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Yuno's dreamland


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Although the sloth demon might be lazy, her mind is far from that. Any deboucherous thought that crosses Yuno's mind is graphically displayed here. Those that sleep near the demon, will share parts of her dream, giving them a realistic glimpse of Yuno's deboucherous fantasies.
Re: Yuno's dreamland

Tag: Yari

When Yari opened her eyes, she was within a beautiful flower clearing, in the middle of the woods she was originally in. Large trees were densely populating the edges of the clearing, trapping the light mage to prevent her from escaping. Of course she wasn’t trapped here alone. A large animal was roaming around the edge of the forest, a large wolf with pitch black fur and menacing red eyes that were stalking Yari. The animal’s large stature and pitch black fur only made the thick wolf cock appearing between its legs more obvious, as Yari could clearly see the bright red cock throbbing and dripping in anticipation. Perhaps the most frightening part of the wolf was how large the knot and cock were, even for a wolf of its stature it they looked unnaturally large.

The large wolf menacingly stepped forward. Slowly approaching Yari, as all the light mage could do was stumble around, until her back was against the edge of the clearing. With Yari’s power dispersing the second she called upon them, she realized how helpless she was, and soon, the black furred wolf was standing in front of the mage, easily big enough to completely cover the girl’s body. ''My, my, even without my powers you’re already dreaming of such delicious things. Normally I’ve to pervert the dreams of other’s, or show them my dreams, but it looks like it won’t be necessary here.'' Yuno giggled into Yari’s ears, though no matter where Yari looked, she couldn’t find Yuno anywhere. ''Normally I punish those that harm me so much, but for you... I have something different in mind. Your lust for beasts is far beyond most. I’ll give you a choice, give in to your desire to be bred by this magnificent beast, present yourself to him in a proper manner, and I will unleash the beastly lust deep within you. I’ll make you merge with the wolf, and give you the ability to both be bred and breed with those around you. Or you could simply let him ravage you. Perhaps such a fate might be better for such you, either way, I’ll get a show to enjoy and we get to figure out where you belong in the breeding cycle. So what will it be, rewarded like an alpha or punished like a bitch?''

Tag: Zoey, Woods witch

Zoey woke up in a completely different place from Yari. Instead, she woke up in a cozy looking room with a large bed for two. Zoey was kneeling in front of the bed, and when she looked up, she saw two naked women sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at the girl. However, Zoey soon realized that she was no longer completely naked, as she noticed a collar was tightly secured around her neck, it had a name plate with ‘Yuno’s pet’ hanging from it, and a leash was attached to it, that Yuno was holding in her hand. Furthermore, Zoey notice that Yuno was sporting an enormous erection, the thick glistering cock was shaking from side to side. Though, it wasn’t only Yuno that was sporting an enormous erection, the Woods witch was sporting a similar erection to Yuno’s, although the Woods Witch was free to reshape hers in any shape she desired.

''I’m happy you returned to me Zoey, now we can finally continue what we started, and don’t worry, this time I won’t deny your release. You might be confused why you’ve a collar, well, since you were such a sweet obedient girl. I thought I would reward you by making you into my pet, I couldn’t think of a more fitting reward for a cute obedient girl like you. And if you’re wondering what the Woods Witch is doing here, well, she’s here to punish you for greedily sucking all those wolf cocks.'' Yuno explained with an amused grin on her face, before she tugged onto Zoey’s leash, forcing her closer to Yuno’s cock. ''It was delightful watching you get pounded by all those wolf cocks though, just look how painfully erect you made your owner. Since you’re responsible for this, I assume you know what to do.'' Yuno giggled, as she held Zoey close against Yuno’s twitching cock, and whenever Zoey moved away from the large cock held into her face, Yuno would instantly tug the leash, forcing Zoey’s face once more against the twitching monstrosity.
Re: Yuno's dreamland

The Elf Forest
Tag: Yuno, Zoey

The Woods Witch might have cursed a bit as she felt Yuno's dream powers overwhelm her, but it was her fault. She should have kept her guard up around the other demon. At the very least though she wasn't ending up under anyone as soon as she 'woke up' in the dream. No, she was instead looking down at one of those captured girls, the hero leashed and collared, while she was sporting a rather significant erection. Not something she normally had, but the sight did bring a grin to the Witch's face as she molded it a bit. Until it resembled a horsecock.

