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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

While Celeste considered her response righteous and justified, the look on Serina's face and the trembling of the succubus' body made the bubbly young mage's fear begin to redouble. At the same time though, the feel of the succubus' nipples shivering against her own sparked a blush in the mage's face. Even worse, Celeste found her body warming up at the knowledge of Serina's anger towards her, as though a part of her was enjoying it. Confused by these sudden feelings, Celeste merely watched as the succubus switched from seething rage to cold malice and turned to the flustered Andrew.

The sudden loss of Serina's body heat against her hit Celeste like a wave of cold water. She watched in surprise as the succubus began to flirt with the bewildered young man, then grimaced at Serina's indirect challenge. Though she had wanted nothing more that to flee in embarrassment earlier, the succubus' taunting flirts and succulent scent sparked a feeling of competition in Celeste. After seeing Andrew recoil from the semen that had come from her body, Celeste quickly ran her hands over her body, channeling a small bit of water magic into her hands to wash herself while leaving her form dry. Once finished, she took a step towards the two, her eyes locking on Andrew's, while she took on a comfortable but sexy pose, crossing her long legs at her ankles while she crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing the large orbs up and out.

"Andrew," Celeste called out sweetly, her voice laced with a power she had discovered after her encounter with the strange succubus at the Academy, "Serina is just toying with you." She stayed where she was, but kept her gaze locked on Andrew's eyes as she attempted to convince him to ignore Serina's flirtations. "She's acting like a jealous little girl, and you're not interested in little girls, right?" As she asked her question, Celeste bounced on her heels slightly, letting her breasts shake while she smiled at the young man. "You prefer grown women, right? Like me?"

Use Cleanse, followed by Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 41/47, Status = Fine

Resistance: Celeste wins.

With Serina throwing down the gauntlet, Celeste wasn't one to refuse a challenge, at least not of this sort in her current state. Her simple spell let her sweep the leftovers of Gravus from her body and left her flushed, pale skin practically glowing, and a step forward brought her almost within arm's reach of Serina and only a little farther than that from Andrew. Even as immersed in the woman wrapping herself around him as he was, however, Celeste's call drew Andrew's attention briefly toward her, and the moment he met her eyes an invisible outpouring of power wrapped around his mind. His eyes went wide and unfocused, and he briefly froze as the spell took hold, but then a dopey grin washed over his face and he swept his gaze over her body only to settle his eyes upon her jutting chest.

"Oooggghhh, uhhh... Y-yeah, definitely!" he said hesitantly, but offered only a glance at Serina as she shot Celeste a withering glare, and as the succubus was turning back toward him he pushed her away and stepped toward Celeste. Despite the druid's distressed outcry, he closed the short distance between himself and Celeste in a pair of steps and reached out, confidently grasping the bubbly blonde's offered breasts, one in each hand. His skin was fairly rough, more like the orc's than Serina's or Gravus' to the touch, but his initial groping was gentle, and he looked so eager that it might not have been surprising if he'd outright started drooling.

Cupping each breast, he raised them a little farther, admired them a moment, and then hummed while his thumbs flicked back and forth across her peaks, sending sparks of stimulation once more rushing up her spine. He was fairly tall, and even Celeste's slightly above average stature wouldn't let him do so immediately, but it was obvious from where his eyes lay, his eager stare, his heavy panting and the slight licks of his lips that he repeated several times that he was thinking about taking his lips to her bosom. "Hey! what are you doing!?" Serina protested, but Andrew seemed completely hypnotized by that point, and ignored her.

Either she didn't think to replicate Celeste's trick, or simply couldn't, and her temper was obviously flaring again as she watched in helpless fury as Andrew leaned down and flicked his tongue across one of Celeste's nipples, groaning with pleasure before sealing his lips over the pink crown and sucking heartily while his tongue made sure to taste every inch. The horned girl was apparently not one to give up so easily, however, and while Celeste was drowning in smug pleasure she dropped to her knees at Andrew's feet. The man stopped his attention as his pants were undone and fell into a pool around his ankles, "wha-hey! What are you do-hng... Uggghhh... Nnnn... Nnnnff..."

The moment his pants had fallen, Andrew's rod had popped free and risen. It was huge, easily at least a couple inches longer than Gravus' and a significant measure thicker, though Celeste had already seen one that was larger on the orc she had serviced. It was still impressive, however, and its darker flesh tones matched Serina's darker skin tone nicely but would surely prove an interesting contrast against Celeste's creamy skin. It sported quite a few pulsating veins, blood pumping through it in the midst of the man's arousal, and Serina had apparently figured out how to regain his attention as she grasped it around the base and silenced his protest by running her tongue along one of those pulsating veins.

"Mmmmmmmm, delicious~" she crooned, before kissing the side of his shaft and making him shiver anew. Whether or not Celeste would think to comment on her hypocrisy, Serina had most certainly countered Celeste's use of magic with her direct gambit, as Andrew was now staring squarely down at her with wide eyes as she lapped along the side of his shaft from the base slowly towards the tip. When she reached his head she slowly slid her lips over it and then simply descended, making Andrew tense as she gulped inch after inch until she was nearly to his base, barely more than an inch from where her fingers had retreated to form only a slight ring. "Ooooh!!! Fff-fuuuuhhhh.... Wow!"

Eyes wide, Andrew's hands on Celeste's breasts were now barely moving, and one even began slipping away from her as if to make for Serina's head. The succubus withdrew slowly, lapping all the way if the excited jumps of his shaft were any indication, and when his rod popped free of her mouth it was slick with the demonblooded mage's saliva. "See? I told you I was better than her~ She could NEVER handle a big cock like yours!" she declared confidently, now not even looking at Celeste as she began to lavish attention upon Andrew's manhood, slowly descending toward his balls. At that point Celeste could easily concede and avoid further entanglement in this, or even make some argument that she'd won given the desperate nature of Serina's gambit, but it was ultimately up to her if she wanted to try and beat the succubus at her own game again, and in her present condition anything might be possible.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As Andrew's gaze turned towards her chest and settled there, Celeste's smile grew, knowing immediately that she had easily proven to Serina just how men were drawn to her without her even needing to do anything. She bounced happily again, letting her breasts jiggle playfully while she turned to look smugly at the demoness. Andrew's quick steps towards her caught Celeste by surprise, however, and she yelped softly as the tall young man's strong calloused hands clasped her soft orbs. She stiffened at the sudden touch, but quickly relaxed as the man proved to be surprisingly gentle, shivering as his rough hands played with her sensitive skin. When he brought his eager mouth down to her chest, she reached up and wrapped her hands around his head, pulling her towards him as her eyes fluttered in pleasure. "S-See? This is what you want, Andrew," Celeste said, though she had meant it for Serina. "You can't get enough of-hey!"

