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Within the Beast (Tassadar)

Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Corrine seems a bit surprised at your sudden confession, but she doesn't say anything just yet. Instead she walks closer with a rather curious look in her eye. "Stand still." Her command sounds absolute, and you dare not even flinch as she places a hand on your head. Once she does you can feel a bit of her light starting to spread through your body, and it causes the previously dormant darkness within to cry out, the urge to suddenly throw yourself back and away from the Priestess nearly overwhelming. Before it becomes unbearable the hand is removed. The holy woman seems a bit puzzled at first, but she eventually comes to some kind of conclusion and simply turns to make for the exit. "All right, let's go."

As you travel through the forest you find it rather odd to see a paragon of any church freely walking proudly while their nudity is on full display, but Corrine seems unconcerned and continues forward without a second thought. "That thing within you..." Her head turns to catch your attention. "It isn't simply a piece of the demon." She suddenly stops, and you can tell she's trying to find the proper words for what she's about to explain. "A bit of him does exist, but it isn't anything that holds a mind of its own. In fact it barely feels like it's separate from your spirit. It's more like his essence embedded itself within a darker part of your soul and brought it closer to the surface. Does that make any sense?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Sera did as instructed, her face stoically blank as Corrine placed her hand upon her forehead. She winced slightly as the demonic presence within her recoiled, but did not pull away, instead forcing herself to remain still and allowing the priestess to finish whatever it was that she was doing. The elf asked no questions as her human counterpart decided to get moving, instead walking out of the cavern beside Corrine in relative silence. The idea of offering the other woman her clothing, as she for some reason felt far less uncomfortable when naked after her encounter with the demon, but before she could work up the courage to voice her offer, Corrine began to speak again.

Sera nods at her first statement, content to listen for now, but she stops when Corrine does, and turns to face the priestess. "That.... Makes sense, I suppose. It doesn't feel as though it's trying to control me, and the urges it inspires feel more like they are my own, than those belonging to some other being. But.... Can it be spread, somehow? Is that something I'd have to worry about? Or will it grow stronger, over time? Do not worry if you are unsure, you have already told me a great deal that I could never have figured out on my own."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

"I truly do not know. I would need to see the thing in action before any judgment could be made." A momentary flicker of Corrine laying before you flashes across your mind, her legs spread wide as you hold them open and prepare to show her exactly what your body can now do, but it vanishes as quickly as it came. "But we can worry about that some other time."

The trip continues without much more spoken, the Priestess looking to the side from time to time until you finally reach the borders of the village. "He definitely knows I'm here." As if on cue a pulse of demonic wind brushes by the both of you, and as it passes you detect a taste of the strength Inarius now wields. It's downright terrifying how any body could contain such excess, but a look to Corrine shows that she appears unphased. She simply stands in place, her hair fluttering behind her before she crosses her arms and plants her feet. "Please inform your 'son' that he has a visitor." The inflection in her voice shows that she has a certain distaste for the use of that word, but she remains where she stands and waits.

As you walk through the small town toward the demon's improvised throne you find him standing outside, his face grim and his skin quite literally crawling. Bits of him have unwound and hover over his form as if he were preparing to attack, but when you come into view they start to recede and rejoin the main body. "Damned priestess... What does that woman want?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Sera holds the image of Corrine, laying on her back before her, within her mind for perhaps a little bit longer than was prudent, but all she said in response to the words that had inspired was; "I don't know if that would be wise.... I suppose that that is more a concern for the future, than the present."

Content to pass the rest of the way in silence, Sera paused as soon as Corrine did, and her eyes widen in amazement as the wave of her demonic sons power passes over them. The Priestess didn't seem to have been bothered in the slightest by it, however, and Sera nodded to her and said; "I'll be back as soon as I can." And with that, Sera started into Helmoth, to speak with her sun.

She walked straight, confidence forcefully pushed into her stance. She remained calm as her son spoke, despite his power that was just as obvious now as it was before. "I have told her everything of what you told me earlier. She wanted to see it for herself, and has agreed to come peacefully so long as you agree to the same. Her word is good, and I believe that yours is as well, my son. All you need to do is allow her to see with her own eyes what you have already shown me, and our peace is guaranteed."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

"Is that so..." He still does not look pleased, but a bit of the edge as faded while he appears to think. "Very well, I will meet with her." You can still feel how tense his body remains, and when you inform Corrine of the demon's acceptance you can see the same starting to overtake her. And now that they both stand across from each other it isn't hard to tell that they're both prepared for battle. Perhaps this wasn't such a great idea, but at the very least they have yet to try and tear each other apart.



"Hmph. I hope you'll understand if I don't ask forgiveness from one who nearly killed me."

"Only if you'll forgive me for not believing the word of the cowardly beast who used my second to get to me."

The tension that was held in the air made this small exchange feel like a battle in itself, and when you spy Inarius drum his fingers over his crossed arm you get the impression that Corrine is currently winning. But that doesn't help the rising anger that seems to be growing in the both of them. Even without your minds eye you can quite clearly sense your son's power starting to spread and fill the air, his essence nearly suffocating as you nearly see his astral form reaching out to dig two massive claws right into her body until you feel something else. It's nowhere near as massive or imposing as the demonic power hovering just out of reach, but Corrine's power can be sensed quite literally gathering in the palm of her hand, a small ball of radiance so concentrated it blinds you without shedding a single ray of light.

