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Would really like to post links, bumping up my post count

Re: Would really like to post links, bumping up my post count

I would like to see more people be conservative with their outrage. If someone makes 15 posts all within a day, but they actually thought about how their replies fit each topic, people shouldn't be upset, because even if they are 'beating the system' to (usually) advertise themselves, they're not spamming, and they're not bots.

However, most I run into are indeed spammers. And my general rule is, I will go through every one of your 15 posts and if it's generic bullshit or a worthless necro, I delete it, and if that's more than half your posts, I'm also deleting your post with the link you wanted to share, and will continue to do so until you're at a genuine 15 posts
Re: Would really like to post links, bumping up my post count

Whys it 15 anyway? That number seems so random, if its to stop bots wouldn't 5 be sufficent?
Re: Would really like to post links, bumping up my post count

Bots have actually had the ability to just completely replicate posts that have already been done in the thread to seem more human. If I recall, the posts always had some added link in there, but I'm not totally sure that was always the case, so it's not inconceivable for bots to bypass.
Re: Would really like to post links, bumping up my post count

I'm a bot. A sex bot. Lets make it 20 and each post has to be a paragraph. :p
lol jk. But the 20 thing should be standard.
Re: Would really like to post links, bumping up my post count

I'm a bot. A sex bot.

Well, get to it then. You ain't getting any ram for free.
Re: Would really like to post links, bumping up my post count

You better provide ghtz, because I'm not cheap.

Eh, too expensive, I'll let my devilmaid take care of my needs.