Celeste cried in shock as Serina suddenly shoved her way between the bubbly blonde mage and the spell-stricken man, echoing his own cries of alarm. With one of Andrew's hands still clasped on her breast, Celeste looked down in astonishment as the demonic druid swiftly pulled down Andrew's pants. The sight of the spellbound man's large rod caught the blonde's attention for a moment, before she gasped as Serina quickly began running her tongue along it's thick length. As the demoness set to work on Andrew's member, Celeste turned to look at him with a hurt expression as he seemed to all but forget about her and her breasts. With a hand still on his head, she pulled him gently towards her breast again, though the man seemed to still be staring down at Serina expressing her tonguework. She pulled again, harder this time, though rather than force his mouth back to work on her nipple, Andrew's head instead fell into the cradle of her bosom. With the man still unresponsive, Celeste's expression began to grow sullen until Serina made her insulting comment. Angrily, she complained, "Th-that's not true! I've handled bigger cocks before!" Completely oblivious to what she had just said, the bubbly blonde glared down at Serina. Despite the argument they had been having earlier, and the fact that she could easily leave this lewd display behind, Celeste resolved that she would not let the demoness say such awful things about her without defending herself.

Sinking down to her knees beside Serina, Celeste ignored his manhood for now, but instead looked up at Andrew, her blue eyes open wide and an innocent expression on her face. "You don't really like nasty girls like that, do you Andrew?" she asked sweetly, her voice laced with power once again, "You prefer more demure girls, right?" As she said this, she leaned in towards his manhood, her lips brushing against his skin, kissing the side of his member softly. Though Serina was still the center of attention, Celeste knew her presence there would be affecting Andrew, and it would also stop the demoness from swallowing too much of his thick rod. She quickly began to flick her tongue across the underside of his member as she moved back and forth along the base. For just a moment, she pulled her lips away from his flesh, so she could ask, "Wouldn't you rather let me take care of you?" After saying this, she pressed forward again, this time wrapping more of her lips around the side of his rod as she slowly crept towards the head, her cheek pressing against Serina's territorially. She cast a quick glance at the demoness, full of competitive anger, before turning a sweet gaze back up to the awestruck man.

Use Charm again! No one can withstand Celeste's velvety tongue!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine

Resistance: Celeste wins by a landslide. 19 to 1!

When even burying his head into her ample cleavage didn't get Andrew to do more than pay the bare minimum of lip service to Celeste, the bubbly blonde's next resort proved as surprising as Serina's and no less effective. Watching her drop to her knees before him brought Andrew's attention right back to Celeste, and her immediate rival shot her a brief glare sideways before seeming to redouble her attention on the young man's rod. It was obvious that the mage that they were fighting over had an idea of his good fortune, and just as obvious that he had no desire to spoil it by speaking lest he dispel the situation somehow.

Of course, it was probably not quite right to claim to be "demure" when one was naked, on her knees, and pressing another woman for access to the shaft that she was sucking on, but Celeste's claim - and accompanying burst of magic - caught Andrew and took a redoubled hold of his mind. "Ohhh, sssshhh.... Nnnfff... Gods above!" He grunted softly, barely able to keep his eyes open while Serina was bobbing rapidly and Celeste was running her tongue along as much of his flesh as she could reach. Pure bliss was stamped across his face as the two worked, even as less and less of him was in Serina's mouth and more was left mostly untouched save the occasional flick of Celeste's tongue. He was hot and hard against her skin, the heady, musky taste of his rod overpowering even Serina's leftover flavor and leaving Celeste once more drunk on the increasingly familiar flavor.

Serina was forced to give ground, but she fought bitterly for it, making shorter, shallower bobs as she scowled furiously at Celeste. For about a minute she was able to keep Celeste from getting near the tip in her furious efforts to please her target even as Andrew shifted his hips slightly as if trying to point himself more towards Celeste than at her, and as effective as the succubus was with her oral attentions... "Nnnf... Ooooh! Why don't you - gah! Nnn... Give her a turn? We're supposed to... Gggfff... Share, right?" Andrew said, risking speech. Serina looked furious, and in a brazen move she plunged downward, buffeting Celeste out of her way as she swallowed as much of Andrew's cock as she could in one gulp.

Andrew's eyes flittered up into the back of his head, and a deep basetto groan rumbled out of his lips, starting in his chest and working its way out. She was trying to make him cum, her throat spasming as she swallowed repeatedly in an effort to claim his liquid gift for herself, but as she advanced it seemed that Serina had bit off a little bit more than she could chew. The succubus gagged, sputtering saliva onto Andrew's groin, and after another few centimeters she could take no more. She pulled back and off, coughing and leaving his pulsating, saliva slick rod pointed directly at Celeste's face, ripe for the taking while Serina was gasping for breath having only managed to take about two thirds of it in her desperate push. Andrew was panting and rock hard in the meantime, and likely didn't care who took their mouth to him, or how, by that point.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Despite Serina's glares, or perhaps because of them, Celeste pressed further in her possessive tonguing of Andrew's fleshy rod. At first she simply flicked her tongue quickly across the underside, but as she progressed farther up his shaft she began to trail her it longer and longer along the underside. At first, she was staring down Serina as they fought for control of Andrew's rod, but the more Celeste' senses were infused with his manhood, the more she began to relish in the lewd dance the two women were performing, and she shifted her gaze upwards, looking up at the young man lustily. Soon she began letting out throaty moans that rivaled Andrew's, the vibrations rippling through her lips into his member. When Andrew suggested that she and Serina take turns, Celeste looked up at him with a triumphant, and lasciviously excited, gleam in her eye, her lips pressing even tighter on his shaft as she thoughtlessly smiled around it.

Celeste's lust spawned moans were replaced with a sudden gasp as she felt herself pushed away from Andrew's rod. She looked at it sullenly as it disappeared into the druid's mouth, until the succubus fell backwards, sputtering and coughing. She looked at Serina with an expression of both dismay and sympathy, though when she turned back to Andrew and saw his member pointed squarely at her, she smiled drunkenly as she slowly began to move towards it. "I'll show you what I can handle," Celeste said as she proudly looked up at Andrew, the last word sounding slightly muffled as her lips made contact with the head of his penis while she placed her fingers gently on his crotch, using only her first fingers and thumbs to cradle the very base of his member and hold it in place. She took a moment to flick her tongue around the round bulb before bobbing her head forward, sliding her lips along his shaft while she looked up at him with an expression of indulgent abandon. After a few moments of this slow movement, she pressed her head towards his crotch quickly, taking his thickness into her mouth, lapping at the underside of it with her tongue playfully while her throat tightened around it. As she did this, she continued to look up at Andrew, staring at him blissfully while she moaned around his meat, prepared to receive his joyful release however he wished.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine

"I can't - ooooffff, fuuuuck!" Andrew replied, his quip cut off by a pleasured groan as Celeste's tongue rolled over his head and caused his cock to jump excitedly. He throbbed between her lips as she bobbed forward, and his face was a mask of pure bliss that undoubtedly only increased her excitement with the knowledge of how much pleasure she was providing. Serena recovered and shot her a jealous glare, but quickly moved to lap at the side of his shaft much like Celeste herself had been doing before the succubus' overestimation of her own abilities led her to losing the shaft. Raining kisses and licks along every inch of flesh she could, Serena pressing her cheek against Celeste's and jockeyed to try and urge Celeste off of his tip, no doubt to reclaim it and prove she could pleasure better than the bubbly blonde.