Blows are about to be thrown. It's only a matter of time. But before the first punch can be made Inarius turns on his heels and returns to the inn he has claimed as his home. "You wish to inspect them, correct? Come." It catches the Priestess by surprise, so much so that her impassive face actually shows confusion as she watches her enemy walk from the battle that was ready to begin. It doesn't last long, her poker face returns in force when she starts to follow, but before it disappears she shoots you a look that is mostly disbelief with a touch of hesitant approval.

"Here they are, those who are the worst." Instead of returning to his throne he stands at the center of the dining area, all the girls gathered on the wall still staring off into space. The two that acted as his armchair decorations are already rushing forward to meet him, but as they get closer he turns toward them and motions for the pair to stop. Instead they choose to slow, and he's forced to actually put his arm against them to make them halt. "We have a guest, and she made a request. Please stay here while she looks you over." The girls look as if they're about to plea their case, but they don't get the chance as he walks past them and returns to his chair.

Left where they were the pair turn to address the visitors, but once they find the priestess shock and shame strikes them at the same time. They soon land on their hands and knees and hang their heads as if they were unworthy of the person who stood before them. "Milady..." "We're sorry..." They both appear to be ready to cry at any moment, and to your surprise Corrine steps forward with a much more gentle look in her eye. But before she can even mutter a word they both pull back and shout "STAY BACK!" in unison. "We are..." "We're soiled!"

At their request Corrine doesn't take another step forward. Instead she kneels so she can look both women in the eye. They try to make contact, but even then they start to clutch at themselves as if they were trying to keep their bodies restrained. "We tried to resist it. We tried to break free, but it was too much!" Their attempts to hold themselves down start to fail, and their bodies begin to betray them. "When he entered us it felt like the greatest thing in the world. Our bodies cried out for it even when we knew what he was planning to do." They each start to shudder slightly, a couple gasps escaping their lips as their hands start to roam over their own flesh. "We couldn't hold out, not when every touch set out skin on fire. Our wills crumbled, and he planted his seed within us." "After that we couldn't get enough. Our bodies constantly sought comfort, from him or each other, and there was nothing we could do to stop it." The slight teasing they gave themselves soon turns into full on groping, but even with their bodies starting to writhe against their own touch a few tears start to gather at the corners of their eyes.

"That's enough." With everyone's attention centered on the girls no one noticed when Inarius rose, but his hands soon land on their shoulders, and the frantic struggling to regain control even when they knew they would lose suddenly disappears from their eyes. "Thank you..." When the two have finally regained their senses he pulls away, but he still stands close. "He's no longer buried within us, but his essence still remains. It almost feels like it's crawling under our skin, like it's such a deep part of us that we can never hope to be rid of it." "But somehow it stays calm when he's near. It's like it's trying to reach out to him, and little by little he's trying to find someway to pull it out completely." "I know we shouldn't be relying on a demon for anything, but without him we'd be reduced to mindless sex-addicts."

A silence spreads over the area. The girls do nothing more than sit where they are, their heads still hanging in shame at what they've become, and Corrine simply sits there watching them. A moment later she raises her head and starts to look around, her eyes moving from each of the women stationed around the room. Her view lingers on a few of the thralls, and that's when you notice that a couple of them also bear a tattoo similar to Corrine's though most of them are no where near as large or noticeable as hers. Only when she's inspected everyone does she finally turn to her apparent subordinates. "Where is she?" They seem to flinch at that question, but before they can be forced to answer the demon steps forward. "You won't like what you find." You can see her contempt clearly as she focuses on him. "I don't care. I need to see her." He ponders the situation for a bit, the frustration on her face saying that denying her this would be a very bad move, but he still hesitates. You wonder what could possibly be worse than making the Battle Maiden any angrier than she already was, but a little later he nods his head. "Very well."

Inarius takes a few careful steps back, and once he's gained some distance he addresses the two girls. "Be ready." They both look pale, but they nod in agreement and move to stand at his sides. Once they are in position his entire body starts to unwind. What was once a near giant of man turns into a hulking mass of writhing flesh, a conglomerate of infinite tentacles of varying design now stretching out as if they had been bound for far too long. It's only when they are fully released that you notice a number of them bundled around the center, and this bundle starts to surge forward, the individual members pulling away from something that lay buried at their center. The two women immediately dig into this knotted mass, and eventually they start to tug and pull until a pair of arms suddenly break free. The writhing mass starts to open fully at this point, and the tentacles part to reveal a small body laying at the center, every inch of her covered in a rather familiar looking sheen. As she's pulled free a few lengths unplug themselves from her each of her holes, and once she's finally completely free her entire body simply falls forward limp. Had the other two not caught her before she fell she would have landed harshly.

As you look at the girl you notice that she seems familiar. It takes a couple of moments to recall, but you eventually remember from the demonic orgy you tried to destroy. You remember it clearly, that knotted mass at the center from which all that flesh had spawned, and buried within a lone woman was bound, her entire body ravaged until the demon's core revealed itself only to overcome you with its presence. But that memory is quickly interrupted by an intense heat growing at your side, and when you turn you find Corrine simply staring down at the girl, her right arm shaking in fury as they power that remained hidden starts to physically manifest before your eyes. Her entire fist erupts within a white flame, and it spreads and crawls higher until her entire arm is consumed. The two women on the ground squeak out in surprise, and even though they both yell "Please stop!" they dive down and cover the unconscious woman that was until now buried within your son's flesh. From the corner of your eye you can see his inhuman form take a step back, but a moment later you can feel his power gathering while his body starts to swell and spread, the various tentacles that appeared to move on their own now all focusing on the human who looked like she was preparing to burn them all to ash.