Then she'd look to Yuno and ask. "Mmmm, where's my pet? Or do I have to share yours?" Her cock bobbing as she watched Yuno play with the human. Shifting herself so the large erection was dripping precum down onto Zoey's back. Reminding her that there were two girls in the room that were looking to fuck her silly.
Re: Yuno's dreamland


Yari Darkbane
Elm Street porn edition

Yari blinked, disoriented for at least moment, creating a staff out of light energy and looking menacingly at the dark wolf.. she'd defeat the corruption of this forest.. but again her staff dispersed, causing her to curse in elfish. "Wait.. what.. huh.. its that damn demoness! Begone!" she rushed to slap at the dream voice.

"I.. I don't lust for beasts.. " She compared with a blush.

"URgh.. I.. I wont play your games!" She growled and insisted, lifting her arms defensively at the large beast before her.. it seems she was one to fight, rather than simply submit.. and the idea to merge with the beast got her both flushed and shocked at the insane implications. "Release me, creature.. this isn't real, is it?" She assumed, struggling to wake up now.. even though the mighty shadow wolf before her felt real.. all so real..she couldn't help but bite her lips at the wild creatures sight.
Re: Yuno's dreamland

Where... where are the wolves? Zoey asked out loud, as she was confused to where she was. What happened to her? She started to look around, and she realized she was somewhere else. She was in this nice looking cabin, somewhere she would love to stay, but more importantly she was kneeling before both of the demons! Each demoness sported a lewdly massive cock, that even as she tried, Zoey couldn't help but stare at. Now that her senses weren't being constantly assaulted, by seemingly limitless pleasure, Zoey could start to take over a bit.

Wha-what do you want from me? Zoey hesitantly asked, her eyes wandering from the demoness's cocks, to the leash in Yuno's hand. I've been defeated, humiliated, and violated, and now I'm about to be put in my place by these two. Zoey's thoughts were tainted by lingering arousal and corruption. She shifted around on her knees while listening to the two demons. N-none of that was me! I-it was the arousal that made me do it. I'm not a pervert. Zoey denied before biting her lower lip. Her face was already bright red. A whole new world had opened up to Zoey after her defeat, and it was hard to deny that she didn't like it. Expecially sense she was already subject to Yuno's abilities.

Suddenly her "Owner" pulled her leash, like a bitch, Zoey was forced up against Yuno's massive cock. But... Zoey tried pulling back, before she was once again pulled into the twitching shaft. Zoey was still "broken" from the wolves, she hadn't managed to break away from her lust. She couldent keep her resistance up for long, and so she started to give the attention that was demanded from her. She started so kiss and lick the shaft, slowly she starting to get more into it. Before long she was licking and sucking on the cock. Her eyes starting to darken ever so slightly as she submitted.

As she was worshiping Yuno, Zoey would let the Witch do what she wished with her. Let it be another blow job, or bending over for her. Zoey had fallen to where she only wanted to enjoy what was happening to her, and through that, pleasure her "Owners".
Re: Yuno's dreamland

Tag: Yari

''What do you think yourself, does it feel real, or does it not?'' Yuno teased the confused mage. ''All I can tell you is that this is a manifestation of your own lust. Everything that is happening in here is because you will it. Right now, your heart must be pounding with desire to be made into this wolf’s bitch, and perhaps the curiosity of taking his place once you’re done.'' Yuno voice rang through the elven mage’s head. ''Oh my, how defiant, but I won’t allow you to escape your dream. You’ve ignored your subconscious desires far too long, and it’s time for you to learn about those desires.'' Yuno once again said teasingly, though this time Yari could feel an imaginary finger trail her spine. ''But by all means, if you enjoy the struggling helplessly against your large mate, I won’t stop you.''