Celeste wasn't to be forced off of him once her lips around him, however, and Andrew groaned enthusiastically as the pair on their knees before him competed to provide him as much pleasure as possible. It was Celeste's efforts that were providing the most sensation, her lips sliding along his veiny rod and tongue flicking against his sensitive underside prompting his hand to reach for the top of her head, fingers lacing among her golden lockes as he urged her to take him deeper. "Ooooh shit! Nnnn! That's too good!" The recipient of her attentions kept up the vocal appreciation of her efforts, every new inch that vanished into her mouth only adding new nerves for her to stimulate.

Serina continued to trail her, running her tongue along the underside of his shaft where it wasn't wrapped by Celeste's lips, but the deeper she went the less her "opponent" had to work with. Andrew began to rock his hips back and forth, pumping lightly into her mouth in times with her bobs. Where Serina had failed to handle the man's entire shaft, however, Celeste had taken bigger even earlier that day, and as she got closer and closer to her fingers Serina started to run out of cock to play with. When Celeste finally let her lips meet his crotch, she was pushed back entirely and Andrew suddenly gripped her hair and let out a low groan, his eyes going shut as he tilted his head back. He throbbed once, twice, three times, harder every time, and then Celeste felt a blast of warm cream shoot down her throat.

Andrew's cum was exceptionally thick and sticky, almost jelly-like in its consistency, and she was made to swallow the first two shots entirely, one going straight down to her stomach and the next made to ooze down as he slid back out. The next landed mostly on her tongue and in her mouth, his salty cream leaving her with a light head and spike of excitement. He pulled out almost entirely and urged her to tilt her head back, and if her hands didn't set to it promptly Andrew's other hand would begin jerking himself off into her mouth, blasts of semen dribbling directly onto her tongue while Serina could only watch and give a jealous whine. Celeste would get the entire load, and where he hadn't quite managed the same length Andrew would deliver an equivalent amount of cum, proving a satiating meal for the blonde's pride as she made him deliver so much cum. Even after the full on blasts finished, continued stroking would cause his seed to ooze from the tip of his pulsating shaft for over a minute, hanging down in a thick rope if Celeste didn't make sure to catch all of it.

"Well that's no fair... I did all of the work!" Serina moped obstinately while Andrew, basking his afterglow, sighed and adopted a dopey grin, his eyes still closed.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As soon as her lips slipped onto Andrew's rod, Celeste let out a contented moan, nearly forgetting her competition as his taste suffused her senses. She bobbed up and down on his meat hungrily, eager to finish what Serina had started. The bubbly blonde turned to look with a bit of surprise when the succubine woman leaned in to lap at the side of Andrew's shaft, imitating her own performance. Immediately, Celeste felt a rush of irritation that Serina was still attempting to take her hard earned prize away from her. The feeling spurred her on to work even harder at pleasuring the man before her, taking more and more of his rod into her mouth. When Andrew's fingers clenched her soft hair, though, Celeste knew she had won, and looked up at the man with a triumphant shine to her eyes.

Celeste's eyes widened a bit when she felt Andrew pull her into his crotch, her surprise fading into joyful pride as she felt his member throb in her mouth. His warm release hit the back of her throat, and she instinctively swallowed, her body shivering as she stared up at him. As he pulled his rod out, leaving spurts of seed on her tongue, Celeste finally let out a soft sigh of pleasure, savoring the taste. Responding to Andrew's pull on her hair, Celeste tilted her head back as his member hovered over her face, closing her eyes and shuddering as his cum left a trail in her mouth. She shuddered each time one of the heavy drops collected on her waiting tongue, swallowing them and smiling up at Andrew. As the man's strokings slowed, Celeste took over for him, coaxing as much of his impressive amount of seed out as possible.

It was while Celeste was allowing a slow dribble of Andrew's seed to collect on her tongue that Serina whined next to her. At first the bubbly blonde smiled as she looked over at the annoyed succubus, though it wasn't long before she let go of Andrew's flagging mast and reached towards the woman. Grabbing Serina without a word, Celeste leaned in to kiss her, the last large globule of the man's cum sliding from the blonde's tongue into the druid's mouth. Celeste held the kiss for as long as she could, snaking her sticky tongue over Serina's and letting the woman taste the fruit of their labors. Eventually, though, the kiss had to end, and Celeste pulled away from the woman, still kneeling in front of Andrew, though now facing her.

"I'm sorry, Serina," Celeste said once again, her voice sincere as she bowed her head meekly, "I really am." Celeste paused for a second, looking down at her slick hands before looking back at the succubus. "Sometimes things happen, and for a long time I wanted to say it was because of what that succubus did to me, that she had changed me and I wasn't acting like myself anymore," Celeste licked her lips slightly and took a quick glance towards Andrew's member before turning back to Serina, "But I'm starting to think all she did was make me more open to acting on the things I really wanted." She thought for a moment, then continued, "It's like whenever something like this happens, I just lose all my control, I have to do it. Sometimes I can resist, which makes me think that maybe there's something I can do to fix it. But until I do, I'm really sorry, Serina."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine

"Aaahhh! Nnn... Nnnn... Nnn... Nnnn... Nnnn... Nnn... Nnn... Mmmm... Uhhnn..." Andrew's semen oozed from his tip in globs with every stroke of Celeste's fingers, falling onto her waiting tongue and coating her lingual muscle white. His dregs were enough to provide a pleasant mouthful even after his plentiful release, small samples of his cum being steadily pumped out of him by Celeste's regular strokes for nearly a minute. He kept mostly hard so long as her hands were wrapped around his shaft, and only began to go soft when she let him go.