Things have taken a turn for the worse. Corrine is preparing to engage the demon with all the might she has. You remember the promise you gave her earlier, that you would help her destroy him if she felt it necessary. but this isn't any kind of calm decision that was brought about from what she had seen. This was rage. Wrath. Blind fury that would care little for whoever was caught in the struggle that would ensue. And there are so many innocents near, far too many to ensure their safety. Could you truly help her destroy so many lives, even if it was to destroy what she saw as a blight upon this world? "PLEASE!" A pair of voices ring out, and you barely notice the Battle Maiden's acolytes looking to you. "STOP HER!"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Sera understood her role in the confrontation between Corrine and Inarius, even before it had begun. The two would not remain calm on their own, that much was clear enough from both of their body language as they agreed to the meeting. As such, she would have to be a moderating influence, lest the two get into a battle that would annihilate half the town. As they first stood across from one another, Sera thought that she would have to intervene immediately, as both of them began to flare their power. It was at that point that the question of what exactly she was going to do if the powerful pair came to blows came up. Each of them had power so vast and awe-inspiring that it felt as though their very presence could crush her aside with ease. Luckily, Inarius broke the tension as he turned away, and she smiled slightly to Corrine, allowing herself to hope that she wouldn't have to keep them from each others throats.

The examination of the women who had been around Inarius was... Enlightening. The two girls who had been closest to him, and were therefore the most damaged by him, had been Corrine's handmaidens. A glance around the room revealed more women with tattoos similar to those belonging to the Priestess, and Sera wondered just how many retainers the priestess had brought to Helmoth with her. The idea that Inarius might be trying to remove the piece of himself that had been implanted in his victims had never occurred to her, but it also raised a concern. What if, in doing so, his demonic nature returned? That did not bode well, but her concern might also not be valid, as it might release the women he had affected without causing him any harm. Regardless, she remained silent and impassive throughout Corrine's encounter with her former allies, and her appraisal of the rest of those around the room.

Who and what Corrine meant by her demand left Sera very confused, but her confusion swiftly turned to horror as Inarius began to... Fall apart. At first, she paled slightly, but remained still and stoic, but as the figure beneath the demon was revealed, Sera gaped in plainly evident disgust. She recognized the one who had been at the heart of the orgy, and realized that this must have been the woman who had betrayed Corrine. Why had Inarius been using her as a host like that?

Her contemplations were interrupted as Corrine's power suddenly began to burn brightly at her side as she summoned it forth. For a moment, Sera stared in amazement, her brain not working quickly enough to process just what that meant, but the screams of the two girls holding the one in between them forced her to get into gear. However, for another heartbeat, indecision clouded her mind. Inarius had been using the girl as a host, in some way, and she was the one who had betrayed Corrine, the Priestess' fury was evidence enough of that. She had sworn to help the woman destroy her son if she found him to be a being of evil, her own fear at her uncertainty causing her to trust in Corrine more than herself. But, she had also sworn to her son that she would help him protect these women. So far, every scrap of evidence suggested that, without the demon, these women would be little more than animals, slaves forever to their lusts.

Those two oaths could not seemingly be accomplished together, but then, she saw the look upon Corrine's face, and that the woman was shaking with fury. She was not acting rationally, right now. This was an outpouring of vengeful rage, not the act of one who was behaving as necessity demanded. That in mind, Sera did the only thing she could think of to do that might stay the woman's power.

The elf stepped in front of Corrine, blocking her view of Inarius and the three women whom she had been about to destroy. She stood there, and quietly said; "How many will you destroy to have your revenge, Priestess?" She stared into the powerful woman's eyes, knowing that Corrine could destroy her just as easily as she could the other three whom she was trying to protect. Without turning away from the Priestess, she called over her shoulder; "Inarius, stay your hand." Then, in a quieter voice clearly meant for Corrine alone, she said; "You are letting your fury control you, Priestess, just as surely as your subjects allowed their lust to control them. You, however, do not have the right to blame another for your actions. Every drop of blood you spill will be by your choice, and your choice alone. What demon will you blame for their deaths, Corrine? What influenced you, and overrode your will to the point that, in a moment of blind rage, you destroyed not only your own servants for a betrayal they could not have won against, but the only chance many of those you came here to save had at regaining their lives?"

It was a big gamble that she was taking, but it was the best that Sera could think to do, so she pressed on; "I swore to you that, if you decided upon a course, I would aid you. But this.... What you are doing is not a decision. It's a reaction. If you give in to it, how are you better than the ones that betrayed you? You're letting yourself be controlled, it's just that it isn't him that's controlling you. So, if you wish to slay them, then you will have to slay me as well. I swore that I would help protect these people, and all that I have left to offer to their defense is what little shield my body will be against your magic."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

"How many will you destroy to have your revenge, Priestess?"

Those words force Corrine to stop, her face steeled with determination, but the flames on her arm start to flicker. This in turn causes Inarius to freeze himself, his entire body nearly surrounding everyone. The tentacles he wields taper down to a rather sharp point, and they all point at the Priestess, but at your word they begin to pull back. The demon slowly rebuilds his human form as you continue, and with each word you whisper only to the holy woman you see her rage starting to give way to shame. "I..." Her anger fights to keep its control. "I...!" Her arm shakes uncontrollably, her fist clenching tight as if her rage was the only thing keeping her grounded.

