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Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Ah, no Duke. You pervy thing.." Shiina remarked at the dog, as it tried to lick her face more than was welcome. After caging up the dogs and saying goodbye to them for now, she started leading Toy up the path they had previously gone through. As the pair went past along the west wing, some sounds could be heard upstairs. The girl thought it was just some of the other maids doing a bumble, and thus didn't bother investigating. Letting Toy walk upright, the young maid took them down into the cell area.

When they got downstairs, Shiina found a letter that was strangely enough addressed to her. After opening and reading it, she pocketed the letter, now faced with new tasks. She'd have to feed and wash the enslaved noblewoman. With these tasks in mind, she moved over to the next room with Toy, filling said basin with water. She looked around for an item to use as a scrub, hoping to find a sponge or something to clean the woman with. After she had thorougly rubbed the woman, she'd pour some water over the victim to wash away any remaining dirt before moving forward to the feeding issues. She'd let Toy eat like normal people, as she had been obedient during their walk
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

((Yeah, I know. Part of the reason I went back to my room rather than going to help the others and being stuck in limbo for who knows how long :p ))

Zehasael jumped slightly and whirled. What was with people just barging into her room today and always when she was tending to the slimes, although she was a little surprised to find a snake on the floor. Great, a talking snake. "Yes, can I help you?" Zeha asked rather coldly; just when she bad been beginning to feel she had a place which granted her some privacy for the first time...
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The snake put its head to one side as if in thought, and then said, "Yes, you can actually. I was wondering if you could possibly move your bed about two feet away from the wall. The furniture in this room has been repositioned and I can't get back into my hollow."

Great, a talking snake babbling nonsense and asking her to move stuff. Zeha was less than thrilled. However, it WAS a talking snake. That fact did pique her interest a little bit - if only because this was an odd place on the mortal plane to find such a creature.


Shiina found both a sponge, several small bits of abrasive cloth, and a stick with a scrub on it within the basin. She took these objects out before filling the basin with water. It filled easily enough and steam rose from. A handy thing that thermal spa, it would make bathing so much faster and relaxing. Shiina brought Toy into the room and took off the various contraptions attached to her, stripping her down to just her birthday suit. Her hair was a damp and sweaty mess and her eyes were splotchy. She tried to hide her face from Shiina, and did her best to keep her whimpering in check. Once she was in the bath though, the water seemed to help and her whimpering subsided completely.

After about four or five minutes, she lifted her eyes again to glance at Shiina. "I just want to go home..." she said. It was a pitiful statement, the sort of plea that came from a woman who had been broken or was on the verge of being so. It tugged a little at Shiina's heart, for though the maid was dutiful and loyal, she considered herself a good person.

After the bath was done, she deposited Toy back in her cell, and decided to let the girl eat normally, but she still would have to make the food herself and give it to her. Seemed like she was going to the kitchen...


Ayeka lunged towards the magical girl in the bunny ears, a confident, dark smile on her lips. The rush of her body, not her tentacles, inside the Kasumi's defenses left the grey haired maid confused for a split second, and that was enough to seal her lips around Kasumi.

Kasumi squealed in surprise, but it was muffled by the tentacled fairy. More tentacles shot out and wrapped around Kasumi's thighs. A couple slipped down into her stockings while the others hiked up her already very short skirt and played along the edges of her panties, slathering her underside in slippery tentacle juices.

((Kasumi lost the athletics contest and takes 6 stress being grappled by the tentacles.))

Ariane began to sob as the lengths of tentacle pummeled into her now naked and exposed body. The tendrils were rough and big, and the spider princess felt her insides stretching in the attempt to accomadate them. Her ass especially felt as though it were going to tear, and she wiggled her rounded cheeks in agony - although it was threatening to soon turn to pleasure. Coming from a people who used humans as breedstock, Ariane knew what these tentacle demons could possibly use her for, and she shuddered in defeat, knowing that soon she might be just a mother to tentacles. Tears slipped down her face.

The appearance of Kasumi had been a boon, but though she had tried to shout for help, she felt powerless and naked and all her pride as a maid was gone. As such, her cries did nothing to aid Kasumi, and soon enough the magical girl was in the tentacles' clutches too. Now they would both be bred, she thought.