Celeste's sudden turn to the pouting succubus took both other participants of their impromptu contest by surprise. Serina's eyes widened and she briefly went stiff as Celeste kissed her with an open mouth, her tongue carrying a copious amount of Andrew's seed with it as it went to engage hers. Her surprised gasp turned into a moan as the bubbly blonde's tongue gave its first roll across her own, and a heartbeat later her eyes fluttered and she leaned back into the kiss. Her tongue rolled eagerly into Celeste's, their lingual muscles coiling together in a wild tangle that left both playing enthusiastically in a pool of cum. The forward pressure had Serina's breasts pressing into Celeste's, their hardened peaks once more glancing softly against each other, and as Serina fell into the embrace she reached out and grasped a handful of Celeste's plump rear, kneading her soft flesh and moaning with succubine delight.

She made no effort whatsoever to break that embrace, leaving she and Celeste pressed together for well over a minute, swapping the last of Andrew's cum. The donor of that shared treat gaped in awe at the lascivious display, and where before his erection flagged after his orgasm, much like many men Celeste inspired to arousal, now he was heading steadily back to full mast. He was basically there by the time the two had to break the kiss in order to breath, both left panting heavily against one another. By that point Serina was more or less fully mollified, and she merely looked mildly surprised and highly aroused when Celeste issued her solemn apology.

"I... Think I understand now," She said, glancing down at Celeste's chest for a moment before directing her eyes back up with an obvious effort of will. Andrew, in the meantime, sighed and then grinned widely. "Ahhh, you see! Everything... Worked out fine. Now imagine what you two could do if you... Worked together!" He said, and Serina glanced over at him, smirked knowingly, and gave a quick roll of her eyes. "Yeah... Maybe like edge you for a couple of hours and then leave you hanging, how about that?" She said sarcastically, but then looked to Celeste with a more troubled frown while Andrew laughed nervously. A glance his way would show him edging back an inch or so, but his rejuevenated erection hadn't faded in the slightest.

"You say a succubus... Did something to you? Well, I can probably guess WHAT, but not... Specifically. It's... Fine. I guess I'm still a little mad, but I understand now... You're... Kind of hard to resist." Serina reached up and groped one of Celeste's breasts, kneading the soft flesh with a kind of expert deftness that left a shudder of excitement running up Celeste's spine... And a sliver of her essence fleeting out of her to feed the unnatural hunger that drove Serina. "I know a little something about impulse control problems too... I didn't come into my... Gifts... Until I was halfway through my Academy training. Imagine having to... To recharge the way that I have to every day, after nearly every lesson. Do you... Need to do the same thing?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste eagerly pressed her body against the unsuspecting Serina, thrusting her semen laden tongue against the succubus', her hands gently grasping the back of the woman's head. As Serina recovered from her surprise and began to return the kiss, Celeste sank into the woman, enjoying their embrace, the feel of their skin rubbing against each other, and the taste of her tongue and Andrew's cum. She had expected the succubine druid to push her away, but the sudden feel of hands on her bottom caused the bubbly blonde to jump, the movement rubbing their hard nipples against each other and sending another shudder of pleasure through the young woman. Enjoying the moment, Celeste writhed against Serina, until she could no longer breath, and pulled away, gasping for air.

As she gave her apology, Celeste shuffled uncomfortably, bristling under Serina and Andrew's combined gaze. The succubus' acceptance brought a wave of relief to the bubbly blonde and she laughed softly at her sexual banter with the swiftly recovering man. Andrew's nervous shuffle back caught Celeste's attention, though her gaze quickly fell on his recovered erection. She stared at for a moment until Serina reached forward and grabbed the busty blonde's chest, causing her to gasp and shiver at the sensation, as well as a sudden slight draining of her energy. As the succubine druid fondled her breast while opening up about her past, Celeste looked at her with sympathetically. "N-no," Celeste answered after a moment, "That d-doesn't seem to be part of my... con-condition." She paused a moment, shuddering at the soft but insistent groping, then added, "E-ever since I started t-to blossom, p-people, mostly boys, have been paying attention to me. I l-liked it, but I've always been told that g-good girls don't d-do those kinds of things. But ever since I encountered... her... it's become s-so much ... h-harder to deal with."

The bubbly blonde shivered and gasped as Serina's fondling continued, shuffling her knees beneath her as she remained kneeling on the ground. Despite the pleasure, she managed to turn and look at Andrew, her gaze shifting up to his face this time, and after a small sigh spoke to him. "I should a-apologize to y-you too, Andrew," she bit her lip as her gaze fell back to his crotch for a moment then shot back up to his eyes, "You got d-dragged into this so suddenly. I'm sorry."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine

"Mmmm..." Serina's palm didn't leave Celeste's breast, the succubus' fingers sliding one by one over the nub at its peak only to reverse direction and do it again. Little bursts of stimulation rushed up her spine, and little nibbles out of her essence left those little bursts magnified to maddening levels. Her other hand gave Celeste's bottom another soft squeeze before sliding slowly back up the boxom mage's body, fingers gently gliding along her side until it reached her floating ribs. Then she trailed inwards, moving slowly up the mount of her other breast and settling onto it, letting her thumb roll its pad over the blonde's other nipple to effectively double her stimulation. It was intoxicating, the sensations so much more than Gravus had been able to manage with his most enthusiastic efforts, and all because of the tiny sips that Serina took from her spirit.

Andrew, obviously fairly distracted, took a moment to even realize that Celeste had issued her apology, and even then he initially only managed a stuttered grunt. He was mostly hard again, and when she gazed back down at his stiff rod while nibbling on her lip his shaft jumped, pulsing with life. "Uhh-uh-uh-uh... I-it's okay! Uhhh... You can... Um... Make it up to me?" He stuttered hopefully, grinning in a manner meant to look friendly but appearing a bit more manic than anything else.

Serina rolled her eyes again, but then leaned forward and gently nipped Celeste on the neck, trailing kisses briefly up the side of her head in order to quietly purr into the mage's ear; "He's trying to get us to suck him off again~" She nipped Celeste's ear-lobe softly, "He doesn't seem to have much willpower... It's gotta be really bad for him, with both of us here... Going on full blast... In a another minute I bet it'll be unbearable~" Andrew had gone right back to gaping in the process of this, and even though she was rather unsubtly mocking him Serina's purred voice seemed to make him throb with readiness as he gaped down at both of them.

The succubine druid laughed and leaned back a little, though her warmth and weight still pressed pleasantly against Celeste. If the bubbly blonde mage hadn't fallen into that temptuous call or refused it outright and fled, Serina's voice would once more become comfortably conversational as she said; "I want to help you... And if Andrew is willing, he can be our little assistant~ You say you were... Visited... By a succubus, right? An actual demon? Well, you feel... Different. I think she left something inside of you, after she was done dining and your soul was weak presumably. I'm not sure what it is though, and to figure it out I'd need to look... Deeper." She ended in another sultry purr, giving Celeste little room to guess how she intended to do that, but ultimately Celeste's next course of action was up to her. They were still on the floor in the main room of their headquarters, with Gravus' office and the front door both quite nearby.