"DAMMIT!" Her arm crashes into the floor causing the boards to buckle slightly, and with it a small wave of fire spreads throughout the building. It leaves the darker part of your soul writhing in pain for a split second, and after you recover you notice every single body you can see clutching at their hearts and seething in agony before it passes just as quickly as it came. "WHY!" Corrine punches the floor once more, and much to everyone's relief a second explosion remains contained. "I can't protect her, I can't avenge her..." The frustrated screams she lets out are fierce. You can almost feel it hanging off your skin as the woman keeps pounding against the floor. "Why am I so useless?!"

While Inarius himself had flinched just the same as everyone else, he recovered far more quickly. But once he did he started looking at all the women that surrounded him, those that lay near his feet and those that lined the walls. Something has garnered his attention, but before you can ask an unfamiliar groan makes him quickly look down. He actually seems surprised at something, and when Corrine looks as equally surprised you spot some movement between her two acolytes. "Annelle?" A bit of hope shines in the eyes of the priestess, and she starts reaching out to body that once lay within the center of your son. The girl manages to open her eyes and smile a little at Corrine, but as Corrine was reaching out to touch her the light in her eyes fades. In that instant the holy woman nearly collapses.

"That girl is someone special to our lady." One of the Corrine's subordinates starts speaking while the other stays silent and tries to comfort the woman. "She was also the first to be attacked, and she housed the demon within her for the longest time. As bad as we suffer she is far worse. But her soul still remains. It's just buried where not even he can reach." A motion is made toward Inarius, and the girl who spoke looks up at him expectantly, but his attention is still centered on the woman that he held at his core. Something is definitely troubling him, but it's quite clear that he isn't about to start speaking on his own.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Sera flinched as the painful magic washes over her from Corrine's tantrum, but doesn't look away from the woman. She had prevented her from acting out in rage and beginning a battle, and hadn't been killed herself at least. She watched in confusion and pity as Corrine raged, some pain that the elf didn't know about causing her untold anguish that she worked out onto the ground. She watched the exchange between the body on the ground and Corrine with even more confusion, but when the priestess nearly collapsed, Sera rushed forward and grabbed her, holding the priestess in her arms.

At the words of one of the other girls, Sera glanced her way, and listened intently, and then glanced at Inarius with confusion as well. Many pieces of the puzzle were missing, and she had to find them out if she wanted to ensure peace, that much was becoming increasingly obvious. Firstly, at the beautiful naked woman in her arms, Sera quietly said; "You two were lovers, weren't you? Her betrayal... It would not cause you such pain, unless it was very personal."

Then, when that question had been answered, she turned to Inarius, and said; "Keeping secrets now will only cause trouble. Speak your mind, my son. The sooner we can resolve this, the sooner we can all be at peace. Stopping now will only cause further conflict later."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Corrine doesn't react to your words, but by the way she continues to stare at the girl the answer seems obvious. When your attention turns to Inarius his eyes shift toward you, and you notice that his concern is mixed with a bit of disbelief, but a moment later he appears to come to a decision. "Woman." The Priestess clenches her fist again as she is addressed, but she keeps her focus solely on the woman who appears to be lifeless. "That radial wave. Do it again." She still doesn't answer, but when she looks up you can see contempt, anger, and sorrow swirling behind her eyes. You can practically feel her intent to destroy the demon, yet somehow she manages to keep herself from acting out. "You will not?" She still refuses to answer, but the rage on her face makes it quite clear that she will do nothing for his sake. "Then I shall take her-" His tentacles had uncoiled and started reaching out to Annelle, but in that moment Corrine turns into a blur. When you turn you find her fist nearly crushing the demon's chest. He uses both of his arms to hold her at bay. "As. You. Wish."

There's no warning for it. A pillar of fire erupts from her hand, and it quickly spreads to engulf everything within the building. A chorus of pained screams echo throughout the room, and though the brunt of the attack was forced onto Inarius there's more than enough to create a horrid backlash that washes over everyone in sight. You feel it pour through your own body, and it saturates you to your very core. The darkness within you cries in agony, and judging by the pained wails of everyone near they are feeling the exact same thing. Even when the blast passes your soul still burns, and it isn't until another wave passes that you finally find some relief.

When you finally regain your senses the first thing you feel is a demonic wind flowing all around you. Corrine doesn't appear to be bothered by it, but you can see the flames on her arm struggling to stay lit as her fist still tries to drill through the demon's defenses. "I yield." The sudden proclamation catches everyone off guard, and while the Priestess recoils Inarius takes a couple steps back. "She is yours, but..." He continues stepping back, and it's only when he's near his improvised thrown that he finally comes to a stop. "I finally understand. I can restore her, but it will take a great sacrifice on your part, Priestess. Otherwise she will remain trapped within her own flesh indefinitely." At that point he starts walking away, and much to your surprise Corrine simply lets him go. "You may do as you wish, but if you wish her returned to normal then you must decide how much of yourself you are willing to give." With that he walks away past his seat, his path taking him around the room until he finally comes to the entrance and lets himself out.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Sera glanced back at Inarius as he began to speak, a look of confusion crossing the elven woman's face. A glance at Corrine revealed the woman's rage at the demon trying to give her orders, and she was about to reprimand him when he began preparing to do... Something, to the woman he had just released. She was ready to tell him to stop, but Corrine beat her to it, accompanied by a wave of magical fire. Before Sera could do anything to stop her, she was on Inarius, her son just barely halting the assault. The wave of pain that rushed through Sera as Corrine's magic touched her prevented her from doing anything to break the two up, and she could only wince and groan with the rest as it caused a part of her very soul to squirm in torment. Pain paralyzed Sera, and she was left helpless even as she knew that she had to do something.... Anything, in order to keep Corrine and Inarius from fighting.