And as Yuno explained, fighting was futile indeed. The more Yari struggled the more aggressive the wolf became, and without any of her magic, the wolf easily overpowered the mage. It constantly kept pouncing on the woman, and whenever it had the chance, it roughly tore away her clothing. They continued to stumble around with each other for quite some time. Yari quickly became hot and bothered from wrestling with the beast, as she found its cock continuously sliding across her body, and her clothing slowly torn away, until her bottom was exposed. Once Yari’s bottom was exposed for all the see, and the elven woman tried to crawl away, the wolf immediately positions himself over the crawling woman. Once again Yari’s ass cheeks had a wolf cock pressed between them, a now very familiar feeling for the elf, but this time the cock was enormous. The thick enormous cock was spreading Yari’s ass cheeks as it slide back and forth between them, while the tip was slowly dripping onto Yari’s back. Though, the most frightening part of the wolf was it gigantic knot, it was by far the largest knot Yari had encountered, and with how vigorous the wolf was thrusting between her cheeks, Yari wouldn’t be surprised if he actually managed to force that thing into her.

Though, as Yari’s subconscious was working against her, she did actually have some untapped power. With a lot of concentration Yari could change the world around her, as Yuno was barely in control of Yari’s dream at this point. However, Yari’s subconscious would try its best to oppose any changes that would block out her desire.

Tag: Zoey

Once Zoey lips finally kissed Yuno’s cock, Zoey saw a devious smile of approval from Yuno. ''Good girl, you do know what to do~'' Yuno teased Zoey with a low groan, as Zoey started to lick and suck Yuno’s cock. ''Hmmm… that’s a good girl, but you know, telling us you’re not a pervert while so eagerly sucking and licking my cock, isn’t a very good argument against that, and your arousal is a part of you, you know.'' Yuno teased the girl that was obediently attending to her cock. A slightly devious idea came to Yuno’s mind, when looking down at the girl. ''But it’s alright, your owners love perverted girls, so even if Zoey turns into the most perverted girl ever, she’ll always be loved by us.'' Yuno said with a slight perverted smile on her face.

Once Yuno finished teasing Zoey, Yuno pulled Zoey away from her now saliva glistering cock, and quickly Yuno would bend her over, though Zoey’s butt was for now facing the empty air and her face was directly smooshed against Yuno’s glistering twitching shaft. Quickly, Yuno positioned the woman’s mouth directly over her throbbing tip, and after smearing some of her pre-cum across Zoey’s lips, Yuno forced Zoey’s mouth over the tip by pulling roughly on the leash. Each single time Zoey was allowed to get used to the large thick cock inside her mouth, before Yuno forced Zoey to take more of the length inside of her. Even though Yuno’s cock was only forced half-way into Zoey’s mouth, you could already see an enormous bulge across her throat. ''Half way there my sweet pet, I’m sure you can take it all~'' Yuno giggled, before continuing to slide her cock further into Zoey’s throat. Further and further, until Zoey’s mouth was hilted against the base of Yuno’s cock, and the entirety of her cock had disappeared into Zoey’s throat. ''See, I knew you could do it!'' Yuno praised Zoey.

Once Yuno heard the witch’s question, she had once again a devious smile. ''I’m happy to share my pet with you.'' Yuno said, before reaching over to Zoey’s ass cheeks, and firmly placing her hands onto them while squeezing them a little. Like this Yuno started thrust into Zoey’s mouth, slowly sliding the enormous cock back and forth through her throat, as the only thing Zoey could taste was Yuno’s cock and pre-cum. Yuno spread open Zoey’s ass cheeks, while making sure to place a fingers against her asshole and pussy, so they also would be spread for everyone to see. After a little bit of massaging both her holes, by slowly circling her fingers against them, Yuno looked at the Woods witch with a bright grin. ''Pick whichever hole you like, I bet you want to punish this naughty pet for becoming your wolf’s new lover. Yuno giggled, and after the woods witch picked a hole, she sat back once again, bobbing Zoey’s mouth back and forth over her cock, until she suddenly pull her all the way back, giving her a chance to gasp for her. ''So, is Zoey going to be a good girl and admit she’s a pervert that loves her owners’ cocks?'' Yuno whispered into Zoey’s ears.
Re: Yuno's dreamland


Yari Darkbane
Elm Street porn edition

"I know its a dream.." Yari said, albeit that did not quite answer the dream-demons question. "N.. no its not!" She objected with a blush.. and truly it was only partially true, the .. circumstances leading to Yari falling asleep had quite an influence on this situation. She did subtly bite her lower lip as the demon went on and she looked at the wolf. "T.. take his place?" She asked, once more looking for the source of the demoness' voice unsucessfully.

