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YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I dont know why but i like Wolfenstahl concept of heroine going through the serwers. Maybe because of this i wish to see POLICEWOMAN heroine with sexy mini skirt going through the subburbs? Trying to kill the bandit leader or something? Already tired of tentacles and so. Too many games about it.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Normally a lurker, but here's some input, some of it may already be covered, but eh...

- Guro/Scat
- Oversized Boobs
- Difficult Controls
- Slow gameplay/too fast gameplay: Can't stand it if it takes forever to get on to the next thing, and if it's too fast, then it's just too annoying at times.
- Re-grabbing enemies: If I get away, I like to have a second to rebound from it, not just get stuck again and again like the enemies are juggling my character.
- Blood: I can tolerate some punching and other ryona elements, but blood and death are just a complete turn-off.
- Futa with balls: Just not my cup of tea, though when they have both genitalia it's a bonus, just no balls.
- Digestion: Again, death and such (there's a reason I mention this).
- Male characters: Not a complete hate, and can be enjoyable in some cases, but not a favorite, especially no Man-to-man stuff.

- Fun gameplay: Something where things are reasonably difficult but not so difficult that you get stuck in the same spot over and over again trying to find a way around it.
- Tentacles/Slime
- Inhuman enemies: Enemies that lack human qualities while still being fixated in 'enjoying' the main character.
- Floor/Area Traps: Covered already that they'll be in, but they are a major factor that I enjoy but rarely see.
- Bondage Elements: Traps that bind, the occasional enemy that'll attempt to tie up the main character and use her, etc.. Sure, tentacles do it all the time, but sometimes it's nice to just have a character get tied up and used.
- De-buffs and effects: Certainly there are some that can be annoying, but ones like the character getting horny are awesome, having her get slimed as well would be interesting. Perhaps stages of de-buffs as well, increasing steadily, could tie into my 'Bondage Elements' comment above, where the character gets something extra tied to her that could steadily increase how horny she is and so on. I'm not really going to cover what I consider annoying, because there are so many that could fit my description but I would still find enjoyable that it'd just be contradictory.
- Vore: It is a favorite fetish of mine, but not digestion, stuff where the character gets swallowed up as a finisher are best when she's abused by tentacles inside the plant or monster, or maybe even just the walls touching her erotically. Of course, clothing digestion is perfectly fine, just not her burning up and screaming in pain. Plants are a favorite, tentacle monsters are unique and enjoyable, snakes are not too bad, though Half-Human-Half-Snake characters that have many names are also really enjoyable, think Milia Wars, which can include unbirthing the character.
- Sticky Situations: Ties into a couple of the others, basically, stuff like glue that slows the character down, webs that include spiders bent on abusing the character or even the Half-Human-Half-Spider characters making use of the main character. Sticky slime that slows down the character. Think slime as an environmental hazard or even just a main component of a level. All of these things are enjoyable in my book and can easily lead to moments that others may also enjoy even if they don't enjoy the fetish.
- Transformation: Not so much the Female-to-Male, but stuff like transforming into an animal, latex doll, strange plant, and so on can be enjoyable, even the werewolf-style transformations into an animal (while retaining extremely strong human aspects, just growing a soft coat of hair, unique ears and so on).
- Clothing Destruction
- Varying positions: Front or back situations, multiple enemies at once (adding on to the first) and so on.
- Random females getting abused: Adds to the scenery, could add in a 'save them' style element that could include alternate scenes during failure (mostly just adding another character to the picture), or even a 'trap' element where sometimes you have no trouble saving them, while other times you encounter an ambush where multiple enemies surround you leaving you little room to escape, though escape still being possible preferred, but the possibility of not being high.

And I think I covered the most of it... I can type way too much sometimes...
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I agree with all the futa comments above however enemies that kiss you+charm status effects are a good combo, Seduction mobs are a must and finally if you add a succubus futa make sure she takes the victim(character) in her wings to stop her struggling/resisting. a little fascination i have
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Options to turn on/off fetishes would be a big plus in increasing the size of your audience. I, for one, find futa (of any degree) to be a big turnoff. Futa protagonist without an option to turn it off = nope, pass, next for me. Obviously, there are people who enjoy it. Options would make everyone happy, but would obviously entail more work on your end.

