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Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa hangs back, wanting to apologize to Mina yet not wanting to interrupt her while she's brooding. She does her best to keep Mina in her sight, while not deliberately hiding.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

As Mina reached the cell that Jenn and David stayed in, she blinked a few times in confusion at something Melissa couldn't see, before she saw Mina disappear into the cell...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa takes advantage of the hallway design to move right next to the cell Mina entered, standing in front of the next-door cell. She tries not to be too obvious about trying to listen in to what's happening, but any passerby would undoubtedly be able to tell she's trying to spy.

She chews on a knuckle while she stands, nervous over Mina. Would it be a good idea to interrupt, or not?
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Jenn turns to Ashley before she continues walking back to her cell.


"That in particular? I don't even know. In general, I think it's mostly because I'm uncomfortable with the idea of someone who requires daily sex no matter what, and she thinks that means I hate her for something she can't control..."

"Anyway, she's not going to stop me going back to my room..."

Jenn arrives at the cell looking fairly angry, but tries to bring herself under control as she looks in, quietly so-as to not wake David if he's still asleep.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa doesn't hear anything after Mina goes inside... Literally, nothing... Except, after a while, some whispers, and then some silence...


Once Mina was inside, she kneeled next to the bed David was in, and by touching him on his shoulder, he opened his eyes.

"What do you want...?" he said in a low tone of voice.

"I-I just... Can I... Just... Sleep in the bed with you...? N-no funny stuff, i swear... I just... Want someone to hold me right now..." she says, hoping David will understand.

David sighs, and lifts his arm, gesturing at Mina, "... Fine... Come on..." he said. Mina quickly took the offer, and started crawling into the small bed, her back to David, as she reached for his arm, and placed it around her waist, so happy she was cuddling with the cute man...


As Jenn marches towards her room, she spots Melissa, standing in a position as if she's spying on something... Something in her cell...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Ashley shrugs, and goes to sit back down in the cafeteria.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

After Ashley sits back down, she saw Regina, Morrigan, and Daisy, coming into the cafeteria late, as if they'd been on one of their many runs around the city, searching for anything of interest.

Daisy giggled, and looked up at Regina as they walked over to the mostly empty line, "Notice some of the new faces? Hee, hee! I heard some women from the Inn found more people like us at the zoo! I didn't know there was anything there!"

Regina brushed a hand along her hair, straightening it, "Neither did I, but it would appear that the Director over there knows a bit more than I'd like. It makes me worried about the recent tensions around here..."

Morrigan looked to both Daisy and Regina, and spoke in her quiet, shy voice, "... What if she attacks...?"

Regina sighed, "I don't know... With her abilities, she might be trouble, but don't forget, we have all of the resources. Guns, ammo, weapons, all we need to defend ourselves."

Daisy giggled again, changing the subject, and pointing at Ashley, "Hey! It's Ashley! Hey, Ashley!" she yelled, waving at Ashley, and grabbing only a carton of chocolate milk, nothing else, and running ahead of Regina and Morrigan, to wrap her arms around Ashley's waist, hugging her, "I missed you!"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa, emboldened by the silence from the cell, slowly peeks around the dividing wall. She moves silently, not wanting to draw the attention of whoever's inside... but she's also not paying attention to anything behind her.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Jenn decides she doesn't really want to look into the cell, not if Mina's already in there and Melissa is spying instead of going in herself. Instead, she walks silently up behind Melissa, mindful of Melissa's elbow reach, and barely more then whispers in her ear?


"Well? Are we going or what?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

If Jenn peaked as well, she would see a resting Mina, a smile on her face, and David's arm around her waist, both of them sleeping comfortably... Even though Mina wasn't sleeping in fact, the comfort from David was enough for her to pass out again, in a quick nap...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa peeks around the corner, and lets out a silent breath. Mina always looks so innocent when she's sleeping...

...but it's not Melissa who's holding her right now. At least the comfort is all she wanted of David. Melissa looks down for a moment - and then Jenn whispers at her from behind.

She manages to stay still, to not let out any noise and disturb the two in the cell. Then she turns around, spotting Jenn just beyond arms' reach. Rather than answer immediately, she starts walking back to Melissa and Mina's cell, intending to lie down herself. Jenn follows her for a bit, long enough for Melissa to feel comfortable that she's not going to disturb Mina and David when she hisses back at her.

"Why don't you go find Freyda and ask HER that? She's the one who was driving the van!"

Then Melissa continues on her way "home".
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"I missed you too hun, how did it go today? You guys didn't run into anything too mean did ya?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Regina smiled, as she and Morrigan reached the table with their trays, "As Usual, nothing real-"

But then, Daisy immediately spoke over her, excited about something, "I saw a naked woman flying in the sky! She had wings, and a tail!" she exclaimed.