"I.. I don't want to be a wolfs bitch!" if that was what Yuno was implying.. she shook her head, blushing more, gasping at the trailing sensation as she looked upon the wolf before her, gasping as the beast pounced at her and tore away at her clothing, struggling back.. but there was no escaping the dream forest, and she still couldn't summon much of her magic.

"'D.. damn it no.." She moan-gasped as she realized the inevitability of her fate.. well, it was just a dream.. even if it felt so real, so what was the harm in giving in? She waved her hands, a bit of light gathering, only to be pounced by the wild beast again and feeling it.. why were the wolfs after her ass.. why did it feel so good...

She gasped lustfully, her luscious bottom naked for the wild wolfs shaft to assault as she moaned out..

"Haah. damn it.. its too biig.. I can't.. I can't.." she moaned out, squirming away from the mighty wolfshaft upon her, though also not putting in the full effort to struggle free from her subconscious desires, pushing her bottom up like Yuno had made her before once more, cooing sensually.. the wolf and its bestial lusts were just to strong, there was little she could do.. If her submission was ... rewarded she'd rather take that than the punishment and harm the wolf could inflict upon her if she struggled further, right? Thats why she did this. And indeed, just like the wolf had become more aggressive when she fought, perhaps it'd become less so, more.. gentle when she didn't.. perhaps the sollution to this was not to fight her desires at all.. accept them into her..

"Haaah.. alright, yes, I have fantasized about those powerful creatures, he's so trong and takes whatever he wants.. haah.. takes me.. makes me his bitch.. b-but that doesn't mean I'll just submit to your whims, perverted dream-mage!" Yari gulped, and held still on all fours after a little... encouragement, presenting her bottom to the mighty wolf. Was what Yuno said true? Did she want to become the wolfs bitch.. only to become more like the beast above her? She presented her bottom submissively either way, just needing a little.. push, not on top of the breeding chain, but finally giving in and working for her 'reward'.
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Re: Yuno's dreamland

The Elf Forest
Tag: Yuno, Zoey

The Witch would line up at Zoey's rear, reaching around to tease at the girl's breasts. Pinching the human's nipples even as she lined her cock up with the girl's pussy. Pressing the tip against it to tease the girl, waiting for Yuno to pull the girl all the way down to her hilt again, before slamming in. Filling Zoey from the rear even as Yuno filled the human from the front. "Yes, she's trying to take Sif's attention from me. Your little pet needs to be punished for that. I think breaking her insides so she'll never be satisfied with anything but yours or my cock would be the perfect punishment don't you think?"

The Witch reinforced that as she pulled back, and slammed in again. Putting as much power as she could to spear into Zoey's insides, mold them around the artificial cock that Yuno had given her, even as she continued to relentlessly tease the human's tits. Starting to set a hard pace to try to break the girl. Hoping to turn her into a little cum slut for Yuno and her to enjoy, then probably throw her to the wolves to breed more of the nice little minion creatures.
Re: Yuno's dreamland

I-I'm only doing this... Hah, because I have too~ Zoey tried to deny again, but a visible shudder of arousal and pleasure went through her as she saw Yuno's pleased grin. For some reason when her 'Owner' looked pleased because of her actions, Zoey felt an almost unwilling happiness. Ever since she was young, she had been an outcast in her village. She was never treated badly, just kept at arm's reach, surrounded by worshiping eyes. She didn't have all the much social interaction and thus she was subconsciously starved for relationships of any kind, even that of Owners and Pet!

While she was sucking and licking Yuno's cock to the best of her inexperienced ability, Zoey listened to how Yuno was convincing her to embrace her perverseness. Playing on Zoey's need for relationships and her growing lust, Yuno easily convinced the naive girl! Apart of her was afraid of upsetting her Owners, the first people to actually treat her differently from how the villagers treated her, and so Zoey allowed Yuno to position her. Her ass was now facing up into the air, aimed towards the Witch, while her face was brought up against Yuno’s massive shaft! Briefly her face was rubbed against the massive cock, its stench continually filling Zoey, before she was forced down the shaft! Her leash was pulled on, causing Zoey to swallow the cock. It went quiet far in for Zoey, but she adjusted after swallowing a few time, causing her throat to tighten around Yuno.