((Ariane is in Stress Explosion. Start squirting them tears, spider girl.))
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael put her hands on her hips, drawing up to her full height as she looked down at the snake. "Really? You just barge into my room and start making demands, is that it?" she replies, obviously unimpressed. It was plain to see that she didn't care about the snakes hollow, or even consider it, but then demons were selfish creatures by nature. "I don't see how any of this is my problem," she declares haughtily.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"H-huh?" Kasumi looked back to Ariane as she shouted her warning, the newly revealed magical girl's eyes going wide as the tentacles invade her. Surprised and distracted, she was unprepared for Ayeka's sudden kiss. "M-mmphf..." Despite it being forced and the fact that it was from a woman possessed by tentacle monsters, Kasumi found herself moaning into the kiss, her body reacting even though her mind was shouting out to resist it. The feel of the slimy tentacles along her lower body served to further distract Kasumi. It was all she could do to keep from submitting to Ayeka's possessing entity.

Although she couldn't pull her mouth away from Ayeka's, Kasumi's hands were still free and she tried to push the possessed fairy off of her. More words flowed into her mind, but she had to get her lips free first in order to speak them.

((Athletics to attack. Going on the idea that a successful attack will get her mouth free while a failed one would have whatever Tass wanted to happen happen.))
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael put her hands on her hips, drawing up to her full height as she looked down at the snake. "Really? You just barge into my room and start making demands, is that it?" she replies, obviously unimpressed. It was plain to see that she didn't care about the snakes hollow, or even consider it, but then demons were selfish creatures by nature. "I don't see how any of this is my problem," she declares haughtily.

"It's been your room for a day or so. It's been your master's house for a few years, and before that it was some other family's abode. But it's been my hollow for centuries," the 'snake' said calmly. "But I'm not asking you to do me this favor for free. Would you like me to get you something in exchange for letting me pass? I'm good at acquiring things."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zeha seemed unconvinced, once again her demon philosophy getting in the way of what was 'fair', if you couldn't keep something from being taken from you, you obviously didn't deserve it. "I can't think of anything I want that you could bring me," she said with a shrug. "But you have my curiosity, just what are you, Ms. centuries-old-talking-snake? Since I get the feeling you won't simply go away if I tell you to, what with your hollow in my room and all."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"I'll go away, if you want me to," the snake said. "No guarantees from that point forward though. Your room is on top of my hollow. I'll get in one way or another. I just wanted to introduce myself and try being cordial, rather than moving your stuff around myself."

The reptile's head began to sway. "And I'm a... spirit, of a sort. I've lived here for quite some time, and will continue to do so."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"What a vague answer," the demon pointed out dryly and then gave a sigh. "I suppose it can't be helped," she exclaimed, and extending her will towards the bed, attempted to lift it slightly and shift it with her mind. It was heavy, and she was still a little tired from earlier today as much as she had mostly recovered, but the chances of her shifting it with her hands was much, much lower. It was better than the snake destroying something to get in.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Impressive trick," the snake said as Zeha moved the bed with her mind. The bed wasn't too heavy, but previous exertions were taking their toll on Zeha, she'd need to relax again fairly soon if she wanted to give herself time to recover.

"You've been kind. I shall owe you a small favor for this. My name is Anya, by the way. If you ever think you might need something, feel free to knock."

With her tail, the snake pointed towards a loose floorboard that until that point had been underneath the support legs of the bed. A small hole big enough for the tip of Anya's tail to slip through and latch onto was in the end closest to the wall. The snake used her tail to pull up the floorboard. There was a slightly golden glow from beneath the floor where there should have been only darkness.

"Great, now I'll be able to open up all the other doors," Anya said, more to herself than to Zeha as she began to slither into the opening. If Zeha wanted to say anything more to the snake before it went out of sight, it seemed now was the time.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The demon silently watched the snake slither away, although the golden glow caused her slight alarm. She shook her head, for some reason she had expected a competitively normal life here, not slime monsters, scheming spider girl, talking snakes and mysterious golden underfloor space. But it didn't matter over-much, as long as she could fulfil her plans.

Turning her attention back to the slime drawer, she went to put them away once more, hoping that they hadn't made an escape while she was distracted. If she could gather them up quick and painlessly and shut them away, she'd wander over to her bed and collapse backwards upon it, considering her options. She could rejoin the others cleaning... but... she just didn't feel like it at present...

