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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Caught up in the rapturous cascade of pleasure Gravus was visiting upon her, Celeste had neither the strength of will nor body to stop the man. Her head fell forward as she succumbed to the nearly continual stimulation of her sensitive breasts, whining softly as his ministrations drew ever more spikes of sensation from her. Looking down, she saw him draw his other hand away from the breast he was tenderly nursing, and down to his waist. Though she couldn't see it, the blonde managed to make out the sound of cloth falling to the floor. Her body tensed at what the sound signified, and she let out another yelp as another wave of pleasure raced through her, Gravus' tongue and her own lustful imagination stifling her voice again. While the bubbly blonde was far too absentminded to realize that she had left the office door open, she did remember the thin walls she had heard this mansion possessed, putting what strength she did have into holding her voice in check. Each time she felt the man teasing her sensitive breasts, she desperately held her breath, to keep from crying out, though she knew she couldn't catch each murmur. Instead, she trembled, letting her body exclaim it's appreciation of his tender assault for her.

Despite her inability to resist Gravus' attentions, Celeste mind was racing to understand what had brought this on. Surely, Gravus was not the kind of man to simply throw himself into his urges like some others she had met. She realized, then, that it had been the pheromones that she had learned about must have spurred him on, in addition to her own obliviousness. "G-Gravus," Celeste called softly, her words coming out clipped in between her panting breaths, "Gra-Gravus". A part of her mind thought that perhaps if she could tell him about the true source of the misunderstanding, he might relent. She bit her lip as Gravus' tongue swirled across her aereola, and drew a ragged breath between her teeth at the feeling. As she knelt on top of his desk, she briefly remembered her imaginings of herself in Serena's place, under the desk. Though she didn't know exactly what their relationship was, she worried about damaging it should they be discovered. Once again she tried to call out to the man, her voice as low as she could keep it, "Gravus... Se-Se-Sere..."

It was at just that moment that Gravus' tongue, and thumb flicked both of her nipples at the same time, and Celeste trembled in ecstasy, unable to keep her mind on anything but the pleasure she felt in that moment. Her hand on his wrist squeezed tighter, shuddering against his eagerly rigid arm. Unable to stop Gravus' exploration of her body, and her enjoyment of it growing with each passing moment, Celeste bit her lip again. Through the haze of shock, fear, and lust, Celeste realized that this was her own doing, and that she would have to take responsibility for it.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Whether he was interpreting her repeated calls of his name as encouragement or was simply too out of his mind with lust to care about her apparent desires. He rose, pressing closer as he continued to suck and grope at her chest, growing more insistent by the second. She felt something firm pressed against her stomach as he got nearer, jerking slowly up and down as something else touching it occasionally pressed against her flesh. Another few moments later and she felt something slick and warm and wet rubbing against her flat abdomen, coming from the tip of the warm hard something that was jerking up and down against her stomach.

Gravus only grew more adventurous as Celeste submitted further into her desires. His fingers squeezed harder, and he began to roll his palm up and down over the surface of her bosom, the slight pressure and friction far more potent than what he had been able to inflict with only his thumb. His tongue began to flick up and down, its rapid shifts coming faster and faster and faster, each sending a crackling bolt of pleasure up the drunk mage's spine. Another few moments later and his attention changed again, his palm edging away before he seized her nipple between forefinger and thumb, gently tugging on it every few seconds and giving it light twists when she didn't. She felt his teeth on her other tip, only very gently pressing around her sensitive nub, while his suction suddenly became much more insistent as if he were trying to draw it deeper into his mouth.

If she didn't interrupt any of that, Gravus would pull his mouth away and stop his attentions with his fingers suddenly, and looked up at Celeste with wide, lust filled eyes. His hands slipped away from her breast and his own manhood, leaving it pressed against her stomach, throbbing but otherwise unmoving, and slipped her dress down over her hips until it was pooled around her knees and feet as she knelt on his desk. "How... Nnn... Do you want it?" he asked, panting heavily, his intentions fairly obvious at that point.

Celeste had maybe ten seconds in which to prepare to do something, to change positions or try to explain what was happening, before footsteps sounded from the main room, coming closer. Gravus' eyes widened in panic as he looked over her shoulder at the open door, and tried to drag her off of the desk regardless of her present condition, "c-quick! Under the desk, out of sight!"
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

With her breath coming in short gasps in between her stifled yelps, Celeste could do nothing to explain the misunderstanding to Gravus as his explorations of her flesh only grew in intensity. He stood, pressing his body tight to hers while maintaining his eager fondling and teasing of her sensitive orbs. His skin, though separated from hers by the heavy cloth robe he had been wearing, could barely contain the heat she felt radiating from him, only serving to drive the heat inside her to grow to match it. The warmth of the rigid length against Celeste's stomach, though, felt like a burning poker, ready to burn a hole through her flesh and strike straight into her lust. The warm slickness she felt on her stomach mirrored what she felt between her legs, and she shivered at the thought of sating both of their desires at once.

As Gravus' hand moved from playing with her nipple to grabbing at her breast and rolling his palm over her stimulated nub, Celeste moaned under her breath, unable to keep the sound in. His mouth followed suit, first the tongue flicking back and forth, then his teeth gently nibbling and sucking on her other breast, drawing a body wide shiver from the already over-stimulated blonde. Her head shot back as she let out a broken gasp, desperately trying to quiet her desires, knowing that eventually she would be unable to. Suddenly, she felt relief, as Gravus stopped his wild, rapturous explorations. She could feel his warm length laying against her stomach, warm and throbbing like an animal ready to pounce, as he quickly began tugging at her dress, pulling it down and removing the last barrier between them. Gasping for breath, she looked into his hungry eyes as he spoke.

