soon enough, she was being lead to the sled.

She tried to look around more carefully, without seeming to. Found the bag. And realized that it was in the opposite direction of Jenn. Meaning even if she got away cleanly - and the orc's grip wasn't exactly gentle on her arm - she'd have to run through her eventually. And then there was the... thing. Beyond even Karena - who, Ashley realized, her plan would leave stranded here - it sat. Not asleep, as far as she could tell. Somehow she felt the tentacles would drop to the ground, if it slept. Instead, they stood. Ready. And, Ashley felt, not arrayed randomly around it. But rather, all pointing. At her. She shuddered. Now that she could see the scene, the 'escape' played out differently. She would rip away from the orc, waddle over to the bag, trip, pull herself up, miraculously find her amulet instantly. Waddle back to her present position. Feint in one direction, then evade the orc the other way. Waddle towards Jenn. And find herself lifted off the floor by tentacles, the amulet torn out of her hands. Struggle briefly but uselessly before it started raping her. Again.

There had to be another plan. But before she could decide what it was, the orc was firmly sitting her down on the sled. She felt herself tensing to pull away, to fight back, something. But heard the orc's words. Her hands left free. It wasn't exactly ideal, but it would give her another chance to plan before she was made utterly helpless again. She let the orc bind her legs.

Immediately her mind started trying to form other plans. There wasn't a full one yet, but seeds were already starting to form. She'd have to find a way to talk to Jenn, and ideally Karena as well. Between her and Jenn - with arms free - maybe they could untie the knight. Whose strength wouldn't have been bound by the marks that bound Jenn and Ashley. And they'd have to deal with those magic-blocking marks as well. They were still exhausted, but at least with three of them and two captors they wouldn't be outnumbered.
HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, less tied to a sled

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, tied to a sled, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor

Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Sharog seemed relieved when Ashley didn't try anything, and allowed her legs to be bound under the sled again. She could wiggle her legs enough to keep them from cramping, but getting all the way out of the sled would be a prolonged effort likely taking minutes, and it wouldn't be easy to make it go unnoticed. That left her arms free to move, however, and even if she was topless she could cover herself with the furs that made up the rest of her prison without binding her arms. "You play nice, you get treated nice," Sharog said condescendingly once the wind mage was secured, and Ashley was promptly treated to a bowl of stew that she could eat herself rather than have it fed to her. There was a fat tipped wooden spoon sticking out of a wooden bowl in which the hot, thick fluid was contained, neither of which were particularly suitable for use as a weapon.

The tentacle creature continued to stare at them, unreadable and alien and monstrous with tendrils arraigned above it, while Sharog momentarily stood over Ashley, watching her eat. After a minute or so, however, she said; "I'm going to go piece together supplies, reconnoiter our path, and make contact with my... Contact. You're all staying here. Any of you cause any trouble, and I mean ANY trouble AT ALL... And you get to answer to tentacles over there. I don't want to deal with the cleanup that'll result from that, and I'm pretty fucking sure that none of you want a round with him playing with you either." She glanced over at Jenn and Karena, the latter of whom was glaring hatefully back at her while the former stared silently into the fire, "You two remember that you're expendable to what my employers want... That means that if you do something stupid and get fucked to death and suddenly I'm hauling one less godsdamned sled, with one less litter of baby demons to haul around with us too. Think on that notion before you try anything." Jenn gulped audibly, but Sharog turned an impassive gaze down onto Ashley for a moment and held it there. It cracked just slightly to a sympathetic look, but then hardened back to a determined scowl.

"I'll be back soon, probably less than an hour. You keep behaved while I'm away, and we'll see if your mouth can earn you even more privileges. Hells know I'll need the stress relief," she concluded, the last sentence coming out in a grim mutter before she turned to make for the door. She stopped momentarily, turning to deliver instructions to the creature waiting in the corner that Ashley could vaguely comprehend - Helltongue was close enough to Badarian that she could get the gist - that it was not to touch them unless they moved, but that if any of them tried to get out of their bindings it was to stop them by any means. Then, Sharog bundled up in her full arrangement of furs, opened the door to let in a brief gust of icy wind carrying flakes of powdery snow, and then closed it again and was gone.

Karena started squirming in her bindings immediately after the door was closed. The knight hadn't been afforded the same kindnesses that Jenn and Ashley had enjoyed, if they could be called as much, and was still gagged and hogtied and fully bound to her sled without having been allowed to clean up. Being stretched like that when she was pregnant, even belly up, was probably extremely uncomfortable, but her struggles quickly drew the attentions of their remaining jailor. The tentacled horror rose with an eery smoothness, tendrils beginning to wave in mid air as crimson multifaceted eyes focused on her as it began to advance towards her - and thus closer to Ashley and Jenn - with an ominous click with the fall of every insect-like limb.

"Just stop," Jenn said in a very small voice as the creature began to let its limbs descend towards the bound knight, speaking plain Crolian, "it'll just rape you or kill you... Stop... Please." Even as Karena ceased her struggles, however, the horror turned towards Jenn. It clicked closer, hissing softly, and when she shrank away from it and tried to cover herself the thing reached down and casually tore the furs away from her grip, exposing her all the way down to her waist. Tentacles slithered down around her, only slightly brushing against Jenn's body - and Karena's - but it was enough to leave Jenn whimpering in abject terror and trying to squirm. The creature stopped there... For now, if Ashley either kept silent or drew its attention without upsetting it further, but not without a few tendrils descending and opening, forming nearly-transparent suckers that could have sealed comfortably against a woman's breast that hovered scarcely more than an inch over their defenseless flesh, and a few more decidedly phallic ones brushing significantly over their cheeks and lips. If Ashley elected to speak during that tense period, she would get the same treatment and earn an eager hiss from the demon, but unless she provoked it further she, too would go unmolested barring the few threatening caresses. After a couple of minutes of silence its threatening tentacles would retract, but from then on how patient it would be with them speaking aloud around it would be.... Tenuous, at best, but for now it hovered between them - closest to Jenn who was in the middle - and threatened only with its presence.
Ashley blinked, silent, as the orc explained that she was going to leave. That was perfect. The monster could understand simple commands in the hellish language, but it almost certainly didn't understand a word of Crolian. They would have time to plan. To find a weakness in their enemy. Maybe even to escape - with only the one captor present, now might be their best or even only chance to escape. Of course, this opportunity came with a threat. Make 'trouble', whatever that was defined as, and get raped. Maybe to death. Though... that last bit didn't necessarily apply to Ashley. She was needed for... they hadn't been specific, but from what she'd heard it seemed likely to include use of her womb. Which had other, just as unpleasant, implications.

And, almost immediately, that threat loomed. The beast approached the knight. Then switched to Jenn, its disgusting tentacles brushing her bare skin. Ashley's teeth immediately bared, but it didn't start abusing her. Not yet. But she didn't believe it would hold back. The orc had told it to. And it seemed to obey her. But If she was gone an hour? All night? How long until it realized it that the Orc had no way of knowing that the women hadn't 'made trouble'?

"Jenn. This is our chance. Maybe our only chance." The beast immediately turned to face Ashley, and she swallowed, hard. "There's just the one here. The orc will be back. Maybe with her 'contact', maybe not, but if we just lie here and take it the demons are going to come for us, and we might never escape." The beast had moved. Over her body. Its tentacles hanging lewdly in the air, as if it were showing off the various tips. Ashley felt herself go pale. But carried on, adding - to both women - "If it ever looks away, do whatever you can to get up. Free the other woman. Get our stuff."

