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Yoshiiki's meh drawings.


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
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Yey, first thread made by me...

For some reason I mostly don't share what I drew. Don't ask me why, I have no idea xD
Maybe it's lack of clothing on most of those? Maybe excessive bodily fluids on some of those girls? Maybe both? :eek:

Anyway I decided to stop keeping those to myself and share :D
And here I give you this incomplete, vampire girl that I am working on atm.

I will post it in more complete state later.
But first I need to redo all mistakes that I spotted just now xD

Yeah, add base color and realize you forgot to add something xD
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Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Looks nice, I'll keep watch.
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Thanks! :D

As lineart is done all that is left is to add more colors, shadows and stuff like that :D
And complete silhouettes in the background (blue~ish tint for those should be fine xD).
Current progress
Oh... imgur changed big one (yeah, img is a clickable link xD) from png to jpg... That's not nice >_>

I have no idea what color her hair/eyes should be >_>
Too sleepy to complete this now xD
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Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Perhaps a pinkish purple for her eyes?
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Perhaps a pinkish purple for her eyes?

And some light color for hair? That sounds nice... I should note it on the pic itself so I won't forget xD
Though, I dunno when I am going to finish it >_>

I actually forgot about this xD
Though, I don't think I will have enough time to finish it.
For now it's going to be as it is, with eyes and hair not completed :/
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Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

And now something different, because how much naked girls you can draw? (as many as you can xD).

Those two will be completed as I kinda need them done xD
But yeah, here, dicks with monsters attached to them :p



I wonder when imgur will ban my account xD

As my friend pointed out... Minotaur's dick does look "humanoid"... I think that for final lineart I will have to add more fur on him and make it look nasty af... or as much as I can :D Plus his six pack looks dumb... I will reduce that by half :p
That tentacle-squid-something also needs corrections... like a ton of them... or whole redraw xD
And I still need ideas for at least 2-5 other sex monsters... sigh...
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Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

I am back, just dropping this chara with her incomplete face and sketched clothes xP

nude (with pubes because I forgot to turn off layer when I exported micro-bikini one xD).
Maid :D
Smexy dancer
Underwear (even if striped panties don't work with this bra, I do like them so whatever xD)
Warrior... probably most incomplete of everything :p
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Another small update on this :D

Smexy dancer
Plain underwear (DONE)
Adventurer ("warrior" just didn't sound right with those clothes)
Bunny girl (new one)
Waitress (DONE)

Funny part is, after doing all of clothes in normal stance I will have to make same ones for battle stance... Plus adding 2-4 images for every cloth, because clothes rip like paper in a fight... Duh, obvious xD

Also, 8GB of DDR4 RAM isn't enough for having all layers in a single file... Well, looks like someone will have to order another set of 2x4GB, fml >_>

Updated that waitress outfit with finished one. I am glad that I made her skirt much shorter xD
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Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Looking great. Nice shading and high-lighting.

What program are you using to draw in?
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Looking great. Nice shading and high-lighting.

What program are you using to draw in?

Thanks :D
Lights, shadows and colors are still biggest things I struggle with so it's nice to hear that. Well, it's mostly due to me just being colorblind xD

As for a software, I use Krita.
It's not manga studio, but isn't as far behind and it's free.
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Really nice drawing. I love it.
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Thanks :D
Lights, shadows and colors are still biggest things I struggle with so it's nice to hear that. Well, it's mostly due to me just being colorblind xD

As for a software, I use Krita.
It's not manga studio, but isn't as far behind and it's free.

Thanks, I'm gonna look into that program.

Keep up the good work!
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

@Lalchimi Glad you like it :D

I will post those clothes in more complete state muuuuuuuuuuch, much later, as right now I need to focus on full event scene with that waitress outfit, then do the same for a maid and after that, do rest of clothes.
Though... I could take a break somewhere to finish bunny girl and dancer, as there is not much work there...
And I still need to make new adventurer clothes (those that I posted are getting trashed, that's for sure xD) and some kind of female armor...
Not forgetting about extra underwear/bikinis...
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

So while I was removing old layers with sketches from image I am working on, I remembered I did this :p
Sharing, because wild dildo is wild xD
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

I haven't tried suggesting this to someone before, but do you think you can tell me one self-criticism? You got quite a lot of good things going on in general so far, though, but I'd be glad to help give you specific perspectives / ideas if you need em'.
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Only one, huh? I have literally dozens of those that I am aware of, but if I were to choose one that is mostly bugging me...
It would be either hands or body shapes. Considering that drawing hands is common problem far and wide, I would go with body shapes.
I tend to make them much, much slimmer and muscular which forces me to keep adding more fat to the point where I go overboard :p
Then I just mostly trash whole sketch and start from point 0, repeating until I am more or less satisfied.

Tbh not once in my life I was able to imagine picture in my head and move it to paper, so I may be missing something. I know I am able to draw without references, but that just ends up with my mind going blank and drawing. Good point is, I like effects of that, like I super do. Bad point is, I have no idea what I am drawing until it's almost done, so I have no input on sex, race, pose, hairstyle, body shape, anything... which makes drawing specific things almost impossible, like a damn lottery xD
Human brain works in strange ways <- or mine is just broken xP
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

I think I can give you my best answer, though it's still relevant to my usual advice. You probably need some experience with expressing your body movements. You know that the skin is depicted in consistent shapes or drawn in consideration of a strict set of anatomy rules, yet you can and must go in-depth with warping that shape to fit a specific expression.

If you have a drawing you want me to do a "my version" of, I'd like to do that. It's one way I can attempt to show all kinds of corrections. :D
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

So while I was removing old layers with sketches from image I am working on, I remembered I did this :p
Sharing, because wild dildo is wild xD

Funny, and that face :) you made my day. Even better that you mentioned an armor for her. Hyper mode ON
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Funny, and that face :) you made my day. Even better that you mentioned an armor for her. Hyper mode ON

Good to hear that :D
I think I can give you my best answer, though it's still relevant to my usual advice. You probably need some experience with expressing your body movements. You know that the skin is depicted in consistent shapes or drawn in consideration of a strict set of anatomy rules, yet you can and must go in-depth with warping that shape to fit a specific expression.

If you have a drawing you want me to do a "my version" of, I'd like to do that. It's one way I can attempt to show all kinds of corrections. :D

So pretty much, practice, practice and even more practice.
That's one of the reasons why I started working on that lil' project of mine.

Tbh, having someone else point out errors is something very tempting... And I started thinking of drawing to choose, having my actual one in front of me... I had to scrap it and redo as soon as I tried figuring out every detail that bugs me.

Plus I got distracted again... fml, I will never finish that scene at this point xD

Lucky for me, I don't have any work today.
Re: Yoshiiki's meh drawings.

Eh, 's really not too bad, you're most of the way to something one could totally use for a H-game.