"How... Nnn... Do you want it?" Gravus asked, his words shocking Celeste with their bluntness, in stark contrast to his normal reserved demeanor. At the same time, the question burned bright in her mind as she struggled with her own feelings. Celeste parted her lips to tell him that he was under the spell of her demonic pheromones, but stopped as she felt the urge to tell him to lay her back on the desk and let her head hang over the edge. A tiny cry squeaked out of her throat as she thought to ask him to consider their places as superior and subordinate, only to be cut short as she almost asked him to turn her around and lean her over his desk, make her his slave. She whimpered as she wanted to beg him to think about the others hearing them, choking back the desire to beg him to do whatever he wants. Finally, she worked up the nerve to say something, opening her mouth to say, "Do-"

Before Celeste could even utter a word, however, Gravus quickly grabbed her and pulled her towards him, his need still evident, though one born of fear rather than lust. Just barely, she made out the sound of a footstep, and immediately felt a shock of fear ping through her body. As she heard his order to hide under the desk, though, she nodded and moved forward to hop down, unwittingly stepping out of the bundle of clothing gathered at her feet atop the desk. As soon as her feet hit the floor she sunk to her knees, feeling the scratchy cloth of Gravus' pants under her, as she worked her way into the small area underneath the desk. She wondered briefly who had interrupted them, though that thought faded as she remembered the wooden writing desk was open in the front. Worried again, she shuffled forward, only to find her movement blocked by Gravus' legs as he sat down in the chair in front of her to hide his exposed shaft. His exposed shaft that throbbed barely an inch in front of her. She shuddered as she blindly breathed in the heady aroma of his maleness, her mouth watering as she stared at it. Her hands, now resting on his legs, began to gently squeeze as she fought the urge to push herself forward, while also fighting the urge to pull away.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Leaving her dress behind on the desk and hastily kneeling down, Celeste was practically naked and a glance down - or even the periphery of one's vision - would let anyone who wished to see the sight of the mage's shapely rear. She shuffled forward while Gravus sat down, concealing herself as much as possible by way of the partial divider. that left her right up against Gravus' legs, however, her head literally stuck in his lap as she was forced to kneel as low as she could get.

Gravus hastily scooped up her dress and tossed it aside, into the corner of the room, before leaning forward and facing the door with his hands settled in front of him. That left her not only facing his still erect manhood, but had it practically resting against her face as she waited with bated breath. Every shallow intake of air filled her with the smell of his manhood, of his masculine musk, and while it wasn't quite as overpowering as that of the orc that she had serviced earlier it still spoke to the lust that his attentions and Celeste's time with Danikles had inspired. It would be so easy to open her lips and lean just a little forward, to kiss it... Or to taste it...

"Uhhhh, mister Gravus, uhh, sir," a voice said as the footsteps drew nearer. It was Robert, and he paused at the door... Where he might easily spot Celeste's exposed rear if he just directed his gaze slightly downwards. "Oh... Yes Robert?" Gravus replied, his voice remarkably calm given what had just been transpiring. "My chores for the day are done with," Robert continued as if nothing out of place was directly in the periphery of his vision, even though Celeste's discarded dress and her lower half were both out in the open. "If it's alright with you I'll go to bed for the night..."

Despite trailing off, Robert remained in the doorway, no sounds of his footsteps or receding presence signaling his departure. "Is there something else?" Gravus said impatiently after a few seconds, to which Robert cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well... Uhm... I think... I think there was something wrong with miss Seheraszad when she came in. Did she come to see you? Did you notice anything? She seemed... More clumsy than usual." Celeste could feel Gravus tense in front of her, "well... I did, but she has already left. I'm sure she's fine though, she probably just had a bit of wine." Robert gave a troubled hum, but seemed to accept that answer, "alright... Well, if you say so. Goodnight sir."

"Goodnight Robert," Gravus replied, and Robert's footsteps began to move away.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Stuffed under the desk, kneeling between Gravus' legs, Celeste could do nothing but stare at the erect member in front of her, that only moments ago the both of them had been expecting to be plunging into her wet and ready nether. She gasped a little at the thought, her mind reeling a little at the heady scent of the object before her, her senses heightened by the supernatural lust plaguing her. Suddenly, she heard a voice call out for Gravus, and her attention quickly shifted behind her. Having lodged herself into the small area under the desk, Celeste couldn't turn to see just how exposed she was, which only served to leave her feeling even more vulnerable. Doing her best to pull her legs up underneath her, she scooted forward as much as she could, pushing her head even further into Gravus' lap as she breathed in deeply out of fear of being discovered.

The breath turned into a gasp as Celeste felt Gravus' warm member slide across her cheek. With Robert's footsteps coming to a rest at the door though, the frightened young woman did her best to remain as quiet as possible, tightly closing her mouth as if to create a barrier to hold in sound. The movement only served to draw her attention to the feeling of the man's throbbing rod against her soft lips, her eyes drifting upward along the rod towering in her vision. As Gravus spoke to Robert, his voice sendt vibrations through his tense body that caused his member to thrum against Celeste's skin. She shivered at the feeling, inadvertently breathing out as her lips parted, her own arousal being fueled by the knowledge that she had brought about this reaction from the man. Her hands, slowly left their perch on Gravus' legs and inched up towards his shaft. Holding his warm throbbing member even tighter to her soft skin, Celeste slowly started to slide her hands up and down it's length, her mind lost in thoughts of relieving the man's unnatural lust.

When the discussion above her turned to question Celeste's condition tonight, the bubbly young mage felt her body warming up again, this time out of appreciation that the young Robert sounded so worried about her. Gravus, meanwhile, tensed up, his voice clipped as he tried to hurry the boy along, eager to protect her from being discovered in such a compromising position. 'It's so adorable how much they care about me,' Celeste thought, her arousal flaring up. 'I can't let Gravus' attempt to hide me go to waste, someone else might come by to see him... and me,' she reasoned, her lust addled mind clinging to the thought that she had to take care of Gravus' condition, while at the same time her body shivered at the idea of being discovered as they were.