Part of her remembered what it did just moments before, with Jenn and the knight. It had hovered over them. Threatened them. And then stopped. Probably it had decided that even talking - especially in a language it didn't understand - counted as trouble. And if the wind mage kept her mouth shut, it would stop.

But the rest of her saw one of the phallic ones extend between her bound legs. Behind the belly it had already filled with eggs. And was willing to do anything to make it stop. Immediately she pulled at her power, drawing in for her most instinctual spell. And at the same time, her unbound hands thrashed, trying to pull herself free, hit the beast, or even just get between it and her pussy. And shouted, in her native Badarian, "Stop! I command you to STOP!"

That was her final, desperate plan to stop it. It was stupid. It obeyed commands. And its tongue was pretty close to Badarian. There was no way she could pass as a native speaker, but with any luck, at least that one word - stop - would be the same, or close enough that it just sounded like she had an accent.

Ashley is going to try to cast Lesser Gust (Wind 2), despite the seal. (assuming that fails) if the beast pulls away from her privates, she'll quiet down (at least for now) and stop struggling.
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HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed DC 40-50, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, less tied to a sled

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, tied to a sled, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor

Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Resistance to break the seal: 16 + 17 = 33, a failure. But she does get an idea of how powerful the seal is.

The tentacled horror turned some of its attention to Ashley as soon as she opened her mouth, and before she'd even finished her plea to her lover the creature's appendages were hovering over her as well. Knife-like, cudgel-headed, phallic tipped, simple pointed and suckers alike all flooded her field of vision, nearly blocking out her view both of the ceiling and of the women beside her who were suffering the same threatening view. "Just... Don't move!" Jenn murmured desperately, only to let out a surprised whimper as the tendril prodding at her mouth violently forced itself past her lips. It stopped with shallow penetration, but out of the corner of her eye Ashley could see that it was coiling above Jenn as if about to shove itself much deeper. The water mage groaned and tried tossing her head from side to side to dislodge the thing, but it only wormed in deeper until she stopped moving, at which point it paused again.

Ashley's panicked reaction earned her no mercy. The more wildly she moved, the more the thing closed in. When she raised her hands and desperately felt for the wind, she didn't even have the energy in her to complete the spell, couldn't have called up the dead air even if the mark on her neck didn't flare up and block the attempt, but when it did... She could recognize a few things, even in her distressed state of mind. She couldn't have broken through the wall blocking her off from feeling the air in her exhausted state at all, not with all the will that she could muster... But if her mind was just a little bit less fuzzy, if her limbs were not so leaden and her soul not so totally empty of everything but fear and pain, she just might be able to do it.

Unfortunately, it seemed that less tired and less upset was not likely to be in the cards for her today, nor would she get a chance to make a bid for freedom.

Her plea in Badarian might have been similar enough to Helltongue for the monster to possibly understand it, but either it didn't comprehend her desire or simply didn't care about what she wanted. Either way, her futile command ended when a tentacle shoved itself down into her mouth to muffle the last syllable, and unlike Jenn it simply forced itself deep down her throat. The foul flavor of demonic flesh again ran against Ashley's tongue once again, but more distress likely came from how it immediately cut off her ability to breath. Tendrils coiled around her wrists and yanked her arms aside, effortlessly ending her flailing resistance, and with Ashley unable to do anything but squirm beneath its brutal ministrations. The position forced her to arch her back as it pulled her arms over the edges of the sled, forcing the helpless wind mage to push her chest upwards, and beside her Jenn suffered exactly the same fate. Karena, so thoroughly bound that she could barely move, was squirming furiously as the tentacled horror made to punish her for Ashley's display of resistance, tentacles sliding all across the woman's body more gingerly than they were for Ashley and Jenn... For now.

With neither of them able to offer any meaningful resistance to the demon's desires, the creature secured its pin and then simply began to fuck both of their faces. Karena's gag was torn away, and she shouted in protest and gnashed her teeth at it before she, too had a tentacle squirming around in her throat. The tendrils were slow and deliberate, leaving Ashley forced to taste the monster's precum as a sampling of what she was about to intake whenever the bulbous tip was resting against her tongue, but while the tentacles not exploring her mouth mostly ran across her helpless body without doing much, some were ultimately less idle than others.

"Ggglck! Mmmph! Mmmm! Glk glk glk mph glk mph mph glk mmmph! Glk glk mph glk glk..."

"Mmmggg! Glk glk glk glk glk glk glk glk mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph! Glk glk glk..."

While all three of their mouths were made to accomodate a writhing appendage each, the threatened suckers descended onto their chests with no further hesitation. The three hapless women - all reduced to demonic brood sows at this point - had been made to push their chests up into easy reach, and as they touched to soft flesh the tentacles opened wide over their swollen bosoms only to latch on and immediately tighten their grip. The skin of them grew thinner as they spread, encompassing the full cup of each orb that they claimed but allowing them to dimly see through to where dozens of smaller tendrils were extending to writhe torturously against each sensitive peak. The stimulation seemed to be less for their pleasure than for the horror's benefit, however, as the attention quickly forced Ashley's nipples to full hardness, and as they did the suction increased, drawing out the first pearly drops of the fluids meant to nourish what was growing inside of her. That it that had planted those foul seeds was to consume it instead mattered not to her body, nor to Jenn's or Karena's, and as their flow of milk to it increased the thrusting of the appendages into their mouths only grew faster and wilder, leaving Ashley scarcely able to breath and the monster's other two victims undoubtedly faring no better. Worse, perhaps, was that it was starting to drag them from the sleds, away from the furs and tightened ropes that had until now been preventing it from exploring any part of their bodies below the waist.
Ashley pulled at her magic, and came up against a barrier. Like bashing against a stone. Or... no. Like beating up against wood, but when she was already exhausted... she felt a sudden thrill of confidence. That this wasn't unbeatable. That if she took a day or two to rest, it would be difficult, but possible to cast through it. She wasn't entirely certain if that would actually break the seal permanently, or if she would have to do it every time, but it was a ray of hope.

Unfortunately, that wouldn't really help her right now. And, worse, what this monster was about to do to her wouldn't exactly help her rest. And sure enough, even as she realized her ray of hope, the foul thing stuffed one of its tentacles into her mouth. Not just her mouth. It immediately forced itself down into her throat, making her choke. It ignored her attempts to bite it. She moved to pull it out. And felt a tentacle wrap around each arm, pulling them to the sides, then down, painfully contorting her into shoving her chest upward.

The one in her mouth didn't stop moving. Immediately it pulled out, enough for her to taste precum dripping into her mouth as she drew in a quick breath through her nose, before forcing itself down her throat again, deep enough that she couldn't breathe even through her nose. She could feel the other tentacles casually exploring her body. Several ran up her thighs, pressing between her legs. There was a moment of panic, a scream muffled by the tentacle in her throat. But while one tentacle stayed there, her legs were bound together too tightly for it to enter.

That at least was a relief. For what little it counted while a monster was shoving something down her throat. And the tentacles that had given up on her pussy flowed over the rest of her body. That was uncomfortable. But two in particular went straight to her breasts. She choked on a gasp at how sensitive they were, and squirmed as they spread over her breasts, something inside writhing against her nipples. It forced a horrible awareness of breasts thrust lewdly upward, and not just that but swollen from her pregnancy.