General game suggestions:
-Ample opportunities to save.
-Gallery after beating the game.
-Difficulty settings so that "Nintendo hard" isn't the only platforming option.
-Voiced protagonist.
-Text during game overs.
-Different outfits/armors.

Specific suggestions:
-Slow enemy with a mobility reducing attack.
-Soft vore.
-Facehuggers. Not necessarily Aliens clones.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I love the way you think, lolcats, your list pretty much covers the wants and don't, but... Click dat spoiler!
- Scat/Watersports
- Any sorts of horrible death [including digestion, spike impalement... *shudder* well anyway you had that cheked off, just reiterating]
- Impossible proportion heroine [don't make the character a parody of sexuality]
- Flatout violence [during rape there really is no reason to kick or punch her, make it sexy not cruel. This is fantasy rape ;P]
- Worms [personal 'No'; I mean the tiny maggot likes feh]
- Horrendous animation quality [especially walking]
- On-touch insta-rape [The moment enemy touches you it instantly starts the rape animation] (there are exceptions, like traps or boss creatures)
- 3D graphics (personal, WAY prefer 2D graphics)
- Talking heroine (save your money and effort, no need for actual voice dialogue)
- Pregnacy being a dominant theme (Personal, walking around with a swollen belly and getting raped is not only not sexy to me, but a complete turn off)
- Birthing (personal)
- Impossible difficulty [without a choice to lower it; everyone loves a CHALLENGE, but overdoing it causes far more harm than good]
- Itsy bitsy sprites (using larger sprites [not too big you're short on time as is] really helps out in quality)
- Futa heroine (Personal.Maybe for one scene where somehow her body is changed, but thats it no more than that)

Yeah~ boy:
- A struggle period or a condition to be met for rape (like knocked down)
- Heroine
- Detailed rape animations [adding that bounce to the ta-ta's, different expression during the varying rape intervals and the like goes a long way]
- Cute heroine moans [I prefer the hentai girl moans(cute and high) to the realistic western moans. There is no need for actual lines here at all.]
- Good music [self explanatory, be it ripped from other games or originally composed
- Boss creatures [Level ending or certain checkpoint bosses, yes please :D ]
- Writting accompanying the gameover CG [A very nice addition, but not realy mandatory]

- Futas (can't have a h-game without em, but personally I prefer they grow their cock during the grapple not always active as in when they walk around)
- Story (Honestly there's no real need for it, a simple "Going to defeat the evil god" suffices, you're no making an RPG and use your time on something better)
- Reusing enemy sprites (Usually just recoloring, it's perfectly fine IF you add a different rape animation to them)
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

both of us have fallen on hard times.

If you could tell us some things that you DON'T want to see in the game,
and DO want to see in the game, considering what you've liked/disliked about
recent hits in hentai games, what would you like/dislike seeing?

When you've played hentai platformer RoR games, what did you specifically hate
about the majority of them, specifically love about the majority of them,
wish there was more of, less of, whatever else?

I'd be happy to support dev's, and try to as often as I can. You could consider what that guy's doing with Coc Corruption of Champions, but it's devolved into 8dicked-nipple-uddermilking-salamander-futa characters...

I guess the best place to start is with what games I love and what kills others for me. (All personal opinion of course, all games have their merit and value)

Top3 (no order)

*edit honorary mention to Nightmare Sphere, as another comment reminded me. It was probably THE most fun gameing I've been linked to from these forums. It's both larger and more complete than almost any other game here. Somehow even though the content is in it and I've fapped to it, it just doesn't have that Hgame feel and I always forget about it. I don't know, I guess I feel it should be in the indi games on Steam.

Mitsuko- Her different stances/animations according to the 'heat' level is cute. Cuteness as factor is very important. Others have this yes, but he's done a great job imo and... semi... active dev. I'll also draw an example to resident evil prodigy, his ingame character needs... a little more cute.

Hounds- The fly level... need I say more. Actually I love how he incorperated the status affects when her tummy rumbles. Birthing is good, not much on babies, but fully capable larva or insects would be great. I think horror factor is also very important. Perhaps not too much inflation but the 9-10 weeks pregant look can be realistic and not too painful in a real world enema (Bilara does an incredible scene I can find screens if dev wants). Just saying REALISM is key. Not all enemies have streight forward attacks and cookie cutter rapes, and I think status affects are the best part of these games. Whether it's a cum drip, or pregnency, or parasite you should incorporate this because it's not as much work per enemy due to a simple cum drip would span all enemies and really adds depth to the game.