Unable to hold back any longer, Celeste held Gravus' member tighter against her soft face as her tongue lolled out of her mouth and flicked up and down the underside of his rod. The bubbly blonde playfully kissed him, her lips gently pressing against his warm flesh. Slowly, she raised her head, alternating between kisses and licks as she traveled up his throbbing penis, until her lips rested against his slick crown. Just as the two men bade each other a good night, Celeste plunged her lips down around Gravus' member. She kept her wet lips tight around him, while her tongue playfully lapped at him as her head bobbed up and down, a hunger inside of her that she was eager to sate now that she had begun. Between her legs, she felt a growing wetness, her lust only growing as she did her best to serve his. Still continuing her ministration of Gravus' ailment, she looked up, hoping she was having as positive an effect on him as she felt the action was having on her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Gravus' shaft throbbed in answer as Celeste's lips parted and her breath washed over it, though Gravus' mannerisms didn't change in the slightest while he dealt with Robert. Her hands gliding onto his shaft did cause his legs to tense, however, the feel of his hot meat in her grip as exciting for him as it was for her. His right leg began to shiver slightly as her fingers stroked up and down his length, bobbing just slightly up and down, and his manhood pulsed against her hands and face. Even that didn't break his facade, however.

She felt him tense suddenly as her hot, wet tongue slipped out and slid across his flesh, replacing intoxicating scent with intoxicating flavor, and he stuttered mid sentence. "...I'm sure she's - uh....." He twitched, he and his manhood both, with every flick of her tongue, and after a few seconds Robert asked with concern in his voice; "Are you alright? Is something... Wrong?" He took a step closer, but Gravus hastily raised a hand to stop him and cleared his throat. "I'm fine, I'm fine! Just... Something not agreeing with my stomach, I think. Anyway... I'm sure that miss Seheraszad is fine!"

He continued as he had, trying to dismiss Robert as quickly as possible while Celeste's kisses and licks up his shaft had him obviously struggling to maintain his composure. When she reached the head of his rod her lips found a big drop of precum waiting for her, the taste and texture of which left her lust flaring just a bit brighter. Gravus froze suddenly as her mouth descended upon and engulfed his rod, leaving Robert's name unfinished and his face frozen in a mask of shock. His member twitched in her mouth, the sampling of his seed a constant flavor when her tongue was near his tip as her heat breath and the tight seal of her lips sent ecstatic pleasure exploding up his spine.

Robert was halfway to the door by the time Gravus could contain it no more, letting out a low pleasured grunt. "Uuuuhhhgggnnn... Uggghhhh..." Robert turned back just as he screwed up his face back into a mask to conceal his pleasure. "Uh, are you sure... That you're alright?" he asked, while Gravus forced his expression to remain as neutral as possible while Celeste continued to suck him off under the desk, every time his cockhead prodded against the back of her throat sending a spark of sensation almost like it had been jabbed into her drooling cunny instead. Cracks were rapidly appearing, however, and he hastily gathered what will he could and waved Robert off again, "go to bed! I... Yeah, I'm fine, I'll take care of it."

Despite his barked order, Robert hesitated for several seconds, just staring at Gravus. Finally, however, he shrugged and said; "Alright, good night." He closed the door on the way out, and as soon as he was gone Gravus let out a breath he'd been holding and leaned back, staring down at Celeste in lewd awe, quickly letting out another pleased groan while his expression bespoke the pleasure he was receiving from her attentions. She could go at him however she liked at that point. If she opted to simply remain where she was and suck him off, he would let her drain a load of his milky cream at whatever pace she liked. If she wanted to rise a bit and nestle it between her breasts, or even climb into the chair and ride him, he'd be fine with that too, just so long as she didn't stop and leave his "ailment" unsatisfied.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Despite her senses being overwhelmed by arousal, Celeste still managed to keep herself as quiet as she could as she started helping Gravus with his condition. His scent and taste were so strong as her tongue and lips explored his' rod, but she remained aware of Robert's presence, as well as Gravus' strained attempts to divert attention away from her. She shivered in appreciation for the older mage's concern, just as her body tensed at the anticipation of discovery, the younger man so deliciously close to exposing her indecent situation.

As soon as the young man left the room, Celeste felt all her restraint melt away. She moaned around Gravus' rod, finally feeling safe in expressing her own enjoyment of her act, as the door finally shut. Looking up at the man, Celeste smiled as well as she could with his throbbing member between her lips, happy to see that he was enjoying her attentions. Unlike before, though, he was the one who seemed too shocked to move. Celeste took advantage of his bewilderment to redouble her efforts on his rod, bobbing her head up and down it's length faster and more forcefully. Though she was keeping her attention on Gravus' member, her tongue lapping along it's underside and her lips tight as she sucked in, the young blonde often looked up at the older man, her blue eyes shining with enjoyment.

After spending several long moments lavishing her oral attention on the man's rod, Celeste pushed her head all the way to his lap, then slowly drew herself back, her lips tightly sealed against his flesh. When she reached his crown, she drew her face back, kissing his warm rod once before ducking down to slowly drag her tongue upwards along it's length. With her mouth now free, Celeste smiled up at the man as she gently cradled his pole in her hands, softly pressing it's warmth against her cheek. "Thank you so much for getting Robert to leave, Gravus," she said, smiling sweetly as her hands smoothly caressed him, "It really means a lot to me that you were thinking of my reputation like that. I don't know what I'd do if the Academy decided I shouldn't be here." Her hands left Gravus' member and move to his stomach, lightly pushing so that he might open up some room between himself and the desk. Once there was enough space, Celeste drew herself up, such that her large breasts rested on either side of the man's rod. Thinking about how eagerly he had played with her soft orbs, she felt sure he would enjoy their softness against his warm hardness.