The beast's goal quickly became clear, and Ashley's eyes went madly wide as she the weird tentacle squeezed her left breast, and she felt something squirt out. Immediately it squeezed the other, with the same effect. Milk. She remembered seeing a pearly bead leak out of Jenn's larger breasts, but somehow the thought hadn't occurred that hers were subject to the same thing. She felt tears forming at her eyes. This was humiliating. Tied up. Pinned down so that she couldn't even *try* to pull the invader from her throat. And now literally being milked like an animal. By the very thing that had impregnated her, and forced her breasts to produce milk.

But at least with the thing focusing on her, Jenn and Karena would be free to try to escape. And despite its constant wriggling attempts between her legs, it couldn't fuck her.

Ashley groaned as the thing sucked on her breasts even harder, alternating between them, so that there was a constant flow of milk from her body. The sensation was unreal, making it impossible to focus on anything else. Or, as it turned out, almost anything else. Almost. The pulling on her arms was nothing. But the feeling of her butt sliding along the fir, the ropes on her thighs, was something else. It took a second, but her eyes went wide, and her struggles intensified, as she realized what was happening. A second tentacle started rubbing at her pussy along with the first, easily ignoring her struggles as it pulled her out of the binding ropes. A minute ago the thought that her legs might be unbound would have been elating. Now it was horrifying, and she found herself screaming helplessly whenever the one in her throat pulled out enough to let her breathe. Being free was useless if she was going to be raped unconscious. She just had to hope that her 'distraction' would give the others a chance to do... something. At least she couldn't get more pregnant.
HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed DC 40-50, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, less tied to a sled

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, tied to a sled, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor

Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

With all three women now in its grasp, the now unchaperoned tentacle demon was free to play with them at its leisure... And unfortunately for Ashley and her two fellow victims, the experience would prove anything but leisurely. The tentacled horror spent a few minutes as it was, forcibly drawing out squirts of milk meant to nourish the demon spawn growing inside all of them while each woman was forced to endure a tentacle ravaging their mouth, before it finally tugged the three of them fully from their sleds. Ashley's limbs were unbound at that point; she was free... But even if she hadn't been totally exhausted, she would have had trouble wrestling herself free of the horror.

Tentacles wrapped around her hips and legs even as her pale skin was exposed to the cabin's chill air, and as she'd expected that she hadn't fully cleaned up between her legs did nothing to dissuade the creature from violating her. Pain and discomfort arose more than pleasure as slimy tentacles wormed their way into her ass and pussy, pressing nerves that had already been rubbed raw the previous day, but she'd been through this before; eventually the pleasure would come, a refuge from the pain in some ways and perhaps more horrible than the pain in others. She plainly heard distressed, tentacle-muffled moans from beside her from Jenn and Karena as they were made to suffer the same fate, a new experience for the knight and a familiar trauma for Jenn and Ashley given what had happened to them with the aliens during the Invasion and Ashley much more recently.

The chorus of pained moans and grunts grew louder as the horror drew them together, leaving Jenn in the middle with both Ashley and Karena practically pressed against her sides. All three were suspended facing downwards, the transparent sucker cups attached to their chests flooding with milk only for their nourishing fluids to be then drawn further down the sucker tendrils. Whether the horrid thing was actually able to extract nourishment or milking them simply for its own perverse amusement they couldn't know, but it seemed intent on extracting every last drop from their hanging orbs. Ashley could see Jenn and Karena suffering as she was out of the corner of her eye, their larger chests being forced to surrender gushing squirts of milk into the suckers presumably similar to her own; it was hard to tell exactly what was happening to her own body with her head forced to remain tilted upwards by the tendril rapidly thrusting down her throat, but Jenn at least seemed to be producing more than Karena. The attention to her chest was, at first, the only stimulation that proved purely pleasurable, but that wouldn't remain the case for long.

Slowly but surely, the forced intrusions into her holes continued to batter against her sensitive spots, forcing her body to a state of arousal if only to protect itself from being torn apart. Karena seemed quickest to get there, and Ashley could again see out of the corner of her eye as the woman suddenly seized forward, choking audibly on the tendril fucking her mouth. It wasn't from orgasm, however, as the rocking of her body took on a more rapid pace. Ashley could guess what had happened, having experienced the horror's attentions herself not so long ago; a second tentacle had forced itself into one of her holes, and had joined in on fucking her. Jenn was next, and then Karena again.... And then it was Ashley's turn all too soon, a second tentacle forcing itself into her sex. The horror's violating appendages spread her further, and bit by bit they grew bolder. Two tentacles became three, became four... More pressed against her face, against the cheeks of her ass, against her breasts. Another worked its way into her ass too, and then one even slipped between her breasts and began to thrust itself against her sternum.

Jenn and Karena suffered much the same, but the bustier women only had to contend with more of the slimy things sliding through their cleavage; by the time the thing came - after forcing Ashley and her two fellow victims through a string of forced orgasms - Karena had three tentacles fucking her tits, and Jenn had no less than five. Ashley was doused in cum from every direction, the sticky white fluid coating her body back to front, from her face even down to the feet as the tentacle beast gave a delighted hiss of satisfaction. Streams of it poured down her throat and up into her bowels, forcing her to Worst of all was the veritable flood of its seed being poured into her womb, mingling with the seed already growing there and forcing her body to stretch even further.

Naturally, even with three women, the wretched demon wasn't satisfied with one release. It had unleashed what must have been a gallon of cum into and onto Ashley alone, much less the sticky white moaning mess that Karena and Jenn had been reduced to, but even with its issue coating them and oozing out of their abused holes, it paused for less than ten seconds before it was moving its tentacles. It hadn't even pulled entirely out of her mouth after cumming, leaving Ashley struggling to breath as it took its second turn. Jenn had seemingly passed out by that point, and was hanging limply beside her as the tentacle beast continued to ravage her body, and while Karena was still struggling it was clear that she couldn't do anything to actually resist the monster in her bound and exhausted state. They had to go through a second round, resulting in an even more grotesque filling and covering of their bodies that left Ashley barely able to remain conscious, but before it could get far in its third round - and as Ashley could feel a third tentacle trying to force its way into her ass - the door to the cabin swung open violently.

Wind howled, and a gust of frigid air washed over their cum-coated frames. The tentacled horror hissed in frustration, turning to the source of the door as the snowstorm going on outside sent snowflakes raining around them... And then it died, brutally, as a blur of an armored figure hurled into the room and stabbed it one handed in the abdomen. Blackened steel broke through chitinous carapace with a flare of sudden heat as flame erupted around the elongated point of the spear, and the limbs around them suddenly seizing visibly and went slack as Ashley, Jenn and Karena were all dropped to the floor, all but Karena free of their bondage but all of them freshly violated and completely exhausted. Dornhall retracted his spear and stabbed into the demon twice more, once more in the torso and then in the head, ensuring that it was very thoroughly dead before he turned to survey the three women. "You've looked better," he remarked dryly, his voice warped by his full helmet but still boasting detectable exhaustion.

(Ashley can have 2 more consolation XP to accompany her 514 corruption, but is now free. Praise the dice roller!)
Ashley felt in a bit of a bind as the horrible thing milked her. On the one hand, the situation was utterly humiliating, the sensation of milk leaving her breasts bizarre, and of course the tentacle being forced down her throat left her gasping for air whenever it let her. But on the other hand, struggling too much might just actually get her lower body free of the bindings. And she could feel the tentacles there, rubbing at her bound-together legs, trying to worm their way in. If she actually managed to get out, they would be inside her in seconds. She did her best to try to get the one out of her mouth, or off her over-sensitive breasts, but she was too weak and exhausted for the thing to even bother holding her arms down. There was nothing she could do to stop it having its way with her. Nothing but trust in the Orc's ropes.