"But if you do want my help, we'll have to go elsewhere... Your room or mine, I don't care which. Andrew would just have to bunk with us for the night. I'm sure he won't mind."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Every time Serina's fingers deftly flicked Celeste's nipple, the blonde gave a slight yelp and shivered. She squirmed as the hand on her bottom squeezed, then tickled her side as it rose along her body to her other breast. Despite understanding what the succubus' draining was doing to her, each time her energy pulsed out, Celeste merely sighed softly as a wave of stimulation raced through her body. After the lewd competition they had just had, Celeste's body was rapidly warming up under Serina's attentions, the relief she had gained from Gravus already forgotten.

"M-make it up to you?" Celeste asked breathlessly, her arousal keeping her from understanding just what Andrew had meant until Serina softly whispered into her ear. "O-Ohhh" the blonde moaned, the sound signifying both realization and arousal. Once again Celeste found her gaze drawn to the man's erection, her mouth opening as she breathed heavily under Serina's ministrations. "Y-yes, terrible," she agreed with the succubus, her mouth curling into a mischievous grin as the thought. After everything that had happened in such a short period of time, the blonde mage was quickly forgetting her normal meekness and timidity.

When Serina suddenly laughed and pulled away from her, Celeste's body remained rigid as she turned to look at her, a small pout on her face. Her expression changed quickly though when the succubine druid made her offer, her face brightening into an ecstatic smile. The bubbly blonde's smile shifted slightly after Serina made the nature of her offer clearer though. Biting her lip, Celeste looked down at their entwined bodies, then over at Andrew again and his stiff member, before looking back to Serina. "I... I do want any insight into what happened to me that I can get," she said nervously, "But I'm worried that... giving into my urges will just... make it worse." Celeste fell silent for a moment, biting her lip again, before closing her eyes and nodding. When she opened them again, a glint of determination gleamed in her eye and she stated, "Yes, I want your help, Serina. I'll do it!" She then turned to Andrew and with a somewhat nervous tone, asked, "Would you be willing to assist us, Andrew? I'll m-make it up to you later, if you'd like." After his response, Celeste nodded, and turned back to Serina with a slight blush, "T-then, shall we continue this in my room? I'd rather not have everyone stumble on us like Andrew here did."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 5/47, Status = Hungry...

"It shouldn't be something that you're scared of. You won't be able to truly control it unless you understand it," Serina argued carefully while Celeste chewed her lip in indecision over her offer, though in truth her input apparently hadn't been needed to convince the blonde to accept her offer. The succubus grinned victoriously when Celeste replied with her decision, and Andrew tried - and mostly failed - to hide the eager excitement on his face. "Uhhhh, certainly! Uhhh, yeah, you can... Can pay me back later... Somehow," He said, the excited twitching of his member a clear enough indication of how he hoped she might do that. Serina rolled her eyes and climbed to her feet, letting out a mock blech at his antics. She helped Celeste to her feet, and didn't bother to close her blouse, instead simply tying it off so that her breasts weren't fully exposed. Andrew awkwardly pulled his pants back up, but Celeste had essentially no options for assuming any sort of decency on their trek upstairs.

"Yes, lets, before someone else wanders in on us," Serina replied, smirking knowingly at Andrew. Luckily, this time Celeste managed to go without being discovered, though Andrew made sure to let them go first and stumbled a good bit on the way up to the top floor, where Celeste's room lay. It was undisturbed from when she had last seen it, and Serina wasted no time in undoing the tie she had made and tossing her top aside entirely. Her skirt and a pair of lacy black undergarments followed suit, her clothes forming a pile on the floor in a brazen display that offered an uninhibited view of the druid's lithe frame. Andrew gawked, despite having had ample opportunity to view Celeste's more voluptuous frame, but Serina merely rolled her eyes and grinned at him. "Someone doesn't seem to understand the dress code... We'll have to punish him for that~"

She approached him, beckoning for Celeste to follow, and the two saw Andrew disrobed in short order. He was more muscular than most in the Academy, fairly fit even if he didn't quite match up with those looking to go into the battle-mages or those exchanging from an Eastern monastery to learn to channel their more esoteric powers. Serina took a moment to admire that physique, running her hands over his arms and abdominals in particular with an admiring eye, but soon lowered herself back to her knees and brought Celeste down with her. The two spent the next few minutes lapping at his shaft together, adoring it with lips and tongue while he groaned and twitched. Serina added some attention to his balls as well, and if Celeste joined her they would slowly stroke him while drawing on the hefty orbs.

"Mmmm, alright, enough just play," Serina purred, planting repeated kissed on the head of Andrew's pulsating meat, "lets move this to the bed... She's going to have to get pretty excited, so you're in for a long night~" Andrew would go over and lie down, and watch as the two crawled on after him to resume lapping at his rod. This time, Serina lent down and took him into her mouth, making slow shallow bobs, and then allowed Celeste to take a turn doing much the same. Then, however, Serina slipped a hand between Celeste's legs and began to slowly stroke her clitoris, rubbing the pad of her finger over the blonde's sensitive pleasure gem. Every burst of excitement let Serina drain a bit of her spirit, and the more of her essence she lost the deeper the succubus penetrated into her soul.

Serina's attentions on Andrew slowed, but didn't stop as she hummed thoughtfully while exploring the depths of Celeste's soul, and for the next few minutes things continued as such. "Oooh, don't let him pop... Not yet~" Their attentions would naturally slow as Celeste and Andrew both neared the height of arousal, the man throbbing with need while Serina kept Celeste from finishing him and thus herself. It was Serina's fingers that brought her to orgasm, when she was bobbing up and down on Andrew's shaft, and when they did the succubus naturally drew deeply upon her essence... And in the process, something happened. Something awoke inside of her, a distinct change in her very soul that felt like it had been long in the making. Serina gasped in surprise, and Andrew groaned louder than ever as Celeste felt the energies she had lost begin to replenish, not from herself as they naturally would be from the man in front of her... Channeled out of him through the pleasure she was inflicted.

Need unlike any she had ever experienced flooded her senses, the already intoxicating feel and flavor of the portion of flesh in her mouth and the pre Andrew was emitting so consistently only becoming more delightful to her senses. Something intrinsically different thrummed through her, a need beyond physical desire but tied to it directly, and she already had the satisfaction for it in reach. "Woah! What... That was... You're..." Serina stuttered, surprised, but all that Celeste could think of at that point was achieving satisfaction. The only choice immediately before her would be whether she finished Andrew with her mouth, or chose to do something more...