Placing her hands on either side of her large breasts, Celeste pressed the two soft mounds as tightly around Gravus' member as she could. Looking up at the older man with a sweet smile, she began slowly thrusting her chest up and down. Gradually she picked up speed, her orbs bobbing on his length much as her lips had. At first, Celeste was content to smile up at Gravus as his crown peeked out from between her pillowy mounds, though she quickly began to duck her head down to lick and kiss at his tip. "I want to help you, Gravus," she said, panting lustfully at the thought of what she was doing, "You've been so helpful to me so far!" As she continued, she looked up at the man, and asked, "Do you like this? Or do you need more relief?" If he said nothing, Celeste would be ready to receive Gravus' relief upon her face and bosom, though she bit her lip at the idea that he might demand more of her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Uuuuhhhhh.... Uuuuggghhhnnn... Nnnngg, gnyuh," Gravus grunted and panted and groaned as Celeste's enthusiastic efforts only intensified, her own need growing more insistent in tendem with the ever increasing speed of her bobbing. Every time she rose to the head she was greeted by a small burst of pre, something that Gravus seemed to release in excessive amounts, each accompanied by a soft throb just as her tongue reached across his frenulum.

His physical reactions varied, his hands flailing slightly or tensing against his thighs, his eyes bulging occasionally, his mouth widening to emit deeper pants or harsher grunts and groans. When she ultimately gave an agonizingly slow pull upwards and popped free of him after one last full descent that left his manhood throbbing in her throat, Gravus' shaft gave a particularly powerful throb. Her upward lick found a modest chunk of thick goo sliding down his shaft, the flavor more potent than the pre he had been exuding previously and the quantity enough that her tongue could play with it a little while she rested his shaft against her cheek if she liked.

"Uhn.... Don't... Mention it," he grunted softly, his voice distant as if he were replying by pure reflex. He pushed with his feet, helping her slide him back while his expression shifted to a perplexed look, but as her intentions became clear and her breasts settled onto his lap Gravus' lips twisted into a boyish grin. His heavy panting returned as she cradled her breasts against either side of his shaft, and her first slow shift upwards with his saliva slick manhood squeezed in the soft crevice produced by her bosom produced another groan from the man. She could feel it hard and hot and pulsating between her breasts as she gradually picked up her pace, stroking him faster and faster between her breasts.

She found him able to produce vast quantities of pre as she began to kiss and lap at the tip of his cock, leaving him leaking copiously with every pump. Her saliva ultimately dried, leaving her sweat and that pre as the primary source of lubrication allowing Celeste to continue her attentions. That didn't seem to make Gravus appreciate the steady pumps of her breasts alongside his shaft any less, however, and small splashes of white occasionally shot out of her cleavage or onto her tongue to offer additional signs of his excitement. When her question came up, however, Gravus initially only groaned and closed his eyes. He was throbbing between her breasts, harder and harder as if he were on the verge of exploding, but even then he ultimately grunted; "On... The desk."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Though her mouth was far too busy to smile, Celeste's eyes shown with a twinkle of happiness as she watched Gravus' reactions to her ministrations. The more his body responded favorably to her actions, the more she enjoyed doing them, throwing more of herself into the act. When the tiny dollop of goo landed on her tongue, she shivered in delight, the knowledge of how she was making the man feel spurring on her own stimulation. When Celeste finally freed her mouth enough to thank Gravus for the opportunity to help him, she grinned at his terse, breathless affirmation. Her enthusiasm was rewarded with more signs of the man's appreciation, which she lapped up just as eagerly as every bit before. As she continued, she could feel Gravus' heartbeat pounding faster through the throbbing rod betwixt her breasts, and her own pulse raised in turn, as well as the heat deep inside her nether. Still, when the young blonde coquettishly looked up at the older man, and asked her teasing question, she was taken aback by his response.

Though Celeste had, only moments before, been ready to give in to the desires of her both her own lust addled mind, and the equally stimlated Gravus, she was still surprised to hear the man so authoritatively command her after his actions so far. She knelt there for a moment, his throbbing member resting between her breasts as she could feel a warm liquid drip between her thighs, before she finally nodded to the man, her eyes both anxious and fearful. "Y-yes, Gravus," she said meekly, though an exuberant shine in her eye belied the soft tone. Slowly, she rose to her feet, her orbs falling away from his lap and resting once again in front of the sitting man. Celeste paused for a moment, posing alluringly, one hand hovering over her dripping nether as she leaned back slightly, her fingers shivering as she fought the urge to relieve herself of some of the nervous stimulation coursing through her body.

Then, with a sudden spry hop, Celeste sat on the edge of the desk, her crossed legs dangling between her and Gravus. She bit her lip as she looked at the aroused man, before she gently fell back over the desk, one hand holding onto edge near him while her blonde hair fell over the opposite end. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she lay atop the hard wooden desk, straining her neck so she could hold her head up to watch Gravus. "L-like this?" she asked timidly, while at the same time the hand she held over her vulnerable sex drifted away to hold onto the edge of the desk as did her other. Her legs slowly uncrossed, though she kept them together, nervously swinging them back and forth in the warm air.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

With the busty mage who had inspired his overwhelming lust perfectly obedient to his commands, Gravus spent only a few seconds admiring her prostrate frame while Celeste rested her back against his desk, her legs slowly rising and coming together while her golden hair hung down over the opposite side of his workstation. The sight of her exposed, glistening flower, the slump of her heavy breasts, the angle of her shapely legs and where they met her body... All of it only served to entice the man further.

