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Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
( I even thought about that when he signed Sera up, but I'm not complaining, since, as the GM, I'm on the side of the monsters anyway! :D )

Mina nods at Melissa, still feeling charged after all of the amazing sex she had last night, as she fucked both Melissa and Melanie, "I'm ready!" she announced with glee wrapping her arms around Melissa after she returned from grabbing her knife, "I'm with you till the end, Melissa!" she told her lover with pride, both the sound of truth and the sound of vigor in the tone of her voice.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa grins back, returning the hug and adding pats on the back to boot.

"Eheh, you're always so energetic when we set out... well, let's make sure that 'the end' isn't for a long while yet, eh?"

She looks over at Jenn, looking just a bit uncomfortable as she waits.

"Oh, um, my car is just over there. Let's get going, OK?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Hold on just one moment, I need to grab my stuff..."

Jenn runs back to her room and after a moment's thought grabs her rapier plus one change of clothing in her bag.


"Okay, I'm ready!"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Although Mina gave slight glances of interest at Jenn, she felt no hunger for sex, and as such, her perverse glances could only be seen if you were looking for them, as she runs across the parking lot after leaving the lobby, occasionally looking back to wave her arms at Jenn and Melissa, "Come on!" she shouted playfully, "It'll be nighttime before we ever even get there!"

She reaches the car, and starts to pry at the door, continuously pulling the handle up and down as she waits for Melissa to unlock it...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"I think you better unlock that door before she pulls the handle off, Melissa."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Ack, don't break it!"

Melissa hastily pops the locks open, opening the driver door for herself. After everyone piles in, she relocks the doors, then starts the engine and drives off.

"Um, keep the windows closed, don't need monsters trying to get in through 'em, okay?"

(Drive to the Zoo. She knows where it is.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina seemed very anticipated during the hour long trip to the Zoo, often bouncing in place in her seat, and looking around inside the car at Jenn and Melissa, as if wanting to find something interesting about them. They passed out of the central town, and soon came to the entrance to the Zoo, only to find the large gates that lead inside chained shut, as they take the nearest empty parking spot.

There was also a restaurant in front of them, which seemed to be apart of the Zoo, as it had similar features to it, mostly due to the animals all over the paintings along the wall, as well as the billboard sporting a black and white panda chewing on some grass., while the name itself of the restaurant seemed smeared for some reason...

All three girls were standing in front of the parking lot, in front of both the easily accessible diner, and the not so easy Zoo. There was a chain and lock holding the gate together, while nothing seemed to stop the trio from entering the Diner.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Jenn looked at the Zoo gates. Locked. Or they could try that restaurant... but why? The goddess didn't seem likely to be hanging about on the edge of the zoo or the reports would have mentioned that. And even if there was a good reason to go that way, it'd be best to have a quick way back to the car later if everything went ass up.


"I'll try the lock."

(Edit: If nobody objects, Jenn will go ahead and try to pick the lock without further input from me.)
(Edit 2: I'm going to mess around with this post a while and see if I can find a style for identifying Jenn's speech I like better then just quotes. Italics work fine for thoughts but multi-paragraph speech... I feel like I need a better identifier.)
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Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Having shut the car off, Melissa pockets the keys by force of habit. She takes a look around the lot, eyeing the chained gates, the barriers beside them, and the restaurant with equal unease. Then Jenn heads up to the gate to examine the lock...

"Wait, hang on... I think we should check the restaurant first. A gate that keeps us out also keeps animals in. And if there's gribblies in the restaurant, I don't want them pouncing on us if we have to run back out of the gate."

She digs out the radio, and after a few moments of uncertainty, flips it on.

"Melissa here. Radio check, alpha, bravo, charlie, over."

(Some observational questions: what are the "walls" of the zoo like (hedges, chainlink fence, brick walls, a moat, or some combo)? Which side of the zoo is the parking lot on (south, north, etc.)? Is there room for the helicopter to land outside (presumably yes)?)
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Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"These monsters are mindless, they're no more likely to try to open a gate or door then they are to try to open the wall. I say we go straight for the zoo proper. What do you think, Mina?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

A large stone wall seems to surround the south entrance to the Zoo. Unless one had a hook of some kind to latch onto something on the other side, the gate seems to be the only way in or out, while there might be side entrances as well. With the super market style sized parking lot, not only one, but many helicopters could land here, as the parking lot was nearly completely empty, save for two cars...