(As discussed, Celeste gains Inherent Succubus and Manifested Succubus at no XP cost. You may choose the two Succubus Powers now.)
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Despite Serina's advice, Celeste couldn't help but feel afraid at the idea of what she was about to do. Ever since her encounter with the succubus at the Academy, she had felt these strange new urges. They were slight at first, quick flashes of excitement at being seen in a state of undress, or breathless curiosity when a teacher requested to see her after class alone. These slight lapses in composure were easy enough to ignore or explain away at first, but it only became more difficult with each passing day. By the time she request her mission in Acheron, Celeste found herself eagerly anticipating what naughty predicament she might be placed in that day while at the same time nervously hoping she had the will to resist whatever lewd thoughts came to mind. The long trip to the newly demon-controlled city was long and perilous, but the busty blonde found it strangely relaxing, finding the roads through Badaria almost devoid of temptations, and she had even begun to forget their siren call. When she reached the city, however, Celeste found that her urges had not only returned but had intensified tenfold, a fact not helped by the lascivious nature of many of the citizens or their intoxicating pheromones. And now, after everything that had happened in the short time after entering the city, Celeste knew that she had to do something to bring this side of herself under control, no matter how much it scared her. As Serina said, understanding it was the key, and with that in mind, the young mage walked determinedly along with the succubine druid and the lustful young man back to her room.

As determined as she was though, Celeste was still relieved to walk through the door to her room without her nudity being witnessed any other members of the team. Quickly, the young woman ushered her two 'helpers' into the room and shut the door before letting out a soft sigh and leaning against it weakly. Even having agreed to her help, Celeste was still taken aback by Serina's boldly open disrobing. For a moment, she mimicked Andrew, gawking at the druid's slender form, but quickly giggled at the woman's smirking threat and helped to remove the man's clothing. As his robes fell to the ground, Celeste blushed at the man's athletic form, her eyes slowly roving over his body, though just as she reached out to touch him, Serina's hand on her shoulder brought the young mage back down to the floor. She stared at the man's member for only a moment before she leaned forward to begin lapping at it, it's taste and texture spurring a wave of heat through her body. Unlike before, there was no competition with Serina this time, and Celeste eagerly shared Andrew's rod, taking cues from the druid and matching her movements, moaning as she pressed her lips and ran her tongue back and forth along his shaft, then ducked down to kiss at his large orbs. When Serina stopped their act in order to move over to the bed, Celeste bit her lip and followed, crawling along on her hands and knees and then up onto the bed, before quickly pressing her lips onto his shaft once it had stopped moving.

It was while Celeste was dipping her head with her lips halfway down Andrew's rod when Serina first began to rub at the blonde's lower lips. Her eyes grew wide at the unexpected sensation and she moaned around his meat. It took a second for her to recover from the stimulation and return her attention to the man in her mouth, finishing the plunging motion and then drawing back from his rod with a soft pleasurable sigh. She bit her lip as she watched Serina now take her place on Andrew's shaft, then shivered as she felt the woman's fingers playing with her clitoris. Each time the succubine druid sent a wave of stimulation racing along her spine, Celeste shuddered and moaned, her eyes fluttering as her hands on Andrew's legs began to clench tightly. As the blue haired woman began to focus on drawing out the busty mage's soul, Celeste focused more and more on Andrew's member, lavishing ever more attention on it and relishing it's hot rigidness on her tongue. She whined briefly when Serina told her to slow down, but dutifully acquiesced, while at the same time began to struggled to keep from sliding her own nether lips harder against the woman's fingers to quench her own heated desire. It was only a few more moments before Serina finally drove Celeste over the edge, however, and her body quivered with pleasure as her lips clamped tightly around Andrew's member, her tongue lapping at his head feverishly.

In that moment, in the middle of her orgasm, Celeste felt a wall inside of her come tumbling down. Like her body, consumed in the throes of pleasure, her soul shivered as desire and enjoyment washed over her, her hidden self suddenly revealing itself to her in an avalanche of sensual awareness. Energy suffused her, the energy of pleasure, Andrew's pleasure, flowing into her through her lips and tongue from their contact with his fleshy wand. Her orgasm began to fade, and the muscles in her arms and legs clenched stiffly one last time before relaxing all at once, but her soul was still wound tight. She wanted more, she needed more. She sucked on him eagerly, feeling his pleasure pouring into her mouth and into her soul, and instinctively knew that his pleasure was hers. His enjoyment was her sustenance, and his orgasm was her ecstasy. She was a predator of lust, and he was her prey. Completely ignoring Serina's surprised gasp, Celeste pulled her mouth off Andrew's member with a gasp and looked up at him, her eyes heavy lidded with arousal before suddenly pulling her legs underneath her.

Still staring into her prey's eyes, Celeste drew herself up, towering over the man as she positioned her dripping flower over his meat. Without wasting time, she let herself sink onto his member, her lips quivering as she felt a wave of stimulation spread from her still sensitive folds. She paused for just a moment to let out a soft yelp, this one wave of pleasure feeling almost as incredible as all the ones that had preceded her orgasm combined, before she began to bounce up and down excitedly. Her sheath clamped down on his rod, sucking on it almost as strongly as her mouth had as she reveled in the pleasure. She brought her own hands up to her breasts to play with her nipples, the hard nubs seeming even more sensitive than ever. Still staring down at Andrew, she gasped for breath every time she bounced against his crotch. Hungry for as much of his energy as she could get, she held onto the one thing Serina had said before her explosion of need had hit her, "Don't let him pop... not yet." A small part of her soul reached out and clamped like a vise on Andrew's member, preventing his orgasm and drawing out his enjoyment for as long as she needed to fulfill her own hunger. Finally, Celeste felt herself nearing another orgasm, this one looming over her like a tsunami. As it came crashing down on her, she released her hold on Andrew, allowing him to experience his own meager orgasm, while she cried aloud and shuddered uncontrollably as her cleft clenched around his member.

(Celeste gains Energetic Foreplay and Deny Release.)
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47/47, Status = Fine

"Oooh! Uhhhnn... Fuuuu...!" He might not recognize the transformation that had taken place in Celeste, but the busty blonde's more vigorous bout of sucking certainly earned a lot of vocal appreciation from Andrew. His metaphysical essence flowed freely into her, channeled through the sensitive portion of flesh she had between her lips with the pleasure she inspired as a catalyst. Every kiss, lick, and sucking bob allowed her to draw forth another portion of delectable energies, and where before she had taken enjoyment from the taste of his body and fluids alone, now she was able to taste her partner in an entirely new way.

For the next few moments Serina simply kept back and watched, unsure of what to do it seemed, but when Celeste drew her lips away from Andrew - earning a frustrated groan - and mounted him - earning an excited one - the succubus gasped in surprise by then smiled. "Oh yeah... First time's always the best... Go ahead and enjoy it!" She purred, moving to lay beside them, and Celeste wasted no time in taking her unnecessary advise as she began to vigorously bounce up and down in Andrew's lap.

