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Jun 15, 2009
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While the Range Roads cut through them and they end abruptly at the Shoreline, the forest is deep and thick surround Peiquok. Small glens and clearings, as well as sloughs and ponds can be found on occasion, and hiking, biking and horse-riding trails are carefully maintained by several of the town's residents. Once in a while, one can find more overgrown, less well advertised trails leading through the woods... There is also an old, huge, rightfully condemned building hidden away beneath the dense foliage...
Re: Woods

Melissa cautiously makes her way down the trail, not wanting to get too close to any of the heavier overgrowth. After a few minutes of walking, she turns back to Rosie and asks, "How far?"
Re: Woods

"Not too far," Rosie replies, nodding and seeming more hopeful the closer they get.

Awareness Checks
6+6 vs 8, Success
9+3+2 vs 8, Success.

Tugging on Melissa's hand a moment later, Rosie points to the branches lining the path... something glistening seems to be spread between them for a good several feet on either side. It doesn't look like dew-water on spider-webs, either...
Re: Woods

Melissa looks back and forth at either side of the forest, growing increasingly worried as she realizes the extent of strange substance. Reaching back she grabs Rosie's hand and says, "Run!" before charging as quickly as she can down the path, trying to avoid the branches as much as possible.
Re: Woods

Melissa 8+6 = 14, 7+6 = 13
Slime 1 11+3 = 14, 6+3 = 9
Rosie 5+6 = 11
Slime 2 6+3 = 9

Slime 1 Grapples Melissa
7+8 vs 15, Graze, +2 to next grapple attempt

Slime 2 Grapples Rosie
7+8 vs 13, Success.

Dissolve Check
8+6 vs Rosie's 13, Success. Rosie's clothes are now in tatters.

Dodging through the trees, Melissa feels wet glops of the clear, viscous stuff brush her face and arms, though nothing manages to stick. Rosie, on the other hand, gives a cry of shock as she's snagged a moment behind Melissa. "Oh god, get off of me!" she exclaims, struggling, then gasping as she finds that the slimey stuff is literally eating away at her clothing. The more she struggles, it seems, the faster her clothing falls to shreds...

Health 70/70, Energy 56/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 27/45

Slime 1
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold -- (Amorphous, Slimes cannot be grappled or stimulated)

Slime 2
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --
Re: Woods

Melissa flinches away from the goopy liquid, trying to keep running, but stops short at Rosie's scream. "No!" she yells as she turns around. Quickly heading back towards the girl, Melissa once again hesitates to fire the rifle. 'Fat load of good this thing is doing me' she thought, before turning it around in her hands to grip it by the barrel, so that she could swing it like a club at the gel covering Rosie.
Re: Woods

Melissa attacks Slime 2
8+6 vs Slime 12, Hit. 8+5=13 damage.

Slime 1 grapples Melissa
7+8+2 vs Melissa 15, Success.

Dissolve Check
2+6 vs Melissa's 15, Miss

Rosie escapes Slime 2
7+6 vs Slime 14, Failure

Slime 2 positions Rosie for erotic attack
5+8+2 vs Rosie 13, Success.

Dissolve Check
7+6 vs Rosie 13, Graze. Rosie is now pretty well naked.

Slamming the butt of the rifle into the slime, Melissa finds that most of it oozes around the stock, though some of it splashes away with the force. Luckily, her attack doesn't hit Rosie, who is biting her lip as more of the clear stuff coats her and continues to disintegrate her clothing. Both embarrassed and terrified by her naked captivity, the woman struggles to get out of the slime's grip, but finds herself partially suspended from the gooey strings that anchor the bulk of the slime to the trees. Melissa feels warm, wet glops of the stuff landing on her back as she swings at the slime attacking Rosie, and realizes that she's going to be in a similar state all too soon. A tingle where the slime lands on her lends a sort of fizzing sensation, though her leather jacket isn't yet affected....

Health 70/70, Energy 56/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 27/45

Slime 1
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold -- (Amorphous, Slimes cannot be grappled or stimulated)

Slime 2
Health 42/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --
Re: Woods

With a grunt, Melissa struggles to get away from the gooey strands of slime. "Hold on... Rosie," she mutters, swinging her arms back and forth to try and dislodge herself.

