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Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

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Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Carefully lowering herself through the Door, Zeyra soon drops fully into its energies. Above her the Door closes and vanishes silently. For Zeyra, however, she receives a short drop to the ground and a wet and goey plunge into a bit of mud. Around her she notices what seems to be a foggy swamp spreading out in all directions, although she can't see far because of that fog. Most of the ground seems to be mud covered by about a foot of water, but a few strips of reeds sitting on what looks to be slightly drier ground flow along and in place there are what look to be large clumps of grass, some of which even have the large closed bulbs of what are probably flowers. Where Zeyra is, the mud is only a couple of feet deep, but she has no way to tell if the rest of the mud is the same.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

"Aww, yuck!" Zeyra complains rather loudly, trying to keep everything not already dirty out of the muck as she slogs towards one of the grassy areas.
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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zerya slowly stands up and forces her way through the mud as she moves towards one of the large clumps of grass. Despite the unpleasant feeling of the slime oozing around her, she manages to reach the nearest clump without hitting a spot any deeper than where she landed. Now on dry land, Zeyra notices just how large the plant bulbs can be, the one in the center of the clump where she is now is almost 3 feet around. Also, there are several mushrooms filling the grass around the plant, some yellow, but most seem to be a dull purple. The yellow mushrooms tend to be a bit taller that the purple, which she estimate to be about half a foot high, but aside from color and height, the two don't seem very different.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra marvels at the size of the bulb as she removes her outermost layer of clothing and shakes as much of the gunk off of it as possible, then puts it all back on and sits down. She puts her back on the bulb, casting a simple light spell to part the fog somewhat, pointing it this way and that with her finger as she tries to figure out what to do next.
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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As Zerya sits, she accidental squashes one of the large yellow mushrooms beneath her. Immediately she feels her pants grow slightly damper and begins to smell a faint bitter odder in the air. At the same time, she sees slight movement in the watery mud at the clumps edge, possibly as if something could smell the scent given off by the yellow mushrooms liquid pulp.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra sighs before complaining some more. "It would seem this entire place is custom made to ruin my wardro-" she stops when she notices the activity on the edge of her little island, her hands cautiosly reaching for her weapon and shield.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Barely seconds after she retrieved her mace and shield, two long vine-like tendrils dart from the water at Zeyra. Quickly blocking the two tendrils with her shield, she is then taken by suprise as two other tendrils wrap themselves around her shoulders and lift her into the air. Looking down she notices not only that the tendrils seem to be attached to the base of the plant bulb, but that the bulb is starting to open to reveal a long, slightly hollow tube in the center around 2 inches in diameter.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

"What in the name of all the gods?" She sputters as she fights to break free of the tendrils, swinging herself around in an attept to get loose and fight back.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra struggles to free herself from the tendrils' grasp and manages to pull free from the tendril holding the shoulder of her shield arm and begins to tilt sideways as only one tendril is holding her up. However, despite her erratic movement, one of the other tendrils manages to get a hold of her pants and drag them down to her knees.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra exhulted at freeing her shield arm, and was about to use it to hit at the tendril that still held her aloft when she felt her pants drop and a breeze on her now bare thighs. She looks down and turns a bright shade of red, though whether from anger or embarrassment is hard to tell, and reaches down with her free hand to grab her pants and try to pull them back up.
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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As Zeyra attempts to grab her pants with her shield arm, two of the tendrils try and establish a hold on her body. She manages to pull out of the way of the one aiming for her waist, but the second manages to wrap itself not only around her shoulder, but most of her shield arm as well, immobilizing it. Fortunately, her weapon arm still has some mobility as only its shoulder is held.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra curses out loud, and tries to reach down and swing at the tendril still pulling her pants down, conceding her other arm to the plant for the moment.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

In an attempt to batter off one of the tendrils, and possibly hurt the creature, Zeyra overcompensates for her lack of footing and over swings, missing completely. At the same time, a tendril wraps itself around her waist and drags her down pressing the plant's tube deeply into her vagina in a quick motion.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra opens her mouth to scream as the tendril wraps around her waist, but it turns into a breathless gasp as she is neatly impaled. Fortunalely, this also brings her close enough to attack the bulb dirrectly, and she does so, swinging at the side of it with her mace.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

With a feeling of slight success and a slight thud, Zeyra manages to get a blow in on the plant. However, this soon turns to something else, as the plant starts to move her up and down its tube and use the tip of the tendril around her waist to stimulate her clitoris, causing jolts of pleasure to rocket up her spine. Already, Zeyra can feel juices start to flow unbidden from her as the thing starts cause her arousal.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

"Goddess..." She moans as the plant starts to move inside her sex, and takes another swing at it as she does so.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra continues her attempts to attack the plant, this time managing only a glancing blow as the plant manages to press her over the brink of orgasm. Helplessly she hangs impaled on the things tube as waves of pleasure wash over her. Looking down she also notices with a touch of horror that a large bulge is pushing up the plant's tube as it reacts to the flood of juices pouring from her body.

(5 points of nonlethal damage and stunned for one round)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra screams as she orgasms, panting hotly as the plant seems to stop to give her a rest. She retains enough presence of mind to wonder why, however, and peers down, panicking when she spots the approaching bulge.

"No! Goddess no! No no nonono!" She screams, struggling weakly in a futile attempt to break free, still too weak to do anything but shake.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Soon the bulge presses up through the tube into Zeyra's nether regions. One more quick thrust by the plant painfully pushes the tube through her cervix allowing the bulge to press farther in and plant itself in her womb. The pain of the experience finally breaking through the sexual bliss that hit her earlier, Zeyra comes back to her senses in time to notice another bulge starting to work its way up the tube.

(1 more point of nonlethal damage, Zeyra is no longer stunned)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra gasps once more as the bulge passes into her, finally clearing her mind enough to act. Seeing another bulge already on its way up, she takes a swing at the tube itself, leaning back as far as she can to give herslef more room.
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