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Since MonsterGirlsUnlimited's website is down, does anyone have a link to a similar website with a guide for the game, a backup of the guide, or any alterative websites/discords where you can find said information?
Not to toot my own horn, but I did a thing some time ago. Added it to my sig just now, hope it helps.

EDIT: Was made aware of an issue, so here's the links for sure (I hope)!


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Just a heads up, but you can't see signatures unless you manually turn them on in your settings, and you have to NOT be on mobile mode.
figured id bring this back for anyone who hasnt seen it, credits to @Nieldoe for the original format. also i added in the guest characters. have fun.


  • Untitled.png
    1,018.1 KB · Views: 565
We're talking quality of lewds/animations, there's a few stretch marks on that list lmfao
no we're not? its just personal preference of how much you like each character (alts included)
Dude he's just playing with you.

You have the mouth goblin with a fat stomach in S?
And you put both the red and brown harpies in D?
This is the epitome of trash taste.

As you can see I'm only half serious.
Dude he's just playing with you.

You have the mouth goblin with a fat stomach in S?
And you put both the red and brown harpies in D?
This is the epitome of trash taste.

As you can see I'm only half serious.
dont make fun of me
figured id bring this back for anyone who hasnt seen it, credits to @Nieldoe for the original format. also i added in the guest characters. have fun.
I sadly wasn't able to make my own tierlist, so have this silly image instead.
The biggest changes I've made are that the Cyclops Witch is in C tier, and the Cowgirl Print Lady/Gargoyle/Prisoner are in S tier

Also, in case anyone is unaware, I'm 99% sure Zell is remaking FOBS, or at least some of it's animations. He shows progress occasionally on his twitter
okay so what exactly happened, I have been away a long time,
zell stopped updating fobs side a and b (or releases a new version very rarely) but is remaking all in another engine?
and meanwhile he is also working on another projects?
also we have a demo of the new engine fobs?
okay so what exactly happened, I have been away a long time,
zell stopped updating fobs side a and b (or releases a new version very rarely) but is remaking all in another engine?
and meanwhile he is also working on another projects?
also we have a demo of the new engine fobs?

Fobs is Zell's original pet project that he started with, but he releases updates for free. its kinda just a hobby. He hasn't been putting out updates because he is transitioning to Unity (i think its unity) which is a much better engine than what he was using.

You know what they say about being good at something. Never do it for free.

Zell's first game that he put on DLsite was Succubus Affection, it was a project he worked on with Ansara, Ansara is more of a traditional programmer and Zell obviously has alot of talent with animations. The game sold 22,000 copies on Dlsite and probably a lot more on Steam/Kagura games. Just so we're clear, even if DLsite takes 40% of that and they split the rest amongst themselves, thats life changing money compared to what you were doing previously, all for something that was alot less work and hassle than FOBS was.

Zell and Ansara are working on another horror based game together, but the jury is out as to what it will really be since Zell and Ansara seem to have a difference in vision, either way the game when it is eventually released is sure to be a big success, Zell has built up plenty of good will through the years with fobs and he can expect to make hundreds of thousands of dollars no matter what he releases.

My guess is that the reason hes been so quiet is because he was told to stop leaking his own work so much, he really doesn't have to hype his game up anymore than it already is. He might also just generally be enjoying life or have different life priorities than he had 5-10 years ago when he was probably just fucking around in his parent's house or in a college dorm, despite his success and the fact that his likely his passion, he might still have a day job, some people in japan are still very traditionalist and there is a culture of hard work, but it can be difficult to tell your parents or who ever else in your life that you are quitting your steady, somewhat lucrative job so you can focus full time on making animations of monster girls fucking.

Truth be told we don't really know what is going on, but Zell hasn't dropped off the face of the earth like some devs have in recent days (Uzura wru) so i'm sure he'll be just fine.
Quick question how do man find/enter the ungerground tunnels?
Game version A
Quick question how do man find/enter the ungerground tunnels?
Game version A
If you mean the Underground Lab, you need to get to the Poison Swamp, first. From the beginning of the area, go to the lower left, past the lone zombie, and take the path at the end. Then, go through the area with the gakis (the zombies with the fat bellies), take the path to the next area. Here, get past the White Hunters, and instead of dropping down at the hole, use the Kappa Dash to slip under the wooden beam, and you'll be right at the entrance to the Lab.
If you mean the Underground Lab, you need to get to the Poison Swamp, first. From the beginning of the area, go to the lower left, past the lone zombie, and take the path at the end. Then, go through the area with the gakis (the zombies with the fat bellies), take the path to the next area. Here, get past the White Hunters, and instead of dropping down at the hole, use the Kappa Dash to slip under the wooden beam, and you'll be right at the entrance to the Lab.

