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You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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This came about when I logged in and lurked over to the signup threads area and found Incubus's SeX-com . After playing so much Rallout 3 and 4 recently, and some GURPS and watching lots of Xcom videos my brain just took off and this little thing came about. First, I will be posting the basic game mechanics and giving an explanation of what entities' attributes will do during the tactical portion of the game. Later I will post rules for character creation and upgrading, before posting the rules for base management and the strategy portion of the game.

You enter the dim office for your interview. You aren't sure what your new job will involve, but a rookie fresh from boot camp like you know that when you a general tells you you've been selected for an experimental program you know that mum's the word. Sitting at the desk is your new commander, his silhouette and, his white gloved hands and the reflection of the light from the door's window in his glasses the only things you can see.

A short raspy inhale prelude's the man's course voice. "Welcome, recruit. I've already reviewed your dossier, and am impressed with the results of your training. While you are untested in battle, I believe you will be instrumental in the coming campaign. I only have one have one question. Are you willing to believe in Extra-terrestrial lifeforms?"

You blink for a moment to process what he's asking. The military as a rule denies the existence of space aliens for lack of evidence. To ask this means going against policy. You can only nod, strangely confident he has proof.

"Good. Welcome to the Ex-zone program."


XXXzone is primarily a tactical combat game designed to emulate the modern era or soldiers armed with guns taking cover and shooting at enemies in cover. What you need to play the game are a set of polyhedral dice, though the most important one going to be used are the percentile dice as it's used for shooting and hurting enemies as well as will power tests against fear, pain and mind control. You will also need a way to keep track of entities in battle, like a battle mat, a bunch of blocks, some markers and a few models of the right scale to fit on the battle mat.

All entities in the game have six attributes. Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, and Agility. Player controlled characters have an additional stat called Luck. All of these attributes affect game play in small ways and normally range from 1 to 10 (though you can play with zeros).
All entities also have several derived statistics calculated at character generation and occasionally adjusted between battles.
  • Accuracy - Starts at 85 and the entity gains a 5 point bonus for every point of Perception they have,
  • Action Points - Explained below,
  • Encumbrance - Two stats representing how much an entity can carry. Humans can carry 10kg plus an additional 5kg for every point of Strength they have comfortably in battle. Humans can still move if they are carrying 50kg plus 20kg per point of Strength and 5kg per point of Endurance, but can't use weapons or move quickly,
  • Fortitude - How resistant an entity is to poison attacks and dying from mortal trauma. This stat is a straight bonus of five times the entity's Endurance plus twice their Strength. Humans and most other entities get a 20% bonus to against Poison,
  • Sneak - How hard the entity is to detect. This stat is equal to five time's the entity's Agility attribute.
  • Sight - How far an entity can reliably see. This stat sis five plus the entity's Perception attribute. Entities have a base 100% chance to see anything within this range of squares, afterwards, the chance to see an entity that is Moving Cautiously drops by 5% per square of additional distance. The actual chance is modified by the any enemy's Sneak stat as well concealment and ambient lighting,
  • Willpower - The entity's ability to grit their teeth (or beak or whatever) and shake off the effects of pain or psychic attacks, or the strength of their psychic powers if they have them. This stat is equal to five times the entity's endurance plus their intelligence and twice their charisma.

All entities have a number of action points available to them every round, which they spend to perform actions. The base number for player characters is 6, plus 1 additional AP for each odd numbered point of AGI a character has. Using a weapon has a different AP cost dependent on what kind of weapon is being used, while attempting to heal someone, hack a computer or quietly unlock a door has a variable AP cost rolled with each attempt.
  • Moving Quickly - 1AP - Move a single square on the battle mat,
  • Moving Cautiously - 2AP - Move a single square on the battle mat with a decreased chance of being spotted by enemies.
  • Interact - 1AP - Pushing a button on a panel, opening a door or pulling the pin out of a grenade,
  • Hunker Down - 2AP - Take a better position in cover, getting double the benefits of any adjacent cover, but being unable to take anymore actions for the rest of the round,
  • Draw Item - 1AP - Pull an item off a belt, harness or bandoleer,
  • Stow Item - 1AP - Put an item on a belt, harness or bandoleer,
  • Shoot - xXx - Spend AP to use your weapon. The cost depends on the type of weapon fired and the firing mode used,
  • Overwatch - xXx - Declare Overwatch when there is left over AP to save them for shooting enemies that move on their turn, however there is a 15% accuracy penalty to do so,
  • Aim - 2AP -Spend a moment carefully lining up the weapon at a single target and gain a 20% accuracy bonus against that target until either a new target is shot at or the shooter decides to move quickly to a new position.

Shooting is once of the most common actions taken, and while the AP cost varies, hitting enemies and causing wounds or killing them follows the same seven steps.
  1. Count Distance to Target - First add up the squares between the shooter and the target, then reduce the shooter's accuracy by 2% for each square.
  2. Roll to Hit - Roll percentile dice (d100), add the shooters adjusted Accuracy score and subtract the target's Agility attribute. If the resulting Attack Roll is over 100 then something is hit, though not necessarily the target.
  3. Consider the Cover - Now take into the consideration all the intervening cover between the shooter and the target. Cover provides a penalty to the Attack Roll as determined by its type, though the target only gets half the benefit from cover they are not immediately adjacent to. Subtract from the attack roll each value of cover starting with the piece closest to the shooter until the resulting number is below 100, at which point that piece of cover is hit instead of the target.
  4. Consider the Target's Armour - Just like cover, armour reduces the chance to be injured by attacks. Subtract the Armour Rating from the remaining attack roll and if the result is still over 100, then the target has been injured. In either case, the Armour loses a Hit Point.
  5. Determine Wounds - Now subtract from the remaining attack roll the weapon's Damage Threshold adjusted by the target's Endurance attribute. If the result drops the attack roll below 100, then only a Minor Wound is dealt. But if the result is still over 100, then subtract the weapon's adjust damage threshold again and if this final result is still over 100 then a Mortal Wound is dealt and the target is likely dying, else the final result drops below 100 and the target takes a Severe Wound instead.
  6. Check Special Effects - Some attacks and weapons have special effects, in which case you need to follow the rules specified by that attack to determine if something unusual happens.

If you are throwing an item, like a grenade, step 1 and 3 of the shooting process is different.
  1. Count the number of squares between the thrower and the target then subtract from that the thrower's Strength score. Now reduce the shooter's accuracy by 5% for each remaining square.
  2. Step 2 is the same as before. Of course the thrower can target and area instead of an entity, so you don't have to take in consideration anything's Agility score.
  3. Because thrown objects follow and arc and not fly in a straight line, ignore all intermittent cover except that which the target is benefiting from. Of course the thrower can just target an area instead of a creature, so there may be no need to consider armour.

As noted in the shooting rules, there are three types of wounds an entity can take, each worse than the last.
  • Minor Wound - Taken when receiving the barest of hits, each Minor Wound wracks the entity with pain and taxes their bodies. When a Minor Wound is taken, the entity must make a Fortitude check or have half their AP (round the remaining up) available next turn drained. A second Minor Wound taken in the same turn will drain the remaining AP available on their next turn, on a failed check. If an entity has had their all their AP drained, all further Minor Wounds incur a stacking -10% penalty to all further percentile die rolls in battle until healed on failed checks. Minor Wounds each take 1d6 days to heal.
  • Severe Wound - Taken by solid hits that deal severe damage but don't hit anything immediately vital. When a Sever Wound is taken, the victim needs to succeed on a Fortitude test or have all their AP next turn drained, due to wracking pain. Further, each Sever Wound taken after the victim has all AP drained will incur a stacking -25% penalty to all further percentile die rolls in battle until healed on a failed Fortitude check. Severe Wounds each take 4d8 days to heal.
  • Mortal Wound - A vital part of the entity has been hit and is likely dying. First, a Mortal Wound forces a Willpower Test from the victim or the entity passes out from the shock of pain. Second, this type of wound forces the victim to make a Fortitude Test or they begin to bleed out and die in 1d4 turns. Thirdly, if the injured entity hasn't passed out from pain and/or until they die of vital fluid loss, they take a -50% penalty on all further percentile rolls during the battle. Mortal wounds each take 4d12 days to heals.
Regardless of whether the wounds are Minor, Severe or Mortal, of if they have passed Fortitude checks to avoid dying, if an entity has accumulated enough penalties from wounds to have a total -100% or greater to their rolls, they fall unconscious and are considered disabled until they are treated by another entity with medkit or similar ability.

A couple of weapons, notably the Flash Bang Grenade and Incendiary Grenade deal no damage directly but instead affect anything hit with a status effect.
  • Drained - The affected entity has been weakened, most commonly by taking wounds. They have less AP available than normal.
  • Stunned - The entity affected by this condition is unable to act for the duration of the effect.
  • Disoriented - Caused by the Flash Bang Grenade, an entity affected by this condition has trouble moving. They take a 50% on aim checks and Willpower checks, movement costs twice as much, they cannot use the aim action, and they cannot interact with devices (like opening a door or pulling the pin on a grenade).
  • !!ON FIRE!! - The entity is covered in flames and is quickly overheating. They automatically take two Severe Wounds every turn that this condition persists.
  • Poisoned - This condition is caused by creatures as poisonous as Dart Frogs or more venomous than most snakes. A Poisoned entity automatically takes a Minor Wound at the end of its turns until the condition is removed. This condition can be removed by med-kits, or may wear off on it's own. A variation of Poison is Lethally Poisoned which will kill the victim if they are rendered Unconscious by the Poison and then fail a Fortitude check.
  • Toxified - A worse version of the Poison condition, victims take a Severe Wound at the end of its turn until the condition is removed. Med-kits work on Toxified, as does time, though the later is unlikely. And just like poison, there is a Lethally Toxified variation.
  • Unconscious - Often caused by the entity taking a Mortal Wound and failing a Willpower check or taking too many wounds, unconscious entities are unable to act. They may be able to be revived by med-kits, but must pass another Willpower check to wake up.
  • Dying - The entity has failed a Fortitude check from taking a Mortal Wound and will soon die. Alternatively, they could have been rendered Unconscious by Lethal Poisoned or Lethal Toxified condition.
  • Dead - The entity is dead. It has expired. It is an ex-entity and has passed on.
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Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Rules update. Big thanks to Hentaispider for some play testing!
Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Zzhetanz, as described by Mizrin.

