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RPG RPG Maker NTR [やさぐれ喫煙所] クベルの首枷病 (The Curse of Kubel) (RJ255342)

Kagura literally has no order for their games, nor do they have reliable updates or any of the sort. And to make matters worse they have literally 20+ projects at any given time. I am convinced at this point their strategy is just to cover most of the western release market for these games and secure as many as they can at the expense of having people wait forever for a translation to come out and just use a program like VNR with a hook patcher in the end because they can't wait anymore. Its a bit sad really.
Kagura literally has no order for their games, nor do they have reliable updates or any of the sort. And to make matters worse they have literally 20+ projects at any given time. I am convinced at this point their strategy is just to cover most of the western release market for these games and secure as many as they can at the expense of having people wait forever for a translation to come out and just use a program like VNR with a hook patcher in the end because they can't wait anymore. Its a bit sad really.
Did you actually readed what you posted, you are acting like they are redistributing water in desert, they have no monopoly in translation projects, anyone can pick them up, you can argue that they bite more than they can chew, but in no point they owe you something, they are basically only "company" who does translations seriously, you posting here, but not on their official, proves that you even don't pay for their work, in the end your just salty, because you have to wait for translations to wank off, you are pathetic.
Let's settle down before it turns into an argument.
Dammit Darkfire, how am I suppose to eat this popcorn now?

Jokes aside, and excluding all the disappointing ad hominem from the last few posts, in their defense Kagura games has at the very least, so far, always deliveries on their promises. Given they're a company, they actually have to care about their image somewhat, unlike fan translators that can drop a translation at a hint of boredom on their part. The only downside to them picking up a multitude of projects is that they can cockblock fan translators. After all, no translator wants to work on a title that already has competition, there's 10,000+ eroge out there an simply no need for translators to fight over one, no matter how enjoyable a title it may be. Still, Kagura games has delivered, so right now it's currently not a matter of if anymore, but when the game will be finished. The game's on steam too, so there's some good hype on the H game.

I'll try to update the OP when the English translation comes out to better reflect what we truly know of the game. I'm super pumped to read this NTR novel, though I have a feeling it's going to be treated like a nukige NTR title given it's detachment from the male protagonist being incapacitated, even if we do see flashbacks of their love.
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Dammit Darkfire, how am I suppose to eat this popcorn now?

Jokes aside, and excluding all the disappointing ad hominem from the last few posts, in their defense Kagura games has at the very least, so far, always deliveries on their promises. Given they're a company, they actually have to care about their image somewhat, unlike fan translators that can drop a translation at a hint of boredom on their part. The only downside to them picking up a multitude of projects is that they can cockblock fan translators. After all, no translator wants to work on a title that already has competition, there's 10,000+ eroge out there an simply no need for translators to fight over one, no matter how enjoyable a title it may be. Still, Kagura games has delivered, so right now it's currently not a matter of if anymore, but when the game will be finished. The game's on steam too, so there's some good hype on the H game.

I'll try to update the OP when the English translation comes out to better reflect what we truly know of the game. I'm super pumped to read this NTR novel, though I have a feeling it's going to be treated like a nukige NTR title given it's detachment from the male protagonist being incapacitated, even if we do see flashbacks of their love.

Yes, no offense to Kagura Games. I do admit it's a good move to take advantage of being the only official translators for H games, and it may just be pure coincidence but I've noticed that the race for H game translations have died down since they popped up. Like you said, why work free on this fan translation when this official translation will pick it up and be quicker about it? It does kinda suck that m1zuki who translated NTR games like NTRPG2, Amor Academy, Imouto Misaki and etc. retired, he was a good translator.
Indeed, and I suppose a benefit to freelance translation is that they don't have to obey any censorship practices unless they use crowdfunding or patreon support platforms (Some people did regardless. but they disappeared afterwards heh). Even official companies that were forced to censor did workarounds though like Sekai project, hopefully this kind of freedom persists.
I actually get their strategy, they probably have more than 1 team working on 2 or 3 projects of different lenghts, that way they always have 1 or 2 game sto release each month while the bigger games are worked on.
Look, there was no malicious intend behind my comment. All I'm saying is Kagura picks up 20+ projects and doesn't organize their translation projects based on the size of the game or when they picked it up. You can have games that literally come out 4 - 5 months after they have been announced. Meanwhile there are projects in limbo for almost a year.

And yea, there are tens of thousands of Japanese HRPGs and VNs out there, the issue is though that Kagura picks up a lot of the decent ones and announces them very early, turning off potential fan translators from wanting to TL them while keeping the people looking forward to them waiting. Im glad there is a group out there doing TLs professionally, but like many of you already said, they often bite more than they can chew (at least when it comes to timleiness of the releases). That was all I was saying.