After eyeing her up for a few seconds he rose from his chair and simpler grabbed her legs while they were tilted to her right, leaning them against his left shoulder as settled into position. It was a heartbeat later that Celeste felt his tip resting against her outer petals, domed tip nudging her nether lips and his pre oozing into her drooling honey. He took a moment to steady himself before simply beginning the slide in, allowing her tight folds to adapt to his thickness as they enveloped him. He wasn't particularly large, no bigger than Daniel and certainly smaller than the orc she had entertained thoughts of letting claim her earlier that day. As such, it was easy for him to slide in and she felt nothing but pleasure in the process, his cock easily slipping deep inside of her and sending raw stimulation bursting up her hypertensed nerves.

Even feeling him inside of her, his own heat pulsating against her own, was heavenly, for her and quite obviously for him if Gravus' pleasured expression was to be believed. He wasn't idly resting within her for long either, and when he slid back only to softly slam back in the pleasure redoubled, and when he did it again it redoubled again in turn. By the fifth thrust her whole frame shook every time he slammed home, the soft meat of her ass rippling, her hair swinging back and forth, and her large breasts jiggling wildly as Gravus pounded into her.

Every time he speared into her a lightning bolt of raw ecstasy flashed up her spine, and after a brief moment Gravus groaned loudly as his pace picked up to what it would ultimately become and remain. The desk beneath her creeked audibly with every thrust, its feet scraping softly against the floor. If they weren't careful, they would definitely be heard... But Gravus didn't seem to care at that point, and Celeste's body was singing his praises despite his general averageness in most physical respects. He was rock hard, plunging steadily into her needy depths, and every pulsating beat she felt from his rod only served to make him feel bigger and harder inside of her...
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Laying back on the desk, her legs swinging nervously as she timidly stared at the man she had just been pleasuring, Celeste waited anxiously as Gravus stared at her for a moment. She jumped when he suddenly stood, her body taut with anticipation for what she knew was about to happen. As he slid up to position himself at her entrance, her legs hooked over his shoulder, Celeste drew in a breath as she felt his tip rub against her moist petals, only to gasp as he suddenly pushed into her. Her fingers tightened their grip on the edge of Gravus' desk as his member began to pump in and out of her sex, his member thrusting against her sensitive insides over and over.

With the speed of Gravus' thrusts increasing as their pleasure mounted, Celeste quickly found herself surrendering to the stimulation, and let her head fall back over the edge of the desk. Each thrust rocked her body back and forth, and with it the desk. A part of her mind worried about the sound of the wooden furniture thumping against the floor, but after everything she had been through today, followed by the older mage' impassioned fondling and her own foreplay, the young blonde couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. While the same nervousness she had felt while hiding from Robert under the desk gnawed at her mind, at this moment, Celeste simply couldn't summon the strength to hold back her excitement at finally being able to experience what her mind had been fantasizing about for long on this busy day.

Celeste could do no more than hold onto the desk as she basked in the repeated throbs of pleasure shooting out from her sex. Her breathing began to come out in quick gasps, each one punctuated by one of Gravus' quick thrusts. Her eyes shut as she fought to keep her voice under control, her mewls of arousal coming out clipped as she struggled to keep herself from crying out. Every thrust she endured sent a wave of stimulation bouncing through her body, striking her mind before colliding with the next as they grew in force. Celeste felt a tight knot inside her coiling like a spring as she desperately held onto the desk against the man's onslaught.

Finally, Celeste's body could hold back no more, and she felt every muscle tense in one single moment as the knot of pleasure condensed into one single overriding spike of sensation before exploding through her body. Her mouth opened as she gave out an impassioned moan as her mind was flooded with stimulation, her back arching over the desk and her fingers clutching tightly against the edge. Her sex clenched tightly on Gravus' member, each thrust feeling like an aftershock to the earthquake shaking her body. Unable to do more than endure the pleasure, Celeste' eyes shut and as her head lolled over the side of the desk, while her legs squeezed against the man, holding them both together. Slowly, she began to breath in ragged gasps as she opened her eyes to look up at Gravus, hoping she had managed to satisfy the lust she had inspired in him.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Gravus' rod pulsated against her inner walls, in near perfect time with her own excited flutters as their sudden encounter approached its crescendo. Created though it might have been by her drunken mistakes, pheromones, and a sudden wardrobe malfunction, both of them were singing praises for one another's attentions by this point. Her plump rear was jiggling with every enthusiastic thrust, and her hair and breasts were swinging back and forth wildly. Only a few moments more and Celeste was brought to glorious, shuddering climax, and Gravus was only heartbeats behind her once her folds clenched around him.

"Uhhhnn... Uhhhnn... Oohhh.... Ooohhh... Uuhhhnnn.... UUUUGGGGHNNNNGGGYAAAHHHH!!!"

Throb, throb, and then an explosion of white heat mixed with the busty blonde's blissful bursts of pleasure, her pink inner walls painted with Gravus' fresh cream, and whether from a mutation gained from his secret lover or by some natural gift the older man proved to have quite a bit to give. The first blast flooded her with warmth, and he followed it with several smaller bursts before he gave another hard thrust and exploded again even harder. The sheer volume of it and her clenching tightness caused her to overflow, his excess cum squeezed out around his girth, and as it flowed out around him Gravus pulled out.

The next rope blasted out over her petals and plump backside, a rope drawn across her quivering flesh as he slid slightly aside. The one following it was one of the bigger ones, and it came out with such force that it drew a line from Celeste's hip up her stomach and all the way to her cleave. Several smaller bursts followed it onto her belly, but then one last big one started at her breasts and splattered over them, some of it even landing on her collar and cheek as Gravus gave one last note of his loud grunt, his length still pulsating steadily as he shook in his afterglow.