“I will insist you put those extra ‘Z’s in the written form. You sound more respectful when you pronounce all the ‘Z’s.

“So, my race,” he says with a bit of trepidation. “Perhaps I should start with what creature we evolved from. I believe your planet has a similar category of creatures called spiders, though there are many differences. For one our progenitors were much bigger, closer in size to your gorillas. Our ancestral race also had an endoskeleton, not an exoskeleton, a common element you’ll find across the space faring races.” He then points to his face. “As you can see I have lips and a tongue, features this creature had in addition to venomous fangs, which I lack.”

“This creature was a solitary predator with a penchant for making tools and elaborate traps. I’m not a historian so I don’t know the specifics, but eventually these creatures started gathering in colonies and developed husbandry and eventually evolved enough intelligence to grasp the concepts of genetic engineering and baking.

“My race, as you can see with, is not large like those gorillas you have. I am actually the smallest of my kind, so do not take my lack of stature as the norm. I also only have four limbs instead of eight, an intentional design feature. Eight limbs is entirely too much for most people, so my species made some changes.” He points to his backpack. “We still have the brain capacity to use all these limbs, which is where this thing, my Pack, comes in. We Zzhetanz are a genetically engineered cyber-organic species, and interfacing with this machine requires a significant amount of neural processing power. It has also replaced many bodily functions of life sustaining organs that we no longer have, as well as being a primary interface for a lot of our technology.”

“A good example would be our version of what you call the Internet. My race has little use for terminals, hand held or otherwise, as my Pack would allow me link to our radio-telepathy network. This isn’t the same as the Psionic-Telepathy network those glowing bastards have, it’s much better.”

“Our society is an Military Empire, ever expanding and seeking new worlds to colonize. We were very aggressive conquerors for a time, until the Armadas of the Star Lords defeated us repeatedly. Now we have much more rules on what type of worlds we are allowed to colonize or conquer, one of which is that when we encounter a planet with a biosphere we must leave it be for a set amount of time to see if intelligent life could evolve from it. Then there are numerous rules for if there is intelligent life on the planet whether we may invade it, and permission from the Star Lords.

“I don’t want to talk about the Star Lords right now.

“Oh, I don’t know all the rules, but I know this planet isn’t on the list for a very big reason. It’s in a something called a Madness Zone, an area of the universe that not even semi-intelligent life can enter or develop without adequate protection or some sort of outer-dimensional psychic entity possessing it and rendering it mad. I’ve upgraded my Pack to protect me, but it was very costly. I didn’t expect to encounter an intelligent species in this zone.

“In anycase, we were talking my Race, not your adorable little planet.

“Our society is split between two castes, the Technicians and the Warriors. There’s a subtle difference in genetic expression that becomes apparent during our incubation period and this determines what sort of caste we will be in during our entire lives. This also determines what sort of Pack we receive after hatching. I am a warrior caste Zzhetan, and have a Warrior’s Pack. It is a lighter more streamlined machine, but just as modular and configurable. The real difference between my Warrior Pack and a Technician’s Pack are that my Pack has software for interfacing with weapons and combat vehicles, while a Technician’s Pack has software geared towards logistics and resource management. In any case, both our Pack allow us to access the Network as well as interface with drones, whether they are combat drones or worker drones. Those are autonomous robots we employ to do menial tasks such as maintenance, repair, sanitation, scouting or fighting.

“Our leadership is composed of the Imperial Council, a group of thirteen venerable Zzhetans chosen for… um… huh, I’m not sure how they are chosen, I just know that there are always thirteen of them, and the retirees often take up teaching positions in the academies. Anyway, the council is the final authority on everything in the empire, and only step in to make decisions when the protocols they or their predecessors have designed are not working. They also get to decide whether a planet can be put on the list for invasion or colonization to run by the Star Lords.”

“Beneath them are the Commanders and the Grand Controllers. I believe you call your warrior caste commanders Generals. That would be the best analogy I could make for all the Commanders, they are Zzhetanz who are given command of a large number of lower ranked Zzhetanz from different castes for large projects. The invasion of a world with a race nearing the space faring
Technological level would be given to a Commander from the Warrior Caste. While the terraforming of a barren world or colonization of living world without intelligent life would be given to Technician caste Commander.

“The Technician caste also has Overseers, who are ranked below Commanders. They are usually tasked with long term projects such as asteroid mining, or planet shrinking. No we don’t have some magical way to shrink planets, it’s just a term we use instead of mining, since the planet actually appears to shrink as the project continues, and we only shrink Liquid or Gas planets, like those you’ve named Jupiter and Neptune.

“Now, Controllers are not Zzhetanz, they are Cyber-Organic Supercomputers. They do a lot of the administrative assistance for all of our race. They keep records of our activities and findings and remind us about protocols we have to follow as well as gather complaints we have about protocols. They also run simulations of our society and make suggestions to the Imperial Council for changes.

“No, the Controllers are not secretly controlling our entire society by manipulating the Council, that is just stupid. There has only ever been one Controller gone bad, and it was early on. It was put in charge of a reproduction center, and instead of doing its job, it instead genetically lobotomized all the Zzhetans there and made the Packs those hatchling received extensions of itself. All the other Controllers actually made numerous suggestions to prevent that disaster from happening again, and implementing those changes has prevented it!

“Anyway, there are number of ranks throughout the castes that Zzhetanz can aspire to reach. Each with more responsibilities and rewards than the previous. One thing I would note is the lowest rank of a Technician Zzhetan is that of what you call Superintendent, since they can have drones do all the menial labour a janitor would do.

“Yes, some of our Warrior caste Zzhetanz do enter the law enforcement field of work. They usually do this when the no longer wish to be part of the Military but the Academies have no need for more teachers. No, Warriors never become Technicians nor vice-versa. Despite being the same species, our brains are too different to make the shift from violent destruction based problem solving to constructive engineering.

“It is unlikely that that my race will mark down your world for invasion anytime soon. What is more likely to happen is this planet be declared a World of Strife, and assigned a Controller to manage visiting warriors. These planets are combat zones that the Warrior caste of my race uses as an alternative method of gaining promotions. A World of Strife is a place where low ranking warriors that are not currently working are allowed to go to and engage in random violence with the locals. If they survive and complete an object given to them by the Controller, then their performance is reviewed by a board of officers and hopefully impress them enough to earn a promotion to the next rank.

“Having a higher rank means having more resources and better equipment available to you, and having better stuff means being more effective in your missions. Most often warriors get promoted when there is a vacant position of the hierarchy that needs to be filled and there isn’t a Warrior of sufficient rank without work to do, which can lead to promotion stagnation, which is why this system was developed. The Imperial Council also doesn’t have to inform the Star Lords about planets we declare as a World of Strife since we don’t conquer, destroy or colonize the star system, we only technically visit.

“Why am I here? Despite my record breaking grades upon graduating from my academy I was not promoted to the first working rank of the warrior caste. I am three-quarters the height of the norm for my race, you see. For a long time I existed in a sort of bureaucratic limbo where I was getting a student’s stipend, had no obligations, but also no privileges so I was just accumulating money for sitting around using the simulators younglings use. I decided to enter retirement and discovered an interesting legal loophole. While I still get my previous rank’s stipend, a student’s, I am also be able to purchase all the equipment I was allowed to use of that rank. Academy students are allowed to use any equipment their teacher purchases and assigns them to learn to use. And as a retiree I am also a qualified teacher allowed to purchase equipment I was allowed to use in my previous rank, which could be anything any teacher could have allowed. I am now the only Zzhetan legally allowed to purchase anything my race can produce. Not even those on the Imperial Council can actually purchase some things, only commission their creation and order their use.

”Not that I can afford any of it. Even after all the time I took being unable to spend money I still barely had enough to buy and fuel my starship.”
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Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

There are two standard Zzhetan invasion procedures when attacking inhabited planets.

The first involves having the Armada repeatedly and strategically bombarding hard targets from orbit with precision to disable a society’s military, government and law enforcement before dropping pods full of combat drones to capture whatever inhabitants remain for enslavement. Most Zzhetanz never see combat in person, only through remote viewing through drones. Only when a planet’s inhabitants manage to resist capture for extended periods do Zzhetanz soldiers enter active combat, and even then are the accompanied by a small cadre of drones.

The second invasion method is what the Zzhetan’s call Bio-cleansing, and the Empire requires permission from the Star Lords to perform. In this case, the Zzhetan armada will bombard a planet’s population centers with kinetic mass weapons in addition to precision strikes. Following that, the armada will unleash hordes of combat drones specifically programmed to hunt down all life forms above a certain size or of a certain shape.

Thankfully, the Humans of Earth don’t have to worry about a Zzhetan Invasion. What Humanity may face is having Earth declared a World of Strife by the Empire. This will mean that Zzhetan soldiers will visit the planet with the intent to cause chaos and engage local military forces in combat. In these instances, a Zzhetan soldier will drop down to the surface in a pod and attempt to achieve an objective as a mock-up for what they would perform during a real invasion. Worse, the better our troops perform, the higher the danger rank our planet will receive, encouraging more experienced and better equipted Zzhetans to show up.

Zzhetans are smaller in stature than humans, standing an average of 125 centimeters, and physically comparable in scale. What makes their soldiers dangerous is their use of superior technology and seamless cybernetic enhancements.

The first piece of hardware you will notice is a form of powered armoured exosuit, which they can easily control through a neural-uplink provided by their backpack like implant. These come in models that are simply plated environment suits to fully functional body replacers with extra limbs, and what you encounter will depend entirely on that Zzhetan’s preference.

The second important piece of technology Zzhetanz employ is robotic drones. Every Zzhetan has at least a single drone that they control using a combination of direct neural link, again through their Pack, and the drones’ simulated intelligence. Combat drones come in many forms, from small weapons platforms, to e-war or c-war units, to large multi-purpose battle units. Drone AIs are programed to put their owner’s survival before mission objectives. All drones have articulated limbs that allow them to move over many terrain types, and most also have some form of hover technology.

While Zzhetan weapons technology is far above our own understanding as of now, they use primarily kinetic weapons comparable in effectiveness to our own ballistic weapons. The difference is in their use of computer assisted targeting and mechanically assisted recoil compensation.

