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You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pam was much faster then the zombified man, even taking into account the debris she had to dodge. Soon she was out on the next street, still the bussiness district, but not nearly as open as the previous block. The pursing man was making much noise as he tried to follow, both from growling and from stumbling into things.

Pam had a few options from here. To her left the road was clogged with wrecked cars, some burning, though only a little bit after having been already mostly consumed. Ahead was a five story building, but it was dark and she couldn't see into it. To her right was a subway station that might be good to hide in, but the sounds of a large volume of water could be heard from down below, meaning it was probably flooded.

She'd have to decide fast, as the zombie would catch up to her sooner rather then later, and no doubt it's cries were drawing more monsters.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela only took a moment to choose, if she went into the building the zombie would surely try and follow her along with god knows what else and she would end up trapped with no escape. Pamela quickly headed into the subway station, even flooded it could actually end up safer than the streets as there would be a limited amount of monsters that could traverse water well hopefully.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

The rising sun provided just enough light for Pam to outline the walls of the station. She made it to the first concourse with only the sound of the water changing. She couldn't see it, but it sounded like a burst pipe or two were very close to her, and someplace overhead. Ahead was darkness, though she could barely make out the railing and stairs down to the platform, as well as a doorframe to another room on this level.
Re: You can't Hide what's Inside (Archer)

Pamela ran towards the other door, if she could vanish fast enough the zombie might wander off. If she got lucky this might be a route into the maintence tunnels, much safer than wandering the train tracks in the dark. "I can't believe I'm saying this...but if theres anything lurking in there I hope it's just giant spiders..." She muttered to herself as she barreled into the darkness.