((Aah, the problem with continuity. I'm half an hour ahead and can't really do much.))
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

There was indeed plentiful amounts of different washing implements, which the young maid used to wash her charge, doing it with a gentle but determined manner. It took some work to get all the bondage accessories off, but Shiina was doing all this for the Master. She ignored Toy's pleas for release, though she still felt bad for the older woman. Once she had cleaned Toy to a suitably presentable level of cleanliness, Shiina set her cuffs back and escorted the woman to her cell, showing her that if she behaved there wouldn't be any punishments.

Once the cell door was shut and secured, there was a new task in front of Shiina. "Hmm.. food to be made, huh?" she thought, starting to make her way towards topside and the kitchen, locking all the doors behind her to be sure there was no other random people entering the Master's private areas.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Tendrils snaked their way around Kasumis waist encouragingly, but it was Ayekas hands, and not her tentacles, that lifted her miniskirt, and started squeezing soft flesh of the bunny eared girls rear. Tentacles rubbed against her shoulders, belly and calves, while those already around her thighs held her tightly. As Kasumi brought up her arms to push Ayeka away, more tentacles stretched out of her shoulders and grabbed her wrists, pulling them suddenly behind the magic girls back. Were that successful, Ayeka would suddenly pull away from the kiss for a moment to quietly whisper; "Now now, we can't have that." With that, she quickly pushed herself forward, once more pulling Kasumi into an aggressive kiss, while the possessed fairy pushed her small breasts against Kasumis chest.

If the girl did, somehow, manage to push her away, Ayeka simply tried to reel her back in, not even skipping a beat.

Meanwhile, Ayekas tentacles were slowly sliding into Arianes pussy and ass, filling the spider girls depths and secreting aphrodisiac poisons into her body, the tentacles slime acting as a lubricant in more than one way in that regard. As she stretched out her insides, more tentacles began rubbing against her nipples and clitoris, trying to stimulate her further, but more tentacles couldn't yet be spared, as Ayeka was still busy trying to pacify Kasumi. After the initial penetration, she tried to be nicer to the girl, as her true personality attempted to fight with the demonic entity that currently controlled her. As her appendages pumped into Arianes holes, however, that gentleness quickly dissipated, and her demonic appendages suddenly thickened and suddenly grew narrow ridges along their lengths.

(Meant for there to be Affection listed here as the stat for the combat, but forgot, and didn't get around to editing until after Blue posted.)
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

More tears slide through Ariadne cheeks, her teeth was pressed and she saw both girls will fight, she really wish that the magic girl win and Ayeka return to be the nice girl of always, but she know that this will not happen, her fate was writed in stone and she bust sob, as the apendages continue using her. Somethimes she let escape a weak moan between her little sobs and pleads to stop this, her hips just sumit to the tentacles and instintively move to avoid more pain. Unfortunately the aphrodisiac have a low efect on her and after the soft moment the tentacles start to get more violent, Ariane was unnable to contain herself and moaned painfully without stop with the little breath that the apendage around her neck allow, with the time these moans changed to ones of pleasure, as the princess eyes dont stop to make her tears droll.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi knew she needed some distance between herself and Ayeka in order to bring forth her magic hammer, waiting for her just beyond the edge of this dimension, floating in hammer space. But when the magical girl went to push out of the kiss, tentacles flew around her wrists and forearms, gripping them tight and neatly folding them behind her back. She grunted in surprise as Ayeak pulled away from the kiss momentarily.

"Now, now, we can't have that..." the pink haired girl said in a voice only partly her own. Then she moved in to once again deeply kiss the grey haired girl, sealing her lips firmly over Kasumi's and exploring her mouth with her tongue. The tentacles began to shift all over her body and a slippery slime coating threatened to dissolve through her magical girl costume.

Knowing that she was in a bad position and would momentarily be overwhelmed, Kasumi was shocked to discover that her costume suddenly faded away, back to to the magical place that it had come from. She was now entirely naked, wrapped in Ayeka's tentacles and sharing a long passionate kiss with the tentacle maid.

Ariane watched all this happen through bleary eyes and then hung her head. Her hope had been dashed with Kasumi's seeming defeat and now all that remained was to be tentacle bait. The pain was beginning to mix with pleasure as her body was stretched out and the aphrodisiacs began their infernal work. Soon, though she'd still cry, her mind would be tiptoeing towards orgasm.