Zzhetan Combat Doctrine states that soldiers and drones should abstain from melee combat, however powered exosuit fists are easily capable of breaking through concrete with only a small amount of time and minimal effort from their wearer. Additionally, many veterans will equip their exosuits or drones with extra limbs that include built in melee weapons.
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Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Initial Biology Report from Dissection by [REDACTED], [REDACTED]

The xenomorph worms we found in the facility were interesting specimens to dissect. The segmented carapace was surprisingly difficult to cut, and the internals were riddled with dense cartilage support structures, making dissection and analysis arduous. A few of the organs were not attached to any specific place in the worms and could sometimes be found in different locations from subject to subject. There were many more consistencies than anomalies, such as the location of the brain, lungs, digestive system and many as yet unidentified glands, as well as the basic shape of the creature. We have not found a heart and believe that the creature circulated bodily fluids by keeping in motion, the various muscle contractions around its body interacting with the dense cartilage to create a stirring effect.

In each of the worms, one of the floating organs contained dissolved fibroin and mineral compounds, suggesting that the creature would eventually create a silk cocoon for itself and pupate into an adult form.

The creatures are roughly a ninety centimetres in length and ten centimetres wide along most of its body, plated with five centimetre carapace segments. If it weren’t for the head, the creature would appear to be radially symmetrical, as the carapace segments are nearly perfectly round tubes of solid bony plates. The widest part of the worm is the bony ridge behind its downward slanted conical head, which adds another three centimetres on either side. Tiny sharp pincers cover its mouth, which is also line with dozens of tiny barb like teeth. The creature has a tongue that is approximately twenty-five centimetres in length when extended, but compresses to merely four centimetres when resting inside the mouth behind the teeth. On the longer face of the head are four beady eyes. Its rear has a trio of small barbed hooks, which appear to have no articulation or function.

The only noises the creatures made was frequent whistling and hissing, which we believe to be a side effect of their breathing.

Some of the specimens were left alive for observation, but were ultimately put down and dissected after numerous escape attempts and complaints from the staff about safety concerns. The worm were extremely aggressive, and combined with their surprising agility and jumping ability has led to a number of injuries to the handlers. Their sharp pincers and barbed teeth will leave a number of nasty scars, but luckily everyone will be able to retain the use of all their extremities. It didn’t help that the worms were completely carnivorous with a preference for fresh blood and living mice.

We were unable to fully determine these xenomorphs’ level of intelligence, however they did show a strong inclination to co-operate with little communication. There may have been pheromone based or subtle visual cues we were not looking for and reviewing recordings of the creature’s interactions with each other may reveal how they were able to communicate so effectively.
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Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Mirroring my posting in another forum.


Had a play test with my regular D&D group. They kinda like the game, though the regular DM insisted on making a non-standard character. This led to adding a new weapon to the game. A couple of rule changes are in order, and I need to quickly come up with better rules for levelling up and gaining wealth.

In the first scenario featured a Zhetan in Power Armour and some hover drones hiding in a log cabin. One of the players moved their player out of cover and got focus fired by three drones. Taking a mortal wound and dying at the end of their next turn, she decided to pull all the pins on her grenades and charge the lone xeno controlling the hover drones. The other characters tried to flank the Zhetan during the whole battle.

In the second scenario, the team needed to bust in a heavily guarded warehouse, escorting a VIP to hack the computer system and steal some Intel. Instead of shooting their way through, they managed to sneak in and gank a single guard, hack the computer and snuck away. They used the guard's grenade to make it look like he accidentally pulled the pin and killed himself like an idiot to cover up their entry.

In the third scenario, the team had into clear out some Boorus Hive monsters from building a nest in a completely different warehouse in a completely different country. The identical layout was a coincidence, not an effect of my laziness, really.

Rule changes:
Determine Wounds - need to redo the description to explain that there are four categories of wounds; minor, severe, mortal, lethal.

Under Wounds:
Minor Wound - Taken when receiving the barest of hits, each Minor Wound wracks the entity with pain and taxes their bodies. Entities that take a Minor wound must pass a Will Power Test or lose half their max AP in the following round (round leftovers up). A second Minor wound in a round forces a second Will Power Test to avoid losing the rest of their AP. Successive Minor Wounds begin incurring a stacking 10% to all successive attack rolls, will power tests and fortitude checks until healed. Minor Wounds each take 1d6 days to heal.
Severe Wound - Taken by solid hits that deal severe damage but don't hit anything immediately vital. Every time this type of wound is taken, the victim needs to succeed on a Willpower test or be stunned, losing all their AP in the following turn to wracking pain. Furthermore, each proceeding Sever Wound taken incurs a stacking -20% penalty to all Attack Rolls, Will Power Tests and Fortitude Checks until healed. Severe Wounds each take 4d8 days to heal.
Mortal Wound - A vital part of the entity has been hit and is likely dying. First, a Mortal Wound forces a Willpower Test from the victim or the entity passes out from the shock of pain. Second, this type of wound forces the victim to make a Fortitude Check to avoid bleeding out and dying in 1d4 turns. Additionally, each successive mortal wound taken during a turn incurs a stacking -50% penalty on all attack rolls, will power tests and fortitude checks until healed. Mortal wounds each take 4d12 days to heal.
Lethal Wound - The entity has been struck in a part needed for immediate function, and must pass a Fortitude Check or die instantly. Additionally, they must pass a Willpower test or be rendered unconscious from the shock. Like Mortal wounds, successive Lethal wound that is survived incurs a stacking -50% penalty on all attack rolls, will power tests and fortitude checks until healed, and each take 4d12 days to heal.

Then need to add a note: If an entity has taken enough penalties to take 100% penalty of on rolls they are disabled and out of combat unless they are treated with a med-kit or brought back home and properly healed.

Shotguns have been adjusted. They have more have a static range and don't blast pellets in a cone (except the sawed-off).
All guns need to have their STR requirement reduced to make it easier for rookies to use them.
Now have rules for Suppressors and "Silent" weapons
Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Okay, so while making the equipment rules I realized the Encumbrance stat needed some adjusting. The formula for determining carrying capacity should be 10 + 5 * STR instead to make it more realistic and sensible. The max carrying capacity can stay the same as this represents someone putting all their effort into moving a large amount of mass and not carrying gear while fighting.

Anyone, rule expansion:
Funding and Training
A task force doesn't perform with any consistency without funding. As such, the various nations of the world have agreed to provide funding to the XXXzone program on the conditions that they complete their objectives. This is represented by Funding Tokens being given to the players individually and collectively. These Tokens represent an abstract sense of currency or credit, and are spent to purchase either equipment or invested back into the base for better facilities.

Each operative earns a single Funding Token for surviving a mission that was successful, representing their payout. At the end of every game month, the company at large receives Funding Tokens from the nations at large, at least one for still being in play and an additional token for each special objective achieved during missions that month.

There are two types of equipment purchases players are capable of making.
Surplus - Weapons, ammo and gear marked as surplus are cheap and plentiful, and spending a Funding Token to acquire one of these items means that it is generally available to every operative that resides in the base. Most ammo types are Surplus items.
Costly - Weapons, and gear marked as costly are very difficult to make and/or require special materials to produce, so acquiring them takes more effort on the quartermaster's part. Spending a Funding Token allows a only a limited number of these items to be available.

  • Steve wants a suppressor for his 9mm Pistol, and spends a funding token on muzzle suppressors. As it is a Surplus item, the base gets a skid of them delivered and now everyone can have suppressors.
  • Kyle wants to use better guns, and spends a token to add five costly ARK guns (7mm Assault Rifles) to the armoury for the team to take on missions, and another token to make 7mm Rifle Ammo (a Surplus Item) available from now.
  • Sam has a really good accuracy and decides he should be the team sniper. He spends a token to purchase an anti-infantry rifle, adding one new gun to the bases' armoury that he will use from now one.
  • Vadin is worried that he may have to take out heavily armoured vehicles at some point in the future, so he spends 2 token to purchase an anti-material rifle, and another token to get a box of 500 expensive 13mm rifle rounds.

Equipment List
All operatives are assumed to be wearing a utility belt with six holsters, pouches or straps to carry extra ammo, grenades or sidearms, and a shoulder holster for a combat knife, as well as comfortable clothing such as slacks and a dress shirt. They may also equip themselves with a bandoleer to have five more straps or holsters, or a utility vest with eight pouches, at their discretion. The total weight of the clothing, utility belt, utility vest and bandoleers is assumed to be negligible.

All operatives are also issued radio headsets to facilitate tactical coordination.

Armour Attributes
  • Name - what people like to call this type of protection.
  • Type - the protective category of the armour.
  • Damage Resistance - how protective the materials is. This is a percentage number that is calculated during the attack roll.
  • Hit Points - how many times the armour can be struck before it is compromised and no longer provides protection.
  • Weight - the mass of the armour in kilograms.
  • Cost - what sort of resources must be spent to add the armour to the armoury.

Weapon Attributes
  • Name - what people like to call this weapon.
  • Damage Threshold - the likelihood that the weapon will injure an entity or object hit by the attack expressed in a percentage for the attack roll. A lower damage threshold is better.
  • Recoil - the penalty on accuracy rolls for any successive uses of the weapon, or applied to burst fire or spray attack modes of projectile weapons.
  • Ammo - the type of ammunition and loading the weapon uses.
  • Reload - the AP cost of reloading the weapon with more ammunition.
  • Modes - the different attack modes the weapon can perform and the AP cost associated.
  • Strength Requirement - the minimum Strength score attribute an operative requires to use the weapon without penalty.
  • Weight - how heavy the weapon is in Kilograms.
  • Cost - the resource requirement to add the weapon to the armoury.
Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

If an entity lacks the strength to use a weapon, they take a 5% penalty to their accuracy plus an additional 5% for every point of strength below the requirement.

Melee Weapons
Melee weapon have no recoil, and no need for ammo or reloading. Their range is noted as 'Melee' and can only be used to attack entities adjacent to their user. A melee weapon's effective DT decreases by 1% for every point that the user's STR exceed's the weapon's strength requirement.

Unarmed - DT 80%, STR 0, Weight 0 - Free
Hay-maker - 3 AP
You cannot lose your ability to make unarmed attacks as you can always flail and headbutt.