Kurovadis- Level design, level pace, enemy spacing, various enemies, RPG elements. If you chose one game to really imitate it should be Kurovadis. (remember imatation is the best form of flattery)

What kills a game...
-Un-realistic. Arcade is fun, but given ProjectX vs Kurovadis I'd choose Kuro everytime.

-Too easy, while not fun enough. Some games you just skip playing to see the Hscenes or cgs. No good.

-Too complex, Wolfenstal is a great dev and interesting game, but the escape complexity seems to subtract from the scene. I've really got to focus on what I'm hitting in order to escape. I can't enjoy the animaton I'm too focus on the buttons, no good, even on easy. Yeah it makes it more challenging but I can barely appriciate the scenes unless I just decide to lose.

-HoundsOTB, yes bad stuff. It's too damn easy. I have to purposly lose, and that just kills it for me. The shield regen is too fast and the hit boxes are too big, and the grabs arent fast enough to be challenging.

If you'd like some setting or enemy ideas read a story or two in the link in my signature. Mist is a pretty good setting with endless possiblities. I even started to make a game myself (a couple years back) over on ToonPimps forums but got my ass handed to me by gamemaker. (then I think the idea was ripped by 'another dimension' but that's fine.) I've got other plot point ideas which arent fully implemented in my stories yet, like DarkIncarnate is just getting started in Book2 would be a great place to make a game, and Murlocs is setup to be interesting if I ever go back and work on it. If you're interested in plot ideas I've got more than I know what to do with. Actually I'd love to help write some of the story and/or game overs. If it's a game over anyways why not add a longer explination for those who want to read it, though most will just skip. Most of the longer ones are in moonrunes, I wish I could read those. I think the most popular one I've written is DarkIncarnate Ch9 it's got up 94% positive rating on xnxx, ch1 at 84% and about 6k views since november'12.

Replay value. I like to play different ways, sometimes I like to play melee, others ranged, sometimes I like to keep my character pure as long as possible, whlie others is a rapefest.

Other personal notes-
I hate big tits and wonderwoman type heroins. HotB is about the right build, though I think her shoulders are a bit manly. Don't care for furry, but beast enemies are fine. LOVE parasite, larva, etc. enemies, as seen in my avatar. In my opinion I think a great and rather easy enemy would be simple larva, easy to kill but arrives in mass, could even add to other killed enemies as a surprise drop (also realistc, just sayin)

ps. I don't have ANY spellcheck atm, I'll edit this when I get home, but for now GL udnerstanding me!

pps. Just reading over the comments, it's amazing to me how Futa was almost non-existant until 07-08 then got started in 09-10 now it's everywhere... It seems to be a great devide. People either LOVE it, or hate the very idea. No judgement from the guy who likes larva enemies... but I'm personally insanly turned off by futa. Again, -no judgement- it's just we had beastiality and japanese variants since recorded history, but no futa cave paintings, hyroglyphs, or japanese scrolls. It's an interesting evolution is all. Maybe I didn't see it but I've been surfing hentai since I was 14 on windows 95. Back then you had to watch for your parents pulling in the driveway so you could shut the computer off in time.
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Since most of you have given very detailed and full opinions on the matter, I guess I'll just add two points that I generally did not see in the comments:

1) Allow for a customizable character! Take this however you want; be it customizing look/sizes and clothes whenever you want throughout the game or customizing looks at the beginning of the game (or none at all, if you don't want) and customizing clothes whenever via pickups/powerups!

2) Have a moral/lust system that changes the gameplay as it changes. When the bar reaches a certain point (highlust/lowmoral) it should change the way the player fights back. If lowlust, the player fights back by trying to get away; If highlust, the player is the one initiating contact in the first place!

Those are the two points that I can think of that I really don't see that often in RoR games these days.

Also, as for the things I don't want to see; I generally agree with most/some of you:
- no guro, scat, vore, machine(not-that-hot)
- no one track gaming (gameovertogetscenesonly)
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Copy pretty much everything from Nightmare Sphere
Add in high quality H-animations

That being said, I think game over CGs are overrated. I'd rather have a pixelated sex animation that takes place in the actual game rather than a high quality artwork that you get as a game over screen. It just doesn't feel right when the fun stuff is not a part of the game, nahmean.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I clarified it and fixed it, we meant traps like floor traps, etc. not futanari traps.