His thick tool filled her more than any partner she had had, or at least any she had had since arriving in Acheron, and that girth only allowed her tight folds to grasp and stroke him all the more powerfully in their velvety embrace. Andrew groaned loudly with pleasure, planting his hands on her hips while Celeste started riding him, his own hips rising to meet her motions naturally. His essence flooded into her, sweet filling ambrosia, and the harder she moved the more of it she drained from him, and the more it sparked her hunger in turn. She felt a greater meal waiting beneath, a truly delectable morsel to assuage the need suddenly burning as bright as her lust, both stoked by her actions as Andrew's rod sent waves of pleasure blasting up her spine.

Serina let a hand settle onto his sack and began to knead the orbs, encouraging them to prepare the physical meal Celeste's body was about to take. Celeste felt her join in feeding on him, but she still took the vast majority of the energy flowing out, and she felt Andrew approaching his peak mere moments later. His grip on her hips tightened, his member began to throb, but she latched onto her "teacher's" earlier command and sent out a tendril of power, coiling around Andrew's spirit and causing him to stiffen. A desperate groan escaped his lips as the pleasure shot up but the satisfaction of his peak was denied, but through that desperation she felt herself able to siphon off greater portions of Andrew's soul. It was a rush, a sampling of pure bliss that only served to spark her arousal higher, made her fingers on her chest and his cock pulsating inside of her feel better than ever. For over a minute their hips clapped together, Andrew desperately seeking to reach his sweet release and Celeste denying it to him, all while she ascended to heights she had never before imagined and drank deeper and deeper of his flagging essence.

Finally, however, her physical body matched her spiritual awakening, and when she reached her orgasm Celeste would release the hold and let Andrew find his. Her tendril had barely uncoiled before he blew his load into her clenching depths, his gasping grunt coming from his mouth while a spurt of hot, thick cream came from his rod as it was buried to the hilt in Celeste's pussy, the glorious sensation of being filled physically amplifying her orgasm. As explosive as his peak might have been, her own surged beyond it, flooding Celeste with pleasure unlike any she had ever experienced before. While Andrew emptied his balls of every drop they had left into her folds, she emptied his soul of every drop of energy, and then her essence coiled around something more, something firmer, something that was strong but crumbling and promised an even greater meal.

And then, Serina stepped in. Power lashed her feasting tendrils away, or at least some of them, allowing her to take a delectable taste but not anything more, not the thing she craved. Andrew's soul was spared, however, and Celeste would realize as much as she came down from her orgasm a subjective eternity later and the connection to Andrew returned to its former levels. The man practically collapsed beneath her, utterly spent, but Celeste could still feel his body wearily trying to move, his lips forming incoherent babble at a whisper between gasping breaths. He still make weak thrusts up into her, his member trying to soften but unable to so long as she was wrapped around him, even with his every drop of energy gone and his load sloshing around inside of her, oozing out around his manhood.

Serina giggled softly, giving Celeste's rump a soft smack. "Yup, you definitely emptied him out... I bet it was the nut of his life too~ And probably yours... For now. Don't worry, you'll learn to control it, the feeding... The hunger. It's hard at first, but you'll learn."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste had never felt pleasure like this before. Time had lost all meaning to her, as she felt herself doused in a haze of lust that grew thicker with every pulse of stimulation that shot through her body. Each time she slid up Andrew's length then bounced down into his lap, every inch of her inner folds erupted with arousal. Her smooth skin tingled from the sweat beading along it, the cool air bringing a rush of shivering excitement, while her fingers squeezed her sensitive orbs and tweaked her nipples. Despite the overwhelming physical stimulation, it was her newfound spiritual euphoria that drove Celeste to new heights of bliss. She could feel Andrew's soul slipping into her, nourishing her in a way that she had never felt before, it's taste intoxicating and delectable beyond belief. Every passing moment more of it sped it's way into her being, feeling more orgasmic than anything previous. Everything besides these sensations faded away from her existence, until it was only her body and spirit, exulting in bliss. And there was more, she could feel it. A small core of energy that she knew would dwarf every sensation she had experienced so far. She had only to reach for it...

Celeste gasped as she felt a sudden shock of spiritual energy strike her. The world faded back into her perception as she felt her incredible orgasm dying down. Underneath her, Andrew gasped and twitched like a floundering fish, while Serina looked up at her with a smirking grin. Looking down at the man, Celeste suddenly realized how thoroughly she had given into the lure of spiritual indulgence. Andrew continued to thrust weakly underneath her, while Serina giggled at the situation. The succubine druid's smirking reassurance softened Celeste's concern. "Y-yes, it felt... indescribable..." she said, biting her lip as she softly rolled her hips, her inner folds still sensitive to Andrew's weakening member inside her. Biting her lip, Celeste shuddered as one of the man's soft humps managed to draw a swift pulse of sensation out of her, then slowly moved until she was kneeling next to him. "I almost went too far though," she said with a soft look at Andrew, bringing a hand to rub at his cheek as he moaned in his barely conscious state. "Thank you... for stopping me," she said to Serina, though she remained focus on the weakened man.

"Control it," Celeste repeated Serina's words, nodding softly. "I do need to learn how to control it. I suppose that it's going to take a little more... practice," she said, biting her lip timidly as she grinned mischievously at the succubine druid. She shifted her hips nervously as she felt Andrew's warm seed seeping down to the bed. "Wh-what do you think we should do now?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47/47, Status = Fine

"Almost... You probably gave him the orgasm of his life though, and I'll bet you've found someone you can practice control on whenever you want~" Serina replied teasingly, reaching out and smoothing her fingers through Celeste's golden hair. "Don't worry about it... We can call it even," She added after the bubbly blonde shifted off of Andrew.

The demonic druid sidled up next to Celeste, crawling over Andrew carefully in the process, returning her mischievous grin. "You will~ The first time is always the most intense, but it never gets old... Feeling that rush... Feeling someone flowing into you... The satisfaction~" She slowly prowled up to the newly awakened succubus, leaning against her, bright blue hair glancing against Celeste's pale skin as she pressed against the blonde once more. Her last statement was delivered with her lips less than a centimeter from Celeste's, and they closed that distance and pressed into a hungry kiss as soon as her last words were said. She had opened with head tilted and her lips wide, no teasing nibbles or light nips coming first but her tongue giving a few soft flicks against Celeste's lips before moving to once more explore her mouth with slow, sensual swirling motions.