In the meantime, Shiina climbed the stairwell from the dungeon and then exited the black door at the end of the first floor hallway, closing and locking it behind her and then putting the black key in her apron pocket. She walked down the hallway, but so fastened upon her task was she that her mind did not register the bumps and noises from above her. They were not loud and someone not paying attention might never hear them, and as such, Shiina walked right along in ignorance on her way to the kitchen. Arriving there, she found it to be in good condition. She could hear Zehasael working downstairs in the cellar. There was a larder opposite the door leading down the cellar that contained most of the food stuffs. She was likely to have a good range of choice for things to make, so long as her ambition wasn't too fancy.
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The possessed fairy grinned in delight as she felt the grey haired girls clothes suddenly disappear, her hands roaming around Kasumis now vulnerable body. "Now.... You're all mine...." As she was no longer a threat, Ayeka lifted Kasumi and carried her backwards, until she laid the other maid down so that her back was lying on the unmade bed. Ariane was also so lifted, the sobbing spider girl laid down on the bed next to Kasumi as tentacles slid around inside of her womanhood and ass. Grinning down at both women, Ayeka said; "Two at the same time..... How.... Delicious...."

Her tentacles still bound both women, covering both in aphrodisiac slime, but the ones around Ariane were more busy toying with her breasts and clit than they were in keeping her secure, and several now also rubbed against her hands and face. The tentacle buried in her womanhood now pressed against the entrance to the spider girls womb, the ridges along the tentacles length touching against every sensitive spot that Ariane had, and trying to drive her toward orgasm, as had been done to Ayeka so many times when she'd been in captivity.

Meanwhile, the ones around Kasumi were much firmer, and lifted her legs slowly up, keeping them together as she laid down on her back. Her pussy and ass were slowly revealed, further and further, until her legs were straight up in the air, and Ayekas tentacle-cock teased against Kasumis folds. Her appendages writhed, several brushing against her unwilling partners breasts, while her arms were pulled back up over her head and pressed against the bed. "You're already wet..... I'll bet you can't wait to get the same treatment as the other one...." Her tendril-formed cock pressed against the entrance to Kasumis flower, teasing her for several seconds, before she slowly but firmly pressed inwards, until she'd hilted herself into Kasumis soft folds. Purring slightly, the possessed fairy pulled back and started fucking Kasumi, not quite pounding into her, but still being rougher than she might have been.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane's mind was so tired after all the events of this day that the aphrodisiac have not to work harder to turn her into a docile slut. The princess soon stop to struggle and just let herself enjoy the moment, her luscious body help the tentacles to sattle their lust, as her hips moved faster eating the tendrils every time more. But for some reason her eyes dont stop to drop tears and she continued her sobs,even when these were more cries of pleasure mixed with bablings who only were able to identify many slutty "dont...more" and "Ayeka" words, maybe she was just lucid in some part of her brain, where she just lay there feeling bad for herself.

She even dont notice that was getting carried toward the bed until she feel Kasumi's warm body, her hands were now free and instead fight, they start to stroke the tentacles and even bring one to her mouth to lick it, then she take an apendage ando put it between her voluptuos breasts pressing and rubbing it with her orbs, trying to make them come on her mouth to savour the warm substance, she was in a sexual frenzy and even tried to move close the silverhaired maid to feel her body too, Ariane was reaching her climax as she lost herself in the pleasure, waiting for the last hit of the tentacles against her nearly climax state.
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The curly-haired maid got out from the dungeon, and was making progress towards the kitchen. She thought there were some sounds coming from upstairs, but her mind was busy thinking about the possibilities of what to make for the imprisoned Toy, so she didn't really register the noises at all.

The kitchen looked to be in a rather nice condition, considering that there had been slime in many places before. Shiina was not sure if the kitchen had suffered the same fate, but it didn't matter as she went about her business to investigate the foodstuffs at her disposal. Zeha seemed to be doing some work at the cellar, but the maid-guard had no real need to go down there, so she left the colleague in her own peace. Taking out some chicken, veggies and spaghetti from the larder, she'd make a sauce for the chicken and combine it with the spaghetti and veggies. She'd also take a slice or two of bread to go with it, along with enough water to make any thirst go away.