Combat Knife - DT 45%, STR 2, Weight 0.4kg - Free
Slash - 2 AP
Throw - 3 AP, range changes to user's STR, but you no longer have the knife
Can be used in one hand.

Fire Axe - DT 30%, STR 5, Weight 2kg - 1F Surplus
Hack - 3 AP
Must be used in two hands.

Guns, Firearms and Other Ranged Weapons
For every point of strength the user has above the gun's strength requirement, the weapon's effective recoil drops by 1%.
Weapons with burst fire mode get twice the number of attack rolls.
Weapons with spray fire mode end the user's turn when used, but will fill a narrow cone shaped area with bullets until the user's next turn and automatically get a chance to hit any entity that enters that area.

Pistols: All pistols can be used in one hand, however using them in two hands reduces the recoil by 5% and the strength requirement by 1. Pistols can be used in a grapple. (But I don't have grappling rules yet...)

SAP - 5mm Semi-automatic Pistol - Free
DT 40%, Recoil 5%, Magazine 20 rounds 5mm Pistol, Reload 2AP, STR 1, Range 6, 0.5kg
Shoot 3AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 5AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls

PSA - 9mm Semi-automatic Pistol - 1F Surplus
DT 35%, Recoil 10%, Magazine 12 rounds 9mm Pistol, Reload 2AP, STR 2, Range 5, 1kg
Shoot 3AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 5AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls

Blue Steel - 12mm Revolver Pistol - 1F for one
DT 20%, Recoil 20%, 6 rounds 12mm Pistol, Reload 5AP, STR 3, Range 10, 2kg
Shoot 3AP, 1 round ammo

Machine Pistols: Like Pistols, Machine Pistols can be used in one hand, however using them in two hands reduces the recoil by 5% and the strength requirement by 1.

MP5 - 5mm Machine Pistol - 1F Surplus
DT 40%, Recoil 8%, Magazine 40 rounds 5mm Pistol, Reload 2AP, STR 2, Range 6, 1kg
Burst 4AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls
Spray 7AP, 10 rounds ammo, cone

MP9 - 9mm Machine Pistol - 1F for one
DT 35%, Recoil 13%, Magazine 24 rounds 9mm Pistol, Reload 3AP, STR 3, Range 5, 2kg
Shoot 3AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 4AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls
Spray 7AP, 8 rounds ammo, cone

Carbines and Sub-Machine Guns: Require two hands to use.

Sammy - 5mm Sub-machine Gun - 1F for five
DT 35%, Recoil 5%, Magazine 40 rounds 5mm Pistol, Reload 2AP, STR 2, Range 10, 2kg
Shoot 3AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 4AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls
Spray 7AP, 10 rounds ammo, cone

HSMG - 9mm Sub-machine Gun - 1F for one
DT 30%, Recoil 10%, Magazine 24 rounds 9mm Pistol, Reload 3AP, STR 4, Range 9, 3kg
Shoot 3AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 4AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls
Spray 7AP, 8 rounds ammo, cone, two attack rolls

Billpup - 5mm Small Assault Rifle - Free
DT 40%, Recoil 10%, Magazine 20 rounds 5mm Rifle, Reload 2AP, STR 2, Range 15, 2.5kg
Shoot 4AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 5AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls
Spray 7AP, 10 rounds ammo, cone

AC7 - 7mm Assault Carbine - 1F for two
DT 30%, Recoil 15%, Magazine 30 rounds 7mm Rifle, Reload 2AP, STR 3, Range 10, 3kg
Shoot 4AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 5AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls
Spray 7AP, 15 rounds ammo, cone, two attack rolls

Assault Rifles: Require two hands to use. Due to their long barrels, they suffer a 10% accuracy to fire at adjacent enemies.

ARM - 5mm Assault Rifle - 1F Surplus
DT 40%, Recoil 10%, Magazine 20 rounds 5mm Rifle, Reload 2AP, STR 3, Range 30, 3kg
Shoot 5AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 6AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls
Spray 7AP, 10 rounds ammo, cone

ARK - 7mm Assault Rifle - 1F for one
DT 30%, Recoil 15%, Magazine 30 rounds 7mm Rifle, Reload 2AP, STR 4, Range 20, 3.5kg
Shoot 5AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 6AP, 3 rounds ammo, two attack rolls
Spray 7AP, 15 rounds ammo, cone, two attack rolls

Sniper Rifles: Require two hands to use. The have built-in pins that let them be braced on a solid surface (like the ground) so as to ignore the strength requirement to be used. Due to their long barrels, they suffer a 10% accuracy to fire at adjacent enemies.

Hunting Rifle - Bolt Action Hunting Rifle- 1F Surplus
DT 35%, Recoil 0%, Clip 5 rounds 5mm Rifle, Reload 5AP, STR 2, Range 50, 1.5kg
Shoot 5AP, 1 round ammo

AIR - 82 Anti-Infantry Rifle - 1F for one
DT 25%, Recoil 0%, Clip 7 rounds 8.2mm Special, Reload 5AP, STR 3, Range 75, 3kg
Shoot 5AP, 1 round ammo

AMR - Amti-Material Rifle - 2F for one
DT 15%, Recoil 20%, Clip 4 rounds 13mm Slugs, Reload 5AP, STR 5, Range 100, 5kg
Shoot 5AP, 1 round ammo
Burst 7AP, 4 rounds ammo, three attack rolls

Machine Guns: Require two hands to use. These weapons only have the Spray firing mode, but gets multiple attack rolls on anything caught in the area. Due to their long barrels, they suffer a 10% accuracy to fire at adjacent enemies.

Family Guy - Fully Automatic Light Machine Gun - 1F for one
DT 40%, Recoil 15%, Drum 120 rounds 5mm Rifle, Reload 5AP, STR 5, Range 40, 6kg
Spray 7AP, 20 rounds ammo, two attack rolls

MMG - Medium Machine Gun - 2F for one
DT 30%, Recoil 25%, Drum 100 rounds 7mm Rifle, Reload 5AP, STR 7, Range 40, 10kg
Spray 7AP, 20 rounds ammo, three attack rolls
Note: Has a tripod that when anchored to the ground reduces recoil to 10% and DT to 30%

Scatter Guns: Require two hands to use. When shooting at an entity within the weapon's range they get two attack rolls due to the blast of pellets they eject.

Shotgun - Double Barrel Shotgun - 1F Surplus
DT 30%, Recoil 20%, 2 rounds Shotgun Shells, Reload 5AP, STR 2, Range 8, 2kg
Shoot 4AP, 1 shell, two attack rolls
Double-shot 4AP, 2 shells, four attack rolls

Sauce Gun - Sawed Off Shotgun - saw off a the barrels of a Shotgun
DT 30%, Recoil 25%, 2 rounds Shotgun Shells, Reload 5AP, STR 3, Range 3, 1.5kg
Shoot 4AP, 1 shell, two attack rolls
Double-shot 4AP, 2 shells, four attack rolls
Note: Can be used in one hand.

Battlegun - Battle Shotgun - 1F for one
DT 30%, Recoil 15%, Magazine 6 rounds Shotgun Shells, Reload 2AP, STR 3, Range 8, 3kg
Shoot 3AP, 1 shell, two attack rolls

The Giraf - IGAPFY Special Shotgun - 2F for one
DT 30%, Recoil 15%, 2 Magazines 6 rounds Shotgun Shells, Reload 2AP, STR 3, Range 8, 3kg
Shoot 4AP, 1 shell, two attack rolls
Double-shot 4AP, 2 shells, four attack rolls
Note: Has two separate magazines of shotgun ammo, each must be reloaded seperately. Double-shot mode uses a shell from each magazine.

The Dragon - Automatic Shotgun - 2F for one
DT 30%, Recoil 10%, Drum 12 rounds Shotgun Shells, Reload 3AP, STR 4, Range 8, 4kg
Shoot 3AP, 1 shell, two attack rolls
Burst 5AP, 2 shells, four attack rolls
Spray 7AP, 3 shells, cone

Unusual Weapons
Crossbow - 1F for one
DT 35%, Recoil 0%, 1 Hunting Bolt, Reload 4AP, STR 2, Range 30, 1kg
Shoot 4AP, 1 bolt
Note: Counts as suppressed

Bazzooka - GI Man Portable Rocket Launcher - 1F surplus
DT 75%, Recoil 50%, One 90mm Rocket, Reload 4AP, STR 3, Range 30, Weight 6kg
Shoot 6AP, 1 Rocket

Flare Gun - 1F Surplus
DT 60%, Rec 00%, Holds 1 Flare, Reload 4AP, Range 25 (Flare can travel 100 but not accurately)
Shoot 3AP, 1 Flare
Successful Minor Wound or better sets the target on fire.

use name - actual name - cost
DT , Recoil , -ammo-, Reload AP, STR , Range , Weight
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Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Weapons Attachments
A weapon can be modified by attachment utility devices to it. This will marginally increase the weapon's weight, by many find the extra attachments useful. A weapon only has a few specific points attachments can connect to, and only one attachment can be placed on each point.

Hunter's Scope - replaces a firearm's Sights - 0.05kg - Free
When the aim action is used with the modified weapon, targets count as being 10 squares closer for the purposes of calculating accuracy falloff. However, using the aim action to shoot something closer than 10 squares applies a 10% accuracy penalty for every square below 10 the target is.
A simple telescope with amplifying lenses that can be attached to the top of a gun. Objects in Scope are farther than they appear.

Flash Light - 0.05kg - Free
When activated provides illumination at a pointed area. Use the Aim action with the gun to illuminate dark areas and deny anything in the area the benefits of concealment from low-light conditions.

Advanced Scope - replaces a firearm's Sights - 0.05kg - 1F Surplus
When the aim action is used with the modified weapon, targets count as being 10 squares closer for the purposes of calculating accuracy falloff. However, using the aim action to shoot something closer than 10 squares applies a 10% accuracy penalty for every square below 10 the target is. The Interact Action can be used to toggle the range of the scope to 20 squares and back.
A more sophisticated telescope with more lenses and a holographic reticle and rangefinder.

IR Scope - replaces any firearm's Sights - 0.10kg - 1F Surplus
When the aim action is used with the modified weapon, targets count as being 10 squares closer for the purposes of calculating accuracy falloff. Additionally anything spotted in the scope does not gain the benefit of concealment from low illumination. However, using the aim action to shoot something closer than 10 squares applies a 10% accuracy penalty for every square below 10 the target is.
A sophisticated sensor that detect minute differences in heat and displays them on a tiny screen as shades.