A few moments later, the man slapped a hand onto her ass, imprinting his hand onto the rear cheek that wasn't covered in his semen. She was glowing in post orgasmic bliss, and his fresh load was still oozing from between her folds and coating her all over, though much of his excess was still clinging to his slowly flagging erection. Even as his hand came away from the possessive clap, however, recognition began to flood Gravus' eyes as he seemed to realize what he'd just done, and how much noise they had caused while doing it.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

With her head hung over the desk, Celeste's impassioned moan shifted to breathless whimpers as she felt Gravus reach his own climax inside of her. Her legs went taut for just a moment at each of the man's hot pulses, as did her hands, gripping tightly on the edge of the desk. She shuddered as she felt him withdraw from between her nether lips, a sigh escaping her as his load dribbled out as well. As he began to paint her body in his seed, Celeste's eyes closed softly again as she basked in the warmth both inside her body, and the warmth spreading over her skin as well.

A swift sudden slap on her rear brought Celeste back to the moment, and she quickly brought her head up to look at Gravus. She smiled nervously as she gazed at the man, recovering from his ailment. "A-Are you feeling better now, Gravus?" she asked softly, remaining where she was on the desk, her chest heaving as she breathed heavily from the exertion. She slowly pulled herself up to a sitting position on his desk, ducking her face shyly as she looked down at his softening member. "I-I think you are," Celeste joked with a mischievous smirk, giving one quick giggle before looking back up at him.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine
Forgot to roll last time, buuut Resistance: Celeste wins.
Gravus is now enthralled to her.

"Uuugggh... Ooofff... That... Um... Y-yeah," Gravus grunted, blushing heavily and at once trying not to look at Celeste but also unable to tear himself away. As he gazed at her, his seed oozing from between her petals and glistening against her flushed skin, his red hand print on her plump posterior, his member stopped shrinking despite the massive load he had just delivered on and in her. He might not have a warrior's stamina, but the sight of her combined with her pheromones flooding the air was apparently enough to keep even a more sedentary man like Gravus going, and unbeknownst to both of them her subconscious had planted hooks into his mind, loyalty and affections toward her dominating his senses.

For now, however, Gravus seemed paralyzed by indecision, and was having a bit of trouble forming coherent words. What exactly Celeste was going to do about the stuttering mage, however, was going to have to be decided purely by her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste giggled softly at Gravus' loss for words. "I-I'm glad you agree," she said, smirking but still looking away from him. She waited a moment, still sitting on his desk before him, expecting the normally authoritative man to step back in confusion after what had just happened. When Gravus failed to move, however, Celeste looked up at him curiously, her smirk starting to fade as she realized the man still seemed to be affected by her presence.

"Oh no, I guess I spoke too soon," Celeste said, noting that Gravus seemed to be recovering his stamina slowly but surely. Biting her lip, she suddenly worried that perhaps the effect she had had on the man was far stronger than she had anticipated. Looking down at his member that seemed to still be stubbornly firm, one of her hands slowly left the edge of the desk and drifted towards it. Just as one of her fingers brushed the tip of it, however, she remembered how concerned she had been about being discovered earlier, and how loud her attempt at treating Gravus' condition had become. Swiftly she drew her hand back, resting it on her side as she looked back up at the dazed man before her. She had to do something for Gravus, but at the moment, she had to make sure their 'therapy session' did not become a problem for the other members of the Academy Team.

"G-Gravus," Celeste said, a sudden hard but nervous edge coming into her voice, "I-I think that's all the time I have to... talk to you tonight." With the man standing directly before her, she couldn't hop forward off the desk. Instead, she pulled her legs up underneath her so that she was once again kneeling on the desk before she began sliding back towards the door. "I know that you might still have things you want to d-discuss," she said as she reached the end of the desk and slowly brought her legs down to the cold wooden floor, "But I really should be heading to bed now. I-it's late, and I've had a busy day, and... and... I've... got a busy day tomorrow too!"

Standing up straight in front of Gravus' desk, Celeste clasped her hands before her and shuffled nervously, looking more like a student standing before a disciplinarian rather than the superior she was affecting with her speech. "Y-you should too..." she continued while awkwardly stepping back towards the door, "g-go to bed that is... Not with me though, by yourself!" Feeling like her words were rapidly dissolving into mere rambling, Celeste decided it was best to simply finish up the conversation and leave. "G-Good night, Gravus. I hope you have good dreams... and if you are still feeling... tense tomorrow, I can do... w-whatever it is you... need me to do." With that, she rigidly held up a hand and gave the older man a wave before quickly padding out of the room and shutting the door behind her, completely oblivious to her decidedly messy state.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Gravus gasped as Celeste reached out, fingers brushing across his member which twitched excitedly against her touch. "Hnnn... Uhhh... Wha?" he said, eyes going unfocused slightly as he watched her rise up onto his desk, though his gaze clearly centered onto her chest and the pearly liquid covering it. He managed to focus a little when she spoke next though, the note of concern waking him from his pheromone induced stupor enough that he glanced worriedly towards the door, but he quickly ended up watching her maneuvber off the desk and begin backing away towards the door.

"Uhhh.... R-right," he said as she crossed the room, "but, uhhh, yeah... Good... Good night. I'll... Talk to you some more... Tomorrow." He didn't even seem to know what to say to stop her from just walking out naked and covered in cum, however, and as such let Celeste go with little more than a concerned look and a return wave.

The door into his office closed softly, and Celeste turned to find.... Serina standing against a nearby wall, her arms crossed over her chest. To say that she looked angry was probably an understatement, and when Celeste turned she pulled away from the wall, arms falling to her sides while her hands balled into fists. She crossed the distance between herself and Celeste in a handful of strides that took less than two seconds, but stopped just within arm's reach. The blue haired, horned woman's eyes were literally glowing, emitting a vibrant blue glow that made the cum clinging to Celeste's breasts glow pearly against her pale skin.

