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You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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(Just a note on your bio, the story starts around 8 hours after the monster first appeared, so you didn't wait "days".

Also, can I shorten the name to Pam every once in awhile, for variety?)

Unlike many residents of Clover Grove, Pamela knew exactly how to act duing a crisis such as this one. The vast majority of people had run for the hills as soon as they saw the monster, either in person or on TV. Pam stayed in her dorm room, however, generally the realm of the clueless, people who slept in late and didn't watch TV.

Things were going well, or as well as they could, no one was looting the dorms, too big, too close to the city center. Pam had free run of the building, for the most part. The building was big enough that she couldn't have been the only one who decided to hide, but everything was silent right now.

The TV continued to provide up to the minute news coverage on the military's attempt to stop the giant bug-squid combo creature, though as they were failing badly, it wasn't good news to say the least. It was only a matter of time untill someone tried something bigger to take the thing out.

Pamela didn't have to wait long. Around 4 PM, the ground started to shake, like one of the frequent quakes that the area had, or the shaking that preluded the monster's rise early that morning. Pam found cover under the dorm room's small table. Quite safe, she escaped the short ordeal without a scratch, but she emerged from her hiding spot to a completely powered down room. No TV, no lights, nothing. There was still a deadly silence on the building, and for the first time Pam noticed how cold it was. Despite her love of horror movies, being in one felt alot creepier then watching one.

(In her dorm room, course of action up to you)
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

(Thats all okay, I completely forgot that it had all happened so quickly.)

"Okay the longer I wait here the better chance that I get trapped in the building by some monster that crawls through the ceiling...The center of town is pretty close but that would be way too easy, there are probably massive pileups and collapsed buildings that would force me to take a big looping route because otherwise this would all end too quickly. Hmm lets see what would someone do in a Stephen Queen book..........ah ha! They would go to the central library and look into the past of the city and gradually trace the strange events people overlooked that lead up to the present! Ha. And my literature professor thought all those horror suspense books were a waste of time."

Pamela finishes pacing in her room and looks for a weapon in the dorms eventually opting on taking a pipe from the busted sinks that hadn't been fixed since 1960. "Thank you cheap ass college board." She stuck some energy bars in her jacket and a bottle of water in her pants, some real food would have been nice but this was a dorm. The only things here were energy bars, ramen, red bull and beer. Deciding now was the best time to leave Pam opened the fire door glad that the electric stuff had been fried so she should be able to slip out unseen.
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Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The pipes were not the only thing that the administration did not take care of. The fire escape was quite dangerous, it was a little too loosely bolted to the side of the building. Fortunately, it held, though there were a few tense moments.

Once at ground level, Pamela had a few options. The parking lot was nearly deserted, only around 10 cars spread out on an area designed for about 150. Her dorm, and the others, looked to be in rather good shape. No obvious damage, though the doors to one building were knocked out, shattered glass everywhere. She couldn't see the cause right now, but the sky had a wierd orangeish blue tint to it. The tall five story dorm buildings blocked her view of the surrounding area.

Not a thing was moving, anywhere. As far as Pam could tell, she had a clear shot to the central hub of the university if she wanted to make a run for it, though she could also vanish into the medium sized park across the street, and from there, head to anywhere in the city.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela panted as she ran across the open campus unaware of the abomination that soon swooped down and carried her off screaming for her life, promptly ending her daydream. "Hmm yeah that's usually what happens. I guess I'll skip the big open area." She marches off towards the park humming, "You know...I'll bet the park is actually safer now even if there are monsters in it..."
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The trees of the park hid Pamela quite well. The paths were lined either side with rows of bushes, too. The park seemed all clear, no one in the main areas, no monsters either, but a strange wail could be heard every once in awhile. It almost sounded like a machine, but not quite.

Pam made it to the center of the park without any trouble, but here she had a choice to make. Straight forward to a mini-comerical district, left towards the town center and city hall, or right towards the suburbs. The park was big enough to shield her for about five blocks in either direction, giving nice cover to either of the three destinations.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela turned left towards the town center, thats where the central library would be and her best shot at learning about the city's past and any strange happenings.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pam continued down the trail. The distinct lack of noise was getting a little creepy, not even birds were chirping. The park was oddly clean, too, the invasion had kept away the day's visitors and no one had thought to hide here it seemed.