The process repeated itself multiple times, each time letting Yuno go deeper and deeper! Every time Yuno moved, Zoey moaned out loud. Her mewls were muffled by the cock in her throat. Her eyes looked up at Yuno, and they seemed like they were begging for more, though it could just be a figment of Yuno’s imagination as they quickly clouded over! Soon enough a massive bulge was in Zoey’s throat, she could feel it so deep down, and yet she only had about half of Yuno inside of her! The cock was big enough that Zoey could breath with a little trouble. The lack of oxygen only adding to the fog in her mind and her arousal, it allowed the lust to completely dominate her mind, and that was only with the cock halfway in! Slowly Yuno worked herself further and further in, until her balls rested on Zoey’s chin! Zoey could somewhat make out Yuno’s praise for her, she couldn't really think that much, her primal emotions ruled! Happy at the praise, Zoey tried to use her tongue to pleasure Yuno even more, licking the base of her before she started to move again.

Still bent over, Zoey felt her ass suddenly be grabbed and squeezed, her cheeks were spread soon enough, revealing her ass hole and folds to The Witch! Zoey moaned around Yuno, the humiliation of being shown off, turned on Zoey in the heat of the moment! Her tits were grabbed from behind, her nipples teased and squeezed! At the same time, Zoey could feel an inhuman cock head line up and rub against her soaking petals. Yuno was keeping busy in the front end of Zoey as she started to thrust around in Zoey’s throat! It seemed like no matter how much she moved, her cock was still forming a huge bulge in Zoey, and when she finally hilted once again, Zoey was penetrated from behind in one thrust! In one thrust the horse cock went all the way to her womb, fucking it! Zoey made a lewd noise from her throat that was supposed to be a moan, but just came out as some lewd wet sounds as Yuno was now moving a lot! The horse cock was hitting all the right places in Zoey, to start to get her to melt for the Witch. Zoey was puddy for her to meld, to shape Zoey’s insides around her cock! Zoey could only absently mindedly nod her head to Yuno’s question. It was impossible for her to do anything else to answer!

I’m… I’m going to break~ Big, they're too big! How was I ever supposed to resist them like this… They own me… My Owners~ Chaotic thoughts went through Zoey’s mind, some registering with the girl, and other just passing thoughts. But each one ended the same way, they kept calling the demonesses her Owners! Zoey was being roughly fucked between the two, split onto two massive futa cocks!
Re: Yuno's dreamland

Tag: Yari

Once Yari started to accept her desires, several things about her surroundings and the wolf slowly changed. One of the first things Yari noticed was the change in the surrounding flowers, as being on all fours while presenting her delicate bottom to the beast gave her a good view of them, and the second she confessed her true desires to herself, every flower suddenly started to bloom, filling her view with several beautiful exotic flowers. The second thing Yari noticed was the wolf slowly changing color, as his pitch back fur shifted to grey and eventually became pure white. However, that wasn’t the only thing that changed, as the wolf’s pure red eyes, slowly became pale blue, and his vicious demeanor became a lot softer, but the one thing that didn’t change, was the wolf’s menacingly looking cock, as the thick hot piece of meat was still pressed between her ass cheeks, excitedly twitching and leaking from the tip, while the cock thrusted between her ass cheeks was slowly smearing it’s juices across her eager holes. ''That’s true. You’re not submitting to my whims at all, after all, it’s your own whims you’re currently submitting to. Your perverted desire to be filled with bestial cock and your strong desire to carry its off-spring is what submitted to. In a way, you’ve merely forced yourself to lose, just so you could dream of having this beast ravage you, and I’m merely here to enjoy the spectacle.'' Yuno replied, as Yari could clearly tell Yuno was enjoying her struggles.

Once those words finished ringing through Yari’s ears, the large wolf started to shift around, until he was perfectly positioned over her body, as she could feel its fur rub against every inch of her body, and could feel its large erection rest between her thighs, as the hot twitching cock was slowly tapping against her leaking entrance. After a few experimental thrusts, the wolf finally managed to press the tip of its twitching cock against Yari’s entrance, but thanks to the size of the wolf’s cock, it had a lot of trouble entering Yari’s delicate folds, as it continued to put pressure on the tight hole. ''Despite the enormous amount of wolves that have knotted you, it looks like you’re still pretty tight, but don’t worry, eventually he’ll be able to force it inside.'' Yuno teased.