But, as quickly as it had begun, it ended. With Inarius surrender, of all things! As the demon retreated, and spoke his cryptic words Sera stared at him in mixed puzzlement and anger. She watched him leave, and then rose. First things first....

She walked over to Corrine, grabbed the woman by the shoulder, and turned her around forcefully until she faced Sera squarely, and then promptly slapped the woman as hard as she possibly could across the face. Into the probably stunned woman's face, Sera snarled; "And I thought that I could trust the judgement of a priestess! To have gone for such an obvious attempt to set you off!" Sera stopped, and closed her eyes and calmed her breathing until the rage faded, before continuing, in an even tone; "I am sorry. I overreacted, and that was uncalled for even after the pain.... But Corrine.... You should have learned by now that your power... It means that when you let your anger control you, it's not just you that faces the consequences of it."

Sera sighed, and glanced around, trying to see what the other girls in the room were looking like. If her reaction to Corrine's attack had been so severe, she was afraid to think of what theirs might have been like. Turning back to the woman, she said; "What was he talking about? When he spoke of sacrifices, and how much you would be willing to give? What is required in order to restore her?"

There's a bit that Sera is going to have to say to Inarius too, but I want to finish up the bits with Corrine first.
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

The slap catches Corrine right across her cheek, and she must not have been expecting it because her head actually lurches to the side once it's hit. For a moment she simply continues to look where her gaze had been forcefully turned, but when she eventually straightens out her eyes close. "I watched as she was stolen from my arms once. She cried as she was violated in every sense of the word. I watched as she was forced to attack and subdue me. She cried when her own body betrayed her and made her plant that vile thing's seed within my womb. I watched as her resistance faded little by little until she was nothing more than a puppet for the beast. She stopped crying then, and I knew she was lost. I return to find her sitting at its center, that thing taking far too many liberties with its body, her soul no more than a faint spark buried beneath a darkness that holds her in a stranglehold, and you expect me to just sit and watch as she's stolen from me again?!" Her voice rises to a fevered pitch, but any retribution on her part is held at bay. Instead she simply walks back to her second and cradles the seemingly lifeless girl in her lap. "My loyalties lie with these women, not to the monster that broke them. I know I caused everyone pain, but I will never abandon any of them, especially her, to that thing's clutches."

With that bit said and done Corrine's focus turns completely to the girl she holds, and she does everything she can to make that body comfortable. For a few seconds she completely ignores your question as she lightly strokes Annelle's blank face, but a small sigh escapes. "It's obvious he's speaking about my power. He wouldn't have been so interested in forcing my hand if it was something else. But I have no idea what he wants it for or what kind of sacrifice he wants me to make. You should ask him if you're so curious."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

The anger seeped gradually out of Sera as Corrine told her story, and left the elven woman simply tired. All in all, the repeated surges of fear inspired adrenaline, and simply how difficult this whole thing had been so far, had been extraordinarily draining. It wasn't over yet, however. "Can she really be saved?" Sera asked, more to herself than Corrine. As the priestess cradled her lifeless lover, Sera stared on wordlessly, and then followed Inarius out of the room.

As soon as she found her son, she had intended to give him the same treatment as she had given to Corrine, but as she approached the demon, she felt too tired to be angry. "Inarius. Firstly, please, I know you're trying to go against your nature.... But could you learn some tact? There are better ways to get what you want than to manipulate people like that. Particularly when the person you're trying to manipulate is someone who wouldn't give a second thought about killing you. Now, what were you talking about? What does Corrine have to sacrifice in order to win her lover back?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

You find Inarius occupying a small and mostly empty room. A couple of random boxes suggest this had once been a storage area, but if it was then this inn was running low on supplies. What little is left he is actually looking through, and after a bit he finally finds a hidden bottle and pulls it free. He opens it as you ask your speak to him, and once you're done he offers it to you first. "I doubt there is anything I could do to have her see me in a different light. I'm not sure I want that, either. She did destroy me." The bottle smells strongly of alcohol, and considering the events of the day perhaps a bit of a drink would help take the edge off of things.

Whether you take some or not the demon-man eventually takes back the bottle and brings it to his lips. "To restore the girl Corrine will need to sacrifice a number of things, none of which I see her agreeing to. First, she'll need to surrender. Her pride is strong though, and considering what I've done to her and her followers I doubt she ever would. If she ever did then she'd need to sacrifice her dignity. Even with all my power I'm still a demon of flesh. My strongest abilities can only be released during 'contact'. Finally I would need her to surrender herself. What I ultimately need is the ability to use her power at will. That holy fire of hers causes all demonic influence to retreat. That's why it hurt so much for everyone when she let it explode. If I can focus and use it to target specific points in that girl's body I can pry the darkness out of her soul.

