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ACT [幻奏黒夢館 / yomitim] 楽園魔城リピュアリア2 / The Paradise Fortress of RePure Aria 2 (RJ242008)


Nov 29, 2014
Reputation score

Latest Version: 1.25

Japanese DLsite:

English DLsite:

Japanese Main Product Site:

Unofficial Translation thread:

Description of Game, taken from :

This is the sequel to;
The Paradise Fortress of RePure Aria

The story is independent of the previous work but the characters
and world settings have been carried over into this work.
(Can be enjoyed as a standalone product or even more so as a sequel.)


Erotic Pixel Art Action Game
Male Protagonist (with crossdressing / feminization themes) + Monster Girls
- May contain some abnormal elements (pixel art)

Genre and Description:

Genre is Platformer with a little Action and tons of RPG.
You can equip up to 2 monster girls, who have different abilities, who are randomly given, when you collect them.
Hentai content consists of a few achievable screens with the main three princesses and some of the lesser cast, but primarily the game is sprite sex/reverse rape.

The red bar in the upper left is the HP bar. If it get to 0, you die and restart at the latest savepoint where you had saved.
It can be restored with potions, at the red interactable red 'streams' or in a hot spring.
The blue bar next to it is the 'armor bar'. You can only take on the female forms, as long as it's not empty. If it gets empty, you will be returned to the naked male form.
It can be restored via the yellow dots next to it through pressing "S", at the green 'wells' (who are mostly next to save points) or in a hot spring.
The hot springs also restore the contracted monster girls HP.
Their HP bars are below the arousal&semen circle.
With the yellow dots next to the blue bar you can restore you blue bar and thus, return to the girl form.
You loose the blue bar first, before any damage gets to the red bar.
You loose it through monster attacks or if you jump into the electric streams.

There are two bars in a circle in the upper middle.
The left one is the arousal bar, it get increased if you are naked and stand near a monster girl and get decreased when you are in a hot spring. You get a H scene, when the bar is half filled (to the line) and you touch a monster girl.
The right bar is the semen bar, it get decreased after a H scene with a monster girl or with masturbating and get increased in a hot spring. If the bar is empty and you get in a H scene, you receive damage.
You can only get the contracts with the monster girls, as long as the right bar is not empty.
Next to the white bar there's a green animated coin, the number next to it is the amount of money you have.
You need money for the shops, restaurant and the monster girl trainer.

The hot springs are either separate rooms or are in the open world, the greenish water with the steam.
The blue water only slows you down.
You can also drown, killing you instantly, indicated by a new bar appearing at the middle left, right below the character portraits.

Sometimes monsters are dropping items. Some will be collected automatically, while others you need to press 【↓】to collect them, like the potions.

You can save at the with crystals, either manually with [Q] and then save or by pressing either [Z] or [C] which saves automatically in your last saved spot.
The manual save with [Q] and then save is useful if you want a save-game before every boss.
Just remember that you need to manual save in a different savefile, otherwise it will be overwritten by pressing [Z] or [C] when you want to save at a crystal after the bossfight.
Safest way is to manual save your game in like spot 2, then manual save again in spot 1, so you don't overwrite your savegame in spot 2.

There are a few shops in some areas, where you can buy potions and milk, which restores the white bar.
Also, in some towns there are restaurants, who give a time limited buff.

This game also features hidden walls you can pass through, like in the previous games.


【Z】 Attack (Only possible when in girl form)
【C】 Examine
【S】 Transforming (available for story progress)
【Q】 Open the menu
【X】 Command Attack

【← →】 move
【↑】 or 【A】 jump, wall jump
【↓】 crouch, go into the door of the back

【C + ← or →】 Dash (Available in story progress not possible in naked state)
【C · C】 Press twice (Can be used in the story progression special transformation. Only during dressing)

【V】 Long press zoom out
【B】 Long press zoom in

【SHIFT】 Map display mode switching (possible only in the place where the map is displayed)

There are other keys that you use when acquiring special items or monster girls with special abilities.


Dot/Pixel, Feminized, Monster Girls, Transsexual, Orgy, Animal Ears
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Holy shit that OP is thorough. Good job!
here goes being totally loss on those maze of maps, i fucking love metroidvania.

also no news for the actual release ?
here goes being totally loss on those maze of maps, i fucking love metroidvania.

also no news for the actual release ?

This time the game has a quest log that tells you what to do and where to go, and you will have a red dot on the screen and map telling you where to go,
Planned for March, but might be out a bit earlier or later than that.
This time the game has a quest log that tells you what to do and where to go, and you will have a red dot on the screen and map telling you where to go,
Planned for March, but might be out a bit earlier or later than that.

Oh thank God for that, I love the series but everytime I drop the game and try to play it again like a week later, the confusion is huge!
You should add the male_protagonist tag. I guess animated is used more than animation? I'll change my thread's tag then.
Going to need you to provide more in the way of gameplay description.

Oh, and a reminder to others: Discussion in this thread will be deleted until the OP is up to standard.
Going to need you to provide more in the way of gameplay description.

Oh, and a reminder to others: Discussion in this thread will be deleted until the OP is up to standard.
I... I think you're being too brutal regarding those standards. The description is taken from the official product page where the devs are trying to give just enough info on the game to incite player interest.

To me personally this is enough info to know if I'm interested in the game or not.