And, just as she finally started to accept that, she felt something slip between the rope and her leg. The tentacles writhed, and Ashley moaned around the one down her throat. Instantly more were pulling on her shoulders, and she felt herself slide up the sled. And before she was even sure that she was completely out of the ropes, she felt the first tentacle force its way into her cunt. She screamed. Or tried to. But the one in her mouth was halfway down her throat at that point, so all that came out was a gurgling sound and a few tears.

She couldn't see what was going on down below past the orb of her belly, but she could feel it. The thing was still moving her, lifting her, but it didn't waste an instant before it started fucking her. One butted up against her rear, and she squeezed it tight in defiance. And felt the shock of pain as an oddly-bumped tentacle shoved in anyway, shoving in a solid foot without warning. The one up her butt held in place for half a second, then matches pace with its partner in her pussy. Somehow it seemed worse than the first time. There wasn't the shock of defeat. The sacrifice of taking this 'partner' so that it wouldn't take Jenn. She had still had the strength to fight. Not enough to win, but this... the way the thing just let her grab the tentacles, knowing she couldn't so much as inconvenience it was an added humbling. And the pounding thrusts into her unprepared slit and rear hit tender flesh that already ached from the previous rape. She knew it would fade somewhat as her body defended itself, but that was slim consultation as she was lifted into the air, flipped belly down, twin tentacles mercilessly fucking her, and only the one violating her throat stopping the helpless sobs and whimpers from echoing out of the cabin.

Her gaze jerked as she felt another tentacle prodding at her already-occupied nether regions. But all she could see were her breasts, swollen with milk, but not as swollen as they had been a minute ago, a pair of tentacles latched over her nipples while they were rhythmically squeezed. And beyond them, her belly already stuffed with the beast's spawn. She shook her head, knowing that it wouldn't care that she didn't want a fourth tentacle inside her body. And realized there was more pale flesh beside her. It took a moment to realize it was the knight. Who was... not escaping and getting help. From the sound of it she was getting Ashley's own treatment. The wind mage turned the other way. And saw Jenn's naked body squirm with sudden desperation. And the thick cock-headed tentacle that had just shoved itself alongside its fellow in her lover's ass was the clear reason why. It didn't help.

And before she could worry more about Jenn, Ashley's own back arched, instinctively trying to pull away as she felt the tentacle that had been prodding at her rear suddenly force itself into her pussy, alternating thrusts with the one already violating her. It was suddenly impossible to think of anything else. Even with her body starting to produce lube, it was too much. And it wasn't all. Another tentacle prodded at her rear, working its way around her sex before evidently deciding that was full, and trying her ass. That was full as well. Ashley felt certain of that. But nevertheless, at the moment of deepest penetration, it forced itself in.

The quadruple penetration was the last straw. Suddenly she was thrashing in the tentacle's grasp, every ounce of strength spent all at once, in a desperate attempt to get away, to get even one of those horrible things out of her body. And the tentacles responded. Or so it seemed for a moment. But the hopelessness of fighting off another wave of assaulting tentacles as they bound her faded into an even more intense hopelessness as she realized that they weren't holding her still to quell her suddenly effective struggles, but rather squeezing her breasts together, so that another tentacle could slide between them.

Her thrashing stopped, the burst of effort having exhausted what little strength she had left. They weren't even holding her arms. She was just there to be fucked. And fucked she was. Despite the horrible situation, her body responded. She felt herself cum. Again. Helplessly, again. It only made things worse, knowing that she couldn't even prevent that. And then, without any real warning, she felt something hot and viscous land in a spray on her back. And then more. Ropes of it. Buckets, from every direction. She squeezed her eyes shut just before one of the tentacles blew its load straight into her face. She could feel it running down her hair, her breasts, her arms, her feet. And straight down her throat, not even giving her the option to swallow.

Once every inch of her skin was covered in the stuff, she felt all four violating tentacles shove as deep as they could inside her body. Felt them swell. And then felt the spunk unleashed, into bowels and womb. The imperfect seal of two tentacles against one another ensured she got to feel it spurt out of her, but the vast majority stayed in her body. She could feel her already-huge belly grow a little, as more and more was forced into her.

Ashley shuddered. The end was somehow always the worst. Even already pregnant, the feeling of that horrible stuff being forced into her made her feel dirtier than she would have thought possible. And then she felt her eyes go wide. No. No. Oh gods no. But it was happening. One of the tentacles in her pussy and ass had started to withdraw. And then shove back in, as the other two pulled out. And again. And again. It wasn't done. That managed to draw another round of struggle out of her. Weaker than before. And seconds later she was hanging, the only fight left in her the one to stay conscious as she was used like a sex toy. It seemed like hours before she got her second coating - and filling - of cum. She squeezed her eyes shut.

And felt it start again. This time there wasn't a struggle. Her vision was starting to fade. And she could feel another tentacle, prodding at her pussy and ass, trying to force its way in. It seemed to make a decision, and she felt the pain as it forced her butthole wider.

And then, she was on the floor. It took a moment to realize that the thrusting had stopped. But this time no cum filled her. With difficulty she managed to raise her head. To see an orc. A male orc. One she'd seen before. Holding a spear, dark with demonic blood. Her gaze shifted. To the body of the tentacle horror. She followed one of the tentacles coming off it with her eyes. All the way to the mound of her belly, beyond which she could still feel it inside her.

With difficulty, she grabbed the one in her mouth, and pulled it out. Exhausted. She tried to reach for one of the ones that was still inside her, but between the exhaustion and her inconvenient belly, failed. She faintly realized that the orc could see everything. Not just her naked body. Her cum-covered body, swollen with monstrous pregnancy. With the monster still lewdly inside her. Ashley squeezed her eyes shut, as if that would help her pretend he couldn't see it. She could *feel* the spunk leaking out of both her holes.

And this wasn't over. There was a lot she needed. Water. Clothes. Healing. Sleep. So much more. But as she felt her consciousness start to fade now that the brutal violation wasn't keeping her from rest, she focused, until she managed to get out the most important thing. "The... there was an o-orc... she went to meet a contact... don't know when...who..."
HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 78/78, Status = Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed DC 40-50, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, about to give birth

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: Keeping Watch, Injured

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor, MIA

Daniella Boulay: ???
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

The armored orc glanced back at the door after Ashley's warning, and upon seeing nothing he went outside. He returned a moment later, brushing fresh snow over the tracks he'd left and pushing out as best he could the dent he'd left in the door. Then he went to the window, taking cover such that he'd be mostly out of sight of anyone approaching the cabin while keeping watch. "Were there any more left here, or was it just the violator?" he asked, and Karena - who had finally managed to wiggle the dead tentacle beast's appendage out of her mouth - was first to respond through a fit of coughing; "Nnn... Not here... Just that.... Guarding us... Just the orc now... A sorcerer."

Ashley was free to pass out at that point; she could barely move, her body was exhausted beyond belief from the two bouts of abuse. Jenn wasn't moving, and Karena was still tied up too much to do anything to free her. The dead horror's appendages were still stuck in her holes, but she was too badly crippled by her pregnancy and exhaustion to even pull them out. They were still inside of her when blackness took her.