Holographic Reflex Sight - replaces any firearm's Sights - 0.05kg - 1F
Reduces the cost of using the aim action with the modified weapon to 1AP
A sophisticated partially reflective lens with a holographic reticle projector that removes the parallax effect that comes with iron sights.

Bayonet - Under-slung and Barrel on SMGs, Carbines, Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles - 0.40kg - Free
Attach the Combat Knife to the front of the gun so that the blade is extending past the barrel allows a melee attack to be performed with the combat knife without needing to draw it, but either attack rolls take a 10% accuracy penalty due to the weapon balance being less than optimal.
DT 45%, STR 2
Slash - 2 AP

Laser Sights - Under-slung on any firearm - 0.05kg - 1F Surplus
Attach a small red dot laser in line with the weapon's barrel to improve target acquisition speed and overall accuracy. Attack rolls with the attached firearm gain a 10% on targets within 20 squares.

Integrated Laser Sight - Integrated - 0kg - 1F plus the cost of the weapon.
A small red dot laser projector is integrated into the weapon during manufacture, greatly increasing the cost. Attack rolls with the attached firearm gain a 10% on targets within 10 squares.
Note: Attaching a Laser sight to a weapon with an Integrated Laser Sight does not stack the benefits of both lasers against targets out to 10 squares. More dots will not significantly increase accuracy.

Rubber Suppressor - attached to the end of the Barrel of any firearm - 0.10kg 1F Surplus for one Ammo Caliber
A hard rubber tube attached to the barrel a gun that muffles the noise produced by gun fire until 20 rounds have passed through the tube. Increases the gun's DT by 5%.

Weapons must be loaded with the appropriate type of ammo to fire before they can be used. That attributes listed in a given weapon's entry represents their use with the standard ammo type. Listed below are the standard and variations for that ammo, their associated weight and cost, what Protection Level of armour they bypass, as well as their effects on the weapon.

5mm Pistol Round - For use in the SAP, MP5 and SAMMY
300 rounds to 1kg loose ammo
20 round magazine weighs 0.15kg
40 round magazine weighs 0.20kg

Jacketed Bullet - Standard Ammunition - Free - No AP
A tiny lead bullet encased in a thin copper coat. Officially the standard ammunition for law enforcement and home defence, it is produced all over the world and easy to find. The SAMMY is considered by many military faction a standard issue for officers.

Hollow Point - 1F Surplus - lower gun DT by 5%, take 5% accuracy penalty
5mm Pistol Round manufactured with the pointed tip replaced with a small indentation. This bullet will balloon on impact with soft tissue and cause more damage, but will flatten and fail to penetrate hard surfaces and ballistic fibbers. The hollow point also makes the bullet less slightly aerodynamic.

Steel Core - 1F Surplus - increase gun DT by 10%, AP Type 2
5mm Pistol Round manufactured with an iron or steel bullet instead of lead. This bullet maintains it shape much better than a lead core bullet against hard surfaces and ballistic fibber, as well as soft tissue. While more likely to penetrate armour, it is also more likely to pass through targets without causing much damage.

9mm Pistol Round - For use in the PSA, MP9 and HSMG
100 rounds to 1kg loose ammo
12 round magazine weighs 0.20kg
24 round magazine weighs 0.35kg

Jacketed Bullet - Standard Ammunition - Free - AP Type 1
A small lead bullet encased in a thin copper coat. Many security firms issue 9mm Pistols to their employees, and unofficially law enforcement officers purchase them for their own use. Most military forces around the world consider the PSA and its derivatives as a standard sidearm for high ranking officers.

Hollow Point - 1F Surplus - lower gun DT by 5%, take 5% accuracy penalty, No AP
9mm Pistol Round manufactured with the pointed tip replaced with a small indentation. Air Marshals guarding airplanes use these hallow point rounds to avoid compromising the hull of airplanes they are tasked to protect.

Steel Core - 1F Surplus - increase gun DT by 10%, AP Type 4
A 9mm Pistol Round manufactured with a steel bullet instead of lead. As a general rule, it is illegal to own Steel Core ammo as law enforcement doesn't want civilian turned criminals to have access to armour penetrating "Cop Killers", however many militaries have them manufactured anyway.

Tracer Round - 1F Surplus - AP Type 1, successive attacks successive attacks at the same target gain a cumulative 5% bonus to accuracy, can ignite flammable materials
This variation of the 9mm Pistol has a pyrotechnic charge in the base of the bullet that is ignited by the exploding gun powder when fired. It burns bright and slow, making it easy to follow the trajectory to re-adjust one's aim while the bullet is in flight instead of trying to keep track of impacts. Has been known to ignite dry grass, stacks of paper and old wooden crates.

12mm Pistol Round - For use in the Blue Steel revolver
50 rounds to 1kg loose ammo
Six round clip weighs 0.15kg

Jacketed Bullet - Standard Ammunition - Free - AP Type 3
A lead bullet encased in a thin copper coat. The Blue Steel is a popular weapon for gun enthusiasts due to its proliferation in cinematographic period pieces of the "Wild West", though the 12mm Revolver Pistol itself wasn't designed until well after the invention of electricity.

Hollow Point - 1F Surplus - lower gun DT by 5%, take 5% accuracy penalty, AP 1
12mm Pistol Round manufactured with the pointed tip replaced with a small indentation. International laws prohibit the manufacture, sale and use of hollow point bullets as they cause "excessive mutilation and cruelty" but many ignore these laws for various reasons, most of which are hunters that want to make sure to take down their kills in as few shots as possible.

Steel Core - 1F Surplus - increase gun DT by 15%, AP Type 5
12mm Pistol Round manufactured with a steel bullet instead of lead for better penetration.

Silver Bullet - 1F for 500 rounds - increase gun DT by 10%, take 5% accuracy penalty, AP4
A bullet made entirely of precious silver. Softer than copper but harder than lead, Silver bullets have better armour penetration than copper jacketed lead but don't deform as much on impact. Lacking the harder copper shell causes the bullet to deform in the barrel slightly making the bullet's trajectory difficult to predict. Only silver bullets can kill werewolves. Are you ready for the werewolf apocalypse?

5mm Rifle Round - For use in the Billpup, ARM and the Hunting Rifle
100 rounds to 1kg loose ammo
5 round clip weighs 0.10kg
20 round magazine weighs 0.25kg
120 round drum magazine weighs 2.00kg

Jacketed Bullet - Standard Ammunition - Free - AP Type 1
A tiny lead bullet encased in a thin copper coat. Has a larger brass case holding more gun powder than the 5mm Pistol Round, and the bullet is shaped differently to take advantage of the long barrels of Carbines and Rifles. The 5mm Rifle Round is the usual ammo for game hunters, but many armies use them in their rifles due to their prolific availability.

Hollow Point - 1F Surplus - lower gun DT by 5%, take 5% accuracy penalty, No AP
5mm Rifle round manufactured with the pointed tip replaced with a small indentation to cause more damage to flesh. Many hunters prefer to use hollow point rifle rounds when hunting bigger game such as deer, antelope and caribou.

Steel Core - 1F Surplus - increase gun DT by 15%, AP Type 3
5mm Rifle Round manufactured with a steel bullet instead of lead. Many armies opt to purchase and modify existing hunting rifles for their sniper crews instead of obtaining the more expensive (and more effective) designer sniper rifles.

Tracer Round - 1F Surplus - AP Type 1, successive attacks at the same target gain a cumulative bonus 5% to accuracy, can ignite flammable materials
This 5mm Rifle round has a pyrotechnic charge in the base and special coating that is ignited by the exploding gun powder when fired.

7mm Rifle Round - For use in the AC7 and ARK Rifles
40 rounds to 1kg loose ammo
30 round magazine weighs 1.00kg
100 round drum magazine weighs 3.00kg

Full Metal Jacket - Standard Ammunition - 1F Surplus - AP Type 2
A small lead bullet encased in a thin copper coat. Much heavier than the 5mm Rifle rounds, the 7mm boasts better stopping power and armour penetration, but critics claim that the reduced range and increased cost and carry weight are disadvantage that outweigh the benefits of 5mm Rifle rounds and the weapons that use them.

Hollow Point - 2F Surplus - lower gun DT by 5%, take 5% accuracy penalty, No AP
7mm Rifle round manufactured with the pointed tip replaced with a small indentation.

Steel Core - 2F Surplus - increase gun DT by 10%, AP Type 4
7mm Rifle round manufactured with a steel bullet instead of lead.

Tracer Round - 1F Surplus - AP Type 2, successive attacks at the same target gain a cumulative bonus 5% to accuracy, can ignite flammable materials
This 7mm Rifle round has a pyrotechnic charge in the base and special coating that is ignited by the exploding gun powder when fired.

8.2mm Rifle Round - Special Ammo for use in the Anti-Infantry Rifle
25 rounds to 1kg loose ammo
7 round clip weighs 0.30kg

Jacketed Bullet - Standard Ammunition - Free - AP Type 3
A small lead bullet encased in a thin copper coat. Ammo specifically made for a specifically designed weapon. You'll be hard pressed to find another type of weapon that can use this type of ammo.

Polymer Ballistic Tipped Round - 1F for 500 - lower gun DT by 5% - AP Type 2
Sniper round manufactured with the pointed tip replaced with special polymer that helps with armour penetration but dislodges from the bullet after impact to allow the soft lead to flatten and mushroom for maximum damage.

Steel Core - 1F Surplus - increase gun DT by 15%, AP Type 5
Sniper round manufactured with a steel bullet instead of lead.

Tracer Round - 1F Surplus - AP Type 3, successive attacks at the same target gain a cumulative bonus 5% to accuracy, can ignite flammable materials
This sniper round has a delayed pyrotechnic charge in the base and special coating that is set off by the exploding gun powder when fired, but that doesn't ignite until it has gotten a significant distance away.

13mm Rifle Round - Special Ammo for use in the Anti-Material Rifle
10 rounds to 1kg loose ammo
4 round clip weighs 0.50kg

Jacketed Bullet - Standard Ammunition - 1F for 500 - AP Type 5
A small lead bullet encased in a thin copper coat. Ammo specifically made for a specifically designed weapon. You'll be hard pressed to find another type of weapon that can use this type of ammo.