"So," she said through gritted teeth, letting a pregnant pause fill the room for a moment. "So," she repeated, sounding even angrier, "how would you care to explain yourself, slut?"

It was, at that moment, that fate decided to be even less kind to Celeste. While Serena was confronting her, rage coloring the druid's face red, the door into the basement clicked and then slid open. A tired looking Andrew walked obliviously into the room, not ten feet from Celeste, and then stopped, did a double take, blinked several times, and then let his jaw fall open as his face turned bright red. The tall, handsome, dark haired man who mostly took care of keeping their humble headquarters clean stared wide eyed at Celeste's naked, cum coated frame, seed dribbling down her thighs and drawing a line over her breasts and stomach, all of her generous assets on full display. Serena ignored him, never taking her angry glare off of Celeste.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste shut the door as softly as she could, before slowly turning around with a sigh, only to suddenly gasp in alarm at the sight of the understandably enraged Serina. As the horned druid approached, Celeste shrunk timidly back against the door she had just closed, too surprised to even say anything, merely staring in fear at the glowing eyes that glared so powerfully it felt like their gaze might burn right through her. Celeste winced at Serina's two accusatory words, then squirmed at her venom filled question. Knowing she had to respond, to say something, she could only manage to blabber out a halting, "S-S-Serina! It-it's not what it looks like!"

Just then, Celeste heard the telltale noise of an opening door, followed by the ominous thud of approaching footsteps. Despite the rage on Serina's face, the trembling blonde managed to tear her eyes away from the demonic woman to see Andrew happen upon them, reacting the way many of the Academy students had when they managed to walk in on Celeste while she was changing. The thought brought a sudden realization to the terrified girl, and she quickly brought her hands up to cover her exposed body. The feel of her hands upon her cum-strewn breasts and crotch quickly brought an even greater revelation of humiliation to the young woman. Turning away from the man with a yelp, Celeste's first instinct was to run and hide, as if she could remove Andrew's memory so easily, but the still enraged druid before her reminded Celeste that there was simply no escape from this shameful situation.

Celeste looked up meekly at the glaring Serina, her body still pressed against the door and her hands still vainly attempting to cover her modesty, though a limp look of helplessness had overtaken her tenseness. "I'm s-sorry, Serina," Celeste squeaked, a slight shiver running through her voice, "Th-things got a little... out of control." Despite the situation, the bubbly drunk blonde still was unable to stifle a nervous laugh. It didn't last long under Serina's withering gaze, and Celeste quickly continued, "I-I had some drinks earlier tonight, and there was something I needed to discuss with Gravus. N-not this!" The shivering blonde quickly added a disclaimer to try to help explain things, though she could tell it wasn't really helping, so she nodded her head and quickly spoke up again. "So we were talking, a-and I didn't realize that... m-my body was having such a strong effect on him until it was too late... So I thought I should... t-take care of t-the problem that c-came up." By the end of her explanation, Celeste had devolved into a stuttering and blushing mess, though she managed to keep her eyes on Serina the whole time. She even forced herself to smile nervously for a second, in hopes that it might relieve some of the tension between them, though it faded quickly. Hopefully, Celeste thought, the demonic druid would understand her intentions well enough that they could defuse the situation.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Not what it looks like? Not what it LOOKS LIKE!?" Serina hissed, still thankfully containing her voice even if it did raise in volume a little bit. There wasn't much chance that Gravus hadn't heard them by that point though. Serina's hand rose from her hip and swiped across Celeste's breast, boldly gathering up a handful of the cum staining it and holding it under the blonde mage's nose, stretching the thick goo between her fingers. "What does this look like to you? Huh? What is it? It's fucking cum!" she spat angrily, and then simply pulled it to her mouth and smoothly cleaned her fingers in the span of perhaps a second, scowling even further.

"You think I don't recognize the taste?" she said, making the newly arrived Andrew do a double take at the brazen display. She stepped forward, and only a quick step back that had her back against the wall would ensure that they weren't directly pressing against one another, the glowing eyed druid scowling harshly all the while. Celeste's stuttering and desperate efforts to cover her nudity didn't earn her any mercy from the enraged succubus, and Andrew seemed unable to stop gawking long enough to remove himself from the awkward situation, especially as Celeste's pheromones were hitting him now nearly as hard as they'd hit Gravus only a few moments prior.

"So... What? You think because you were drunk, that makes it fine?" she said once Celeste's explanation was complete, obviously not having been calmed by it all that much. "Take care of the problem!? I'll tell you what the problem is... You think you can throw back some cheap wine, lead some other guy on with your... Overgrown tits and that slutty dress you were wearing, and then when you blow him off - or maybe you blew him too first - you can just come in here and fuck whoever you want!?"

Suddenly, dramatically, she reached up and tore open her blouse, sending buttons flying about, one of them pinging off of Celeste's nose and the other ricocheting over to Andrew and socking him in the eye, making him grunt in pain and clutch at it. Of course, he stopped that shortly when he saw Serina press forward, pushing Celeste back against the wall and forcing their breasts to pancake together. She didn't have nearly comparable size, but unlike Celeste she wore no bra but didn't seem to need it, her bosom firm and perky while still being soft. Her skin was darker too, olivine even, and Celeste caught a glimpse of dark nipples before they were pressed into her own soft, quivering flesh.

