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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The boy sighed, blushing as he chuckled, "W-well... It was nothing! I'm happy to help, miss..." he trailed off, his eyes went wide to the sight of the imp he adjusted to be comfortable in his lap. "Wait... You're that demon!" he exclaimed, becoming a little too loud for comfort, and seeming to wish to escalate his terror at the sight of a demon, unless Edeni somehow shut him up before he gave away their hidden position.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

She glares at the boy and glances around, before raising a hand, as if she were about to cast a spell, "Shut up before I set you on fire or something!" She tries to ignore the cravings from within her body for now, "Seriously, shut up, you'll attract their attention over to us, and when they do, what do you think they'll do to you?"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The boy sounded as if he gagged on his own spit in horror of that hand put in front of his face. His mouth hung wide open, and his face turned white in fear of her threat. Remaining in place, with Edeni sitting on his crotch, his shut his mouth, shaking a little in fear of the demon, despite her non-threatening size. Quickly, he nodded his head, keeping nice and quiet for her.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

She mumbles to herself, "Think think.... there's gotta be a way to get this stupid egg out of me..." She looks at the boy, "Know anything about tentacle monsters that pose as girls and rape other innocent little girls?"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Staring, dumbfounded at Edeni, the boy slowly shakes his head at the question, seeming to have absolutely no idea what she's talking about. But suddenly, he raises a hand, "I-I-If, uh... If you're looking for a monster, w-w-w-why not check the s-s-s-s-s-sewers?" he stuttered nervously, "E-e-everyone s-says that m-m-monsters are in t-t-there..."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

She grins at the boy, a tooth filled grin, and nods, "Good idea, you're not completely useless after all, well, c'mon, lead the way!" She hops off the boy as she continues to fight her internal fight, not willing to give in just yet...
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Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The boy clearly looked terrified, swallowing a lump in his throat, as he walked over to a nearby drain. He lifted up the metal grating, setting it aside as he looked to Alexia. "A-are you really sure about this...? Some monsters rape other monsters too, you know..."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The loli demon pointed her finger at the boy accusingly, "It's your own fault that you're on the run with me in the first place! And if you don't go, then I'LL be the monster to come after you!" She stood there, her hands at her side as she looked at the boy, ""Well? What are you waiting for? Useless minion! Get down there!" She pointed at the manhole as she looked around frantically, she definitely did not want to die here, nor give in to the aching feeling inside her body, but she also figured that with some extra help, she might be able to extract whatever the fuck that monster put into her without messing herself up, "Stop staring at me, minion!"