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Trapped in the Underdark - In Character



Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Kaila, Vel, Dasyra

The door, or likely something behind it reacted witih a displeased, sleepy sounding grunting noise. The door doesn't seem to be locked, you could enter it easy enough, if you dismiss the sign and simply intrude.
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Throne room -> Everfrost outskirts
Tag: Lior, Lena, Asheroth

"Alright, enough chit-chat. To keep things brief, we will be carefully heading out, surveying the area to make sure we don't encounter any hostile activity and somesuch. Follow me." She said, in a commanding tone, before heading out, expecting the paladin Priestess and Ranger to follow her.

Leaving the Everfrost Citadel the Posessed, robed succubus went on:

"Before there is any concerns, this is the most.. efficent way. Xirce is irritatingly flamboyant, so the only way to use her impressive natural shapeshifting to infiltrate the underdark is through me.. plus, I .. really like having a body for a change. Anyone up for sex later? I know she wont mind. Either way."

Sylvie then began relaying the rough lay of the land to the other three, apparently there were three paths one could take towards the Mindflayer territory, one crossing by the river, which might sound familiar to Lena, a long and distant one that Sylvie thought unreasonable to take, and one dangerously close path that Ventus had cautiously trapped with a warning, warding sigil.

"So its river or long path to explore." Xirce-Sylvie mused at the edge of the frozen fortresses territory. "Most creatures that can swim can't stand the cold, unless the mindflayers send golems or something like that, the longer path would be the one we'd least expect, so crap might be coming from there, unless they expect us to expect that and uh.. " She pondered.

"Let us scout down the longer path first, remember.. try to be stealthy, try to keep your eyes open. Ideally we are not spotted and report back if theres a greater force we can't handle, if its only a few foes we try to take them down with the element of suprise, any questions? No, great, get a move on, meatbags. If you got any long lasting hidey or defensey magic, now'd be the time, just in case we meet hostiles." The ghost commanded, though seemed considerably less grumpy whilest posessing someone. She made her way towards the easter end of the cavern leading to Everfrost, and into a longer path there..

(stealth/perception if you haven't yet, Lena and Lior still got a chance at it. also note if you pre-buff.)


Tentacle God
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Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

At the Door

Turning to Kaila and Vel, Dasyra shrugged as if to say "guess we go in." Then she tried the handle and as silently as she could she pressed the door inward. It's not like they had MUCH of a choice, presuming that the Mattheus person wasn't trying to deliberately lead them into a monster's den for whatever bizarre purpose.

She would peer into the room when the door was open, to get an idea of what was in there before crossing the threshold.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Plane of Knowledge, sidecorridor
Tag: Dasyra, Kaila, Vel

The door opened to reveal a large stack of papers and scrolls upon a table, a brown haired figure with most of their features obscured by a hat was currently using the papers as a resting place, but peered up when you entered.

The first thing Kaila noted was that she must have messed with some deity of luck. A celestial, or at least something with stronger blood than the average Aasimar, going by the unusually blue-glowing eyes, mostly hidden under an ill fitting hat, pale skin, and large, fluffy white wings. The woman at the table seemed to have a fondness of white, extravagant clothing, revealing but not sluttily so, high stocking, a high cut dress that nonetheless was frilly and a lack of boots. She adjusted her hat slightly, looking at you three, yawning, before focusing onone of you pouncing up, quickly hopping over to...

To pet her, and try to scratch her behind her ears. "Ooooh.. whos a good puppy! You are! Yeeees you are!" She enthused, then, as an afterthought, waved to the other two. "Hellooo! I'm Deva!.. Temp-librarian about here. Hows your day going so far?" She said in a bubbly, slightly ditzy voice, whilest, if allowed, also scratching below Vels muzzle. "Also.. pfff.. no respect for signs, you know I -could- be having sex in here!"
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Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Kaila and Vel
Magician's room?
Tag: Dasyra, Deva

Kaila had to admit, she wasn't expecting a half-celestial. Especially not a half-celestial dressed like that. Where did one even get a hat like that? Kaila kinda wanted one.

Vel tensed a bit as she was hopped over, before being pet. Her eye twitched a bit as she was trying to work off between her urge to do a lot more than be pet by the celestial, and not undermine the situation. Still, the celestial power was making me feel like she felt around Lena but even more so, and really wanted to despoil it.

"Eh, could be better, always could be worse, you?," shrugs Kaila, "Well, technically you still could be having sex in here. Invisible stalker, telekinesis, unseen servant, telepathic projection... List goes on. We're told you're a magic item expert. Miss Dasyra here has a few questions about some potent magic items she'd like answered. She can trade of course."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Celestial's Room
Tag: All

"Our day is fine so far, Miss Deva." The dark ranger replied, raising a brow at the ditzy angel.

