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Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]


"...I will be retrieving the codes in accordance with the mission...please see to it that he arrives at the Inn safely."

Holstering her now waterlogged gun, and drawing her sword, Luna proceeded towards the management office, more intent on satisfying her bloodlust than actually completing the mission.

(Action: Move towards the management office. )
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

After walking past the dead jelly fish filled pool of water, Luna went into the Management office, finding it to be empty, devoid of monsters for her to kill. However, after rummaging through some papers, she found the code to the power grid written down on a piece of paper. Whether it was old or not, luck would tell.

Meanwhile, Joseph started looking even more sleepy, his eyes half closed, and his position suggesting he was about to go to sleep, before he coughed, and spat up a little more blood, "Uhhh..." he groaned, "Just... Leave me here for a bit..." he said breathlessly, "... I'm not done yet..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

While her sister went to get the codes Iris decided now to take care of the brown haired man. Seeing how weak and tired he was right now Iris was sure he wouldn't be able to put up any sort of fight if Iris attempted to pick him up and carry him. About to lift the man and carry him in her arms Iris spoke to the man, her tone a bit soft and plain.

" You're done for now Joseph. Try to stay awake though... "

Iris wanted him to stay awake because she was sure you were suppose to stay awake if you had a head injury. The white haired girl went to lift the man. Once she got him up up she would carry him outside and wait for the copter to show up with the stretcher.

Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Joseph shook his head slowly, and groggily, and even made a small growl of an insult to Iris, but she was correct in thinking he couldn't put up much of a fight, as she easily had his arm around her shoulder, and found herself carrying him back towards the exit to the aquarium.

After Emily waited for Luna to come back from the management office, they left for the front of the building, where Iris and lain Joseph against a wall to rest, "God damn it... Just go activate the power..." he whined, "Of all the people to run into... It's a bunch of idiots with a conscience..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]


"...The evacuation of the injured is key, especially as they'll do little but hinder others along the way."

That being said, Luna then proceeded to take a seat against a wall, tinkering with her gun to see if she could get it fully working once again.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris continued to not let Joseph's rudeness faze her. she didn't blame him for being angry anyways, being hurt and wanting to continue fighting and all. She still didn't get why turning the zoos power back on was so important. She might of been told earlier but couldn't remember. Regardless of the purpose if the director thought getting the power back on was important it must of been.

Iris kept a few feet away from Joseph and her blue eyes on him as she plainly spoke to him, addressing his concern for the power to be turned back on.
" We will take care of the power as soon as the copter comes for you, alright? "

Iris planned to wait until the pilot showed up and the brown haired man was on his way to the inn before moving on with the mission. Thinking about the pilot for a moment Iris had a somewhat of a low opinion of him, but seeing that he was acting professional as far as coming in to save someone Iris was gaining a little respect for him. He may be a little bit more then some middle aged pervert. At the very least he was useful.

Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Joseph growled, and looked at Iris threateningly, "What the hell are you looking at? You want a fucking kiss? Why don't you-"

Joseph was interrupted by the radio on Iris going off, "What the fuck!?!" the man exclaimed, "You didn't tell me the air was hot! There's fucking flying women harassing my chopper! I'm getting back under the cover of David's scope, Peterson out!"

Joseph murmured something under his breath, "Uh-oh... Looks like they found me..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Reloading her gun, Luna readied her weapons, finally being granted a chance to satisfy the pent-up rage from nearly being raped earlier.


"Good...let them come...and allow for me to send them back to the pits of hell..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Joseph looked up at Luna, as if about to say something, but simply looked away, and seemed to go into deep thought...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris let a sigh out as she turned away from Joesph and began to adjust the hand radio. The white haired girl didn't like how things were turning out. As of now, to Iris's knowledge, Luna was without a working gun, seeing as the weapon had been waterlogged during everyone's last fight. Joseph was in very bad shape and from the sound of it flying women were looking for him, and keeping the copter from coming to pick him up. Iris was going to move everyone inside in a moment, but for this moment she figured now would be a good time to contact the director and update her on the situation. She might take this as an emergency and send support, which would greatly help.

Iris got the hand radio on the directors channel and began speaking in it with a plain tone, almost sure that the woman would be listening.

" Ma'am, we've got a bit of a situation. " Iris paused for a moment before continuing. " Joseph is in really bad shape, he was spitting blood up not long ago. I tried to get the helicopter pilot to come and get him but during his trip over here his copter was attacked by what he described as flying women, forcing him to turn around. By the sound of it I think they're after Joseph... Iris stopped talking then and waited for a response, hoping the director could give her some information on how to handle these flying that attacked the copter in case they did show up..

Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris and the others heard a sigh on the other end, and the Director spoke in answer to Iris' update, "Hmm... They are going to find you, don't mistake that, and if my suspicions are correct, fighting these creatures that attacked your pilot directly is highly not recommended." she advised them, "If, I am correct, and these creatures are what I think they are, then there are two ways you can deal with them. Both do not guarantee success."

"First; You can try to ignore them, while at the same time, attack them. If you allow your thoughts to occupy itself with one of them, they will use a supernatural power to take advantage of that, and dominate your mind. Should you see another one of you being afflicted by this ailment, assist them immediately to break the trance."

"Second... You could beat them at their own game, and cause them to reach climax before you do. If you use this method, their trance won't do anything to stop you, but you might just lose yourself to lust, should you not be careful enough."

"Be careful, these are powerful beasts, and the woman herself made them to be especially powerful against ordinary means of attack, so don't be a fool. Think clearly at all times..."

"I wish you luck." she said to them all, "Report back if you've fended them off, and I'll inform that idiot that the skies are clear. Out."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Oblivious to the Director's warnings, Luna seemed to be lost in her own anticipation and bloodlust to even take into consideration what possible powers her adversaries may have. Seeking nothing more that to find a venue for her murderous intent, the brown-haired woman found herself almost "wishing" for them to come, rather unstable at this point.


"The flames of hell hunger to devour the sinful...and I shall feed them with the corpses of the wicked...So come, come and let me rend thee into pieces..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(Well, from the looks of it, BG is in non-posting mode, so I suppose, should Keylo disappear as well, I'll be automating EVERYONE just to get this show rolling so the other group can at least have power...)

As the three girls waited for their adversaries to appear, they were soon granted their wish of facing their opponents. Three naked women, with demonic wings, and tails, were flying at a low altitude, so low that they quickly planted their feet on the ground when they showed up in front of the three girls, and one guy. They didn't seem worried that each of them had a weapon, as they all had smiles on their faces, when the leader, one with red hair, spoke.

"Why, hello there!" she said in direction of the three girls, not paying attention to Joseph for the moment, "We've been looking all over for you, y'know? We're so happy to have finally found you."

Then, the one with blond hair stepped forward, "This is as far as you go. No longer will you interfere with our master's plans. You will only know pleasures beyond your imagination from this point," she said in such an absolute tone.

Then, the pink haired, and more playful looking one stepped forward, "You all look so sexy... I want to fuck each of you! I'm gonna make you cum till you can't move!"
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Luna didn't even pay any real attention to what the winged women were singing, recognizing them only as targets for her to slay. Raising her gun, the brown-haired girl immediately let off three shots at the leader of the "sinners", who had entered her view.



(Action: Triple Shot at head Succubi)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(Well, seeing as how you posted, I suppose it's up to you. Do you want to wait for BG to post? Or do you just want to continue?)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris had been mentally preparing herself for the flying woman, putting every ounce of her trust into the directors word. She had made sure to come up with something to think about before they came up so she didn't have to think on the spot. When they all had appeared Iris didn't respond to what they had said, she didn't get worked up or even look any of their eyes. She simply began thinking of something idle as she let a casual yawn out, then speaking to herself.

" Hmm... I wonder if the inn has a study or a library. I haven't been able to read anything good in a while... "

Iris began to think about some of the most interesting books she had read in her life whilst her gun pointed at one of the bat like woman's chest. Iris fired her gun, only casually. As if she was just shooting at a target at the shooting range for fun. She didn't even look at the woman she shot at, she had only glanced at her for a split second making sure her gun was lined up before pulling the trigger.

( Action: Triple shot at the bat woman's chest closet to Iris. If that's the one Luna is shooting at then triple shot at the second closet one. )
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

One glance was all it took, and the magnificent body in the side of her vision became all she could think about. Iris made the mistake of trying to aim her gun at the chest of the Succubus, and accidentally caught a good view of the pink Succubus' breasts. Not soon after, was Iris looking directly at the pink Succubus, already falling under it's spell.

The monster seemed to act as if she knew what Iris was thinking, "Hee, hee!" she laughed, "Poor fool, you thought you could resist our magic just by trying to think of something else? Don't worry, there'll be plenty of books where I'll be taking you... But you might be cumming too much to notice! Ha, ha, ha!"