Good, but to clarify when I said trap I plainly meant boy dressed up and looks a lot like a girl, if it's a futta with breast and no vagina they will be clasifeid as boy with breasts in my book.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Good, but to clarify when I said trap I plainly meant boy dressed up and looks a lot like a girl, if it's a futta with breast and no vagina they will be clasifeid as boy with breasts in my book.

:D traps <3
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I think you pretty much said everything I like and don't like, but now what I would love to see is pigtails and a chainsaw. oh and zombies.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

-Protagonist with average-sized boobs (since loli is a no-no :D)
-Reverse rape (turning the tables on the rapist)
-Character customization and clothing damage system
-Varying degrees on hornyness.
-Group sex
-Group Sex
-An actual gameplay, with attack and movement skills (double jump, wall jump...)
-Towns where you can buy stuff (among other things, if you know what I mean..)
-Semen and other fluids stay on the character for a while
-Suspension of disbelief (that giant tentacle can't kill her because it's actually a drug-induced dream)
-No blood
-Fun/silly stuff
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I think you pretty much said everything I like and don't like, but now what I would love to see is pigtails and a chainsaw. oh and zombies.

And a cheerleader costume?
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

And a cheerleader costume?

no thank you. I actual like to see a some what normal looking outfit. a jacket jeans, epic combat boots of ass kicking! you know some thing you would actual wear to fight off things trying to beat you down even if they weren't going to be raping you.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

no thank you. I actual like to see a some what normal looking outfit. a jacket jeans, epic combat boots of ass kicking! you know some thing you would actual wear to fight off things trying to beat you down even if they weren't going to be raping you.

I'm guessing we all thought you were referencing lollipop chainsaw with your description of how the character should be. Apparently, we were....wrong?

Anyways, one thing seems very clear to me now:

Everybody want a different look for the main character!
Some want big; others want small. Some want cheerleader look; others want school madonna look. This only supports my initial suggestion:

Let the main character be editable and customizable!
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

no thank you. I actual like to see a some what normal looking outfit. a jacket jeans, epic combat boots of ass kicking! you know some thing you would actual wear to fight off things trying to beat you down even if they weren't going to be raping you.

yeah, just like search dot said, I thought you're referencing Lollipop Chainsaw... XD
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

well I was somewhat, but I've always wanted to kill shit with a chainsaw. and I just love pigtails.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I am assuredly a long-time lurker, but my curiosity demands at least some comment from me.

I would like to see a game that could stand as a solid game without H-Content, such as Kurovadis.

Now, I like games like Iris Action, too, but I get bored with them once everything has been unlocked in the gallery, since they aren't great games without the H. I still boot up Kurovadis sometimes and try insane challenges, like speed-runs without leveling up. That it has hentai in it is completely besides the point to why I like the game-- it is good in and of itself. (Though larger sprite-sex would be a major plus... that is a weakness of mine.)

What I would like to see is more mechanical than content (you have enough content suggestions already). A good H-game can still be a good game minus the H, which is a point most people miss entirely-- they focus too much on cramming in the porn over making something fun to play on its own.

You don't need any kind of in-depth level-system to appease most gamers (especially those who just want the porn), nor do you need insane difficulty (though various difficulty levels is highly appreciated). But, with the talent of the artist shown here, I expect the porn avenue to be covered quite well, so I have no doubt that most of the content will be liked by most people (not everyone has the same fetishes, of course, so I imagine few would appreciate every bit).

Which is why I am simply hoping that you ultimately make an action/platforming game that you yourself would want to play.

Also, the tighter the controls, the better. A lot of games have been really dragged down by having sloppy or slow controls. That can really make or break a game, especially a platformer.

I admit, I've seen too many projects fail to get off the ground to get too excited about this, but I am still hopeful that y'all get this up, running, and sold. I just hope to see a result that is a good game with H-content rather than "another RoR game".

...and please, no futa PC (short transformations or enemy GoRs are acceptable). If you want the PC to have a penis, please just make him male. Futa is alarmingly squicky to me, and while I can easily ignore futa enemies, it would be very hard to tune out a futa PC.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

My Ideas/Suggestions:

Frist sense some people have prefrences that don't get along with everyone, add an Option that turns off scenes of some of the sex scenes or game Cg. In exsample: Iris Action had an option form what I guess was to turn on our off guro cgs. I prefer seeing girls covered in cum after a gangbang but other people mention thats a turn off, and while I like inflation and pregenat scenes some people may not.