"But...that may cause another problem. I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you."
Inarius closes himself off for a few seconds and simply takes a few drinks. "Would you like to know why I call you 'Mother'?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Sera scowled darkly as Inarius admitted to preferring that Corrine hate him, but she wasn't really surprised by the idea. She shook her head and pushed the offered bottle away gently, and then listened to the demon as he answered her questions. She scowled even more as he outlined exactly what Corrine would have to do in order to get her lover back. Not only would the woman never agree to that.... But Sera wouldn't let her, or at least wouldn't try to convince her of it. As much as she was working on Inarius' behalf, she still didn't trust her son. Not completely.

"And you couldn't just... Direct her, in what she had to do? Is there a reason that you, and only you, could be the one to release her lover from the imprisonment that she seems to be in? If so, I have to say that I agree. Corrine will simply not go for that." Sera replied, her gaze level and her tone lacking any hint of chastisement. She just wanted to know all of their options. "And how could you wield her holy fire, anyway? Wouldn't it harm you, as it does the others? And... I'm guessing that, after you were done... Much of Corrine's soul would be.... Damaged. Consumed. I don't know what."

At his cryptic words and strange question, Sera raises an eyebrow and replies; "Inarius, I know you haven't been totally honest with me. It's not in your nature, whether you like it or not. So, what is it that you've been keeping from me? And why is it important now, of all times?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

"And you couldn't just... Direct her, in what she had to do? Is there a reason that you, and only you, could be the one to release her lover from the imprisonment that she seems to be in?"
"Those who feed on the power of the soul understand its intricacies far more than any other being. Corrine's power is impressive, but she lacks the control needed for something this delicate. The darkness wrapped around that girl's heart is so entrenched that one mistake would scar her for eternity."
"And how could you wield her holy fire, anyway? Wouldn't it harm you, as it does the others?"
"I am a creature that feeds on the power of the soul. If I absorb her power it will do harm, but my spirit will eventually adapt. I will be able to store some of her raw energy and use bits and pieces of that to attack the darkness within the girl."
"And... I'm guessing that, after you were done... Much of Corrine's soul would be.... Damaged. Consumed. I don't know what."
"That's what has me worried."

The bottle he held was quickly finished, and even when it would have sent any normal man sprawling to the floor in a drunken stupor Inarius only seems more relaxed and focused on his own thoughts. It takes a moment for him to put them in order, but eventually he comes to some conclusion and looks at you carefully. "You remember the spawn held within Corrine? That piece that you destroyed, it was the part of the demon that would have controlled its flesh. If that piece had come to him he would have integrated into one singular being that would have been far more refined than that mass of tentacles that covered the village. That was the piece he had you replace.

"But that fertility spell was far more than he imagined. The spawn he placed within you developed at an alarming rate, and it managed to form a mind of its own. When it was absorbed it fought back, and though it was reintegrated into the main body its identity still remained. Since its purpose was control it actually managed to subdue the demon's soul and lock it away. This left it weakened, and it sought out the stored energy from each of the demon's victims to regain its strength. But with that came the memories of those it subdued, and none were more vivid than the elf who struggled so valiantly. It realized that half of its very essence had come from that woman."
He paused once more to gauge your reaction. "Though the demon may still exist within me I am in the truest sense of the word your son.

"But... I may not stay that way for long. The demon itself is a far more frightening creature than you can imagine. It order to keep it pacified I need to feed on women. Thankfully the souls that were far too damaged sate its need without causing further harm, and the few that still linger and willfully give themselves to me, those like Juliet, are far more...sustaining... I had hoped to restore everyone so that a few would stay behind and help me keep the beast at bay, but Corrine's presence is causing it to stir. My control is slipping, and more of his presence is coming to the surface. If Corrine were to agree to surrender herself then I can restore everyone, but both she and I would be damaged. I would lose my control, and he would regain his. Neither she nor I would have the strength to resist him, and all that we would accomplish would simply be lost."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Sera frowned darkly at the answers that Inarius gave to her questions, but her eyes widened at what he had revealed. She had remained silent after asking her questions, choosing to listen rather than ask any further, but when Inarius revealed how he had come to be, she couldn't help but let out a slight gasp.

"You... That's..... You are...." She said, not sure what she ought to say, or how she ought to say it. Sera was overwhelmed. The elven girl was so far out of her depth at this point, that she had no idea what she should say, or what she should do. She almost panicked, and despair threatened itself. Even if Corrine offered herself to Inarius, both of them would be damaged, and then neither would be able to fend off the true demon. They would all be consumed, and this time, there would be none who could hope to halt the demon before it had done so. They were all damned, and there was nothing that anyone.... That she could do about it!

That line of thinking halted there, however, as her training took over. Anger replaced fear, and after Sera had closed her eyes and let out a sigh, she had calmed herself. She was thinking about this in the wrong way. She was dwelling on what couldn't be done, and what the consequences of failure would be. She needed to be thinking about solutions, but she had been correct when she had thought that she was out of her depth. The best that she could do was try to get Inarius and Corrine to work together, and possibly offer inspiration to something that might prevent the demon from taking control of Inarius, AND restore those who had been damaged by the demon's influence.