Pamela was within eyesight of the park's edge, she could see skyscrapers through the thick canopy of trees now. Before she could start to think about the transition ahead, however, a sound cut through the silence. A weird chitteing noise, comming from ahead and to the left. It was getting closer, but at a steady rate, giving Pam time to think.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

"Umm...umm...." Pamela looked around and dove into a bush on the right. She wasn't even going to look out and see what the noise was coming from, thats how they always get you. You peek out and the monster gets you from behind or dun dun! It's looking right at you! Pam wrnched her grip on the pipe waiting for the noise to fade or pass by.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Stealth Check

11+15+13 = 39 vs 50 = 20+30

The noise grew closer and closer, and then it stoped. Right next to Pam's bush. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. She could hear soft footsteps, sort of, something was wrong about the sound. The chitter was still silent, however.


6+43 = 49 vs 58 = 15+43

Suddenly, a giant spider jumps into the bush with Pamela. It tries to grab on, but it hadn't seen exactly where she was until it was in the bush with her, detecting her via smell. As such, it simply pushed them both out of the bush and onto the path, giving the girl time to fight back.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

"Wah! I will not let you turn me into an extra who dies to show how dangerous things are!" Pamela used the only fighting style she knew, hit thing until thing is dead.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Hit Chance

7+43 = 50 vs 41 = 8+33


7+(20/2) = 17

Pam smacks the spider good with her pipe. She connects right in its "face" area. The spider is forced to back off slightly, but resumes its attack.

The spider now has 23 HP


13+43 = 57 vs 47 = 4+43

The spider pounces, this time grabbing Pam good. She rolls onto the ground, spider atop her.

(You can still attack while in normal grapple in this game)
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

(Oh thank the stars above!)

"No! No bad spider! You're not allowed to eat the plucky heroine!" Pamela continues randomly smacking the spider with the pipe growling, appearing more annoyed than afraid.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

(Oh, btw, anything you aren't comfortable with happening to Pam?)

Hit Chance (It does become grapple v grapple though, to hit when grappled)

8+35 = 43 vs 62 = 19+43

Pam swings, and misses, the spider jabs her arm mid-swing with one of its legs. The leg is sharp, and cuts the girl slightly.

Clothes Rip (-10 for no submission hold)

6+43-10 = 39 vs 51 = 16+35

The spider takes the chance to use its arm to rip some of Pam's clothes, but only gets her right shoulder area.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

(As long as it's not something that would involve blood splattered across 3 blocks I'm okay with it. I think I've had everything else already done to me in other games.)

"Ow!" Pamela pulls her arm back a moment before taking another swing. "Watch the jacket! Sheesh if you want me to take my clothes off just ask." Pam smirks at her own joke.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Escape Attempt

11+35 = 46 vs 54 = 11+43

With very few options, Pam attempts to wriggle free. The spider has better position, however, and she can't free herself.

Bite Attempt

12+43 = 55 vs 42 = 7+35

The spider notices it has caught a fighter, and as such much actually work to subdue its victim. It bites into Pam near her neck, injecting warm venom.

??? = 10 turns
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

"Stop that! I already told you I'm not going to die here! I'm going to get farther than the prolouge!" Pam keeps flailing despite the venom being injected in her neck.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

(The dice really hate you)

Escape Attempt

18+35 = 53 vs 61 = 18+43

The spider rolls with every movement Pam makes, she can't get any force behind her struggles.

Submission Hold

7+43 = 50 vs 41 = 6+35

The spider has its priorities straight now, and slowly works Pam so her arms are behind her, then it slams down on top in a pinning motion, Pam can only fight to free herself now, any other complex motions are out.

??? = 9 turns
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

"Okay either this is a downer ending.....or a scripted event...." Pamela stops fighting the spider. If it keeps trying to kill her she'll fight back but if not it would be a good idea to not make a bunch of noise and attract more monsters.

(Pam stops fighting a turn to see if the fight is for her life.)
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

(BTW. stopping your actions for a turn give you +5 next action, if you didn't know)

The spider likes it that Pam's struggles have stopped. She can feel it relax a bit on top of her, a very unexpected behavior. What happens next is even more unexpected. One of the spider's sharp forelegs comes up and cuts away her top layer of clothing, making sure not to injure the girl. After her shirt is gone, leaving but her bra, the spider uses a back leg to cut her pants off too. Pam never realized how wierd spiders felt untill one was pressing down on her almost nude form.

??? = 8 turns
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela tries to simply push the spider off, "Okay that's far enough for you." The spider behaved oddly but she wasn't going to just give up yet.