Polymer Ballistic Tipped Round - 2F for 500 - lower gun DT by 5% - AP Type 3
Anti-material round manufactured with the pointed tip replaced with special polymer that helps with armour penetration but dislodges from the bullet after impact to allow the soft lead to flatten and mushroom for maximum damage.

Tungsten Carbide Special - 2F for 500 - increase gun DT by 5%, AP Type 10
Anti-material round manufactured with an arrow of tungsten carbide forming the core and tip of the bullet, wrapped in lead and coated in copper.

Tracer Round - 2F for 500 - AP Type 5, successive attacks at the same target gain a cumulative bonus 5% to accuracy, successful hits can set entities on fire, can ignite flammables
This sniper round has a delayed pyrotechnic charge in the base and special coating that is set off by the exploding gun powder when fired, but that doesn't ignite until it has gotten a significant distance away.

Shotgun Shells -
So many types. The typical shotgun shell is filled with lead pellets of shot, and weighs in at 0.04kg.
25 shell to 1kg loose ammo
6 shell mag weighs 0.30kg
12 shell drum weighs 0.60kg
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Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Naturally, an operative can only wear a single suit of body armour, having only a single body to protect. Armour has a protective property expresses as a percentage that is applied to any attack against the operative. However each successful hit damages the armour itself, regardless of whether the operative was protected or not, and it loses a hit point each time. Once a suit of body armour is reduced to zero hit points, it is rendered useless and no longer provides protection. Partially damaged armour can be repaired in the base between missions.

Security Body Armour - Type 2 - DR 20% - 2hp - 3.5kg - Example NPC
Standard protective vest issued to most law enforcement officers and civilian security firms. Features a durable vest filled with layers of ballistic absorbing materials such as Kevlar to protect vital organs in the torso.

Rangers Body Armour - Type 3 - DR 30% - 4hp - 6.5kg - Example NPC
Standard protection used in most modern armies. Features a large plate of layered ceramics and metal in the front and back as well as smaller plates in the sides under the arms and extra layers of ballistic fibbers to protect vital organs.

Last Chance Body Armour - Type 1 - DR 15% - 2hp - 2.5kg - Free
Features a thin vest of durable ballistic fibbers covered in thin cloth to guard vital organs from small arms fire. Can be hidden under clothing or even integrated into clothing.

Mercenary Body Armour - Type 2 - DR 25% - 2hp - 4kg - 1F Surplus
Features a durable vest filled with layers of ballistic fibbers to protect vital organs in the torso, as well as shoulder pauldrons and leg armour.

Shootout Body Armour - Type 3 - DR 35% - 4hp - 8kg - 1F Surplus
Features a large plate of layered ceramics in the front and back as well as smaller plates in the sides under the arms and in the leg armour. Comes with a helmet.

Front-line Body Armour - Type 4 - DR 45% - 4hp - 12kg - 1F for one
Features heavier plates than the Type 3 armour, as well as protective plates in the shoulder pauldrons. Comes with a helmet.

ABA-16 Body Armour - Type 5 - DR 55% - 6hp - 20kg - 2F for one
Features even heavier plates than the Type 4 armour. The whole suit is reinforced with ballistic fibbers in non-vital areas for additional protection. Comes with a helmet. Unintentionally looks futuristic.

Bomb Suit - Type 3 - DR 75% - 16hp - 40kg - 3F for one
An full body of protective padding and hundreds of layers of ballistic fibber and fire retardant material. The Bomb Suit is not actually designed to provide protection from projectiles in firefights so much as it is optimized for protecting the wearer from explosives and incendiaries. Bomb defuser crews only ever need one suit at a time.
Note: Wearer isn't hurt by being set on fire.

Level A Hazmat Suit - Type 0 - DR 0% - 5hp - 10kg - Free
A full body impermeable suit designed for protecting the wearer from coming into contact with hazardous materials that can permeate a contaminated environment. Has an air supply also covered by the protective layers of the suit.
Note: Wearer isn't hurt by fire, acid, airborne chemicals, biological agents and ionizing radiation.

Shields are held in one's hand instead of worn on the body. An operative can wield two shields at once, but can only benefit from one at a time since they are so bulky.

Riot Shield - Type 1 - DR 10% - 2hp - 2kg - 1F Surplus
A large clear plastic sheet designed to cover a law officer's entire body from head to toe. Lightweight but sturdy, the shield is merely useful in protecting the officer from rioters, not bullets.

Security Shield - Type 2 - DR 15% - 3hp - 4kg - 1F for five
A large plastic sheet covered in ballistic fibers and reinforced with an aluminum frame. Bulky and sturdy, the shield will protect it's holder from small arms fire to a limited degree.

Ballistic Shield - Type 5 - DR 25% - 7hp - 8kg - 1F for one
A larger version of the ceramic-and-metal plate used in advanced body armour, large enough to completely cover an operative's body from one direction.

name - type - DR 0 - HP - weight - cost

Armour Attributes
Name - what people like to call this type of protection.
Type - the protective category of the armour.
Damage Resistance - how protective the materials is. This is a percentage number that is calculated during the attack roll.
Hit Points - how many times the armour can be struck before it is compromised and no longer provides protection.
Weight - the mass of the armour in kilograms.
Cost - what sort of resources must be spent to add the armour to the armoury.
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Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Grenades and explosives
Thrown objects have a range equal to 2 + the thrower's STR attribute. There is no accuracy falloff inside this range. Grenades and other lobbed weapons have an arc and can bounce, so intermittent cover in the attack roll. Grenades and other explosive weapons have two Damage Threshold values. The first listed is the damage the projectile itself does. The second is the damage threshold of the explosion, which gets a second attack roll (or more) that isn't normally modified by the weapon's user (that is it uses the unmodified 85).

Frag - Fragmentation Grenade - Free
DT 80%, Explosion DT 35%, AP Type 2, Radius 2, Weight 1kg
Note: Shrapnel grants three attack rolls

Smokebomb - Smokescreen Grenade - 1F Surplus
DT 80%, Explosion DT 200%, no AP, Radius 4, Weight 0.5kg
Note: Area in the explosion now provides 60% concealment for 3d4 turns

Flashbang - Battlefield Pyrotechnic Grenade - 1F Surplus
DT 80%, Explosion DT 200%, no AP, Radius 5, Weight 0.5kg
Note: Deals no wounds but successful hits cause Disorientation for one turn on a failed Fortitude Check.

Firebomb - Incendiary Grenade - 1F Surplus
DT 80%, Explosion DT 200%, no AP, Radius 2, Weight 1.5kg
Note: Anything hit is set on fire.

Egg - High-Explosive Grenade - 1F Surplus
DT 80%, Explosion DT 15%, AP Type 5, Range 1, Weight 1.5kg

Onions - Lachrymal "Tear Gas" Grenade - 1F Surplus
DT 80%, Explosion DT 75%, AP Type 10, Radius 3, Weight 1kg
Note: Area in the explosion now has a cloud that provides 30% concealment for 3d4 turns. Entities caught in the area of the cloud automatically take a minor wound for every turn they remain in the cloud, and can be disoriented for as long as they are in the cloud and 2d3 turns after.

90mm Rockets - Ammo for the Bazooka
HEAT - High-Explosive Anti-Tank Rocket - 1F for
DT 10%, AP Type 7, Radius 2, Weight 1.5kg
Note: Deals 4hp damage to armour

RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade - 1F for
DT 35%, AP Type 3, Radius 4, Weight 2kg
Note: Shrapnel grants three attack rolls

use name - actual name - cost
DT 80%, Explosion DT%, AP, Radius, Weight

Utility Items
The following is a list of items that are not weapons but are super useful in other ways.

Flash Light - 0.10kg - Free
When activated provides illumination at a pointed area. Use the Aim action to illuminate dark areas and deny anything in the area the benefits of concealment from low-light conditions.

Med-kit - 2kg - 1F
A pack filled various bandages and chemicals for treating gun shot wounds in the field. Can be slung over the shoulder or hung from two straps on the utility belt. Anyone can use this pack to treat a wound another operative has taken, however the pack is expended doing so. Using a med-kit costs a variable 4d6 AP to perform.

Gas Mask - 0.30kg - 1F Surplus
A protective face covering that features a front mounted filtration system powered by the mechanical action of the wearer's breathing. The mask protects against airborne chemicals and biological agents to a limited degree, granting a 75% bonus on Fortitude Checks to resist them. However, the mask restricts field of viewing, decreasing the chance to detect enemies trying to be stealthy by 10%.

Tool Box - 3.50kg - Free
A heavy duty metal box full of various tools that a mechanic could use to repair vehicles. Needs spare parts.

Crate of Spare Parts - 10kg - 1F
A crate full of the parts in vehicles that most comely are damaged or fail and require replacement and/or repairs. Has enough spare parts for 2d6 repairs (rolled after the second repair is made).

IR Vision Goggles - 1kg - 1F
A sophisticated heat difference sensor that projects two images onto a polarized screen, bracketed into a harness that fits on the human head. Enemies do not gain the benefit of concealment from low-light conditions against someone wearing these goggles. Cannot be used if the wearer is on fire.

Lock-picks - 0.50kg - 1F Surplus
A variety of tools required for silently opening stubborn locked doors and containers. Requires the lock-picking perk to use. Can sit in a utility pouch.

Portable Computer - 2.20kg - 1F
A specially designed and programmed man portable computer optimized for data mining and encryption cracking. Can be slung from a strap over the should or hung from two straps on the utility belt. Requires the Hacker perk to use.
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Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Creating and Improving Operatives
When you best isn't good enough, get better.

To generate a new operative, assign to each of the Seven Base Attributes a roll of 1d4+1 in order, then compute the Derived Stats. Follow up by giving the new rookie a suit of Last Chance Body Armour and an eight item utility belt, a Billpup small assault rifle and up to 7 magazines of 20 rounds of standard ammo each, an SAP pistol and up to 5 magazines of 20 rounds of standard ammo each, and up to three Frag grenades. Finish them up with a name, gender, and a blurb about how and why they joined the XXXzone program, and they are ready for their first mission.

Or more training.