Whatever happened when she was unconscious, when she woke up Ashley didn't have nearly a half dozen tentacles buried inside of her, nor had she been bound again. She'd been covered up, had been wiped down but not thoroughly cleaned, and some of the tentacle beast's final load of cum was still oozing out of her down below. She'd been shoved into a corner, the bedding in her sled torn from it and used to cushion and cover her. By now it was fairly heavily soiled, but they were fairly lacking in options.

A look around revealed that not much of real note had changed from when she'd passed out. Jenn had been shoved into the corner with her, and was in similar state. Dornhall was still crouched next to the window, gazing outside carefully. The corpse of the tentacle beast had a few additional stab marks, these without the burns, and had been shoved into a different corner far from the fireplace. Karena was sitting on the couch, clutching at her stomach and looking surly; her armor was sitting next to her, apparently her pregnant belly had left her unable to don it. She had her sword at hand as well, and Ashley would note that her stomach was distended significantly more than it had been before she'd passed out, as was Jenn's. Tellingly, she would note this - and have maybe a couple of seconds to try to do something - before a pang in her belly preceeded a rush of liquid from her sex, and more pangs of progressing intensity warned her that it was time to let go the cargo her womb had been made to carry.
Ashley tried again to pull the dead creature out of her as their rescuer left the room. And failed, again. She was exhausted. Sore. Certain, now, that she couldn't stand. Wouldn't have been able to even if her belly weren't full of monstrous spawn. She tried anyway. And by the time he came back in, couldn't even reach the tentacles. The wind mage felt he consciousness starting to slip away even as the orc returned. Some part of her insisted that there was stuff she had to tell him, to do, that she needed her gear and to start preparing for an attack.

The rest of her, however, decided to black out.

She awoke, still tired, still sore, and a little confused. She froze for a second, before her eyes fell on the tentacle beast. Not moving. And... full of holes. Stab holes. She sighed in relief. And took stock. She was still naked, but covered. The tentacle beast wasn't inside her anymore - and for the sake of her sanity, she decided to assume Jenn had pulled it out. She must have at least been wiped off - she distinctly remembered the feeling of that thing's cum in a solid coat over her skin - but there were still spots where it had clearly dried on her. And even as she thought about it, she felt something slick and viscous drip out of her pussy, making her suddenly aware of the puddle touching her ass.

She felt sick. Filthy, inside and out. And that wasn't the worst. There was the reason she couldn't look down and see if that puddle was what she knew it was. When that thing had raped her, it would have been obvious at a casual glance that she was pregnant, even if she hadn't been nude. Now... she felt grotesque, her belly swollen beyond reasonable limits, well past where she should have given birth. If what were inside her were human. Maybe that wasn't true - she wasn't used to seeing pregnant women from this particular point of view - but it certainly felt like she couldn't get any bigger.

And then she gasped as the huge belly jerked, and rather more than just a little leftover cum ran out her pussy. Muscles squeezed, painfully. Again. Again, harder. She felt something shift inside of her, and screamed as with an intense pain she felt - no doubt - something start to squeeze out of her womb. And there was no stopping it, even if she wanted to. Her muscles contracted, harder, and she screamed in pain instead of surprise, and felt something enter her pussy from the wrong end. It kept coming, and a few seconds later, she felt it roll into the puddle of leaked cum.

She breathed hard, trying to calm down. It had hurt, but not as bad as she might have imagined. Then she looked down at her belly. Which looked... exactly the same size as before. And this time she was watching as it spasmed. Immediately there was pain as the next egg started coming out, ready or not. She felt it pass her cervix, and started to sigh in relief. And screamed instead, as the next one came, quicker. The second had barely rolled out of her before the fourth was being pushed out of her womb.

Part of her remembered learn about the horrors. That they used human women to reproduce. She'd never imagined she'd be the one used. But she remembered that there were most often four eggs per clutch. She looked at her belly. And even as the fourth started to pass, knew that at least in her case this was wrong. There weren't four. Her belly looked a little smaller, but still at least as large as a woman about to give birth. There had to be ten. Maybe ten *more*.

And there was nothing she could do about it. The pain of her labor was quickly passing the point where she could even try to complain. The eggs came out, one by one, and the wind mage lost count well before her belly deflated and the last one was forced past her cervix. She could feel it sitting in her pussy as she lay there gasping, too exhausted even to push it out, and about ready to go back to being passed out again, if her body would let her.
HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 78/78, Status = Weakened x4, Naked

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: Keeping Watch, Injured

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor, MIA

Daniella Boulay: ???
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Ashley's pained gasp drew Karena and Dornhall's attention to her, and when her pained groaning made it clear what was going on both of them rushed to her aid.

"Grab her under the arms, move her back a little," Karena ordered, and the armored orc obeyed immediately, grasping Ashley under the arms while the human knight awkwardly handled her legs. They got her a bit away from her sled just as the first egg slipped out of her, falling to the ground between her legs with a dull, wet thump. "C'mon, just breath... Breath and push," the woman declared in a hushed whisper, but Dornhall was staring fixedly at the egg that had popped out of Ashley's body. He reached down with his hand covered in a piece of cloth and picked it up, and while his expression might be hidden by his helmet, but when he muttered; "What in the hell..." The mild horror and disgust in his voice was clear even to Ashley in her pained state. Jenn didn't move, not when Ashley cried out and not as she continued to grunt and groan in pain as she birthed the eggs that she'd been seeded with.

The things were a dull orange color, oblong, and covered in a thin, smooth shell through which the outline of the infant horrors inside could be seen. The unborn creature looked like a cross between an ant and a beetle, without the ant's segmented body but with the general shape of its head, with no signs of its tentacles as of yet. The legs were curled inwards, like those of a dead spider, and after staring at it for a moment the orc promptly dropped it and looked away.

Karena kept by Ashley's side, coaching her through the rest of her birthing. Unfortunately for the wind mage, she wouldn't be granted the ease of a return to blessed unconsciousness; adrenaline was running hard through her system and Karena continuously spoke to her, forcing her mind to stay at least partially focused on what was happening. "You've got to push! Push! Stay awake! Do you want to find out what happens if one of those hatches inside of you!?" The knight kept on pressing her throughout her birthing, prompting Ashley to push out each and every one of them. The full clutch of sixteen plopped out of her, one by one, to drop onto the floor in a sticky pile, each accompanied by a small burst of fluid. Her belly deflated gradually, her stretched skin showing signs of the stress it had undergone in order to contain so many.

By the time she was done birthing the last of the eggs Ashley was utterly exhausted, could barely move, and her body ached in new and interesting ways. Her stomach was flat again, but the sense of filth inside and out hadn't diminished by much given that she could still feel cum sloshing around inside of her. It would take a lot of effort to sit up if she wanted to see the clutch she'd delivered, but she could manage it. Dornhall had walked back to his vigil by the window, and Karena was glaring at the pile of eggs she'd laid. At that point Ashley was at least free to pass out again if she wished.
The others moved as Ashely went into labor, but it was almost impossible to focus on anything else as the contractions wracked through her. She'd seen women in labor before, and this seemed different. The pain was as intense as she'd expected, and on top of that... it wasn't clear if it was the exhaustion, or something inherent to the monster that had impregnated her, but she seemed hardly able to see what was going on, and was certainly unable to do anything she might like to. Like squash these eggs as soon as they were out of her. And given that the pain and someone shouting in her ear was all that was keeping her conscious, the wind mage was certain that when she was done she would be helpless, body at the mercy of whoever was around. Which in her case was friends, fortunately. But for most women going through this, would likely be the very monster that had done this to start with. There was no doubt in her mind that if the thing were still alive and able to do so, her belly would be full again when she awoke.