"Sorry to interrupt your hypothetical sex, but we were led here by a Boccobiann librarian named Matthias Drakkar, who said that you would be able to help with my question? I'd like to know the properties and potential uses for the four elemental staves that were crafted on my home plane. We can give you a rough description of one, if it would help. And yes, we have knowledge to trade..."

She paused, sizing the angel up.

"You can help us, right? Or do I need to start tracking down that Drakkar fellow and give him a much more violent sample of my unique qualities?"


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Plane of Knowledge, little office
Tag: Dasyra, Kaila, Vel

Deva, as if oblivious to Vels desires, kept on with the scratching, unless anyone stopped her, while peering over to Kaila. "Pretty good, came here to find new cupcake recpies, took on a temp-job, I like to pretend being around all these smart folks makes me smarter by osmosis, which, considering I know a word like osmosis, might actually be true!" The angelbood enthused. "I could have an army of invisible servants all molesting one another! Good thinking. I should drop that one on the quadrone that tries to manage my cases, anywhoo! Sorry, you've been mislead, I'm not a magic item expert, I am -the- magic item expert! Mwahaha.

Just kidding, just a temp, but I wanted to sound cool.."
She admitted, fluffing her wings slightly. She didn't seem the orderly archon type, but there were other types of angels of course. When Dasyra was mentioned, the celestial bloods eyes wandered over to Dasyra, well, propably they were, the angels stare was still hidden under her hat.

"Your actual interruption of my sexy hypotheticals is forgiven.. Inspiration is worth more anyway, plus actually I was just dozing." Deva remarked, reaching out for a quill and notepaper.. a notepaper that had a bunch of scribbles, notes, and doodles upon it already, and in one corner she wrote 'Invisible orgy spell?' and absent mindedly doodled an arcane diagram besides it.

"I'd love a rough description, you know how many elemental staffs there are? I don't, but its quite a bunch. Depends on what counts as an elemental staff for you, How many staffs total?" She hesitated.. "Wait, you said that, four.. all the same element or different elements?" She added, giving the suspicious undead elf a bright grin. "I like helping! Plus, the guy that lead you to me is super smart and trustworthy. I think. Boccob guys usually are. Please don't be violent with him, because I'm feeling a bit dozy still. Do you want a treat?" The last bit was spoken without a pause, but accompanied by a glance down at Vel.

"Anyway, what color is this ball?" She asked the three, holding up a small blue cube.
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Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Kaila and Vel
Fiera's Celestial Cousin's Bedroom
Tag: Dasyra, Deva

Kaila blinked. Azata blooded perhaps. Well, no matter, her bloodline wasn't the priority issue. "Try altering the nature of the Unseen Crew spell. Normally it summons a hoard of unseen servants programmed specifically for sailing, but if you were to change their programming to sexual prowess... Much more effective. Plus they're invulnerable to anything but area spells so you don't have to worry about getting rough with them.," comments Kaila, noting the notes on the page.

Kaila looks over. "Insane cultists have gotten four elemental staffs, one of each of the primary elements. We need to know what they're using it for and how to stop it. The cultists evidently are aligned with some sort of rampant corruption of the Positive energy plane.

Vel looks up and barks in affirmative to wanting a treat. Though she looks at the cube. {It's dark blue} "Color is an illusion, and not even one that all see the same. But at least to my vision range, it's blue. Of course, to my vision range it also appears to be a cube. Not something traditionally associated with the word ball on our plane."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Plane of Knowledge, little office
Tag: Dasyra, Kaila, Vel

"There was a mass invisible servant spell as well If I remember right, but thinking about it, a visible orgy spell would be much more fanciful. That said, the crew idea is good too. Summon gay sailor horde! Hah, I'm gonna make that and use it on the next blackguard I see. Perhaps some shadow conjuration? Oh, or no, we inscribe 'em with spell-rules that they can activate by performing a dramatic dance routine. That, or with a bit of hydra blood as component we could make them split into two if you kill one, uuuh that'd be fun!" The celestial casually suggested, scribbling a bit more on the notepaper.. A glance at her notes hinted that either she was crazy, or a genius, or potentially both, A drawing of a cupcake next to a spell that read 'Animate cupcake', next to Cascading resonance - how with longer duration spells?, next to a complicated arcane formula, that sadly was only partially intelligable, due to some erasing of parts and horrible handwriting, next to: Buy more marvelous pigments

"Slow down, slow down, you can't corrupt the positive energy plane, so propably a figure of speech. Well, I guess you -could- corrupt the positive energy plane if you tried really hard, but if that had happened you wouldn't be here, but over at the travel wing, looking up 'Twenty-seven worlds to travel to that are completely undead free'

So.. a corruption of positive energy infused beings? Or is it that the corruption mimics an influx of positive energy? Too much of a good thing can be bad for you, shockingly.. Anyway, that sounds weird. four elemental staffs of the prime elements. Hrmnnn.. Well, insane cultists are not a good thing in over nintety percent of cases, so you came to the right place, all the knowledge is here, oh, you spoke of payments?"
She tilted her head.