"See!? These are nice tits! Not those... Fucking udders you're sporting! I know what the REAL problem is... You think you're better than everyone else here, huh? Hottest bitch on the block... Just because you're the blonde bimbo with the perfect creamy skin!?" Serina blurted as fast as she could form the words, while Andrew just watched with one hand over his eye and the other clenched into a fist, his jaw still as close to the floor as possible and a raging erection visible from his robes. "First you go for Katy's man - not that that's hard - and now you try to take mine... Well guess what, you're not better than me! I'm TWICE the woman you are," her glare and glowing gaze intensified, "and I'll fucking PROVE IT too!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Despite knowing how tenuous of a position she was in with the demonic druid, Celeste was still taken aback by the enraged woman's sudden rebuke. The normally bubbly blonde simply shivered in fear as Serina rubbed her lie, and Gravus' cum, in her face. Celeste's stuttering explanation fell on deaf ears as well, the horned woman quickly shrugging off the rushed attempts. As the succubus continued her scolding, the cornered and humiliated blonde could only offer quick shocked replies.

"W-what? N-no!" Celeste cried, her voice cracking as she tried to deny Serina's accusations, "Overgrown? N-no I didn't blo-." The enraged succubus would have none of it, however, and furiously shred her blouse open before pressing herself against Celeste's cowering form. As Serina continued her furious allegations, the mortified blonde cringed at her tone, though each insult the druid hurled at her seemed to strike a nerve. Celeste's fearful expression slowly changed into one of sorrow and anger.

"N-No, that's not it at all!" Celeste whined, her voice growing in volume as she stood a little straighter under the assault. "I-I don't think I'm better! I just can't help what other people think!" Celeste grimaced, then continued, "I walk into a room to talk and suddenly some guy I just met is all over me! Standing up a little straighter, she pushed her chest against Serina's. "A-and every other girl is jealous that I get all their attention! I didn't have to try to take anybody because they came after me!" She nodded, seemingly satisfied with her response, then added, "S-So, whatever you think you're going to prove, is just you trying to make up for your lack of udders!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The farther back Celeste shrunk, the more ground the enraged Serina took, but as the bubbly mage finally started to stand up for herself it stopped the succubus short. She didn't back up or end her tirade, however, and even when Celeste pushed back and flattened their breasts together she still stood her ground. Of course, that meant they were practically nose to nose, and a distracting tingle began to rise from the tips of her breasts as they glanced against Serina's.

Celeste's final response earned a look of pure, unadulterated rage. Gritted teeth, eyes wide and glowing bright, nostrils flaring... Serina looked ready to slug her, and if the shaking of her arms, tremors rising through her to the point where they made contact, she was actively considering doing just that. It wasn't the sort of contest one often associated with members of the prestigious Crolian Academy, the greatest school of magic in the world, but then... This wasn't exactly the most sane of situations. Andrew, noticing how tenuous things were becoming, had the wherewithal to start edging away from the two of them.

Luckily, Serina didn't stoop to a physical contest, or at least not in that sort. For a moment she stood trembling against Celeste, rage flowing through her and making her blood race, but then she suddenly relaxed... And even smiled. It cost her a few seconds, but when she spoke next the fury had left her voice; "So... Men just jump at you, huh? And you think it's got nothing to do with how you act, and it's just your big, fat tits that I'M supposed to be jealous of?"

With that she suddenly pulled away, rounding on Andrew who promptly froze and looked like he would like nothing better than to be able to meld back into the wall, and when next she spoke her voice was a low purr; "Andrew dear... Come hither~" He froze, eyes going wide and face going redder, if that was possible, and stuttered; "Uhhhhh.... Uhuh... Uhm... Uhhh... B-b-but, uhhh, uh-uh-uh-uh... I've got... Some... Um... Stuff... To do!"

Completely unperturbed, Serina strutted over to him, bare chested and with a bit of the leftover cum taken from Celeste clinging to her skin, and by the time she was halfway there he had frozen and she had started emitting a very familiar sort of pheromones that were enough to make even Celeste light headed. "Oooh, but you don't have to do much of anything~" Serina cooed, and in a few confident strides she simply melted against him, raising a leg to press against his hip and calmly grabbing his wrists. "You just need to... Prove a point for me, hrm?"

Poor Andrew, if one could call a man in his position poor, stuttered and tried for a moment to pull away, but Serina grabbed his wrists and guided his hands to her body, at which point he seemed to devolve to instinct just like so many men that Celeste had encountered... Including Gravus only a little while ago. His hands closed onto Serina's backside, groping her soft flesh, and onto her breast, though there he quickly pulled away, his fingers covered in Gravus' cum and and a look of disgust briefly appearing on his face. Not even missing a beat, Serina grabbed his wrist again, having settled her hands on his body, and took his fingers into her mouth cleaned them, moaning softly as she did so. Andrew was instantly spellbound, just like when he'd seen Celeste naked for the first time, and she could see his erection poking out like a tent. He looked.... Big. Almost as big as the orc she'd "treated" earlier.

"Bu-bu-butttt um... I... I don't... Um... What?" he said, eyes going unfocused and half closing, and his groping of Serina growing more thorough in turn. "Mmmmm, I like that... Don't you?" she cooed, then moaned through her teeth and gave a slow, sensual writhe against him. It was much like what Celeste often did to men by pure accident, but Serina was doing it on purpose... And maybe even a little better. The succubus cast her gaze back to the bubbly blonde mage, eyes smugly half closed, "mmmm, wouldn't you rather be doing me than her? Aren't I... So much hotter~" Andrew's gaze flicked to Celeste, staring at her numbly with slack jaw for a moment, and then glanced back down at Serina. Then back to Celeste, and he mumbled; "Uhhh.... W-well, I... Uhm..."

Celeste had a moment to interject, to try and prove her counterpart wrong, but she would have to act quickly... Alternatively, she could simply dismiss Serina's insults and display and try to avoid any further drama and embarrassment, though whether or not the still drunk, still slightly horny, and now pheromone inflicted blonde could manage that was up for some debate. There was nothing physically or magically keeping her in that situation though, and the choice was ultimately hers.