"How much longer will you be able to maintain control?" She asked sharply, her eyes opening once more to look up at her son. "Will feeding more grant you the strength to seal the demon again? If Corrine simply leaves, will you be able to hold it back once more? Would killing the girl release her from the force that has a hold around her soul? Is there any way that either Corrine, yourself, or both could remain unharmed through the process if she did agree to attempt it? Are you certain, and I mean absolutely certain, that you would be able to restore every one of them if you had access to Corrine's power? Would it be possible to only take a smaller portion of Corrine's power, and then take the energy to heal all of the woman from some other source? Is there anything that I can do to help? Anything at all, no matter the cost to me." Sera asked each question only once the last had been answered, her arms crossed over her chest.
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Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

"How much longer will you be able to maintain control?"
"I do not know. When Corrine first showed I felt I could hold him for a couple weeks, but now I fear that has fallen to a few days at most. Nowhere near long enough to gather reinforcements considering how remote this village is."

"Will feeding more grant you the strength to seal the demon again?"
"It would bolster my strength, but it would feed him as well. No ground would be gained either way."

"If Corrine simply leaves, will you be able to hold it back once more?"
"No. Her departure would only delay his awakening at this point, and even that is just a guess on my part. He may try even harder to pursue and subjugate her before she has a chance to fully recover."

"Would killing the girl release her from the force that has a hold around her soul?"
"It would, but... I would rather not. She still exists within that corruption, and she struggles so she may once again be with her lover. To simply kill her would be too cruel..."

"Is there any way that either Corrine, yourself, or both could remain unharmed through the process if she did agree to attempt it?"
"No. To gain use of her power I will need to violate her soul at its deepest levels and forcefully remove it. If she resisted me it could end up killing her. If she submits then I can be more gentle, but it will still weaken her. She would eventually recover, but it could take months. I would be damaged simply because I would be handling the very power that could destroy me and placing it at my core. It's the only way I can freely use it, and after I was done it would leave me scarred. I'm not sure if I would recover."

"Are you certain, and I mean absolutely certain that you would be able to restore every one of them if you had access to Corrine's power?"
"Yes. By removing that power in its entirety I can learn to harness it. After that I can connect to all the damaged women and coax the corruption within them to unwind from their souls long enough to suck the darkness right out of their bodies. Some would remain, but it would be no different than the amount that lies within you. They could learn to control it or simply lock it away if they wished."

"Would it be possible to only take a smaller portion of Corrine's power, and then take the energy to heal all of the woman from some other source?"
"No. Corrine's spirit is unique. Her power is actually wrath twisted into righteous fury. She has somehow turned the power source for some of the most dangerous creatures in existence into an instrument of divine judgment, and though other priests may wield more refined holy powers hers will destroy a demon both body and soul. She offers no redemption to those she turns to ash, and any darkness that faces her can instinctively feel this. All demonic influence wants to retreat in her presence, and I'll need that to force the taint within the women to retreat."

"Is there anything that I can do to help? Anything at all, no matter the cost to me."
Once this question is back Inarius leans his back against the wall and looks to the ceiling. He stays that way for some time, longer than should be comfortable, and it's only when he brings his head down that he finally speaks. "I see no way you can aid us. The only thing you could possibly do is combat him directly before he fully awakens, but to do that I would need to take you into my body like I did to that girl. In essence I would need to absorb you, and before I could fully do so he would regain control and turn you into his puppet once again."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Sera's face became gradually darker with every answer she received as her frustration at the situation grew. The demon was rising, and nothing now seemed like it could be done to halt its progress. In order to free those who had been crippled by the demon, her son would have to violate Corrine's very soul, and in doing so, would weaken and possibly kill Corrine, and likely do irreparable damage to himself, ensuring that the demon would take control and that none would be there to face it once it did. She could do nothing to help. Not a damned thing.

She closed her eyes for a moment after Inarius finally delivered the final answer to her questions, and then let out another frustrated sigh before opening them again. "My view of this is limited, you understand. I cannot know things as you or Corrine do. But as I see it, there are only two paths open to us at this point. The first is to attempt to attempt to convince Corrine to help you free those whom the demon has damaged. In doing so, you and she will be weakened or destroyed, and the demon once more set loose. A grand effort to achieve nothing but oblivion or slavery for the lot of us, and to set lose a demon empowered with Corrine's magic to boot, as I doubt that the demon would fail to take it from her after you used it. That is unacceptable, and I would have no part in it unless some better outcome can be achieved."

Sera couldn't keep her anger at the situation from seeping into her voice, and she paused to take in another deep breath, before letting out a long sigh. She looked into her son's eyes for a moment, and when she spoke again, her voice was icy cold, but also absolutely sure; "The only other option that I can see, is to kill all those too badly damaged to function on their own, and then to help Corrine destroy you so that the demon cannot rise again." She paused, allowing the words to sink in and perhaps to offer Inarius a chance to respond.

"We must think of what will cause the least harm, overall. What has happened in this place is already a tragedy, and to take the latter option would only serve to deepen it. But to take the former, we would be rescuing those women only to allow the demon to take them again, and handing it Corrine, the only one among us capable of battling it, in the process. Once it was finished here, its influence would spread. The land around this place would die, or worse, and there would be more villages like Helmoth. That isn't a tragedy. That is a catastrophe. So, give me a better option, Inarius. It isn't just you and Corrine and I on the chopping block, in this instance.