The eggs just seemed to keep coming for an eternity. Until, finally, the contractions stopped, and when she looked down there was a flat belly between swollen, milk-leaking breasts, flat enough to see the cum-coated egg still resting between her lower lips, clearly the most recent to be laid. And... she instinctively pushed again, but nothing happened, except a little spurt of cum leaking from her gaping, abused pussy. No egg. No contractions. She managed to look around the room, to see Karena by her side, Dornhall by the window, and Jenn still nearly unconscious with a swollen belly of her own.

Ashley tried to sit up, and immediately collapsed, seeing stars. She managed to gasp in a breath, enough to say "D-destroy them" before finally falling back into unconsciousness.
HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 78/78, Status = Weakened, Naked

Jenn: Naked, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Pregnant with twin goblins
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: Injured

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor, MIA

Daniella Boulay: ???
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Enemy Perception: 5 successes versus -1 success, Dornhall is spotted.
Dornhall's Perception: 5 vs 3, Dornhall spots the orc mage.

When Ashley woke up again, she still wasn't alone. Karena was nearby at the window, her belly bigger than it had been when Ashley had last awakened and a worried expression on her face as she stared out into the snowy darkness, not yet noticing that the wind mage had woken up. Night had fallen, and the fire burning in the hearth was the only light and the only source of warmth in the cabin. Ashley could hear the wind howling through the creaky log walls, the fire crackling, and the light clacking of Dornhall working on his armor over on the couch. It was the first time she'd seen the orc out of his protective gear; he was pale, especially for an orc, and had a number of scars crisscrossing his muscular frame. There were fresh scorch marks and dents on some of the plating that he was working to fix, and he seemed not to notice that she had woken up. Jenn was silently lying exactly as she had when Ashley had last seen her, eyes open and staring without actually seeing up at the ceiling; her belly had gotten a fair amount bigger as well.

Ashley herself was flat again. Her breasts were still swollen because of her recent pregnancy, parts of her still ached, but she wasn't pregnant again and hadn't woken up to a risk of fresh tentacle rape. Parts of her body were still dirty with the tentacle beast's now dried seed, and her sleep had only taken some of the edge off of her exhaustion... But she was free, and there weren't any demons around except for the ones in her head and the ones growing inside of Jenn and Karena.

The bag that had contained her gear was sitting by Dornhall's feet, the room where Sharog had made them clean themselves up was right where it had been before, and she was still lying on the litter she'd been carried across the snow in while captured. There was no sign of the tentacle beast's corpse or the eggs that she had birthed because of it, of Sharog, or of any other threats in the cabin, leaving Ashley an opportunity to get her bearings again, get some clothes on, regain her enchanted gear, and possibly get herself cleaned up. How she would respond to her various companions, whose reaction to her awakening would be fairly mute at first, was also up to her; Dornhall would glance up for a moment before returning to his work, Karena would look at her, nod, and return to her vigil, and Jenn wouldn't react at all.
Ashley screamed as the last egg passed, cursing as it painfully squeezed through her cervix, and plopped into the wet pile below her. She looked around, frantically, but no tentacles curled through the door or windows of the little room she'd found to give birth in. That hadn't been the first scream of this labor. But screams weren't unusual here. Even as she wiped the drool from her chin, and pulled herself unsteadily to her feet, she heard another woman scream. Horror. Pain. Violation. And once it started, it didn't stop until the voice faded with distance, whatever poor woman had been caught being taken... somewhere.

The naked brunette made her way cautiously to the door, hands absently wiping at her thighs. No cum, though. She'd been away for the better part of a day. The longest she'd gone without being raped in... she shuddered. Much too long. But she had to move. She looked back at the eggs. The first were already starting to hatch. She'd learned early on that small as they were, more than about five or six were enough to pin her down until the bigger ones arrived. And there wasn't time after labor ended to kill them. Which meant she needed a new hiding place. A way out of this hell. She touched her belly, marveling. It was so rare, to walk without the weight of a pregnancy.

She ducked back inside as something moved. Held her breath, one hand clutched over her pussy, until the slithering sound turned a corner. How lucky that it hadn't smelled her sex? She darted out the door. Down a too-familiar hallway. And into the main courtyard of the Academy. It looked... clear. Remarkably clear. But even as she thought that, a pale figure moved onto the dead grass, in the strange half-run, half-waddle of a heavily pregnant woman. And Ashley recognized her. Jenn. She bit her lip, but decided to wait. Wait for the other woman to get free, then join her.

But behind her moved a dark shape, with too many flowing limbs. It caught up without any obvious effort. One limb grabbed at a foot just as it took weight. Jenn tripped, falling to hands and knees. And then cried out as the thing casually shoved a tentacle up her ass. She screamed, not just from the pain of the rape, but knowing that her escape attempt had failed. Ashley's heart fell. It would drag the poor woman back to the breeding chambers for a punishment. Not the worst - that was reserved for escape attempts while not pregnant - but nevertheless the next few days would be hell for Jenn. But that was one more occupied while Ashley made her own attempt.

Only... it didn't seem to be taking her back. Jenn kept trying to crawl, and the monster seemed almost to play along, not stopping her. Just fucking her ass while she moved. It held a few tentacles in front of its 'head' for a moment, seeming to choose. And then two more speared into the woman, both taking her pussy. Jenn kept going, sobbing, knowing it was doomed, but still trying.

She couldn't watch any longer. Ashley bolted from the hallway, across the courtyard. Skirting just far enough around Jenn and her tormenter that the latter wouldn't be able to reach her. As she passed, she turned, and met eyes with her lover for the first time in years. And tripped. She scrambled to her feet, and found herself face-to-face with another monster. How had it-? As if in answer, it shimmered into invisibility and back. Magic. Her stomach dropped. And one of hers. She could always tell which ones she had birthed, though she wasn't quite sure how. They didn't seem to recognize their 'mother'. Or didn't care. A blast of wind knocked her onto her ass, in mockery of the magic she hadn't been able to use in forever. How could this beast...?

Before she could think about that question, a tentacle darted between her legs. Both hands covered her pussy, trying with all her might to divert it. It shoved them aside casually, without even hardly noticing, and she screamed as it entered her, and started pumping. Others grabbed her limbs, lifted her, turned her to face Jenn. The water mage was still on hands and knees, though she hadn't made it another step since the two had penetrated her pussy. Her face was screwed up in pain and humiliation, her huge belly resting on the ground even though her arms were straight out, milk dripping from her nipples as her breasts swayed with each thrust.

For a moment Ashley thought it was taunting her. Then something shoved itself up her ass, and the thing continued moving her back across the courtyard, even as her rape began in earnest. She swore she wouldn't scream. And had started before the was carried past the ruined statue with her own face, dragged into the breeding halls, where a dozen women were being stuffed with tentacles. She could see sadness in their eyes, as they noticed the mage, saw where she was being taken. Deeper, into the depths of the Academy. It paused at the entrance to a dark room. Shoved its tentacles deeper into her ass and cunt. Filled her with its seed, enough to cause a visible swell to her belly, before tossing her to the ground like trash.