Don't get me wrong. Im not some malding internet goblin who sits in his basement 24/7 looking for these games. I have a life too, so I only drop in to see whats happening every once in a while when I find the time and have some time off. But generally the impression I got is that these projects are moving a lot slower than game translations in other genres. I guess its due to the fact that some TLs even in Kagura aren't translating full time. But ultimately, it's kind of weird being in their discord and seeing (currently) 21 (!) threads for "upcoming games", 4 of which I can btw. recognize at a glance that are games whos translation has been announced long before Kubel (this game here) was, and yet this one here is coming first (not that Im complaining about that specifically, Im just trying to make a point). And Kubel is one of the longest games out of all of them from what I can tell.
Just complete a "Pure" run today, ended with only 6 Lewdness.

Man, the feeling when you see Magietano's sadistic side as she took revenge on that monkey...it's feel so rewarded. I just hope the author at least gave us a complete happy ending if you don't have sex/masturbate at all (except the one unavoidable during the intro). Tried to complete the run without having sex with that monkey/masturbate about him but still have to watch Magietano gave birth to his child...not fair at all!
The only time when my lewdness went up from 5 to 6 was because let her feel horny 40 times during the dungeon. Could have been offset with using Mint at 19 Horniness, but I didn't know that until I got an Unforgettable Memories :( .
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You should probably spoil that last comment for ending spoilers. And that's partly why I said the last ending/full lewd ending you could get is the best ending in terms of satisfying ending.
You should probably spoil that last comment for ending spoilers. And that's partly why I said the last ending/full lewd ending you could get is the best ending in terms of satisfying ending.
I'm sorry, my bad. Look like some mods helped me put that into the spoilers. Thanks mod!
I know the full lewd ending is the best in term of logic/fairness, but poor Magietano, she was a completely innocent girl before this incident...
The game has been translated to English by Kagura Games, it's up on their website as well as their affiliates. I've linked it in the OP.
Look, there was no malicious intend behind my comment. All I'm saying is Kagura picks up 20+ projects and doesn't organize their translation projects based on the size of the game or when they picked it up. You can have games that literally come out 4 - 5 months after they have been announced. Meanwhile there are projects in limbo for almost a year.
It's not that simple as "picking something up" - they are an official company so they have to sign a deal with the original developer. Some of those deals probably specify a time-frame in which a game have to be released which is why some projects take priority. Then they have to consider marketing, PR, etc.
They announce stuff as soon as they sign the deal with the developer but this doesn't mean they are working on the game at all. They also use steam to promote their upcoming games so this probably affects release schedule too.
It's not ideal and they should probably announce stuff when it's being actively worked on but it's hard to complain when they are the only company that's bringing us uncensored games with good translations...
It's best to not get excited about their announcements at all. After all, they never specify release date so we can only be mad at ourselves for getting hyped...
It's not that simple as "picking something up" - they are an official company so they have to sign a deal with the original developer. Some of those deals probably specify a time-frame in which a game have to be released which is why some projects take priority. Then they have to consider marketing, PR, etc.
They announce stuff as soon as they sign the deal with the developer but this doesn't mean they are working on the game at all. They also use steam to promote their upcoming games so this probably affects release schedule too.
It's not ideal and they should probably announce stuff when it's being actively worked on but it's hard to complain when they are the only company that's bringing us uncensored games with good translations...
It's best to not get excited about their announcements at all. After all, they never specify release date so we can only be mad at ourselves for getting hyped...
This does make sense I guess. But yeah, I've also learnt to keep my hype to a minimum while checking their new game releases. I do wish they sometimes share some update on whats happening at least though.

Back to Kubel, from what I'm hearing so far it seems like people have been reporting the KG release had some bad bugs and their recent patch didn't help much. So they're working on a v3 patch now which hopefully would resolve those issues.

Edit: Patch v3 is out for Steam version which should fix more of the syntax error problems. They'll focus on any remaining syntax error issues first before trying to look into another issue some people are reporting with cut-off text boxes later this week.
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I personally find it hard to complete ending D. Normally I'm fine with NTR and mind break etc. but halfway through the h scenes I was feeling really awful for the protagonist especially when the antagonist started exploiting her mental state and made her confused over her feelings about him. They spend a bit of time building up her character and seeing it change into something else is rather sad. If anything it makes me want to get ending A (even though I was dumb and checked out spoilers) which I normally wouldn't do because of lack of interest after getting all the h scenes in a game. This is really one of those things where if I wasn't reading a properly localized script I probably wouldn't have cared at all.
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Ironically, Ending D is the only ending worth getting if you truly feel bad for the male protagonist, the girl is ruined with the unavoidable rape
And the unavoidable pregnancy from said rape that's only apparent in Ending A
as one would expect given the lack of choice in the prologue.
Yeah it's pretty messed up that's how it ends up but "ruined" would be the incorrect term to describe her. I don't mean to go off on a tangent here considering we're talking about a porn game meant for a specific fetish here and I don't mean this as a personal attack but it would be thoughtless to think of anyone as "ruined" if they were a victim to a situation and fate like that not to mention the implications on their descendants regardless if they were planned for or not.
I suppose it depends on where you stand on a moral level. The end goal for all life is to reproduce however, or rather, to pass on your genes. In by allowing your rapist to plant his seed and perpetuate his line, you've done him the ultimate satisfaction regardless of his demise. When good man do nothing, evil prevails. Sometimes the hard choice is the right choice, even at the cost of dignity and forsaken lives.