Tysm i was stuck here for 4 days!
Man I wish there were more H action games like this. I understand how much I took it for granted until Zell23 started putting out content at a snail's pace.

All the shovelware rpgmaker vanilla as possible H-games leave me so fucking starved for content matching his level. Not just animated pixel content, but also having the balls to do different bodytypes and sizes, humanoid, anthro and monstrous (not body horror) forms being thoroughly covered. What other devs touch into such variety aside from Quail?

I don't think it'd be so tough if devs had woken up a couple years earlier, maybe then we'd see action or just actually animated content around more commonly. A couple more Quails or Ansalas, Full Flap and Kooonsoft not jumping ship to 3D, Excessm not wasting time making some board game nobody asked for. It's getting to me just how people in this industry seem to fight against their success when they've literally tasted what works and they have little to no competition in their niche.

Eh, maybe someday I'll try to figure it out myself, either a full game or non-profit modding something like FOBS.
Man I wish there were more H action games like this. I understand how much I took it for granted until Zell23 started putting out content at a snail's pace.

All the shovelware rpgmaker vanilla as possible H-games leave me so fucking starved for content matching his level. Not just animated pixel content, but also having the balls to do different bodytypes and sizes, humanoid, anthro and monstrous (not body horror) forms being thoroughly covered. What other devs touch into such variety aside from Quail?

I don't think it'd be so tough if devs had woken up a couple years earlier, maybe then we'd see action or just actually animated content around more commonly. A couple more Quails or Ansalas, Full Flap and Kooonsoft not jumping ship to 3D, Excessm not wasting time making some board game nobody asked for. It's getting to me just how people in this industry seem to fight against their success when they've literally tasted what works and they have little to no competition in their niche.

Eh, maybe someday I'll try to figure it out myself, either a full game or non-profit modding something like FOBS.
Do it.

I decided to make games because I felt like sexually the vast majority of adult games did not appeal to me. Not only are the minority of adult games female assertive, but the minority of them also have engaging mechanics that pressure the player into feeling like they're being overwhelmed by the girls that appear in them.

So I started working when I was in between jobs. Now I'm in a new job that's not so good on my work-life balance, time-wise because of downsizing due to covid so my progress has slowed down, but that same sentiment you feel is what I felt in order to get started. And that's the hardest part! Getting started. SO DO IT.
Do it.gif


That being said I do disagree with a lot of what you said XD

Variety in girls isn't really that uncommon I'd say. Circle Teckua does it, that recent game by Etching Edge, Incubus Castle does it, and Poring's games do it. In fact, most works have quite a large variety in girls. I can only a think of a few works like Succubus Academia which I genuinely dislike anyways, Incubus Quest, and Succubus Reborn off the top of my head.

If you're talking about ACT games mostly... I see your point. ACT is harder to do than RPG because ACT takes more programming knowledge while RPGs don't really. RPGs mostly just require time investment.
I have zero positive feelings towards Quail, Full Flap and especially Kooonsoft so I have no clue what you mean regarding those devs. ExcessM is doing exactly what a dev should be doing. Creating versatile works to spark his passion so he doesn't get burnt out.

If he wants to make a card game, I hope he makes a card game, and he searches deep within himself to bring out the possible eroticism from the mechanics of the game he's pursuing. The experience would be useful for future works, and working on something he's passionate about is a way for the game to get completed. Not only that but variety in genres is how you get more users to join your community.

Who's fighting against their success? A lot of the bigger developers are just increasing the scope of the projects, which is a pain they need to pass in order to view their scope limit. ROBF's developer saw his scope limit in ROBFEOY, and downsized his games because of that experience. Kamichichi saw the scope limit of their works and are now burnt out. They might actually be a dead circle now.
This isn't fighting against their success, this is meeting production roadblocks. Game devs have to wear a lot of hats, and one of them is "producer" after all.