She got to her feet, running as best she could in the sudden pitch darkness, one hand clutched to her pussy to try to prevent herself from leaving a trail of cum. Ran about two steps, straight into another monster in the dark. It picked her up by all four limbs, spreading them apart. And this time she screamed the instant several tentacles stuffed themselves up her butt. Several more took her pussy, and two started shoving themselves down her throat. The door closed, and she felt more tentacles groping her breasts, her ass, squirming at her entrances, trying to get in. More than any one monster could have. She'd tried to escape while not pregnant. Some monsters were worse than others. More brutal. Killed too many breeders to be allowed free roam. But they served a purpose, according to the rumors. And she knew, for a fact, that this time there was no reprieve. There might be dozens down here. Sex starved. They would only stop fucking her pussy long enough for her to give birth. If she lived that long. And she would spend the rest of her life with tentacles thrusting in and out of her ass. She would never see daylight again. Never see Jenn again. And, she'd heard, these things could keep a prisoner alive a surprisingly long time. Days. Weeks. Months. Some women had even said years.

Another tentacle squeezed into her ass just as the first one sprayed her inside with cum, and tears leaked down her face as she resigned herself to her fate. And then, suddenly, light.


Ashley sat upright with a strangled scream, reaching around her belly to clutch her hand over her pussy... but there were no tentacles darting towards her. It wasn't in the room. And she didn't have a belly. Or rather she did, but it was the normal shape and size, with only her belly button maring its flatness. Her hands moved up to her breasts, which were not the right size. And moaned. They were so tender. And at even that slight touch, she felt a drop roll down the underside of her breast. She squeezed her eyes shut. With nothing suckling on her... the eyes sprang right back open, and she looked around, frantically. No tiny monsters. No eggs. She sighed in relief. Definitely relief. Without that, her breasts would return to normal in a few days, maybe even just a few hours, depending on how long she'd been pregnant.

Which she wasn't now. Probably. She remembered going through labor. But she also remembered being raped. Multiple times. The thing hadn't cared if her womb was available or not, what it had wanted was her pussy. And, another ache reminded her, her asshole. And her mouth. And even if her belly was flat and the eggs were gone, there was still ample evidence caked on her thighs and all over her body that it had taken them. Repeatedly. She remembered the feeling of its seed still dripping out of her as she gave birth. Was it possible for it to have gotten her pregnant, if that seed were still viable when she gave birth? The thought made her feel sick, but another glance at her belly reassured her. Somewhat. It had swollen quickly, the first time. If it was still flat, she was in the clear. Probably.

Finally, she looked around properly. And found Jenn. Immediately she got to her feet, stumbled, and knelt beside her lover. Her eyes were open, but staring at the ceiling. Her belly swollen with an obvious pregnancy of her own, bigger than when the wind mage had last seen her, if still not so large as her own had been when giving birth. The other two glanced at her briefly as she moved, then resumed what they were doing. Jenn... didn't move. Ashley realized she was naked, and blushed. But before she could move, she realized that everyone here had seen her lay a clutch of monster eggs that, piled up, would have come past her knees. And Jenn was more important than some shred of dignity, right now.

She lay next to the recumbent water mage, clutching her arm and shoulder, belly against her hip, feet touching. "Jenn..." She wasn't well. But she would get better. Ashley started to reach for her power, to bring healing magic... but stopped herself, unsure it would come and unwilling to risk failure on that front. Best to avoid magic until it was absolutely needed, or until she was well and truly rested, not just barely out of bed. After a minute of cuddling close to the pregnant woman, Ashley reluctantly got up long enough to find her stuff and pull it quickly on, before going right back to the water mage.

This time, though, she sat beside her, hip to hip, and spoke up. "What... what's going on? Where are we, and how long has it been...? Where are the others?"
HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 78/78, Status = Weakened, Naked

Jenn: Naked, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Pregnant with twin goblins
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: Injured

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor, MIA

Daniella Boulay: ???
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Jenn visibly didn't react when Ashley made to hold her. The water mage didn't even flinch, didn't turn to look, didn't seem to recognize Ashley's presence in the slightest as the wind mage touched, nor when she spoke her name. While she hadn't gotten it as bad physically as Ashley had by any means, and other than her pregnancy seemed to show fewer signs of her abuse at demonic hands and tentacles, some wounds weren't physical... And scars on the mind could not be so easily healed by any magic that Ashley had ever heard of.

Dornhall glanced her way when Ashley got up to reclaim her gear, and pushed the bag closer to her so that Ashley didn't have to move as far before returning to the repairs of his armor. If he was enticed by the sight of her nudity or thought less of her for her affections towards Jenn, there was no sign of it, and he gave her some measure of dignity by simply ignoring her until she had gotten her clothes on. All of her gear was present, and she could get it all back on in without issue despite the filth of her latest rape still coating her. Once she had, and had rejoined her apparently broken lover, the two warriors would glance at Ashley again, and while the human one would quickly return to her vigil at the window, Dornhall would pause in his work to meet Ashley's gaze.

"We're waiting out the storm and the night here. Some cabin in the mountains, looks like a waystation used by the locals for about this exact sort of purpose. Since you went out after..." He trailed off, and Karena quickly interjected for him; "Laying your eggs." Dornhall would continue with a sideways nod in Karena's direction; "about six hours, give or take. The sun hasn't come up yet, so I'm measuring by the amount of wood we're going through. Since we were separated from our party in the avalanche... I don't know for sure. At least a day, possibly two. Those ice caves were a maze, and I didn't see any signs of the rest of our party down there before I picked up your trail. The little demons slowed me down, collapsed another cave on me while you were being carried off, else I'd probably have caught the demoncaller and her pet tentacle beast well before they made it here."

"She came back while you were unconscious," Karena added quietly, "Sharog... But she got wise to us, spotted me in the window before I could hide. Dornhall went out after her, but she called up... Wolves or something," Dornhall interjected; "Hellhounds, she said she was going to make you three pay the price for them after they were done eating me." He sounded slightly bemused, but also much more disgusted. Karena continued; "The distraction was enough for her to get away again, and we don't know where she is now. Maybe out there watching us, maybe fled into the hills... Maybe dead in the storm. We haven't seen anyone else since, but the storm started before you fell asleep and has only gotten worse since. If they others are alive, they've likely hunkered down."

"They're alive. It'd take more than that little snowfall to kill Jiub, much less a royal knight of Winter," Dornhall added confidently. Karena did not seem to share his confidence, but simply shrugged and said; "They can probably track us with sorcery now that Sharog's magics have been wiped away, but there's no guarantee that they can get to us quickly. It may be days before we can expect help, and that bitch took her supplies with her... We can melt snow for water, but we haven't got much in the way of food. We haven't got ANYTHING in the way of food... And she and I are probably going to give birth soon." Karena glanced past Ashley at Jenn, frowning worriedly. "I don't think she's doing very well with all this... She hasn't spoken or moved in hours, but she never passed out even after the beast died."
Ashley blushed at the mention of eggs, but a quick glance at Karena's belly took the sting out of it. She was just being realistic. And for all Ashley knew, would be laying eggs of her own. No way to tell what had impregnated her, even if the first thing to rape her had been humanoid. The rest of the information provided by Dornhall and the knight was sobering. The Orc bitch knew her captives had escaped. And her 'contacts' would know soon if they didn't already. They were trapped, and should expect enemies before allies. If the enemies they had faced in the cave were any indication, a *lot* of enemies.

But it wasn't all bad. The orc seemed confident that Jiub would have survived. And if Karena didn't seem quite so confident, Ashley could at least agree that a knight of the Winter Court was likely not terribly inconvenienced by snow.