Operatives and enemies alike have attributes scores and special abilities. As the game progresses, the extraterrestrials are bringing more advanced technology and personnel into play. New technology can be researched but better operatives don't grow on trees. Regular troops are bettered by training programs in special facilities (or blind luck). Training an attribute or ability requires the appropriate facility to be built and uninterrupted time spent in a training regime.
  • Training to improve an attribute by single point takes Three Days plus an additional Three days for each point of the attribute the operative already has.
  • Learning a new ability requires Three Days for each point of the minimum attribute score is required to learn the ability.
This exception is the Luck attribute itself, which is improved by spending 1F and sending an operative on a one week gambling binge. With favourable fortune, they will return with a better Luck score and/or the Funding Token back. Abilities that require Luck can be trained in various facilities.

Base Management - blah blah blah, my head hurts

Training Gym - costs 1F to build, 4 units J-block
At this facility operatives can improve their Strength, Endurance and Agility, or learn abilities related to those attributes, up to the level of six in each of the attributes. A Scientist of the Biology Class must be assigned to this facility to supervise and direct the trainees to achieve any results. The facility can also be used recreationally by the operatives to keep in shape.

Abilities, Strength:
  • Melee Charge - STR 2 - If you spend at least twice as much AP as one of your melee attack options to move, you may perform a melee attack at the end of your movement.
  • Improved Charge - STR 3 - If your spend your full AP in a turn to move then perform a melee attack using the Melee Charge ability, your attack's DT is reduced by 10%. Must learn the Melee Charge ability before this one.
  • Steady Aim - STR 3 - Reduce the recoil of every gun you use by 3%
  • Very Steady Aim - STR 4 - When you use the aim action with a gun, then use the Burst Fire or Spray Fire mode, the first attack roll you make with this action doesn't suffer the recoil penalty. Must learn Steady Aim first.
  • Strong Back - STR 4 - Increase your Carrying Capacity by 10kg, and your Maximum Capacity by 25kg
  • Herculean Back - STR 5 - Increase your carrying capacity and max capacity again by the same amount.
  • Atlas Strong - STR 6 - You can move up to twice your max capacity in mass, but must spend tree times the AP per square to do so.
  • Iron Fist - STR 5 - You may use your Unarmed Attacks with the same effectiveness as a weapon. The Iron Fist is a melee weapon your are always able to use, and being disarmed of it requires literally being disarmed.
    • Iron Fist - DT 40%, STR 4, Weight 0 - Training
      PUNCH!!! - 2 AP
  • Chi Strike Palm - STR 6 - Reduce the DT of your Unarmed Attack or Iron Fist by 10%, and successful wounds force a Fortitude Check to avoid 1d3 turns of being Stunned and three turns of being Disoriented

Abilities, Endurance:
  • Toughness - END 2 - The first 3+END Minor Wounds you take are ignored. They drain no AP, incur no penalties, and heal over in a day.
  • Improved Toughness - END 3 - The first 1+END/2 Severe Wounds you receive and succeed Willpower checks for drain no AP and incur no penalties. Must have Toughness to learn Improved Toughness.
  • Walking Shooting - END 3 - Half of all AP you spend on shooting guns during your turn can be recycled and spent only on movement.
  • Aqualad / Aqualass - END 4 - You can move as easily in water as you can on land. You can spend 1AP instead of 2AP to swim one square. The game master also won't count how long you can hold your breath anymore.
  • Poison Resistance - END 4 - Your bonus to Fortitude Checks against Poison is now 35 instead of 20
  • Fast Healing - END 5 - Your Minor Wounds heal in 1d3 days instead of 1d6, your Severe Wounds heal over in 3d8 days instead of 4d8, and your Mortal Wounds heal over in 3d10 days instead of 4d12.
  • Chi Breath Iron Body - END 5 - If you spend 4 AP to start this special breathing technique and do not move that turn, until your next turn you gain a 20% damage resistance against attacks that do no automatically pierce your armour, and Melee attacks against you also take a -20% penalty on their attack roll until your next turn.

Abilities, Agility:
  • Run and Gun - AGI 2 - Up to half the AP your spend on movement in a turn can be recycled and spent on using a gun's firing mode.
  • Action Boy / Action Girl - AGI 3 - You gain 2 more AP you can use each round. If you have 4 Agility, you can gain train some more to gain a second iteration of this ability.
  • Shadow Attack - AGI 3 - Gain a 10% bonus to your Sneak Score. When you attack an enemy that is unaware of you, gain a 10% to your attack roll.
  • Silent Attack - AGI 4 - Gain a 10% bonus to your Sneak Score. When shooting at enemies with a suppressed weapon, decrease its DT by 5%.
  • Sneak Attack - AGI 5 - Gain a 10% bonuse to your Sneak Score. Successful melee attacks against enemies who are unaware of you have their type of wound improved to the next tier. Glancing hits become Minor Wounds, a minor becomes a Severe Wound, and severe become Mortal.
  • Quick Draw - AGI 3 - Any AP spent on movement can be recycled to perform the Draw Item action.
  • Action Reload - AGI 4 - Any AP spent on movement can be recycled to reload a weapon.
  • Moving Target - AGI 5 - If movement during your turn draws reaction fire, the accuracy of those attacks is reduced by 10% and your have a 10% damage resistance.
  • Akimbo - AGI 6 - Any AP spent to use a weapon in one hand can be recycled to use a weapon in the other. The Spray Mode can be used with two Pistols, using twice ammo of a Burst Fire Mode from each pistol.

Abilities, Luck:
  • Grim Reaper's Sprint - LCK 3 - An attack that kills an enemey can have it's full AP spent recycled and used for movement.
  • Bloody Mess - LCK 4 - Your successful attacks draw out more than the normal amount of blood. The DT of all weapons you use is reduced by 2%.

Class Room - costs 1F to build, 4 units O-block
A state of the art facility that operatives take courses in to improve their Charisma and Intelligence, or learn related abilities, up to the level of six. Any Scientist or Engineer can be assigned to teach courses to operatives, but the different classes will have different courses to offer.

Abilities, Charisma:
  • Poster Boy / Poster Girl - CHA 2 - Not only are you photogenic, but there's something about you that with the right pose that says "Give me money. I'm awesome." If only we could do recruitment posters. Increase the funding the XXXzone program gets ever month by one token.
  • Schmooze the Boss' Boss - CHA 3 - By bringing you along to Security Council meetings to mingle with the politicians we can increase our funding for the month by another token. You have to already be a Poster Boy/Girl to do this.
  • Femme Fatale / Homme Fatale - CHA 3 - You appear as charming as you are dangerous. You are more 20% persuasive to neutral combatants in the field, and the DT of your weapons decreases by 5% when attacking humans.
  • Teamwork! - CHA 3 - When you perform a similar action as an ally who also has this ability, you gain a 10% bonus on any d% roll to perform the action. This also gain the benefit of this ability as they also have the perk!
  • Mark Target - CHA 4 - You can spend 4AP to point out an enemy to your allies, and until lose your focus from this target (such as losing sight of them, or you doing something other than attacking them or moving) allies gain a 20% to hit them with their attacks.
  • Inspire Allies - CHA 4 - If you spend 4AP and say something inspiring, you can motivate your allies better. Any ally within four squares of you when you use this ability may re-roll a single Willpower Check they have failed within the past Turn.
  • Authority Aura - CHA 5 - Friendly Combatants you encounter in the field are 50% more likely to consider you their superior when met instead of ignoring you or treating you like a civilian. You also can direct panicking civilian to run in specific direction away from danger, instead of letting them pick a random direction and running into more trouble.
  • Calming Aura - CHA 5 - You have the uncanny ability to calm panicking civilians, and only need to spend 4 AP to do so.

Abilities, Intelligence:
  • MEDIC! - INT 2 - You have been trained to provide first-aid and triage in combat. You pack and use Med-kits more efficiently, each one you carry having 3+INT/2 uses instead of just one, and using one only takes 3d6 AP instead of 4d6. Requires a Bio-chemist to teach the course.
  • Combat Surgeon - INT 4 - Your knowledge of human anatomy makes you a more dangerous enemy. Melee attacks upon human with blades you perform have their DT decreased by 10%. Requires a Bio-chemist to teach the course.
  • Mechanic - INT 3 - You can tinker and jury rig repairs to damaged vehicles, the time needed and chance of success dependent on the location, type and severity of the damage. Having a tool kit and spare parts would certainly help. Requires an Engineer to teach the course.
  • Hacker - INT 3 - Your are trained in electronic espionage, and can attempt to hack any computer you can reach to illegitimately access data storage. Hacking a computer across the internet takes 3d10! hours. If you get a portable computer to bring with you in the field, you can pre-load it with data-mining and encryption breaking software to make hacking much quicker, taking 3d10! AP per attempt if you can connect your computer to the target machine. You gain a Hack score of 25+5*INT. Requires a Computer Scientist to teach the course.
  • Scientist - INT 4 - You have gained a diploma in a field of your choice and can contribute to the XXXzone program as more than a field operative. When not on a mission or convalescing from Severe or Mortal Wounds you can count as a scientist of the type of your choice. Learning this ability requires another Scientist of the same type to teach the course.
  • You can train to gain the Scientist ability a second time and become a scientist of a another type, but the INT requirement increases to 5, and you can still only research as one type of scientist at once.
  • Field Researcher - INT 4 - To you there is no such thing as safe science. Even if on a combat mission or convalescing from Severe Wounds you count as contributing valuable scientific data to a research project.

Scientist Classes:
  • Material Chemist
  • Bio-chemist
  • Classical Physicist
  • Nuclear Physicist
  • Computer Scientist
  • Sociologist
  • Engineer - Technically an Engineer is not a Scientist, as Scientist experiments to learn about the laws of the natural world while am Engineers applies scientific knowledge to invent a world yet unknown. Engineers can do scientific research just as Scientists can apply what they learn to perform feats of engineering, but the disciplines are very different.

Abilities, Luck:
  • Loot Drops - LCK 2 - Enemy equipment is less likely to be irreversibly damage, more likely to be salvageable for research purposes.
  • More Loot - LCK 3 - Enemy equipment is even more likely to be recoverable, and sometimes they will carry extra ammo they haven't gotten a chance to use.
  • "Thank you, Stranger!" - LCK 5 - In every battle, there is now a chance that there will be additional allies. Maybe an old hunter from the woods, or an ornery alligator in that pond, or some street thugs just around the corner, or even just an extra squad of soldiers in the army base. Whoever they are, the helpful strangers are appropriate to the area they are encountered in and competent in a fire fight.

