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Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Luna, who had already donned a killer's persona, was not amused by the pilot's perverseness. Glaring at the pilot for staring at them in a lewd manner (more accurately, staring at Iris in a lewd manner), she replied to the comment in a cold tone of voice.


"...You can have her as you like after the mission is complete... seeing as she enjoys carnal activities so much... "

Gesturing to Emily, who the pilot was already oogling at for the most part, the brown-haired girl made her point perfectly clear.


"However...if you really are unable to control your desires until then...I could "take care of it" in my own manner..."

An audible chink as she loosened her blade from her scabbard implied that Luna's method of "taking care of it" would result in "it" being flung off the roof after having being separated from said person...

(No, you really do not for Luna taking care of "your urges" for you.)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

The cowardly pilot backs away from Luna's blade, raising his hands in defense as he chuckles nervously, "Eh- Fine, fine. Just wonderin' if you wanted to have a little fun before what might be your last time with a human..." he excused himself, turning from them, and hopping inside the helicopter, quickly sitting down in the pilot's seat.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Her eyes cold and emotionless, Luna resheathed her blade, her merciless nature highly evident in both the way she carried herself and her speech.


"A human who can not control himself is nothing more than an animal in the end...And animals that can not behave appropriately are put to sleep... Do take care to remember that..."

(Can we just fast forward to them boarding the helicopter and flying over to the zoo?...)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris was glad to see Luna had handled the pilot, even if the way she did it was twisted. Iris knew Emily loved sex and... Well she was likely to take the pilot up on his offer. If she had more then likely Iris and Luna would of had to wait for a little while and Iris didn't like waiting on things like that. Briefly glancing over to where David was on the roof then to Emily Iris spoke to Emily, her voice plain.

" Well... Lets go... "

Iris began walking to the copter to get on it...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Following her sister's example, Luna also proceeded to board the helicopter, all the while gazing coldly at the pilot, in order to remind him what would happen if he tried anything before the mission was over...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

When Iris looked over, she blinked in surprise to see David somehow detect that she was looking at him, as he raised his right hand, and gestured a silent goodbye without looking at her.

As the three boarded the helicopter, David whispered silently, "Good luck to ya," he sighed, "if you survive the midget's little experiment, maybe there is hope after all..."


After some time in the helicopter, mostly spent in silence due to the eagerness to accomplish the mission, the three reached their destination. Overhead, they saw the entrance area, surrounding some kind of building, a road going around it in a circle, as if linking all the different attractions to the one spot. That only accounted for a quarter of the zoo, however, as there was also a large dome at the North East corner, a Forest/Jungle area in the NorthWest area, and some kind of storage looking area in the South West, with the entrance being in the South East.

The Helicopter set down, but the blades kept spinning, as the pilot gave a gesture with his hand for the three to get out, as the doors along the sides slid open via an electronic device, allowing the three to exit to the parking lot of the Zoo, where the entrance and a Diner awaited them.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris silently unbuckled her seat belt and sat up, moving out from the copter. On her way out Iris only looked to pilot for a moment to tell him that she would contact him, via radio, if they needed picked up. Stepping out from the copter and getting to the parking lot ground Iris silently stood there, waiting for her two companions to join her as she looked at the area, trying to get a good look. As she waited she wondered where the three of them should start...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

The parking lot was barren, and ended on all ends along forests, except for the road at the very opposite end they were on that lead in, and out of the zoo, linking directly to a highway. There wasn't much to see outside the zoo.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Following her sister out of the helicopter, Luna immediately began processing the overhead view of the zoo through her mind, in an attempt to determine where they should go first. Following a moment of thought, the brown-haired girl spoke up regarding where she believed the party should advance first.


"Shall we make our way to the storage area then?... Mayhaps some fool has left access codes scattered about amidst the supplies..."

Gesturing towards the open gate, it appeared that Luna wished to complete te mission as soon as possible...

(The gate IS open, right?...)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily got out of the helicopter and resisted the urge she had to kick the ugly helicopter pilot in the nuts. That guy looked at her the most. Smiling at him before she left the helicopter she said innocently,

"Bye... piece of shit." Following Luna and Iris outside she didn't know where to start here. Glad that Luna was giving a suggestion for once instead of following whatever Iris wanted Emily listened to her. Replying to her she said, "We got nowhere else to start might as well."
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Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

With a car parked near the gate, and a lock and chain arranged on it in an odd way, still chained on the gate, yet not locking it shut, suggested someone had gotten here before they did, sparing them the trouble of having to unlock the gate themselves. The three took the granted ease of access gratefully, and walked inside without trouble, through the gates...

(Copy and paste! >.>)

They're standing on what appears to be a make-shift road, large enough for a parade to come through. There's grass along both sides of the road, ending at the wall which encases them. There is a building in front of them, it doesn't appear to be for the guests, though, as the only door that they can see is sealed by a metal shutter, operated by electricity, which this place is obviously devoid of. The road divulges in two directions, one going to the right, North, the other, west, and to the left of them. Along the paths are little lamplights along the road, likely for the nighttime workers. The North road only goes for about 25 feet, before stopping at a large, wooden fence, with a door on the side of it, for people to walk through, likely present to make sure any breakouts of animals are easily contained. It looks as if it could be moved, but a method to move it here and now seems non-existent.