Once she got the food done, she'd take it back to the woman at her cell, letting her eat like normal unless there was resistance or bad behaviour. If that turned out to be the case, things would get serious and Shiina would get a bowl for the woman to make her eat like a dog.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi continued to struggle right up until her magical girl costume, along with the strength she had felt wearing it, vanished into thin air. "Kya! Wh-where'd it go? Ayeka... Aye-Ah!" Kasumi let out a gasp of surprise as she was lifted and placed on the bed, futily struggling against the tentacles. With her costume gone, and her maid uniform apparently gone with it, Kasumi felt far more vulnerable than ever before. She wouldn't give up trying to get through to Ayeka though.

"Ayeka... snap out of it." She pleaded as her body was moved to suit the tentacle maid's needs. "Th-think about what you're... Haah!" Despite being effectivly raped, when Ayeka's tentacle pushed into her, Kasumi let out an uncharacteristic moan. As the possessed maid increased her thrusts, Kasumi's gasps and moans increased as well, especially when Ariane started to touch her as well, the pure and gentle maid almost turning into a wanton slut from the two's actions.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka felt the surge of lust in her other self rising to its peak. A dark aura began to surge out of her and hang in the air around all the tentacles like a miasma of demonic essence. The air was palpable with transient corruption. The two maids beneath her writhed in shameful ecstasy, their own mortal forms rising to climax along with the creature.

In a burst of realization, the true Ayeka hit upon the demonic "Other's" design. It intended to reproduce itself inside of these maids, just as it had done with her. The thought of propagating this twisted essence revolted the fairy maiden, but it seemed that there was nothing she could do to stop it.

With a grunting enthusiasm, the demonic essence drove itself into the throes of its final orgasmic frenzy. Its seed flowed down the length of the tendrils in visible bulges, heading towards the violated entrances into the girls' bodies.

Suddenly there came a sound of incomprehensible incantation, and Ayeka turned just in time to see a bolt of blinding light encompassing her. Then everything faded to darkness.


Kasumi and Ariane both saw the creature's cum flooding towards them, and somehow each knew that should it enter them it would cause something irrevocable. Twistedly, the lust that coursed through their blood due to the tentacle's aphrodisiac only served to make them eagerly anticipate that point of no return. Each of them climaxed just as the tentacles began their final thrusting motions, and they braced themselves for the climax that would flood through them.

Suddenly a bolt of white light lanced through their visions, blinding them. The tentacles screeched and withdrew, just before the demon seed could enter them, instead it fell over them, coating their bellies, faces, and firm buttocks in sticky white goo, which seemed to steam and hiss like a dying creature in the intense light.

Like a gust of powerful wind, the light came and went, and left in its blinding wake the unconscious, but seemingly unharmed form of Ayeka, without tentacles, lying against the far wall. No trace save for the dissolving seed remained as evidence of what she had been. At the doorway, panting heavily, was Fade, his white butler gloves discarded, his uniform disheveled as though he too had received the full force of whatever blinding force had run through the room.

"Are you two... all right?" He asked, gulping for air. His eyes were strained, and there was a fear in them. They did not stray from Ayeka's form.

The butler went to the limp girl and scooped her up into his arms. She seemed so small next to the butler's tall, powerful form.

"I must do something with her, and quickly. There should be no more danger for you both... for now at least. Please, take all the time you need. I shall inform the master of this incident when he returns."


Shiina returned to the cells, her meal cooked and set on a plate, and a tall glass of water to go with it. Toy remained seated on the cell's lone cot, which was little more than a slab with a thin pillow and a ripped sheet to serve as a blanket. She was silent. And looked at the food with a bite of her lip.

If Shiina was any judge of character, she could tell that Toy's inner thoughts were turmoil right now. Pride was losing to hunger and fear of reprisal. There was a hole in her now that was looking for some kind of hope and finding none, she was spiraling into despair. The food seemed to be mocking her. She looked at it with hesitation and apprehension. She didn't dare meet Shiina's gaze.


Zehasael was roused from her sleep by the sound of her neighbor's door, Ayeka's, being opened. Bored, but interested in the mild disturbance to the otherwise peaceful repose she'd been having for the past ten minutes or so, Zehasael was surprised to hear a man's voice in the room next to her. A moment's concentration revealed the tone and pitch to be that of the house butler, Fade. He was talking to someone, she thought, as though explaining something.

One word in particular caught her attention: "Demon"