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Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As she moves about, Zeyra notices something odd. For some reason most of her gear seems heavier than the day before as well as being slightly larger. Wondering on why that was so, Zeyra starts her walk. One slightly alarming thing she does notice as she walks, however, is that she is being followed again. Possibly by the bug from before.

(You now have the Twist: Weakness resulting in a -2 in strength and a loss of about 4 inches in height.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((o_O You realize that that's an eight-level fix, if at all, right? And that it makes her even more of a rape toy than before, right?))

Zeyra keeps moving, quickening her pace somewhat and trying to catch a glimpse of what was following her.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

For several hours, Zeyra would travel, trying to catch a glimpse of what was following her. With the views she has gotten, she is starting to think it is a bug like the one from before, possibly the same one as well. However, she has also noticed that the mud and column terrain has started to get much steeper as time goes on.

(8 levels or the next twist, you never know. Beneficial twists can carry equal size boosts.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra just kept walking, slower now that she was on a steeper surface, reaching down and pulling herself up some of the worst parts. Through it all she kept a wary eye on whatever was following her, hoping that it would stay away if she did so, as it did yesterday.

((Just sayin'. You said that it was going to be about equivalent to feats, but that was the negative of two epic feats...))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As she continues up the slope, Zeyra is eventually forced to start climbing from column to column as the path enters a near vertical grade. Fortunately the muddy walkways are still partially there forming the occasional platform to rest on. Unfortunately, her follower seems to be having an easy time following her despite the grade.

(1st, you were unlucky. Second, given that a -2 to strength only effectively gives you a minus 1 to attack and damage since you don't use too many strength skills. I personally find that the feat which gives you an extra ability point isn't that strong compared to other epic feats.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

With nothing much else she can do, Zeyra keeps climbing, taking it slow and resting whenever she can.

((First, I know I'm unlucky, I don't need a reminder of that. Second, what are my two main options for escaping a creature once it has me? Attack, or grapple, both of which have suffered a fair hit for a level 1 character. Thirdly, I agree with you, but that doesn't change the fact.))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

After climbing for what seems like hours, Zeyra notices a few things. She is getting quite tired from the climbing, and seeing as how her last meal was yesterday when she had the white fluid pumped into her, quite hungry as well. Also, she notices that the black wall that has essentially been the ceiling that the columns stick out from, although it has been tilting back at the same rate the path has been getting steeper, has finally reached the point where it is starting to become the floor. Unfortunately, it will still have to tip quite a bit to be shallow enough to walk on. Finally, she also notices a slight bulge in her belly which has started to get in the way of her climbing

(I'm heading off to my brother's college graduation tomorrow, so I'll be signing off soon. I should have internet access up there, but it might not be as consistent.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((Okie dokie, don't worry about it too much, and have fun :) ))

Zeyra takes a longer break at the next flat spot she reaches, leaning back against a column as she examines the bulge in her stomach. Reaching out mentally her her friend in there, she moves it to try and determine how big it was getting.

Why didn't you tell me you had friends over? She asks it, not really expecting an answer. She briefly considered getting her friend to try and kill it or shove it out, but threw away that though immediatly. Harming something that defenseless wouldn't be very compassionate, regardless of how it got there to begin with. To satisfy her hunger she removed one of her trail rations, nibbling on it slowly while she let her tired muscles sort themselves out.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

From the eel inside of her she gets the feeling of some rounded egg-like object about the size of two fists.

(Small, comment, but I don't really have much time right now)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra continues to sit and much on her ration for some time, keeping an eye on her stalker as she does so.

((Resting, and no worries, take your time :) ))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Again, it appears that the creature doesn't wish to confront Zeyra head on. It seems to be biding its time just out of sight, bouncing between the far columns. If it holds true to this pattern, it may attack her again after she has gone to sleep.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra sighs, finishing both her meal and her rest, and starts climbing once again, keeping an eye on her stalker, as always.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The black ceiling starts to more and more become the floor as Zeyra climbs, almost as if she is climbing past some great rounded edge. Her stalker continues to follower, although soon enough she will have to break for sleep, and it will likely strike then. Also, both visibly, and from the eel inside of her, Zeyra can tell the thing in her womb is continuing to grow, although it seems to stay in an egg shape instead of growing limbs.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Sighing, Zeyra starts looking for a place to rest similar to the one she had used the night before. She al but knew that the thing was going to come after her again, but she had an idea that might help defend herself against it better than the night before.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

There seem to be several spots where clusters of mud form small pockets that Zeyra could fit into, although some of them would take quite a bit of work to get to given their position high up in the columns. There are, however, a few pockets much closer by.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra goes to the nearest pocket she doesn't have to climb to get to, and proceeds to shove herself into it.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Climbing into the pocket, Zeyra starts to have a similar situation to the last time she rested. The main difference is just how often the creature climbs down to look into her pocket. Likely, it wants to know if she is asleep yet, however, it is checking much more often than the previous night. Also, Zeyra's little eel friend seems to be growing upset since the egg within Zeyra is starting to take up much of the space within her womb that the eel would normally inhabit.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

"Hush, you. If you don't like it, then maybe you should stop inviting friends over." She says quietly to her stomach, before getting set back up the same as before, and leaning up against the back of her little shelter. She closed her eyes all but a sliver, steadied and slowed her breathing, and relaxed all her muscles, doing her best to appear as if she was asleep. Her morningstar was layed out about four inshes below her hand, ready to be grabbed and swung if she felt the need.

((Bluff to appear asleep, try and lure creature in))
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

In her false slumber, Zeyra notices the creature actual come fully into view, although, not to the mouth of the pocket itself. It looks like the same creature that attacked her before. However, either because it saw through her ploy, or because it was waiting for something else, it doesn't come any closer.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Thinking that if it had realized she was faking it, Zeyra continued her charade. She spent the time waiting trying to figure out what it was after.
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