As Melissa checks the radio, the pilot on the other side answers her, "Don't use the Alpha-Delta shit, I'm not a god damned military operative." he scolds Melissa over the slightly static radio, "So, you at the Zoo? It's locked, right? The little blond girl, Director, said that someone in the Inn who used to work there said that they always kept a key in the Diner for the first people who show up to open it with, back in the manager's office." he informed her, as the Zoo being locked seemed to already have been taken under consideration.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Well if all that's in there is the key...

Yea, there could be monsters in there, but that sounds to me like a great reason not to go. I mean, I've only been in one building outside the inn that was inhabited since I got here, and there are things roaming the streets as well. There's no hope of us keeping the car area safe while we're in the zoo, so I say we just go in.

I mean, I might not even be able to open the lock, right?
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Roger. Yeah, but I was, so I got some of the radio habits. Thanks, I think we'll check out the Diner then. Parking lot is empty, just be prepared to avoid the light standards if you need to fly over here. I'll call again once we've something new to report. Melissa, out."

So saying, she starts stashing the radio back in her backpack.

"Well, put it this way. It's true that we can't keep monsters from just wandering up - but that Diner provides a place for them to nest. If we check it before opening the gate, that's one less direction they can come at us from - inside the Zoo while we're checking the Diner, and inside the Diner while we're checking the Zoo. It's not like it'll take too long to check... although that smeared-up sign is kinda worrisome."

Radio securely stowed, Melissa unslings her rifle, checking that a round is chambered.

"So, shall we?"

(I vote Diner first - if we find the key, Melissa'll let Jenn have it, since she's so eager to open the gate. And then Jenn can palm it and practice her lockpicking if she wants.;))
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(I was going to vote "diner not at all" but it's probably not worth fighting about)


"I've generally found it good practice to avoid nests of monsters when I can, but I guess there might be something interesting in there."

(Proceed to the diner's entrance, carefully)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

With the decision made, Melissa follows Jenn, already starting to concentrate on what might be seen. In the midst of a barren parking lot, she ought to be able to extend her 'range' farther without getting inundated by auras...

(Action: follow Jenn, activate Divine Sight)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Using her ability to see auras, Melissa looks with her third eye into the Diner, and doesn't see anything inside, and she checks the accountability of this by looking to Mina and Jenn, and seeing both their auras, Mina's was stronger than Jenn's, much stronger, as she was filled quite greatly with both Melissa's and Melanie's essence.

Walking into the monsterless Diner, the three found the setup of the Diner to be quite odd. The counter where people would get beer and watch sports was in the middle of the room, and all of the seats for the people that would come in surrounded it, making the counter the center stage of attention. The staff areas, next to the bathrooms, were at the opposite side of the Diner than Melissa, Jenn and Mina were on. The floor was hard wood, and a great amount of light poured in from the many windows all around the outside of the Diner, ridding the need for any lightbulbs, as their path to the staff area was brightly lit.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

("doesn't see anything inside... monsterless Diner ... quite odd ... [arena setup] ... [goal near a bunch of pipes] ... hard wood [floor] ... path ... brightly lit"


We're screwed.

A bunch of tentacles are going to sprout from the counter-area and force us into an arena-style combat on the way out, aren't they? Well, *something* is coming/going through that floor, I can feel it. >.>)

Jenn enters the building warily, not really trusting Mellisa's declaration that the area was empty. Upon seeing the completely empty room, though, she lets her guard down for the time being.


"Well, they said the key was in the staff area, right?"

As she approaches the door to the staff area, Jenn carefully searches for traps. (especially any that involve me falling into a pit. Assuming she finds none...) She pauses outside the staff area and waits for everyone else to be ready. Her rapier is drawn and in a defensive stance, just in case something was hiding in there.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Well, it LOOKS clear... I guess with no women around, there's no monsters being drawn in..."

She looks up at the ceiling, and down at the floor, trying to tell if there's tracks or other signs of non-human presence. Or if she can sense any auras on the roof or in a putative basement.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Looking around with her supernatural senses, Melissa still finds no life around the Diner. However, upon looking down, she did see a feint amount below them, although it seemed to be moving around, like large vines.

(Intelligence check)

There was likely monster activity in the sewer, Melissa deducted, and based on the movements of the vines, they seemed to be awaiting in ambush...

( Of all things I expected, I did not expect Melissa to look down... :( )
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(You expected her not to look for muddy paw-, foot-, or leg-prints? :D)

"Woop, hold up. There seem to be something like vines, down in the sewers. They're holding... kinda... still... it might be hoping to ambush us."

She thinks a moment.

"I can't think of anything to prevent them coming up, say through the drainpipes... can you?"