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Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

For a while, following the wall works. Eventually, though, the wall seems to regress into the ceiling and the fluid webbing starts being replaced by dried mud. As she is considering what to do with this new situation, Zeyra begins to here rustling nearby.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Turning around, Zeyra grabs her morningstar and shield once again and looks for whatever made the rustling sound. "Who's there?" She asks the surrounding area, hoping to actually hear a voice in return.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As she turns, Zeyra catches glimpses of something actually bounding between the columns. However, it never stops long enough or gets close enough for her to actually tell what it is.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra tries to keep an eye on the thing while she starts to pick her way to the edge of the webbing, testing gingerly to see if the dried mud will hold her weight.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The dried mud seems just as sturdy as the webbing. As long as Zeyra stays away from the sections where the mud ends to the air and the whole thing is thinner. The thing keeps close by as she begins to travel further. Almost an hour has gone by and still the thing follows her, but doesn't make a move otherwise.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra continues to keep a close eye on the creature as she travels, every once in a while stpping for a bit to see if she can get a better look at it while she rests.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As Zeyra travels, she starts to noticing a disturbing fact. Every time she rests and takes her eyes off of the creature, it seems to be closer when she looks back again for it. It then darts back off to its previous distance. This fact is worsened by the way that, with all the walking she has done and the swimming and other activities earlier, she is starting to get tired.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Starting to get worried, zeyra starts spending more time looking for someplace she can rest safely, like a nook where the columns are close together, or maybe another passageway back inside.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

There doesn't seem to be any entrances back inside, but every so often Zeyra does notice a small pocket formed between columns where the mud has formed both a ceiling and a floor. Still, with the columns as thick and frequent as they are, there is no way to tell if the closest entrance is where she came out, or just a few yards away, so a pocket like this might be the best she can get.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra takes another good look around before carefully sliding herself into the crevice, then spends the next few minutes waiting to see how brave the creature will get.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Soon, Zeyra hears the actual scraping of the creature's feet against the mud grow near to her shelter before the sound stops and a dull thump is audible somewhere above her. While still inside the shelter, Zeyra can't tell if she now has a new visitor who has somehow stopped her current stalker from moving or if the current creature made that sound.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra just sits and waits, unsure how safe it is as of yet. In the eventuality of something actually coming through either the 'roof' or the entrance at her, she prepares to cast her defensive spell once again.

((Ready sanctuary again, just in case))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Nothing ever makes a direct move against Shrike while she waits, holding back sleep. However, occasionally she hears a rustle and then a thump with the rustle always where the last thump was. At one point she does catch a glimpse of something as it crawls down a column to look into her shelter before darting back up again. The thing seemed to have a white carapace with to short antennae although she wasn't able to see the rest of its body because the mud ceiling blocked her view.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Coming to the conclusion that the thumping is the creature settling itself down, and that it seems to be more interested in guarding her than attacking her, Zeyra begins preparing to rest. She unrolls the sleeping bag and removes her makeshift skirt, putting the ripped edges together and casting a quick spell of mending. That done, she crawls in and settles herself as far back in the crevice as possible, puts her morningstar in easy reach, and idly picks pieces of dried fluid off herself while she waits for sleep to overtake her.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

For a time, Zeyra sleeps. However, a few hours after falling asleep, Zeyra is in the middle of a dream and an odd thing happens. She suddenly hears a tearing sound followed by a cool breeze. The breeze fades, though, and her dream self starts to forget about it. However, she is brought blazing back to wakefulness as she feels something enter her vagina and start pumping in a rhythmic fashion. She opens her eyes to see a large white insect like creature, crouched with its limbs pinning hers as it pumps a thick shaft extending from the end of its abdomen and into her.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra let's out a long, drawn out scream of mixed surprise and fear, and struggles to get free of the massive bug.

((How big are we talking here, like dog-sized and latched onto me, or like horse-sized and pretty much just standing on my limbs? Also, are her hands themselves free to make somantic gestures for spells?))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra struggles to get free, but for now at least, the bug seems to be able to shift itself to counter her movements. All the while it continues its plunging strokes filling her inside with its girth. Furthermore, whenever in plunges all the way in, its bristling hair rubs against her clitoris raising her stimulation. Despite herself, Zeyra soon finds herself becoming wet from the stimulation.

(It would probably be about Great Dane sized.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

"Ungh... No..." Zeyra manages to say between gasps as her body starts to react to the sensations. Again she struggles to get free, her chances dropping by the second.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Despite her best efforts, the insect remained on top of her using its weight to hold her down. Zeyra soon feels its strokes start to speed up filling her traitorously wet vagina with pleasurable sensations as her clit continued to buzz with pleasure from the creature's bristles. Then, without warning, the insect plunges deep into Zeyra and she then feels, both from the insides of her vagina and the eel within her, a warm fluid start to fill her. This sensation pushes Zeyra over the edge and she finds herself overwhelmed by a surge of pleasure causing her limbs to go limp as the pleasure combined with the fatigue from the day before pushes her back to sleep.

Later she would wake up, the insect's cum either dried along her inner thighs, or still floating within her. Looking around, Zeyra would find that the bug had torn open her sleeping bag to reach her although it seems to have folded it back over her before it left. She presumed at least that it had left as she couldn't see it in the shelter with her or directly outside and neither could she hear it.

(2 CrP damage, non-lethal back to 0.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((I think that looped my corruption back around to 1/9. I started with 4 after the last loop, gained four from the encounter before this, then got another two from this, yeah?))

"Aww, isn't that sweet, the rapist bug that cares..." She says to nobody in particular, looking at her torn sheets with disgust. She casts a spell to mend them for the second time, then goes about trying to clean herself out and off, as part of her prayers to her Goddess. Its takes much longer today to soothe her thoughts and connect to her diety, but eventually she feels herself brimming with divine magic once again. She goes back to her sleeping roll and tears off the same piece from yesterday and ties it on with the rope, this time running a length between her legs as well, turning it into a pair of shorts this time.

Packing up the last of her equipment, she sets out again, moving in gererally the same direction as before.
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