Regina shook her head, and sighed, "Daisy, both Morrigan and I looked, hell, we even got on the rooftops to try to help you prove your claim, but there wasn't a naked woman in the sky. I think you're just trying to start rumors out of boredom again..."

Daisy growled, "It's not a rumor! I really did see a flying naked woman!"

Morrigan put her palm to her face, and turning away, not wanting to take place in the argument. After a time, and several, surprisingly sentimental times she spent with Morrigan, Ashley'd come to know the orange haired woman to be the most passionate of the three, showing Ashley more love than even Regina, who had proven herself to be the best in bed. And after getting to know Daisy... Sex, somehow, lasted longer, even after Ashley came. Ashley had come to the deduction in her mind, that because Daisy was so small, she didn't take as much as Morrigan or Regina would. Ashley had come to find the various qualities of this unique group, one at a time...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"You saw a flying naked woman? Weird. Did she do anything? Do you think she saw you too?" Ashley says, having heard enough about the things outside today to not find the idea so unreasonable. "Maybe she just flew off before either of you guys could see her? After what I've heard about the stuff out there, bat-women don't seem so unreasonable." She says, and suddenly gives Morrigan a hard poke in the butt, grinning mischievously.

Ashley tried her best to hide her discomfort, knowing that she was pregnant, and that one of them was the father.

(Who's the most reasonable? Also, does futa pregnancy work like regular human pregnancy? Or is Ashley going to be bulging within a day?)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Futas are technically human, with only their reproductive agents as demonic entities. Ashley's looking at a nine month waiting period, as per usual human birth. The outcome of the child though, that's a surprise! ;))

Daisy smiled at Ashley, for listening to her, as Ashley is usually forced into doing, if she doesn't want to hurt her feelings again, that is. And Morrigan let out a loud yelp as she was poked, blushing heavily, and stopping whatever Daisy was going to say.

Regina, who was on the other side of the table, and didn't see what happened, blinked, "... Is something wrong, Morrigan?" she asked, confused.

Morrigan started shaking her head nervously, "N-no! I-I'm fine..." she said, giving a nervous, and embarrassed look at Ashley, blushing heavily.

Daisy shook her head, and continued, "It was really weird, and I think it was some kind of monster!" she claimed, "She was looking down at us, and smiling to! But, the strange part is, she didn't attack! She just flew away!" she claimed. And Regina only responded by shaking her head, and focusing on eating.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(...........That's gonna be quite a while of IRL time.)

"Well, at least she didn't attack you. We've got no idea what kind of power something like that might have." Ashley says, and then gives a wink to Morrigan.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Heh, long enough that you're probably not going to see any sign of it other then what you've already got. And maybe to see what effect this has on the other things bound to happen to you.)


"Because I have no idea where she is? She might turn up in the cafeteria later, or maybe she already ate and is doing something else now, who knows. If I'm not to be allowed in my own room I feel like I should at least talk to the director about what exactly happened that the woman in charge here thinks Amy is planting spies... and maybe exactly how she feels about any visitors we might end up bringing back with us."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa doesn't say anything in response, merely stalking back to her and Mina's cell. Then she grabs her backpack, tossing it on the bed and digging around for the radio inside.

"Fine, here! Now leave me alone!"

She then flops down on the bed herself, grabbing a pillow and covering her head with it.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Jenn decides to ignore Melissa for the moment: some of the things she's about to say probably oughtn't to be said in the cafeteria or halls, and her room was apparently taken, which pretty much seemed to leave here. She stays away from the door to the cell and talks quickly and reasonably quietly.


"Good morning, this is Jenn from the zoo scouting party yesterday, here at the prison with Melissa, sulking; Mina, sleeping; David, sleeping; and Freya, no idea. I'm not sure if anyone's checked in since yesterday, so I figured I would do that. Also... is there anything we ought to do while we're here at the prison? And also anything we ought to know?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

When the Director answered, she sounded half asleep, "Yes, yes... Freyda already reported in, I know the situation. However, I'm glad you called; I have a new objective for you. As you may know, the resources at the prison are very plentiful, and as such, it'd be foolish to at least not consider taking refuge there. However, not everyone shares this ideal process. That's why I'd like for you to talk with Emilia, the lead of this outpost, as well as some of the locals, and ask them their thoughts on us from the Inn, taking refuge, and partnering up with their settlement, and recon back to me, your results."


Daisy laughed, "As if! Nothing can catch me, not even those flying women!" she claimed. And as Morrigan received the wink, she blushed even more, her whole face going red, and just like Regina, tried taking her mind off of the embarrassment by focusing on her food.