Serina maintained the embrace for a few seconds, pressed tightly against Celeste, before slowly breaking the kiss and smiling at Celeste, settling her arms around the blonde's waist. "Controlling it will come quicker than you think. It's an instinct, a drive; you can regulate it naturally to get some self control. Eventually it'll be like eating too much or sleeping for too long, you just won't even think about it. If you want, we can try to get some sleep and practice a little on Andrew when he wakes up... I bet he'd like that... Or we could wait a bit longer... Oooorrr~" She grinned widely, leaning in and shifting slightly so that their peaks once more rolled against each other, the nubs glancing and sending spikes of pleasure across Celeste's body. "We could try a lesson a little bit sooner... Just the two of us!"

Whatever Celeste's response was, the hour was growing late, and while her body might still be on a hormonal and metaphysical high the fatigue was beginning to build up.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Her new mentor's teasing brought a blushing smile from Celeste as she meekly turned her face as the druidess smoothed out her hair. With the two women kneeling on the bed next to the comatose Andrew, the bubbly blonde looked down sweetly at the man as Serina described how she had just felt, slowly turning to face the woman as she slid closer. Despite her recent awakening as a succubus, Celeste was still surprised by the horned woman's sudden kiss, pulling away slightly at the kiss, only to surrender to is as Serina pressed further. At first, she was scared, but as the blue haired succubus' tongue flicked around her lips and mouth, the young woman closed her eyes and tentatively began to respond in kind.

As Serina pulled away from her, Celeste breathed in sharply before casting her eyes down shyly at the woman's grin. Her gaze was drawn back up when the woman began explaining how her newfound hunger would begin to temper itself. She giggled softly at the idea of "practicing on" Andrew, though as Serina pressed their bodies together and suggested having a private lesson, Celeste stopped short. Though this had all happened rather suddenly, and she was indeed rather tired, the young mage found her scholarly instincts piqued at the enthusiastic proposal. She had read about how demons fed on the life force of humans, and had already experienced both sides of the phenomenon personally now. But, she wondered, what would happen if two demonically modified humans interacted with each other. Would they feed on each other? Would her soul be drawn into Serina at the same time as she fed on the druidess'? Would their souls mingle in the middle and part? Or would they simply bounce off each other like opposing fields of energy?

"Th-that lesson sounds very... interesting," Celeste said, biting her lip nervously, sliding a hand from Andrew's sleeping form over to Serina's waist. Despite her fatigue and everything she had just been through, the young mage simply couldn't resist the offer to learn more about her new demonic appetite. "H-how should we...," she started softly, before trailing off awkwardly.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47/47, Status = Lewd

"Interesting?" Serina purred, quirking an eyebrow as she pressed herself firmly against Celeste, laying a hand on Celeste's hip in turn while the glancing battle of the tips of their breasts picked up in intensity."Only... Interesting?" She sighed, warm breath passing over Celeste's lips moments before they pressed together once more, engaging in a long, passionate kiss that Serina did not break with any degree of swiftness. Slowly, Celeste was pressed back, gradually pushed until she was lying on her back, and though she had started their latest meeting with pure hostility Serina didn't let their lips separate once while Celeste ended up lying back.

Andrew watched them in a daze, his member twitching, trying to revive with the aid of the alluring sight and heady pheromones in the air but unable to come back to life when he was so completely drained. Serina, however, was still near full stamina, and only laid atop Celeste for a few long moments, kissing her and grinding a knee between the blonde's legs while their breasts pressed together. She broke the kiss, grinning at Celeste, and cooed; "Well... First..."

Serina let her sentence trail off, slowly sliding down Celeste's body in the meantime. She began trailing kisses when she reached the mage's collar, and paused at her chest to pay homage to the crown of one ample mound with lips and tongue before continuing her tail down Celeste's body. She crawled backwards, hips wiggling in the air, until she was kissing her way towards the blonde's cleft, and this time she didn't wait long. Her lips pressed against Celeste's lower ones, and her tongue explored, tasting a mix of Celeste and Andrew while sending bursts of pleasure up Celeste's body. Though Andrew might have hit her every sweet spot by way of sheer length and girth, Serina could do it with her tongue in a far more direct and accurate manner, and she showed as much by tying Celeste in knots with deft flicks of her lingual muscle.

The druid succubus didn't feed, however, and didn't let Celeste cum under her attention either. She left Celeste on edge for over a minute, teasingly pressing the mage towards her peak with regular bursts of attention towards her clit before backing off, only to pull away entirely and lap the excess release away from her lips. "And now..." She shifted, sliding her legs along Celeste's until they were intertwined, sitting back and pressing tightly against her. Their sexes ground together, pleasure once more exploding through her body, but when Celeste's hungry essence reached out to feed it became intertwined with Serina's instead. The physical sensations of their bodies pressing together were soon overwhelmed entirely by the metaphysical ones of their spirits writhing against one another, an embrace that was one part dance and one part battle between two ravenous predators.

Serina controlled it, letting her own spirit take more than nibbles and allowing Celeste's to take no more than that in recompense. They fed on each other in the middle, in the void between their two souls, unable to reach deeper but still fueling ecstasy like nothing Celeste had ever imagined possible. Feeding was pure pleasure, pure bliss, and the addicting quality of it became readily apparent as even through the pure pleasure she could only hunger for more. The temptation to devour, to consume any soul she could, burned brighter by the minute, and though she might be in an ecstatic haze a part of Celeste would surely recognize that that addiction would only grow perpetually stronger. It would require temperance, patience, discipline... All things that were hard to think about when one was naked and rapidly being rubbed to orgasm.

She and Serina came together mere minutes later, bliss magnified a thousandfold as physical and spiritual ecstasy overpowered her mind entirely, their essence cracking and briefly molding together as they united in purest pleasure... For the first of what would be several times. Serina was an enthusiastic teacher, fully enraptured by her own demonic "gift" as she instilled in Celeste a clear picture of what it was like to be a succubus. Constant lust, the desire to take advantage of any opportunity to satiate her need, would be things she would have to live with, and Serina was incredibly thorough in explaining as much in the most effective and intimate manner possible... Well into the night, until both collapsed in satisfied exhaustion.


Celeste awoke in a tangled pile of limbs, wrapped around Serina and Serina wrapped around her. They were both naked, of course, and Celeste was sporting a mild headache and fairly extreme thirst. Her mouth was dry as a bone... At least until she turned and saw Andrew, also unconscious, barely covered by blankets, and sporting a full erection. Morning wood induced by pheromones or not, the sight for some reason left the mage's mouth watering, her thirst pushed to the back of her needs as her body responded to her spirit's new need. Serina's eyes fluttered open, saw the same sight, but then darted back to Celeste. She started smiling nervously, waiting for Celeste to react in some way to their... Predicament, before she did anything herself.