(escape grapple)
Re: Woods

Melissa escapes grapple of Slime 1
7+8+2 (Determined) vs 14, Success

Slime 1 grapples Melissa
5+8 vs Melissa 15, Miss

Rosie escapes Slime 2
8+6 vs Rosie 14, Graze, +2 to next escape attempt

Slime 2 erotic attacks Rosie
5+8 vs Rosie 13, Graze. 13/2 = 6 arousal

Managing to free herself from the slime that's been dropping on her, Melissa keeps a watchful eye and manages to keep any other clumps of the stuff from hitting her... Rosie, heartened, struggles harder and manages to snap some of the anchoring lengths of slime, getting a more solid grip on the ground... then gasping and dropping to her knees. "Wh... why are they doing this?" she groans, shamed even as the flush of her body and hardness of her nipples are revealed and augmented by the sliding slime.

Health 70/70, Energy 56/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 45/45, Arousal 33/45

Slime 1
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold -- (Amorphous, Slimes cannot be grappled or stimulated)

Slime 2
Health 42/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --
Re: Woods

Shrugging away from the dripping globs, Melissa gets closer to Rosie. "I don't know, just keep fighting!" With the slime dripping in strings from the trees, Melissa realizes she might have a clean shot. Aiming the rifle for one of the thicker strands connected to Rosie, she fires, hoping to sever it completely.

(attack slime 2 with rifle)
Re: Woods

Melissa attacks Slime 2
9+6 vs Slime 12, Hit. 24 damage

Slime 1 grapples Melissa
6+6 vs Melissa 15, Miss

Rosie escapes Slime 2
9+6 +2 (Graze) vs 14, Success

Slime 2 Erotic attacks Rosie (Sticky)
7+8 vs Rosie 13, Hit. 15 arousal, Rosie is peaking

Melissa takes aim at the blob surrounding Rosie, firing a shot from the rifle that makes the whole slime convulse. Rosie manages to use that moment to wrench herself free of the slime and take a step (well, a kneeling step) away, readying her own rifle. She freezes though and lets out another desperate moan, "It... still inside me..." The rifle slips from her grasp as her hands move between her legs, trying to either wipe away the clinging slime or to touch herself and get off, Melissa can't tell at the moment.

Health 70/70, Energy 56/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 42/45, Arousal 45/45

Slime 1
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold -- (Amorphous, Slimes cannot be grappled or stimulated)

Slime 2
Health 18/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --
Re: Woods

Melissa steps forward to grab Rosie, then backs off when she sees what the girl is doing. Unsure how to help, Melissa takes aim again at the slime in the tree, hoping that maybe killing it would free Rosie from it's influence.

(attack slime 2 with rifle)
Re: Woods

Melissa attacks Slime 2
10+6 vs Slime 12, Hit. 7+15 damage. (Slime Cohesion: Slime is not defeated until both its health and energy are drained)

Slime 1 grapples Melissa
7+6 vs Melissa 15, Miss

Rosie attempts to escape slime
8+6 vs 15, Miss

Slime 2 erotic attacks Rosie (Sticky)
6+8 vs Rosie 13, Hit. 18 arousal. Slime forces Rosie to orgasm. (-20 energy, stunned for the next turn, arousal falls to half of threshold)

Firing the rifle, Melissa finds that the anchoring strings that are loosely attached to Rosie splatter, leaving the slime puddling on the forest floor and slowly trying to regroup. At first it sounds like maybe the cop has somehow hit the other woman, given Rosie's almost pained sounding cry... though when Melissa looks down, she can see that Rosie isn't bleeding, nor does she seem to be injured, necessarily. The slime coating her is barely visible, most of it gone given her earlier escape... but Rosie is collapsed on the ground now, panting and shivering still. "Oh... oh god... it's not stopping," she pants, curling on her side and biting hard at her lip, but otherwise appearing unresponsive.

Health 70/70, Energy 56/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 4/45, Arousal 22/45

Slime 1
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold -- (Amorphous, Slimes cannot be grappled or stimulated)

Slime 2
Health 0/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --
Re: Woods

"Rosie?" Melissa asks, kneeling down next to the girl. She wraps an arm around her shoulder, then begins running a hand across the slime covered parts of her body to wipe off as much of the substance as she can. Holding the trembling, orgasming, girl suddenly makes Melissa feel embarrassed. A blush passes over her face as she at first hesitates, then reluctantly brushes her hand over the girl's crotch. "C-come on, Rosie. We need to leave."

(help Rosie escape Slime 2)
Re: Woods

Melissa helps Rosie escape slime 2
5+8 vs 15, Miss

Slime 1 grapples Melissa
12!+6 vs Melissa 15, Success (+2 on rolls and defense next turn)

Dissolve Check
11+6 vs Melissa 15, Success. (Melissa's clothes are now in tatters. What is with this slime and the crazy-good rolls?)