Erotic Pixel Art Action Game
Male Protagonist (with crossdressing / feminization themes) + Monster Girls
- May contain some abnormal elements (pixel art)
As somebody who's never once touched this game, playing the demo for about twenty minutes told me there are way more mechanics than what the description in the OP is saying. Just a few examples:
  • OP talks about a naked state, but doesn't elaborate on it. I've noticed clothes coming off when transforming, and it seems to tie into losing all of your blue bar, so it clearly is a bigger mechanic worth expanding on.
  • Speaking of blue bar, I don't even know what all those gauges are on the top and OP doesn't talk about it at all.
  • I'm seeing a ton of different interactable stuff on the ground. A few I got after playing through the game, like the silver crystals being save points, but I have no idea what stuff like the hot spring do. Absolutely none of them were explained in the OP.
  • I found shops later on in the demo. No idea what they're selling.
  • All the playable characters I've seen have some unique mechanics on their own. I'm not saying you have to go so far as to talk about each and every one of them, but it'd help.

And this is completely ignoring the fact that there's clearly a lot of dialogue in the game, meaning there's plenty of story to actually talk about. This is by no means me saying that the OP was written without any effort, but this clearly has a lot more going on than just "platformer with ero content".

Also, this

To me personally this is enough info to know if I'm interested in the game or not.

is not the only purpose of an OP. The OP is supposed to inform the reader about the game enough so that they understand on a basic level what to do with the game. As somebody going in blind, the OP failed to do that.
Going to need you to provide more in the way of gameplay description.

Oh, and a reminder to others: Discussion in this thread will be deleted until the OP is up to standard.
As somebody who's never once touched this game, playing the demo for about twenty minutes told me there are way more mechanics than what the description in the OP is saying. Just a few examples:
  • OP talks about a naked state, but doesn't elaborate on it. I've noticed clothes coming off when transforming, and it seems to tie into losing all of your blue bar, so it clearly is a bigger mechanic worth expanding on.
  • Speaking of blue bar, I don't even know what all those gauges are on the top and OP doesn't talk about it at all.
  • I'm seeing a ton of different interactable stuff on the ground. A few I got after playing through the game, like the silver crystals being save points, but I have no idea what stuff like the hot spring do. Absolutely none of them were explained in the OP.
  • I found shops later on in the demo. No idea what they're selling.
  • All the playable characters I've seen have some unique mechanics on their own. I'm not saying you have to go so far as to talk about each and every one of them, but it'd help.

And this is completely ignoring the fact that there's clearly a lot of dialogue in the game, meaning there's plenty of story to actually talk about. This is by no means me saying that the OP was written without any effort, but this clearly has a lot more going on than just "platformer with ero content".

Also, this

is not the only purpose of an OP. The OP is supposed to inform the reader about the game enough so that they understand on a basic level what to do with the game. As somebody going in blind, the OP failed to do that.

I've updated the game description.
Is it alright now or did i missed something?

You should add the male_protagonist tag. I guess animated is used more than animation? I'll change my thread's tag then.

I don't want to add tags who are not on the DLsite ones.
Looks like it won't be released at the end of this month, but around 2 weeks later, according to the dev's site and Twitter.
Well, I don't mind to wait longer and be spared a second disaster like Fallout 76... :D

◆ Progress status: There are a lot of corrections of bugs and mistakes and sudden specification changes.
I may postpone it for a while. (Probably around two weeks)
Postscript: We applied for the DLsite advance notice. We did it in late April, but we hurry as much as possible.
thank you for your comment.

I am very sorry for the place you are waiting for, but because it is a thing that is made over time
Because I want to put out in the state with the margin as much as possible ...
Please wait a little more. I'm sorry.
This guy is the example that poor pixel art with "style" is good enough to make a decent hentai game.
I can't wait!
Not sure why this isn't in the "Games under Construction" section...
Not sure why this isn't in the "Games under Construction" section...

Games that are currently being supported by Patreon/Enty/other membership-exclusive based models and are in active development belong here as well.

This game has neither, you can only support the dev by buying the game on DLsite.
I was discussing with other people in a different thread about where to post it and we decided that I should post it here.
And since both the mod and the admin posted here and they didn't moved it to the GuC section, I think it was alright?
So when this was originally moved back to the H-Games section, it wasn't decided that the GUC section would contain all incomplete games at that point. So you were correct that it should've been moved over here at the time. But we're still trying out different ways to organize the place, and we recently switched over to moving all incomplete games over there. So at this point, it should be moved over now.

Long story short, you didn't do anything wrong. I just haven't moved all incomplete games over to that section yet. Moving the thread now.
it looks like using the monster girls adds attacks and you can mix and match does anyone have a list if what they all do? also it looks like you can increase the monster girls love meter anyone know what it does at 100% ?? oh sorry if it already says what all this does as of now only one of my eyes is working 'right'
So when this was originally moved back to the H-Games section, it wasn't decided that the GUC section would contain all incomplete games at that point. So you were correct that it should've been moved over here at the time. But we're still trying out different ways to organize the place, and we recently switched over to moving all incomplete games over there. So at this point, it should be moved over now.

Long story short, you didn't do anything wrong. I just haven't moved all incomplete games over to that section yet. Moving the thread now.

Ah, that explains it.

it looks like using the monster girls adds attacks and you can mix and match does anyone have a list if what they all do? also it looks like you can increase the monster girls love meter anyone know what it does at 100% ?? oh sorry if it already says what all this does as of now only one of my eyes is working 'right'

No, there's no list, because the abilities the monster girls get are randomized.
The abilities that changes something (like changing your attack, masturbation, etc.) are shown in a different color.
The love meter seems to do nothing as of right now, since I cheated a monster girls love meter to a high amount and I saw no difference.
Ah, that explains it.

No, there's no list, because the abilities the monster girls get are randomized.
The abilities that changes something (like changing your attack, masturbation, etc.) are shown in a different color.
The love meter seems to do nothing as of right now, since I cheated a monster girls love meter to a high amount and I saw no difference.

is the boy the only one that gets masturbation? and does coming on some things do anything?