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You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Girl, are you crazy?!?" The man lowered his weapon again, sighing and shaking his head. He turned to look towards where the small room was, staying quite for a moment in thought. "Look, tell you what, just give me your weapon and we'll let you sleep in there with us for awhile. We'll give it back when you leave, but we don't trust you." His voice said he was unsure about this, but at least willing to try.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela sighed, "Fine, but I better get it back, I went through a lot to find this crowbar." She stood up and glanced over at the pile of drugs, "Well...at least now I know whats in those sports drinks." She tried to smile some making a joke about the drug runners hiding under a sporting good store.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Her humor was better recieved then her earlier attitude, though Pam still only got a small, gruff chuckle. The man was polite at least, giving the girl plenty of room to go ahead of him, motioning towards the small opening. His voice had been raised a bit in their conversation, stirring the others in the room. "Dude, is she taken care of or what?" Another deep voice, sounding tired and annoyed. "Just a second, we're coming back in, it's alright." Then, keeping his voice down to Pam "Just go in and hop on a crate, it's kinda tight, but it's just us three. Sara won't mind you, but Dion might be a little annoyed..."
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

"Thanks, like I said I won't be staying long, I know it sounds crazy but I gotta keep digging. For myself. How long have you three been down here anyways?" Pamela tried to keep her host's mood improving with some small talk.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The two who had stayed in the room raised their eyebrows, the woman out of amusement, but the man skeptical. "Look, we'll let you in here, but we are NOT your friends." He wasn't as big as the other man, but was clearly in charge. He sighed, then continued. "We don't want anyone messing around up in here, but we'll be nice enough as long as you don't cause any problems." There was an unused roll of bedding that he then pointed to. "You can use that, if you want to."
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela sat down but felt like staying awake just a bit longer now that she had some actual company. "Umm, hi I'm Pamela....So did you guys think I was a zombie or something?" She smiled back to the girl who seemed friendlier and gave a small wave to her. "You guys have a pretty good hiding place....it sure beats my first idea of trying to sleep in the library...." She rubbed her neck in hindsight noting that sounds pretty dumb.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

"No, but we didn't think anyone would find our tunnel..." The first man tried to be nice, but his voice was a bit strained. The other just scowled, laying back where he was at, then woman doing the same. "This isn't exactly a place we want people knowing about." At the very least, Dion seemed to at least accept Pam's presence now.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

"Well I don't really think theres many people left to know about it in this area, the military looks like they got their ass handed to them, most of the survivors are monsters now and I could care less about what you were using it for before all this happened. The authorities are probably more worried about the giant spiders and lovecraft monsters than a couple of drug runners." Pamela smirked and leaned against the wall with a sigh.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Dion scowled, then crossed his arms. "Look lady, you came here to rest, so do it. Go to sleep and leave us alone, right?" His voice was strained, as if holding back a bit of anger. The other man looked a bit apologetic, but the woman seemed to be on Dion's side, frowning lightly. "We won't disturb you, but you're doing a pretty good job of yaking and keeping us awake, eh."
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela nodded curling up quietly, "Good night." Pamela sighed a bit as she started dozing off again easily passing out still exauhsted from her first day's ordeal. As she slept she couldn't help but picture some of the things she had run into lingering in particular on the encounter with the spider. It had been strangely....enjoyable...
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

When Pam woke up she was feeling very well rested. Her body was a little stiff, but the kind that's ususally caused by not moving in the night very much. Dion and the girl were asleep still, across the room, but the othe guy wasn't in sight. Her weapons had not been disturbed, still laying where Pam had placed them before dozing off. The air was still and all was quiet, almost eriely so.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela quietly groaned as she got up, she felt like she had been sleeping on rocks......oh yeah, close enough probably. She decided to let the two sleep and be on her way, they probably wouldn't be upset about her not saying bye. Grabbing her crowbar Pamela headed into the tunnel towards the exit in the sports storeroom
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The friendlier man was not outside, standing guard, though Pam had reason to believe he had been recently. A small chair she hadn't seen before had been placed right next to the door. There were footprints in the dirt, fresh from the looks of them, leading up and out. Of course there was only one way out, so this didn't seem important at first, but as Pam emerged from the trap door, something was clearly wrong. The tracks continued up here, making muddy scuff marks all over, almost as if there had been a struggle, before continuing on out the front of the store.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela wrung her hands as she studied the tracks, "Oh....it's going to delay my search for answers but I have to...I'm still a human being..." She sighed and nodded to herself following the tracks out of the store and trying to trace them back to their source.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The lighting was much as it had been when Pam had found this place, though with the sun going up now instead of down. The tracks went right out into the still dead street, but then made a suspicious swerve right down the nearest alley. The only sound was a steady wind whipping down between the buildings. Overall, nothing overly threatening about being outside again.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela warily continued to follow the trail, perhaps what had been dragging him had spotted something bigger and had fled from it with him in tow. If she was lucky she'd stumble upon two dead monsters and an unconcious person...
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

About halfway down the alley Pam heard moans of pain, deep, male sounding, and very much distressed. She could not see the source, but it was close. There was a second alley that led to the left from this one, where the tracks went, and that seemed to be where the noise was coming from. Near the entrance were some tipped over trash cans with what looked like blood on them, quite a bit of it!
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela rushed around the corner without hesistation, "It's me, the girl from the tunnel. Where are you? I'm here to help!"
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The moans got louder, with a hint of anger. More metal cans could be heard rustling as the tunnel guard stepped out, but something was wrong with him. His eyes were dull green and he had dried blood all over him. He stared in Pam's general direction, but his eyes were unfocused, streching out his arms and shambling towards her.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela gasps in horror realizeing that the man had been infected somehow. She had horrible luck so far fighting these things but she couldn't leave him so close to the others. "Okay...you're interested in me? Then keep up...." Pamela hustled into down the alley just ahead of the new zombified man leading him in the opposite direction she had come. "I'm sorry I can't do more for you.."