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You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

There were some tenis rackets scattered up from, mostly broken. However, past that were quite a few baseball bats, the metal kind, perfect for a melee weapon. The display cases insde were busted out, a few of the bats lodged through the tempered glass. Looters had definitely be through here, if any more evidence was needed, the cash register was tipped over and all the managers papers were in a heap behind the desk.

In the back was a lone door, leading to a hallway for employees, and probably the bathroom. There was no way of telling if anyone or thing was back there, or even if there was anything useful, but the door was suspiciously closed completely, for a place that had been looted.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pam casually snatched a metal bat as she walked along, when she came to the door she quietly tried to open it, if that didn't work she would knock on it wondering if someone was inside.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The door swung open outwards, however Pam was forced to dodge backwards rather quickly as a large filing cabinet fell towards her. Someone had tried to barricade the place, but obviously wasn't very smart. Beyond the doorway was a small hallway with four doors, two of which were clearly marked as men's and women's restrooms, the two at the back maybe an office and a storeroom.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pam decided to check the storeroom first, maybe there was some merchandise left over back there she could use.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The shelves were looted, hardly anything was left on them. There were some boxes left, two small ones by the door and a rather large one near the back corner that looked rather beat up. There was alot of shadows around the medium sized room, but nobody ambushed Pam as she stood, feeling a slight draft.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pam decided to look in the boxes and see what she could find, then look for the source of the draft, it might be the back door that would need to be closed.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The two close boxes contained women's sports wear. White uniformesque short sleeved shirts and matching shorts of that one faux silk material that no one really knew what it was called. A good chance for Pam to change into good clothes.

The girl's second object was completed as she checked the last box. There was a secret floor hatch in the shadow behind it, ususally covered by the beat up box that was actually rather lightweight, empty. The hatch itself wasn't exactly hard to find, it was probably only due to the normal employees only nature that it wasn't found by an ordinary person before the attack. Right now it was shut, but the lock was on this side, and broken...
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela quickly shed her own clothes and swapped them for the new ones mutting a bit as they were almost form fitting, upon the discovery of the hidden hatch she cautiously opened it holding her light nearby, perhaps there was a survivor like herself down there....
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The hatch was heavy, it squeeked as it was lifted and rested back against the wall with a thud. Below was a dark, dirt tunnel, with a few wooden support beams. The drop was only two feet or so here, but the tunnel quickly got tall enough to walk through, though it'd be a bit tight. Just in the light from up top was a small oil lamp, unlit, but it looked to have a stiker next to it.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela sighed happily, an actual light source that wasn't cobbled together. Picking up the lamp she lit it and set it low so she wouldn't burn it too fast or make a ton of light to alert things before she could see them. After her new find she gently closed the hatch behind her and headed into the tunnel farther....
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The tunnel smelled a bit dank, and musty. Most of it was just a burrow in the soil, nothing fancy at all. It was also quite long, but at least in a straight line. Pam had moved along for a good thirty seconds when she came to a small, but open area, about the sides of 10 double beds. It was stacked high with nondescript crates, no markings at all, only a few marks from being handled roughly. One was cracked open, revealing what appeared to be bags full of street drugs. Pam had perhaps stumbled upon a hideout used by traffickers.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pam glanced at the drugs for a moment before shrugging, they weren't going to be much use in her situation and it looked like the runners weren't going to come back anytime soon so Pam shifted her attention to the beds, she found the one in best condition and fell down onto it. Sliding her lantern underneath it after turning it off she closed her eyes and passed out thankful to have found a moderately safe place to sleep for the night. "I wonder what kind of things I'll run into tomorrow.....zzzzz......"
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pam was awakened quite suddenly after a few hours of sleeping. Some tall, dark figure was poking at her foot with the end of a baseball bat. It was too dark to see who or what exactly was doing it, there was a light source, but somewhere down the tunnel. Fortunately, Pam didn't awake with a start, so the person poking her probably didn't realize she was awake just yet.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Whoever it was had a bat so they weren't a monster, at the moment she really didn't give a hell who they were, half asleep she blurted out a half hearted threat, "Stop it or I'll shove that bat up your assh......I ran all the way from the univershity, fought two monshters and then found thish place." She muttered and shuffled around on the bed irritated at her nap being interrupted. "What do you want?" she grumbled face down on the matress.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The person took a hurried step back, but moved in such a manner that suggest he, for it was now clearly a he, was ready for a response from the sleeping girl. "What are you doing here?" His voice was deep, and contained a hint of nerviousness, but was also quite strong, like a man who was in control. He did not poke Pam again, but did keep a threatening posture.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pam grumbles and shuffles some things around before getting her lantern and turning it on. "I'm Pamela, and I -was- sleeping. It wasn't easy finding a place that could be mildly spider or mutant free you know." She slumped forward looking at the man with a mildly annoyed look on her face.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

"You were sleeping, here, in the middle of my secret passage?" The man sounded more shocked then surprised. "You didn't venture another few paces and find the main room where everyone is hiding..." Pam could make out the figure turning slightly, as if looking where he was talking about, behind one of the stacks. He lowered his weapon ever so slightly, deciding Pam was not a big threat.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela poked her crowbar towards him, "Hey, when you run halfway across the city, get attacked by a giant spider, some mutant grasshopper thing, and a zombie in a dark library, then you can mock me sleeping at the first decent place I find. And I'm not really hiding I just needed a rest stop." Pam's stomach growled, "So where is this main room everyone is hiding in?"
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The man made a small dissatisfied noise. "I'm not sure I like your tone little missy. Maybe I should just leave you here, or kick you out. This is OUT hideout after all. Give me one good reason, either way." He raised the bat again as Pam raised her crowbar.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

"I'm not asking for shelter or anything, I just need to rest a little then I'm going back out there. I'm going to find what's going on, when I do maybe a way to stop it. That's all I'm asking for, a nap and maybe a drink. How often have you been out? What have you run across?" She lowers her crowbar and rubs her face with a grumble trying to fully wake up before frowning a bit at him with her baggy exauhsted eyes.