Prolly one of the most difficult sense it envoles the main character and would affect all art with her in it. A character selection, or character options. One of my favorite games right now is super deepthroat due to the custom options. They don't need to be every extensive however simple skin, hair, and eyes options would be enough. (I'd also like to see outfits that could be picked up in game and a invotory incase players found a outfit that they love seeing her in more than anything)

Regrading scenes where the heroine gets knocked up. human enemys shoud only be in game over scenes sense it would take nine months for a child to delvop, and even if you allowed it to be born there would be some people on other forums who would want it to pin the heroine. Monsters, like tentacle beast and maybe bugs or other animals.
I could see much faster process in which her belly grows and she then lays the monsters eggs or gives brith to a monsters child. pending if the monster quickly transforms into an adult of its kind it would allow for it to impregnate her again if she isn't fast enough to kill or flee. Also the other option would be the "child" could help her for brief time or until it feints of gets KO'd. Also have this happen by chance, just so player who want could try to breed with everything.

Also have monsters with optional abilitys like flying ones carry her to a edge or big ones knock somthign outta her way, but have a way players that don't want her to get knocked up at all would be able to reach it with other power ups or abilites

I'd like this game to have a level up and abilite system. In addtion if it isn't to much trouble to be like a metroid/castlevinna type game or like mario just some mechanic that allows you to explore and visit older levels and unlocks for the character for visiting them with abilites she didn't have before.

If possible sense the level up system would be fustrating without it, a save system of some kind with at least 3 save slots. So players could try to play a pure heroine who avoids getting caught, be a total slut, or somthing middle.

I'd like it to be possible for monsters to rape the heroine with some of her outfit/customs on. a bit of a fetish of mine I like seeing torn cloths, having the attacker pull her panties aside, or up skirt scenes

A Submit and give up option. I say "and" because I'd like submit to be where the heroine decides to let the attacker have its way and to enjoy it. (also with impregnations if you decide to make it a chance mechince submiting would increase this chance). The give up option would equal game over Cg, or being kicked outta the level (with a cg would be nice) and restarting after she recovers.

Fetishes I'd like to see: Monsters(ie:Minotaurs, Orc, or more creative beast) tentacles, multiple pentrations in one hole (not talking about to the level of it would kill the heroine irl), lacation with monsters that would take advantage of this(either wait till a monster knocks her up or have one inject her with something that causes her to produce milk), mind break(where the character submits without the player wanting her to), lots of cum (I like seeing this but the amount is up to you), and prolly my weirdest one is egglaying.

An Idea that hit me while righting this, Multiable endings and new games after acheiving some endings would allow or a selectable bouns for that game.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

As said in the first post, we will likely be homeless or extremely poor if we don't finish this and we don't find a job outside of it, so yeah.

Except as listed above, we need to get this done this year, at the very latest.

Here's a few pieces of artwork from the artist for the game: these aren't going to be in the game (as they're obviously fan art based on other games), but I think you can see that he's pretty skilled.

Note that he also intends to ANIMATE the GO endings with at least a level of quality close to this as well, so...

(Images removed)

Hello. Up until now I was a lurker here. Also before I go any further I would like to mention I did not read this entire thread word for word, but this caught my attention.

Each of these pictures seem to be direct traces/paintovers of scenes from other hentai games. In the first one, Iris Action. The second, Viper RSR (I think), the third, I'm not sure but it looks very familiar.

If you are going to be selling this thing (based on the sound of it since you want money), this sort of thing is unacceptable.

Please do original artwork. Referencing stuff is fine but this is literally a 100% direct copy from another person's work. I am also a developer and while shortcuts can be fun, this kind of shortcut just completely insults the original artists as you're trying to benefit off of their own ideas and art.

Good luck.

Edit: I actually read the post word for word after making this post and while you do state that you won't be including them since it's "fan art", they still appear to be direct paintovers/traces and are not a good gauge for talent. Please post some original artwork that is not based on something else to give people an idea of what to expect. The Iris Action one looks like a screenshot from the game as there is pretty much nothing different about it.
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