But the bad news was that they were stuck, outnumbered, and horribly out-armed. There was absolutely no way to win. No way to help Jenn. No way to eat, or properly clean herself, or anything.

Only there is obviously a way. You've just been avoiding it because you're afraid. Because it didn't work last time. But last time you fell into a trap. There is a difference between a Wizard, and a Wizard who has time to prepare herself for something she knows is coming.

There was nothing else for it. The cabin was a good one. Which meant that while the air inside was lovely and warm, it wasn't free. She couldn't feel it. But that was it's problem not hers. Ashley drew in a deep breath, and flexed her magical might. Mist coalesced in the air around her, forming slowly into a stormcloud. Ashley raised her hand, and the mist moved from a cloak around her to a cloud around her open hand. Then she closed the hand into a fist, and the cloud condensed to a ball of water in her palm. For the first time since that battle in the caves, she smiled, albeit grimly.

She was still tired, still sore, still trapped and facing overwhelming odds. But she could do magic. It was time to start getting Prepared.

The first step of *that* was to clean herself up a little. The Orc had given her a bowl and a washcloth. But aside from not wanting to touch herself down there - which continued - that was a primitive method. She lived with a water mage, and had picked up more than a few tricks. The water flowed from her fist up her arm, then vanished under her dress. When it came back down the other arm it was practically solid white, and Ashley dropped it down the latrine hole. It wasn't perfect, and the magical panties Jenn had given her would be damp for a while, but it felt great to be clean. She turned to Jenn, and did the same thing, before making sure the other mage was covered properly by a blanket.

Next, she turned back to Karena and Dornhall. "Okay. What supplies do we have? Dornhall? The blizzard should buy us some time to take care of... that..." Ashley nods at the knight's obviously-pregnant belly. "But do either of you have a guess as to how long we might have? The more time we have, the more nasty surprises I can have waiting for whoever comes at us. Especially if I'll have time to sleep. Or time to help Jenn."
HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 78/78, Status = Weakened, Naked

Jenn: Naked, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Pregnant with twin goblins
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: Injured

Sharog: Unhelpful orc captor, MIA

Daniella Boulay: ???
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Dornhall quirked an eyebrow when that grin finally formed on Ashley's face, the revelation that her magic was no longer hindered gave the wind mage her first bit of satisfaction in what likely seemed like a good long while, but the orc offered no complaint or judgement in response to the wind mage's display of her magical prowess. Walking - still somewhat bow legged - to the latrine where she'd earlier been made to clean herself up in the far less efficient mundane manner and dropping the physical signs of her rape down the hole, Ashley at least had another degree of dignity and comfort returned to her as she moved to rejoin the group and start planning for the future.

"Nothing much," Dornhall answered immediately to her first question, his tone flat. "I had my waterskin under my armor, but it ruptured in the fall. My pack with my share of the food, my blankets, and a number of personal effects that might be helpful about now was lost in the avalanche. They left Karena's pack in the cave when they took her, but I'm sorry to say that I didn't think to grab it at the time." Karena scowled unhappily at that particular revelation, but didn't say anything. "We've got water, and that's about it until Karena and I can go foraging. I didn't find any food stashed in the cabin while you were out," he finished, pausing there a moment before continuing to answer Ashley's other concerns.

"It's hard to say how long the storm will last... At least until morning, but it feels like longer. Looked that way before I made it to this cabin, it could be anywhere from two days to a month knowing how weather in mountains like these works this time of year," he admitted. "Good thing is, none of our kin will have too much trouble getting through it during the day, especially with Arklan about and the rest of your party to help mitigate it locally. Problem is, it won't mean jack shit to demons; I've seen them fight comfortably while stark naked in blizzards like this, and even if they aren't used to snow they're used to something similar enough that it won't disrupt their movements. That witch - Sharog was it? - will want to keep her head down until the worst of it clears up, but when she starts summoning again they could be on us quickly. In minutes quickly. The one good thing is, I don't think she can call them up long term in a storm like this without finding shelter, so she'll be limited to the more costly quick calls if she wants to attack us with more demons."

"I doubt she'll try to attack us without sizeable reinforcements; she saw what you did to those hellhounds," Karena added without looking away from her vigil. "but she probably won't wait long either, knowing that our party will be looking for us and that you and her might get back into fighting shape." Karena tilted her head towards Ashley to indicate whom she was talking about.

"Summation is; at the earliest, she'll be on us by morning. At the latest... If she hasn't frozen to death or fucked off entirely, probably the next morning," Dornhall concluded with a shrug. "My armor will be good by the morning, but I could use some sleep, and we could all use a meal."

It was then, as if on queue, that a knock came at the door, and Karena jumped slightly in surprise. "I didn't see anyone coming up... And I can't see anyone now," she whispered, reaching immediately for the sword sitting against the wall beside her. Dornhall put his damaged armor aside and grabbed his spear, holding the long weapon comfortably in one hand as he shifted into a readied stance while staring at the door. "Could be invisible... Or some other magic," the trollslayer muttered, hesitating a moment before slowly approaching the door unless Ashley beat him to it.
Ashley's mind raced. That being a friend seemed almost too good to believe. But if it were a foe, why warn them? If it were a foe, and they just answered the door, they would be in trouble. But if it were a friend and she wasted all her energy preparing to fight them, or worse yet just blasted the porch with arcane power, they would be worse off when the foes *did* come.

Somewhere in between would have to do. Don't blindly open the door, but also don't exhaust herself for what could be nothing. First things first. She whispered to Dornhall. "Don't open the door, ask who it is first."

In the meantime, she had two choices. She could either get ready for a fight, or try to figure out what was going on. Maybe go invisible, go through the wall and see what was out there for herself. That wouldn't exhaust her, and accomplished both goals, both gathering intelligence, and making her harder to target in a fight. The only problem was that Illusion wasn't exactly her forte. She'd studied it along with every other form of magic, of course, and under ideal circumstances she could manage it. Hell, she had done it, during her brief trip to hell itself back before coming to the Academy. But these weren't ideal circumstances. Usually she hadn't just been raped by monsters and then given birth. There was a chance she would fail, and be worse off than having done nothing at all.

No, it was best to stick to her strengths. Wind and Arcane. With the sealing gone she could feel the latent magic again. And once the door was open she felt confident she could throw a blast of wind through it capable of knocking a troll on its ass. But more useful right now would be to bend it around herself or Dornhall, to protect against any unexpected attack. But exactly how to do that best would depend on what they were up against. And for that matter an Arcane enhancement might be at least as useful. Some of those she could do, to a minor extent, without tiring herself at all. Which seemed like a no-brainer.

She could also, she realized, check on the Orc. She hadn't seemed to have any ability with magic, even the spiritual sort favored by her culture, so it was unlikely she would notice, or be able to protect herself. Ashley reached inside herself, concentrated on the horrible woman, and relaxed her mind. And was immediately able to tell that the woman was not outside the door. She passed this information to her allies in the same quiet voice. "It isn't that Orc."

But there was no point wasting prep time. Hopefully asking who was there would stall for at least a few more seconds, if they weren't friendly. And while that was going on, Ashley pulled her magic into a mental shield. Not a terribly strong one, unfortunately, but every little bit would help, and this way it wouldn't tire her out if there were a friend outside.

Using Locate (arcane 2) to determine if the Orc is near.

If there's time, using Arcane Brilliance (arcane 1) to buff Focus.