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Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(She is conscious, and can open her eyes and smell the bloody daisies whenever she wants. :mad:)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

( I disagree. Her mind and spirit went through some bad stress because of how freaked out she was that she and her friends were about to be captured. She passed out from that stress. )
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

"I'll protect you..."

Those words had a profound effect on Luna, causing her eyes to grow wide as if they had struck some unknown chord within her, one that caused her to become...frightened and delusional. Memories of her past began to flood into her mind as a result of those words, memories that she had locked away, memories of days long ago which caused her immeasurable amounts of pain and sorrow. "I'll protect you...", these words echoed endlessly within Luna's memories, words promised to her by another...The memories of this promise would loop each time, until the final scene in which 'that person' would promise her one last time on his dying before the whole cycle repeated once again.Not again...please...not again...promising me again and disappearing...never again...I don't want it...I don't want it!"

"I don't want it!"

It was then that Luna suddenly let out a scream, appearing to have snapped. Tears in her eyes, her vision blurred, the world she beheld in her eyes seem to warp around her. Twisting and morphing, the world around her was now a bloody red, the surroundings and others around her having completely morphed into something straight out of a nightmare. Her sister and Emily had morphed into mutilated corpses, the succubi into some malformed red gelatinous horrors. And most of all, rather than seeing Joseph's face, she saw the face of the one in her memories...

The girl had stopped thinking at this point, and was acting purely on her emotions, emotions she had locked away. Letting out all the pent up feelings as tears flowed down her face, she drew her gun holding it with both hands and opened fire, having completely lost control of her actions and words.

"Never again! I won't allow it, I forbid it. I refuse! I won't allow you to disappear again! You're mine and no one else's, I won't let anything take you from me again! Even if I die, even if I disappear, I won't tolerate it....I won't let you vanish again!


(Action: Gee... I don't know, open fire on the succubi? )
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Even Luna's rage was unable to withstand the magic, as every ounce of her rage was simply transmitted into obedience, and lust. Her arm holding the gun shivered a little, before falling down to her side, as she went to her knees in mental defeat.

Joseph only shook his head at Luna, "You're a fucking idiot, you know that?" he told her, "She told you how these women worked, and yet you forgot all about her advice, didn't you? It's too late now. It's either just me who dies, or you all become slaves to these things, and I die anyway." as he was saying this, the curly haired Succubus had already taken off his pants, and was pushing him down so that he was sitting against the wall, when she seemed to be getting ready to mount him, all while he was trying to ignore them as best he could, for as long as possible. He then let out a sigh, a slightly terrified one, worried about what would happen to him once they took him, "Just... Get the fuck out of here. I don't want to be burning in hell, only to see you idiots get captured anyway..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris had been doing some thinking on the ground while she was passed out. She had been thinking of what the Director and Joseph had said about the succubi. One thing the director had said was stuck in Iris's mind, she kept thinking it over trying to understand exactly what it meant.

"First; You can try to ignore them, while at the same time, attack them. If you allow your thoughts to occupy itself with one of them, they will use a supernatural power to take advantage of that, and dominate your mind. Should you see another one of you being afflicted by this ailment, assist them immediately to break the trance."

Did this mean... That everyone weren't suppose to attack the woman at all but... Ignore them? To completely ignore them and walk away? Iris didn't really get this, she didn't understand how she was suppose to ignore something and that would make it go away. However, one thing Joseph had said had popped into the white haired girls mind as well.

"Just fucking run! Don't acknowledge they even exist!"

Iris didn't completely get it but... She figured the only way to stop the woman and make them go away was by... Simply ignoring them and walking away. Not allowing a single thought about them to exist in your mind and you walk away, not attacking or speaking, simply ignoring. The blue eyed girl slowly began to stir, and then woke up. Slowly, the girl got up to the sight of what was happening. Her eyes quickly gathered that Joseph was about to be... Raped. Iris knew she didn't have a lot of time, she knew she would have to get to Luna and speak to her, to help her understand. Emily herself, Luna could explain things to her whilst Iris tried to save Joseph.

Iris got up from her spot, quickly sought out her close by body armor and pulled it back on, along with the boots she had been wearing. Picking her gun and sword up and placing them in their holster and sheath Iris worked quickly, finishing this all up by placing the hand radio in her back and then putting on the backpack itself. Now having clothing on once more and with her stuff rounded up Iris walked over to where Luna, knelled down, and spoke into her sisters ear, speaking softly.

" Sister... We can still save him. These woman... We can't beat them by attacking them. Think hard about what the director said. We must ignore them, pretend they don't exist. Don't attack them, that will only activate their powers, and don't look at them or even speak with them. If you see any of us falling under their spell then do not hesitate to give one of us a smack across the face or something." Iris paused for a moment, taking a breath out then letting a sigh out. "Please, trust me sister, we can save him if we work together on this. I'm going to go and pick him up now... Please walk over to Emily and quickly explain everything to her. Then you and her must follow me. If we get away from them and ignore them... They can't harm us. "

Getting away from her sister now Iris began walking over to the wall Joseph was up against. Iris kept her eyes off of the succubi best she could, trying not to look at them. At the same time, Iris had one and only thought running through her mind, it wasn't about books, it was about Joseph being hurt and needing help.