Firing Range - costs 1F to build, 4 units L-block
A long hallway with animatronic moving targets for training operatives to improve their Perception, and a lesser extent Agility. Perception and related abilities can be improved up to level 6, while agility can accidentally be improved up to level 4

Abilities, Perception:
  • Lockpicker - PER 2 - You don't need keys. Tumble locks can be bypassed with a successful Locksmith attempt. Roll d% and add your new Locksmith score of 50+5*PER, and if the result is over 100 you pick the lock. Each attempt takes 3d10 AP
  • Tactical Scouting - PER 3 - If you can see an enemy, you can determine the weak points in their armour. You can spend 4 AP observing a previously unknown enemy and determine their armour's Damage Resistance as well as it's minimum AP requirement to penetrate. (The GM will tell you the value.)
  • Grenadier - PER 3 - You know how to optimize the location and timing of your explosive weapons for maximum effect. Grenades and bombs you use get a 15% bonus on their explosion's attack roll and automatically deal full damage to terrain features.
  • Explosives Expert - PER 4 - You know how to get the most out of an explosion. Reduce the DT of any explosion you cause by 5% and increase its Armour Penetration Type by one category.
  • Dead Eye - PER 4 - If your gun has a scope replacing its sights, you don't need to use it to gain the benefit of the aim action with the weapon.
  • Lion's Eye - PER 4 - If you have taken the aim action, and the target gains concealment, you can still shoot at them with all your bonuses and they do not gain the benefit of any concealment until you actual lose track of them. They still benefit from their cover, though.
  • Guardian - PER 5 AGI 3 - You don't suffer the 20% accuracy penalty when making reaction fire from overwatch.
  • Sniper - PER 5 - You can use the Aim action consecutively and stack the benefits a number of additional times equal to half your AGI for the next shot you take. Any shots with the same gun that follow count as only having a single Aim action taken.
  • Eagle's Eye - PER 6 - If you take the aim action, you do not suffer accuracy falloff for a number of squares equal to your PER score, up to the optimal range of the weapon.

Abilities, Luck:
  • Executioner - LCK 4 - If you attack an enemy that has already taken a wound that they do not ignore for whatever reason, you gain a 10% bonus on the attack rolls.
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Re: You are entering the XXXzone - Extraterrestrial Elimination and Experimentation

Base Management and Building
Base management requires building facilities in a limited area. Facilities cost funding and manpower days to construct. Bases have a limited area to construct in, and though excavations can increase the area by adding more floors, digging deeper and deeper become progressively expensive. The small base size is important to reduce the visibility of the XXXzone program to both spies, enemies and civilians.

Facilities have a specific shape and orientation, and while they can be rotated to face any of the cardinal directions, their layout cannot be mirrored.

The first base the XXXzone Program begins with is already set up with a Runway and its Radar Tower on the Surface, two Elevator units, a single floor of underground Excavation with a Command Center in it, three Air Craft Hangers, a military style Barracks, an Armoury, and a Residence for scientists and engineers. The base is also staffed by your revered commander, our head of research, six officers, three air traffic controllers, a five man team of radar technicians, five engineers, and a grumpy overworked janitor.

To determine how long it actually takes to build a facility, divide the Manpower Days it takes to build the facility by the number of Engineers assigned to complete the task, and round the reminder up to the nearest increment in hours.

Surface - 10 Days - 1 Free with each base - IMG
7x7 Area exposed to the sky to build more facilities on. 1 per base.
A relatively small space for a military base, but it should suffice for our needs.

Elevator - 30 Days - 1F - IMG
1x1 Structure, spans two layers.
An engineering marvel, this facility allows people and vehicles to change what layer of the base they are on. Can be partially overlapped vertically to save space and still allow access to deeper layers beneath the surface. Also has stairs for those who want a calm walk or bun building workout.

Excavation - 150 Days - 1F times the layer beneath the surface - IMG
5x5 Area underground to build more facilities in. Cannot overlap or touch other Excavations horizontally.
While more cramped than the surface, our advanced mining technology allows us to dig deeper and hide the true depth of the forces and facilities we will have. Given time.

Command Center - 60 Days - 3F - IMG
Five Square Cross (3x3) Facility. Each base must have one, and only one per base. Vehicles cannot pass through it.
The heart of our extra-governmental operations, this facility is required to manage our strategic assets and direct our operatives in the field of battle. Each base we build requires one to link our operations seamlessly. The communications antenna isn't too elaborate and can be placed anywhere on the surface, though preferably on top of the Radar Tower. Has a build in residence for the bases' command crew of 12. The cost includes the salary of these fine Officers.

Runway - 20 Days - 1F - IMG
7x1 Structure. Each base needs one, and only one, on the Surface.
A flat level area of tarmac meticulously painted and lit for managing airplane traffic on the ground. Has multiple actual runways to launch or land multiple planes from.

Radar Tower - 20 Days - 1F - IMG
1x1 Facility. Each base needs one, and only one, on the Surface, adjacent to the Runway.
This tower has everything needed to keep an eye on Radar and manage air traffic in the area. Has enough residential facilities for the crew of five technicians and three air traffic controller. The cost includes hiring the staff.

Aircraft Hanger - 30 Days - 1F - IMG
2x1 Facility
This facility has everything needed to house a single aircraft and maintain it. While a base doesn't need a hanger for plans to land on the runway, it is needed if a plane is to stay in the base and allow other traffic on the runway, and isn't going to immediately leave after picking up or dropping off cargo. Vehicles can pass through it.

Automobile Depot - 30 Days - 1F - IMG
3x1 Facility
A large garage with enough room to house and maintain up to three land vehicles. Like Tanks. Naturally, Vehicles can pass through it.

Barracks - 20 Days - 1F - IMG
Z-block (3x2) shaped Facility
A spartan facility that can comfortably house up to thirty field operatives. Has all the amenities for keeping soldiers happy, healthy and entertained. Vehicles cannot pass through it.

Armoury - 30 Days - 1F - IMG
Short T-Block (3x2) shaped Facility. A base needs at least one to arm operatives and vehicles.
Description and Benefits. Can store up to five metric tonnes of weaponry and ammunition. Comes with a lock on the door. Vehicles cannot pass through it.

Residence - 30 Days - 2F - IMG
S-Block (3x2) shaped Facility
A well designed and spacious facility that can house ten Scientists and Engineers comfortably with up to date furniture and entertainment. These pampered lab operatives require more gentle accommodations than the rugged field operatives, but they ware worth the effort since they provide valuable in house work that the combat oriented operatives aren't trained to do. Vehicles cannot pass through it.

Storage Room - 5 Days - Free or 1F for Temperature Controlled - IMG
1x1 Facility
A small area with that can be used to store miscellaneous tools, materials, and artifacts. The Cold Storage Room can be used to store biological materials. Like corpses. Vehicles cannot pass through it.

Laboratory - 30 Days - 1F - IMG
T-Block (3x3) shaped Facility
This large facility has all the beakers, bunsens, ovens, centrifuges, vats, prongs, hermetically sealed rooms, and things that go "bloodoopoodoopoo" that every scientist needs to perform Science. This entire facility is enough to keep up to fifteen lab operatives busy on a single project simultaneously. Some projects may require Engineers to perform the research. Vehicles cannot pass through it.

Engineering Facility - 45 Days - 2F - IMG
Short U-Block (3x2) shaped Facility
A series of rooms, tables, furnaces, foundries and metal presses. This facility has everything needed for a team of engineers to manufacture anything we have the blue prints fore. Because of the engineering skills that went into designing this facility, up to three projects can be worked on at once, and can keep up to twenty engineers busy working on them. Some projects may require a Scientist to provide specialized knowledge from their field of expertise. Vehicles can pass through it.

Vehicle Assembly - 90 Days - 3F - IMG
Short L-block (2x2) shaped Facility
Everything needed to have ten engineers working on building, upgrading or repairing a vehicle. Vehicles can pass through it.

Training Gym - 30 Days - 1F - IMG
J-block (3x2) shaped Facility
At this facility operatives can use the various resistance machines and treadmills to improve their Strength, Endurance and Agility, or learn abilities related to those attributes, up to the level of six in each of the attributes. A Scientist of the Biology Class must be assigned to this facility to supervise and direct the trainees to achieve any results. The facility can also be used recreationally by the operatives to keep in shape. Vehicles cannot pass through it.

Class Room - 15 Days - 1F - IMG
O-block (2x2) shaped Facility
A state of the art facility that operatives take courses in to improve their Charisma and Intelligence, or learn the related abilities, up to the level of six. Any Scientist or Engineer can be assigned to teach courses to operatives, but the different classes will have different courses to offer. Vehicles cannot pass through it.

Firing Range - 30 Days - 1F - IMG
L-block (3x2) shaped Facility
A long hallway with animatronic moving targets for training operatives to improve their Perception, and a lesser extent Agility. Perception and related abilities can be improved up to level 6, while agility can accidentally be improved up to level 4 Vehicles cannot pass through it.

Missile Silo - 120 Days - 3F - IMG
O-block shaped Facility six layers tall. Top layer must be on the Surface.
A facility that is used to build and maintain a large rocket with which to launch an ICBM or Satellite from. If the area beneath the surface layer of the silo hasn't been completely excavated yet, 1F must be payed and 80 man power days must be spent to clear the area out. Vehicles cannot pass through it, however a vehicle can be loaded onto the rocket from the second layer of this facility. The Missile Silo has stairs to grant people access to the different layers, except the surface. The surface layer is camouflaged to look like baseball diamond.

Surface to Air Missile Battery - 30 Days - 1F - IMG
1x1 Facility. Must be placed on the Surface.
Has a lot of missiles that go whoosh and boom. Don't let your plane get hit by the missiles or it will fall from the sky!

Starting a new base costs 10 Funding Tokens, and takes 320 manpower days to complete. This includes clearing and preparing the Surface, putting in an Elevator, digging an Excavation, and putting in a Command Center, a Runway, a Radar Tower and a single Hanger.

Building Name - Man Days Work to setup or move - Funding Cost - IMG
Size and Shape. Limits
Description and Benefits