After Yuno finished teasing Yari, it did look like Yuno was going to be correct, as the tip of the wolf’s cock was slowly spreading Yari’s delicate flower open, until the huge tip managed to force inside, as she could feel the large wolf tip spread her pussy widely while it was continuously twitching and drooling pre-cum from the tip inside of her. Of course the wolf didn’t wait for Yari to get used to the feeling of being spread this widely, as with one powerful thrust the wolf immediately forced the large hot shaft inside of her, until she felt its large knot hit her quivering folds. However, the shaft didn’t remain still for long, as when it immediately entered Yari, the wolf started to thrust the large piece of twitching meat back and forth, as she could feel her pussy being stuffed by the large wolf cock time after time. Each time, the enormous knot would press firmly against Yari’s entrance, as she could feel the thing slowly spread her even further, and it didn’t take long before the wolf’s pre-cum was already spewing out of her pussy, as the wolf’s hot twitching cock couldn’t stop drooling sticky pre-cum inside of her, even after a generous amount filled her womb and coated the inside of her pussy. ''Can you feel the wolf’s bestial lust? Concentrate on that and let the bestial lust also flow through you, and become the horny animal you secretly want to be.'' Yari could hear Yuno repeat through her head, as the wolf’s thrusting grew in intensity the more Yari concentrated on her desires.
Re: Yuno's dreamland

(hard to find pretty elf nudes these days!)
Yari Darkbane
Elm Street porn edition

Yari didn't really feel in a position to look at.. flowers, of all things, that was, until she noticed something... odd, indubitably the demons influence at work! .. though, rahter than anything perverted, ther flowers became.. beautiful? This was quite startling to the light-mage. "W.. what the?" She couldn't help but remark at the more beautified surroundings, even the creature hunting her, this was quite the opposite of the oppressived atmosphere she had felt before..

She could still feel the creature lewdly rubbing up and against her, but right now, that wasn't as concerningly anymore, somehow. "I err.. I don't believer you." Yari said, though it lacked conviction.. was this really her.. desire? She looked back up to the wolf, not struggling much as it positioned herself.. such a strong, proud beast.. she could feel its fur against her smooth skin, his sex against her own, wettening under the beasts advances, if what Yuno said was true or not, she couldn't help but become aroused.. Even if a part of her still very much doubted this, she had come to cleanse the forest of its corruption, free those beasts from being creatures of just such base desires!

"Ahnnaanannn.." The reminder of the wolves knotting her, of the.. situation that had exhausted her to sleep helped her refocus.. though the insistant prodding of the dream-wolf of course didn't stop from that, her sex wet but not able to yield to such a massive lover easily.

"Uh.. uhmn.." She mumbled, steadying herself, her hands gripping the ground below.. again not making an attempt to flee, despite her protests, looking around for the dream demon. Something about this was suspicious, she had to .. "aaaaa...AAaaaahh.." She moaned out as the red angry tip dipped into her fruitful warmth. "I.. its too biiig.." She cooed, as her sex, incredibly tight, recieved the canine length, squirming under it, gulping, a part of her trying to withdraw in fear but unable to, trapped under the wolfs strength, precum lubricating and flowing into her sex as well as running down her thighs.. how could one beast be so... lustful. It had to be the demons power.. but it felt so good..

"Graaaah!" The elf gasped loudly, with her mouth hanging open as the wolf thrust deep, deep within her, making her blink in shock, eyes wide with the feeling of the canine shaft stretching her proper. "Raaah..r gaaah.. gaaaah..." Yari panted, moaning with a suprisingly lewd voice coming from her as the wolf, quite literally, fucked her into the ground below him with his mighty, relentless thrusts, her sex, despite its owners helpless, hesitant suspicion pulsated in eager, powerful need and squeezed the angry red shaft as tight as it could. "Gmnaaaahh.." Yari drooled ever so slightly under the assault. Yari struggled to answer the tempting dream demons voice, just nodding, just rocking along as she was taken, feeling the beast take her, flow into her. Lost in desire she did as the voice told her, concentrating on the overwhelming, bestial lust, focusing on the primal, filthy animalistic desires, the lupine beast pumping into her with primal abandon. "Haa.. haaah.. yeeeess.." she panted, eyes half lidded over in pleasure.
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