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Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Hey guys, once again I'm going to start a PBP game... hopefully this time I won't kill myself o3o;;

I will be taking a maximum of 6 people at first and a minimum of 3

Warning klaxons blare as your eyes open slowly, you look around, groaning, a blast of some gas hits you directly in the face causing you to raise your rotting arm up and try to turn your head away. A very audiable crack alerts you that something is wrong as your head doesn't seem to want to turn properly. You take your first step out of the chamber you are in and fall flat on your face as you don't seem to be able to lift your foot properly. All this time, you watch your rotting arms in front of you, not realizing anything is wrong.

A few low moans cause you to turn your entire body around as you look around the room. You see other people falling out of their chambers, for some reason you are able to understand them, most of them mentioning how hungry they were, some simply confused as to what was going on. A very delicious smell starts to fill the remains of your nostrails as you stumble/walk out of the room. You rotate your entire body again as you notice a man looking at you with the utmost fear on his face. He lets out a loud scream and begins to run,

You realize that he's the one smelling delicious and begin to run forward, swiping at him with the remains of your hands, somehow your nails have become very sharp and your first hit is already enough to fell him. You begin to feast on him as he struggles, avoiding his cranial area as you feel there's a strong deterent there. But you have no qualms about happily ripping parts of his cheek flesh off. After filling yourself with the delicious meat, you wander around, falling down a few flight of stairs and bumping into more of your kind, you feel that you're moving way to slowly, and the best way to get more food is to walk out that giant hole where there used to be a window. You take a few slow steps towards the window and lean out, causing you to plummet about 15 stories before you land on top of a pile of other zombies who had the same idea as you. Unlike them though, you land properly and harmlessly roll down the hill of bodies. A few others fall behind you but you don't really care about them.

Suddenly, the building explodes, sending you flying into a nearby forest. As you get up a delicious smell wafts into your nose, you look up hungrily and notice that you've landed just outside a suburban neighbourhood, with tons of tasty meat waiting just for you... and the other guys who seem to have made it out of the explosion in one, or mostly one functioning piece...


Name: name of your zombie
Age: age of your zombie in days (somewhere between 0 and 3)
Gender: your zombie's gender
Level: (put 1 here unless I specify)
HP: CON * (1.5 + .5 * level)
Str: For clawing those pesky running meats
Dex: For grabbing those pesky running meats
Int: For thinking of ways to get more meat
Con: To make sure you don't fall over, because then you can't eat meat : (
(52 point buy system)
(Also note that having a low score in any stat will mean hidden penalties >:3)

Human hand (heals 10 HP)

(You have 2 skill points and gain 1 per level)

Rank 1 (Req: 10 STR, lvl 1)
Pull away that thing that's hurting you! (Can attempt to disarm)
Rank 2 (Req: lvl 2)
Pull harder at the thing that's hurting you! (+2 to disarm)
Rank 3 (Req: lvl 3)
Pull really really really hard at the hurty thing (+4 to disarm)

Like Human:
Rank 1 (Req: 10 INT, lvl 1):
You can speak like a human now... yay...? (you can speak +1 to INT checks)
Rank 2 (Req: lvl 2):
Your arms work like a human again! Yay! (can use simple weapons +2 to INT checks)
Rank 3 (Req: lvl 3):
Clothes make excellent disguises :3 (you remember how to wear clothes +3 to INT checks)

Regeneration of the Flesh:
Rank 1 (Req: 10 CON, lvl 1):
Hey... my wounds are closing... very slowly... (Heal 3 HP/5 times a day)
Rank 2 (Req: lvl 2):
Huh... I'm visibly healing now... awesome... (Heal 6 HP/5 times a day)
Rank 3 (Req: lvl 3):
I AM BULLETPROOF... kinda... (Heal 9 HP/5 times a day)

Zombie Jump:

Rank 1 (Req: 10 DEX, lvl 1)
More like zombie hop >_>(may attempt a close range attack to put a target into "pinned" status
Rank 2 (Req: lvl 2)
Now you're actually jumping! (may attempt a 10ft range attack to pin a target)
Rank 3 (Req: lvl 3)
Flying zombie! (may attempt a 15 ft range attack to pin a target)

Zombie Vomit:
Rank 1 (Req: lvl 1)
I puke on you! (close range attack which, if succeeds, lowers target's accuracy by 1)
Rank 2 (Req: lvl 2)
Projectile Vomit! (10 ft range attack, if successful, lower target's accuracy by 2)
Rank 3 (Req: lvl 3)
Super Hyper Projectile Vomit! (15 ft attack which splashes everything nearby, if successful, lower affected's accuracy by 2)

Combat is going to be a basic d20 system, where your modifier (stat - 10 / 2) affects your accuracy, you have to beat your opponent's dodge in order to hit.