While it was too late, Joseph was trying to shout to the others, "Just fucking run! Don't acknowledge they even exist!" he cursed himself when he saw Iris fall under the spell, "You fucking idiots! Listen to me! Don't fight them! They want you to-!" he was interrupted by more blood spiting out, and no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't move. And worse, he felt no energy left inside him... It was all gone... Used on the wretched Jelly Fish...

When Luna disregarded his words as well, wanting to shed some blood, something happened. She couldn't pull the trigger, and she felt as if something was invading her mind, taking over her process of thought. And, it wasn't long before Luna found herself madly attracted to the curly, red haired succubus. And before she knew what she was doing, her gun was already lowered, and at her side, as the powerful magic easily seized her thoughts, and removed any thought of attack, or violence, and replaced it with lust, and the desire to get fucked by those beautiful women.

The red haired woman giggled seductively, "Poor child... You look so upset... Come here, I'll make you feel so much better..." she said, an outstretched finger curling in command for Luna to get closer, so that she can fuck her till she cums wildly.

Of course, it wasn't hard either to know, or see, Emily already with the blond one, holding each other, and kissing each other passionately. And, given the way they were both acting, it was almost hard to tell which one was the sexual aggressor...

Seeing each woman fall to the magic, Joseph growled angrily, "... Damn it... Fucking idiots..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

As the thoughts of violence, hate, and attack were stripped from her and replaced, Luna began to feel laid bare by the woman before her, feeling horribly insecure and powerless. Body subconsciously following the red-haired woman's commands, it was then that fear began to fill whatever was left of Luna's mind at the unknown desires that had invaded it, fear of what she was not familiar with. Using whatever was left of her will, the girl fought hard to break free of the spell, to perhaps replace these fearful new feelings with something she had known. Struggling to speak and resist, the girl tried to force her arm to reach for her sword, to obtain something she could use to break free of the hold on her mind...


"Stop...get out...of...my mind...I'm...afraid..."

(Action: Try to break free from the control, whether by sheer force of will, or using the sword to cut herself and using pain as a stimulus to break free of the succubi's mental hold.)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris was suddenly filled with a strong desire to have sex, her mind could only focus on the pink haired woman. How beautiful she was and how nice she smelled. Whilst Iris knew what was happening she almost didn't care, she wanted to have sex with these woman and not care what happened to Emily or Luna. Just before Iris began stripping so she could submit herself a thought ran through her head. The director, she had told Iris that she could beat these woman at their own game. The thought of raping someone would normally turn Iris off but now, the thought of raping this pink haired woman, turned Iris on greatly. Thoughts of forcing her to the ground and fingering her whilst sucking on one her breasts began to run through Iris's mind as she began to blush heavily.

Iris let a devilish grin spread across her face as she slowly began walk over to the pink haired woman. With lit up and lustful eyes Iris began to speak in an excited and lustful voice.

" I'm... Going to give you a taste of your own medicine! "

Iris suddenly ran and went to tackle the woman, planning on utterly dominating her by tackling her then flat out raping her.

( Action: Iris attempts to tackle the pink haired woman to the ground. If Iris succeeds and it's allowed in the same turn Iris begins to finger her and suck on her neck. )
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

The pink one grinned at Iris' words, "Giving in so soon? Aww... I like it better when they try to fight..." she whined a little.

When Iris walked up, her and the Succubus locked hands for a moment, trying to overpower the other so that they can fuck the other easily, and while the Succubus starts to push Iris back a little, appeared a good bit stronger, Iris manages to use the leverage the Succubus was giving her to fall back, and flip her over, so that Iris was now on top of the winged demon...

"Bitch... I know you don't know shit about sex, you couldn't make me cum in a million years!" she taunted her.

As Luna walked, she drew her blade, but before she could try to cut herself, she only ended up dropping it, and her naked body was soon in the hands of the red haired succubus, who smiled at the defeated woman as she lowered Luna to the ground, and easily spread her legs, "Aww... Don't be afraid... All I'm going to do is make you feel good, and all you have to do... Is ask for it... Beg for me to fuck you, and make you cum, like you never have before..."

(Willpower test)

Luna feels a strong temptation to do whatever the woman asks, and due to the magic, not being allowed to cum, just the threat of it, drove Luna insane...

Meanwhile, while Emily was fighting the same battle as Iris, she was losing as well. The blond Succubus was on top of her, and had her legs spread just like Luna, except she was already begging to get stuffed, before Luna even had a chance to...