The other path, West, leads down a much longer stretch, to another wooden blockade, with yet another door on it. It also branches right, likely to another fence.

Along the path north, there is some kind of stand on wheels, but instead of selling hotdogs, it contained zoo pamphlets. Many of the pamphlets were scattered along the ground, and ripped nearly to pieces by some savage force, there didn't seem to be any pamphlets around that were intact.

Upon taking a few more steps though the hallway like entrance, except without the roof, and reaching the corner where the path goes North and West, the three girls notice a large hole in the wall, where it appeared that some large, brute force broke it's way out of the zoo.

However, that wasn't the only thing they noticed. Emily and Luna quickly saw Grey snakes, trying to use their bodies to camouflage themselves, slithering along the ground towards them. Iris did not notice however, as she was fooled by the camouflage.

( Emily and Luna noticed six snakes trailing along the ground, Iris is unaware of the threats. )
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Upon noticing the grey snakes slithering towards them, Luna immediately drew her gun, opening fire without hesitation.


"Foul serpents...disappear into the netherworld..."

(Aimed shot at closest snake)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily turned to the direction of the snakes. Mad that they were trying to sneak up on them she got ready to fight them. Pulling out her gun she said to them


"You things can't sneak worth a shit."

She fired at the one in the lead hoping to kill it with one bullet.

(Aimed shot)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily takes aim at one of the slower snakes, and easily kills the small thing in one shot, while dodging out of the way at another who attempts to spring at her, desiring to crawl into her pants.

Luna's aim was interrupted before it started, as the two snakes trailing after her suddenly leaped at her, and she had to forsake a bullet in order to barely evade the quick little monsters wanting to gain entry to her insides, stepping out of the way just in time to dodge their springs.

Iris, unfortunately for her, was swarmed by a pair of snakes before she even knew what happened, finding the two little monsters slither around her after landing on her, into the openings on her pants, easily slicking their scaly, slimy feeling bodies into her clothing, as she felt the monsters push against her pussy and anus, as if they were about to shove themselves inside her!
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Yet to be aware of her sister's predicament, Luna herself hissed as she dodged and drew her sword, intent on mutilating the serpents.


"Disgusting reptiles...disappear from my sight."

(Action: Aggressive stance, slashes with the sword.)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily was proud of her success to be able to kill one of the things right away. Dodging one made her feel more arrogant. She didn't even seem to notice that the two others didn't shoot at the snakes right away. Aiming at the snake that tried to pounce into her pants she shot at it


"Stupid little shits, die."

(Aimed shot at the one that pounced at her)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris almost let out a scream as she felt the snakes worm their ways inside her armor. Yet again he had failed to notice something and was close to paying the price for it. For a few seconds Iris thought of what to do, having a bit of trouble from feeling the things touch her bare skin and prodding her two holes. Iris figured her best bet was to try and yank out one of the snakes before it shoved itself inside her as fast as she could. One was sure going to succeed in getting inside her but she had a chance to stop the other one.

* Iris attempts to reach into her clothing and yank out the snake about to push itself in her sex. *
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

With another well placed shot, Emily demonstrates her improved skills with a handgun by killing yet another snake with the simple pull of a trigger, rendering the tiny monster unmoving.

The snake Luna aims to slice at with her sword just barely backs it's head away from her violent barrage, missing by only an inch. The snakes suddenly take notice of Luna's forsaking of defense for attack, and swarm her just as they did Iris, latching onto her, and coiling around her skin, working their way into her clothing, until their heads were pushing against both of her holes, threatening to go inside her.

Iris barely managed to get a grip on the one trying to slip into her pussy, pulling it out of her armor, and tossing it to the ground, only to give a shocked cry as the other one slipped into her ass, going all the way inside her, and making her yelp with pain as it bit her from the inside. She suddenly felt like she was losing control of her body, as the snake seemed to carry a paralyzing poison, which quickly worked it's way into her system...

(Constitution check)

Iris quickly went numb, and fell to the ground. With it's victory, the snake inside her ass started to worm around inside her, making her cringe with the strange erotic sensation of it worming around inside her body
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris gritted her teeth as she fell the the ground and felt the snake wormed around the inside of her anus. The feel was erotic, in a sense it almost felt good. Iris started to feel helpless as she laid on the ground, feeling the snake have its way with her. Her eyes barly managed to moved as Iris looked out in front of her and saw Emily who had managed to kill both snakes. Weakly, with a bit of fear and panic in her voice, Iris called out to her friend to help.

" Emily... H-help... "

As Iris laid on the ground she attempted to resist the toxic and move. She had to get the snake out of her, or at least move before the other one got in her.

* Iris attempts to resist the toxic and move. *
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]


"Get thee...off of me..."

Attempting to do likewise as her sister had done, Luna proceeded to forsake attacking for the moment to remove the snakes from her, grabbing and them and trying to toss them away.