Clawing: (Req: None)
Strength based, does (1d4 + str mod)

Biting: (Req: Grappled/Pinned enemy)
Strength based, does (1d8 + str mod)

Grapple: (Req: None)
Dexterity based, causes "Grappled" status on enemy

Pin: (Req: Grappled enemy)
Dexterity based, causes "Pinned" status on enemy

Rape: (Req: Pinned enemy)
Dexterity OR Strength based, causes "Being Raped" status on enemy

Smash: (Req: None)
Strength based, attempt to stun the enemy (1d2 + strength mod + (2 * strength mod chance of stun))

Throw: (Req: Holding object or Grappled enemy)
DEX based: Throw whatever you are holding for (1d4 + size modifier)

Finish: (Req: Enemy who has been raped for 3 consecutive turns)
Causes instant zombification on the enemy

(of course, there's also the skill based attacks, their modifier is whatever stat they require, Zombie Vomit requires INT)


Cannot attack for the next turn

Take -2 penalty to attacks, uses affected's STR vs DEX to break free

Take a -4 penalty to attacks, uses affected's STR vs DEX to break free

Being Raped:
Take a -6 penalty to attacks, uses affected's DEX vs DEX to return to pinned status

Affected turns against former allies, achieved either via death or being raped for three turns

I will add more stuff as the game progresses/if anyone signs up o3o
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

I sign up, but I have a few questions. I'll ask them one at a time. First, how are the stats going to be determined? Rolls, I hope
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

I's a 52 point buy. Considering there's four purchasable stats I'd be more curious about what an 'average score' is. Hidden penalties are to be kept from us until we incur their wrath, but I'd rather avoid them all together.

BTW, Interest.
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Interest, is point buy on a 1-for-1 basis or is it D&D point buy where stats start at 8 and get more expensive the higher they get?
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

I's a 52 point buy. Considering there's four purchasable stats I'd be more curious about what an 'average score' is. Hidden penalties are to be kept from us until we incur their wrath, but I'd rather avoid them all together.

BTW, Interest.

Okay, we've established I cannot read worth shit.

Next, How the hell are our characters going to communicate, we can't speak, can we?
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Animalistic groans, and vague instinct to stick together. The description makes it sound like we can understand each other though.

Also, I have already decided: I shall be a jumper. Nothing says ninja more like "Surprise, flying zombie buttsecks!"
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Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

I'm in! Hmm, now to decide who to use... Hope wouldn't be too bad... :3
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Ah. I see. Other than what Phoenix asked about the stats, I have no questions
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Hmm, interest expressed. Should we go ahead and start making characters now?
Currently working off the assumption of a 1-for-1 point basis

Content subject to change

Name: Granth Savael
Age: 1
Gender: Male
Level: 1
HP: 24
Str: 12
Dex: 18
Int: 10
Con: 12

Human hand (heals 10 HP)

Regeneration of the Flesh: Rank 1
Zombie Jump: Rank 1
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

K, Guess I'll go next.

Name:Vance Sandson
Age: 2
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Con: 14

Human Hand (Heals 10 HP)

Zombie Jump: rank 1
Regeneration of the Flesh: rank 1
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Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Sorry for not answering earlier, it's going to be a simple 52 stat buy system, generally you won't incur my wrath for stats unless you don't something ridiculously stupid. like 48 for one stat and 1 for the rest.

Go ahead and make characters, more skills will probably be added, but they'll be level 2 skills probably o3o
Re: Currently working off the assumption of a 1-for-1 point basis

Name: Jenni Roberts
Age: 2
Gender: Female
Level: 1
HP: 24
Str: 16
Dex: 14
Int: 10
Con: 12

Human hand (heals 10 HP)

Zombie Jump: Rank 1
Disarm: Rank 1
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Name: Sarah the Bullet
Age: 0
Gender: female
Level: 1
HP: 20
Str: 10
Dex: 12
Int: 20
Con: 10

Human hand (heals 10 HP)


Like Human 1
Zombie Jump 1

Mind if I base her off of another character? Catch me in the chat or PM for more info, if ya want
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Name: Gregory North
Age: 1
Gender: Male
Level: 1
HP: 20
Str: 11
Dex: 14
Int: 17
Con: 10

Human hand (heals 10 HP)

Zombie Jump: Rank 1
Like Human: Rank 1
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Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Carry on without me. It just occurred to me that finals are coming, and I ought not to start a new pbp/rp/erp thing with that looming over me. Apologies.
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

I just noticed something: Burrito is the only one who can't do surprise buttsecks with a flying zombie.
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

I have no idea what you're talking about
Re: Zombie Outbreak PBP/RP/eRP Thing

Content subject to change

Name: Connor Blair
Age: 0
Gender: Male
Level: 1
HP: 30
Str: 10
Dex: 16
Int: 11
Con: 15

This is my first time doing anything of this nature

Human hand (heals 10 HP)

Regeneration of the Flesh: Rank 1
Zombie Jump: Rank 1