"Would absorbing me aid you in any way? Could I help you resist the demon, somehow? I care not a bit about any price to myself. When you had Corrine's power, could you destroy the demon's soul as you would the darkness holding the souls of the demon's victims? Or perhaps damage it enough that you could consume it?"
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

With the options laid before him Inarius looked rather grim. The first felt like an impossible feat, and all that left for his future was death and destruction. "I'm not even a few days old yet I face my own demise... Fate truly is a cruel mistress." For a few more moments he simply sits where he is, his mind visibly trying to find some other solution even after you state your willingness to sacrifice yourself, but defeat eventually overtakes him and causes the man to let out a rather sorrowful sigh. "But I see no other-"

"No." The voice that interrupts him quickly bursts into the room, and before you can even muster a thought Corrine raises her hand in your face, a clear sign that she wants you to stay quiet. The same is said in the rather furious eyes that pin Inarius to his seat, and though her aura is rather subdued at the moment the anger she displays would be enough to make anyone freeze.

With her entry catching everyone's attention the priestess lets out her own frustrated sigh before finding a suitable seat atop a barrel and taking it. Though she can do nothing for her exposed chest her legs cross to prevent any overt glances from either elf or demon, and she gives you a rather accusing glance before she turns to Inarius. "I don't like being manipulated." She then turns back to you. "Or being treated like some hysterical woman. But I realize I'm not quite in my right mind. I hope you'll both understand. But if you think I'm just going to sit and let you both conspire over the fate of my sisters then you are gravely mistaken. So you both will tell me what exactly you seek and what you are willing to sacrifice before you ask anything of me. Now speak."
Re: The Beast of Helmoth (Tassadar)

Sera shares in Inarius grim expression following the presentation of her options, not liking their options either. She says nothing as he sits in contemplation, but before they can truly decide upon any course of action Corrine makes her entrance. Sera says nothing, respecting the Priestess's desire to say her piece without any interruptions, but at the accusatory glare Sera returns a fine scowl, clearing having none of the other woman's reproach. As much as the demonic part of her caused her to desire the priestess, there were many more important things on her mind. Sera kept her eyes set firmly on Corrine's face the entire time.

"Very well. As far as we have been able to discern, there are two options available to us." Sera begins, for now allowing Corrine's accusations fall aside without comment despite the rancor they raised in Sera. "Inarius is fighting a losing battle against his demonic half, and your presence has shrunk the time that he can retain control of himself from weeks to days, possibly hours. When he does turn, he will be like he was before, when you first destroyed the demon."

Sera paused a moment, allowing Corrine to ask questions if she liked, though the elf expected something more along the lines of a derisive snort or perhaps a declaration that she had been lied to. Either way, once those questions had been answered, she continued; "The only way we yet know of to prevent this is to kill him, as I promised you I would assist in if I believed that that was the best solution. Without his presence, those who's souls had been damaged by the demon might never recover. Many would be reduced to little more than animals, possessed of nothing but uncontrollable lust. As such, after killing him, we would have to kill many of those who were too gone to function without him. Your lover, though she lies in a coma now, would be beyond any salvation save the mercy of death, at least according to Inarius. It would be a tragedy, yes, but if the demon is allowed out and given time to grow, more villages would suffer the fate of Helmoth."

Another pause, allowing Corrine to question or comment, before Sera continued once more; "The other option might allow us to save those who had been afflicted by the demon's touch, every one of them. But.... It would require certain sacrifices on both of your part. Firstly, on your end, you would have to give Inarius access to your power. I don't think that I need to spell out for you exactly what that means. With it, he could remove that which binds those who had been harmed by the demon. Unfortunately, Inarius himself would be damaged in the process, and would be unable to hold back the demon any longer. What's more, you would be severely weakened, perhaps permanently, and would be unable to fight the demon. Not only would the demon be free, but the only one able to destroy it would be right before it, too weak to resist. Unless some way around this problem is reached, this option is unacceptable, but Inarius could come up with nothing. Can you?"

Sera paused only a moment, not giving Corrine any time to respond unless her response was only a single word, before saying; "As for what I am willing to sacrifice in order to find some better way out of this situation, the answer is anything. I would not ever be accepted among my people again after what has happened here, so I have very little left to lose besides the two of you."

You said that this was a level 1 dungeon at some point, so here's Sera's updated sheet.

Name: Sera
Description and Basic Backstory: With long golden hair, sky-blue eyes with flecks of forest-green, perfectly pointed ears, and pale creamy skin, Sera was practically the image of perfection for an elf. An impressive bust that only occasionally got in the way of her archery, along with her perfectly sculpted ass, had gotten her into trouble on a few occasions, especially due to her inexperience in such matters. She had learned the ways of her woodland people well, and wished for nothing more than to do good in the world.

Desired Posting Speed: Once a day or less, depending on how often I get free time.
Desired Posting Length: A few paragraphs.

Level - 1
Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 7 and 30/30
Explore and Stam - 8 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 6 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 30/30

Skills and Fetishes - As one of the Rangers, Sara has little experience with sex. She's still a virgin, but as she's lived so independently all her life, she subconsciously enjoys being dominated. She is skilled in combat and survival in the wilds. (Prior to the events at Helmoth, of course. She's obviously had a lot more experience since she got here.)

With the 5 Stat points and 5 Point points (that sounds weird >.> ) I increased the following:
+4 Naughty
+1 Spirit
+20 Lewd
+10 Magic
+10 HP
+6 Willpower

Lets hope the more balanced direction won't bite me in the ass.