Rose is stunned this turn

Slime 2 erotic attacks Rosie (Sticky)
4+8 vs Rosie 13, Miss.

Things aren't looking so good. Rosie is biting so hard on her lip that she's drawing blood; never the less, she manages to keep from thrashing or really even bucking her hips as Melissa does her best to help... even if it looks like she's helping the slime more than she is Rosie! The woman gives a strangled moan, eyes clenched closed as she does her best to fight for consciousness and clear-headedness. Melissa, on the other hand, feels more wet weights drop to her shoulders as the remaining slime on the branches descends on her. In a matter of moments, those weights become much more perceptible as her leather jacket and the shirt beneath that are chewed away by whatever the slime uses to dissolve garments...

Health 70/70, Energy 56/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 4/45, Arousal 22/45

Slime 1
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --

Slime 2
Health 0/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --
Re: Woods

"No! no!" Melissa yells, letting go of Rosie and thrashing about. Bits of cloth fly off in her struggles and her leather jacket is pitted with holes. letting the rifle fall to the ground, Melissa brings her arms and begins yanking on the sticky substance.

(escape slime, use 10 energy for +2 to roll)
Re: Woods

Melissa escapes Slime 1
7+8+2 vs Slime 14+2, Success

Slime 1 positions Melissa for erotic attack (Counts as a second grapple that enables the 'sticky' effect to take place, even if most of it has been removed from her body.)
9+6+2 vs Melissa 15, Success

Dissolve Check
4+6+2 vs Melissa 15, Failure (Melissa's clothes are still in tatters)

Rosie escapes Slime 2
6+6 vs 15, Failure

Slime 2 erotic attacks Rosie (Sticky)
5+8 vs Rosie 13, Graze. 15/2=7 arousal

Melissa struggles to throw the slime off of her, and manages to get most of it off... however, some of it has slithered across her body, tattering her pants and undergarments along the way as it presses more firmly against her, seeking entry between her legs and ass cheeks. Some of it even manages to slip into her, making it much more difficult to simply scoop and fling off. Rosie, still whimpering, has gotten back to her knees, curled over as she tries to remove the slime that's still within her. She casts a desperate look Melissa's way, quite aware that if they're trapped out here, it's not just going to be impromptu, twistedly kinky sex that they're going to wind up with. "We're almost at the.... nngh, the altar... maybe if we get there..." She realizes that she's having a lot of trouble simply gripping the slimy creature within her, so digging around is probably out of the option.

Health 70/70, Energy 46/60, Arousal 0/60

Health 60/60, Energy 4/45, Arousal 29/45

Slime 1
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --

Slime 2
Health 0/55, Energy 34/40, Arousal Threshold --
Re: Woods

Melissa grunts as she tosses away the bulk of the slime, then twists and gasps as the smaller portion manages to slither it's way past her folds. Her hands fly down between her slightly parted legs. Melissa gently tries to cup the intruding substance with her fingers and toss it away without rubbing against her own sensitive parts, though it is difficult. "The... the altar... mmm," she manages, casting a glance at Rosie. "Yeah... let's go." With some effort, she pulls her hands away from her crotch, one gripping the rifle, the other taking hold of Rosie, before she stands and attempts to lead her away.

(try to escape the area with Rosie, if we can, otherwise escape grapple)
Re: Woods

Rosie checks Mind
9+3+2 vs. 14, Success.

"Nnngh... okay... Grandpa said that..." Rosie's words are broken up by panting breaths while she tries to speak, "That you have to touch the altar with bare skin and think about goin' into it somehow. Like flying in your mind..." She looks back at the two slime creatures advancing on them, "We've got to hurrry!"

(( It will take 2 successful Meditation checks to activate the altar. You'll get a bonus to the check for being Collected and your Determination will help counteract the penalties for being slimed while you attempt it. Rosie will also be able to make attempts. But while you're meditating you won't be able to take any other combat actions. The slimes will continue to attack. ))
Re: Woods

"O-okay," Melissa says, leading the girl by the hand, not completely understanding the instructions. When the two reach the altar, she pushes the girl forward against it. "Hurry! Use it!," she said, urgently, trying to ignore the tingling sensation between her legs. At the same time, she places the flats of both of her hands against the altar and tries to imagine sinking into it.

(attempt to use the altar)