(Action: Iris walks over to Joseph and try's to pick him up in her arms. While doing so she keeps her eyes off of the succubi best she can and thinks about getting Joseph help. If they try and get in her way Iris does nothing more then a harmless push of shove away.)
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Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

By the time Iris had accomplished getting her clothes on, and her gear, as well as speaking to Luna, the red haired Succubus was ready riding Joseph's cock quite enthusiastically. Joseph's eyes were shut, and his teeth were clenched, as the stimulation of having the sexually overpowering vixen on top of him was already driving him close to cumming, as he suddenly tensed up, and the Succubi on top of him let out a very passionate moan from his cum being injected into her pussy.

The red haired Succubus giggled, "So much cum! And for a human! Wonderful! I wish I could keep you to-" she was interrupted as Iris was suddenly pushing her off of Joseph, "W-what the hell!?!" she exclaimed, as Iris couldn't quite move her very well, until she gave a harder push, and the Succubus lifted off of Joseph's dick, and landed on her ass, "You were under the influence of the magic! What the hell is going on?" she asked, bewildered that Iris is somehow fighting the magic, and even pushing her around. "Scarlet! Stop her!"

The pink haired Succubus, identified as Scarlet, blinked several times in confusion at the recent events, "B-but Rose..."

Rose, the red, curly haired Succubus shook her head, "Do as I say! Don't let her take the boy!"

Scarlet hesitated, and as Iris managed to get Joseph's attention, she came up from behind Iris, and started groping her, trying to sexually stimulate her...

(Willpower check)

Iris is able to fight through the stimulation, and keep the Succubi out of her mind...

Meanwhile, a very worn, and very drained Joseph cursed at Iris, "It's..." he breathed, "About fucking time... Idiot..." he cursed at her. Although the insult didn't carry much weight, as he looked as weak as a kitten.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris held Joseph in her arms, almost as if he was a child who needed protecting. Looking down at him she kept her blue eyes away from his private area, not wanting to annoy him by looking at it or have the thought of sex cross her mind. As Iris simply walked away, ignoring the very existence other the succubi, she spoke to Joseph, her voice sounding concerned and soft.

" I'm... Sorry for being dense earlier. Don't worry Joseph, ill make sure we get you out of here... Just relax... "

Iris carried the young man as she walked away, walking in the direction the group had been going before the bat woman had attacked. This direction was where Luna and Emily had been sitting.

( Action: Iris continues to ignores the succubi and walks away, trying to walk away with Luna and Emily.)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Joseph growled as Iris picked him up, "Don't... You fuckin'... Dare... Call any favors... For this..." he said weakly, still trying to be his unlikable, and otherwise unagreeable self.

As Iris simply broke away from Scarlet's groping hands, even if barely, without giving in, she looked awestruck at what was happening, "W-what's going on, Rose!?! It's not working!" she shook her head, trying to follow Rose's order, before Emily got in her way,

"Why in such a hurry?" she giggled, pulling herself close to the Succubus, blushing, and getting ready to fuck her next...

Rose growled, "This has never happened before... Fuck it, we'll cut our losses!" she then directed her attention to Luna, as she walked up to the brown haired girl, hips swaying, and a seductive smile on her face, as she curved her finger at Luna, beckoning her to come to her again, "Come here, my sweet little child, and I'll make you feel good again..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris lightly smiled at Joesph's last comment before replying to him in a soft tone.

" If I ever need your help then... Ill just ask you for it, I wouldn't call a favor to get it. "

Iris's smile faded away as she continued to slowly walk away. The white haired girl wasn't really the type to call in " You own me one's" on people. She would really only do that if the situation was really important and she was desperate. Thinking about it, if she ever needed the young man's help she was sure he would just help after being asked, assuming the favor wasn't something stupid or unreasonable. Joseph wasn't exactly a likable person, sort of like another guy Iris knew at the inn, but she was sure he was a good person deep down. After all, he was really worried about another girl somewhere and beyond Iris's knowledge he had tried to save everyone.

Iris suddenly stopped walking away and looked to her left and right. No Luna and no Emily. This was bad. Iris didn't want to look behind her and see the things that could control ones mind, she wanted to keep them as far away from her thoughts as possible. Iris knew that the things behind her could be holding onto Emily and Luna. Iris really couldn't do much to help them with Joseph in her arms like this. Iris would have to call out to them, if neither of them responded then she would have to think of something to do with Joseph, think of somewhere to possibly hide him, then run off and help Luna and Emily.

Still looking away Iris called out to Emily and Luna, hoping that they would respond and quickly begin to follow her.

" Sister, Emily! Aren't you two coming with me? "

Iris waited, praying they responded and began to follow.