"Color is the way your eyes percieve the refraction of light upon a specific surface based on absorption and yadda yadda, this little thing is coated with specific planar signatures that absorb different light thingies, for different travelers. So.. Blue you say.. good. I use its color to determine what plane you come from.." She began digging on an overloaded desk, a few scrolls falling off to the side. "Good girl! you want a treat, yes, you do. Sit." She commanded towards Vel, whilest digging on, finally pulling out a brown cupcake, with pink topping from the other end of the table. (a part of the topping had smeared over another notepaper)
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Everfrost, then the Underdark.
Tag: Xirce/Sylvie, Lior, and Asheroth

"Very well, lead on then Sylvie, or Xirce, whichever I ought to call you," Lena replied to the possessed succubus, heading out behind her, after Lior and Asheroth made their greetings and whatnot.

"I... can understand that I suppose. She is a succubus after all, so I'd expect nothing less than... flamboyance to be honest," Lena told Sylvie, knowing Xirce might punish her for that later, but not caring at the moment.

After a short while they made their way back to the river's edge from the previous day, and Lena looked around at the familiar sight of it and sighed softly. After Sylvie had decided to take the longer route, which Lena was thankful for as she didn't wanna go into that cold ass water, not with her still at half mast from her morning wood. "Well, I am a ranger, after all. So I can scout a little ways ahead, if you want me to, and don't worry, I've spent a lot of time in caves and such, I know how to keep quiet and keep an eye out for things," Lena said to Sylvie and the others.

( , and )
(Also Lena's spells she's choosing for the day are Barkskin and Summon Nature's Ally II for her two level 2 spells, and Lead Blades and Detect Aberration for her two level 1 spells.)


Sex Demon
Feb 4, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

...somewhere else!
Tag: Asheroth, Xirce, Lena, Ventus,

"Well-" and they were already leaving. Lior gave a 'hmph' of irritation before grabbing a few pieces of bread to munch on as they walked. It was rather chilly outside and Lior kept close to Asheroth for warmth. There were other reasons as well. It was a shame she couldn't feel Lior's hand on her ass through that thick plate armor of hers.

Before long they had reached the cross roads and received an actual briefing on their mission. Having worked under Xirce for so long, she'd almost forgotten about what a well devised plan looked like. Apparently it looked like being sneaky and looking around. Even though she'd prepared for this, it still felt wrong to her as a priestess of Sethie. Her light spells would go unneeded for now. Instead, she used her prayers to muffle the sounds of her friends armor and footsteps. Sethie provided for all, even those assassins and thieves that carried out the great work in her name.

(Everyone gets +4 to stealth checks)



Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Everfrost outskirts -> Deeper tunnels
Tag: Lior, Lena, Asheroth

And I think something wors, plan b, I return to evfrorst in case you neeck backup.[/COLO] with that, a ghostly form left Xire, who shared hre head..
'You dare callange the great Xirc?"" he showld, demonstratifely, fire growing along her hand, whilest the eart elemental ffirned: [COLOR="Sienna"Target./COLOR] Whilest the mountaist ond grinned [COLOR="Red"So thats ont of the targe in disguise Finally some chance to epress myaet at leas.

With that, the mask-wearing roble becagn floating on the spot, reachng of julitude of masks affixd to her cloak tith features on herown, untilshe pulled down one of the masks, her muscles bulging eayvy tridany from a white-bonelike material from her effor

Berg, manwhkle, stoicaly drew his greataxe and took a step froward, agiin hig shados lagging behind im tlittl.
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Feb 9, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Everfrost -> Dark Caves
Tag: Scouting Group

Asheroth grips the hand provided and gives it an earnest shake. "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Weiss. I look forward to our mission, I can only hope I don't create too much of a hassle..." The Paladin offers a warm smile, nodding to her second question. "I take it all of you are victims of the Drow? Nasty folk, they are..." The Tiefling silently shakes her head, making minor adjustments to her gear before departing for travel.

The Demoness was getting real tired of dark tunnels. They were quite a bore, to be perfectly honest. Nothing interesting about them, in the slightest. Very little to distract herself with, everything was just a bore... She missed the sky, she missed the trees... she missed, just about everything. Gods, what she would do to see a- "Shit." The Paladin whispered, her balance momentarily affected as she stuttered over a rock. She heard voices, it didn't take long for her to realize she had given up their position. "Blasts, I knew i'd mess things up..." She looks to the others. "Shall we charge in now? What's the plan here?" She asks, in a hushed tone. She reached for her quiver, pulling out her halberd, readying it should things go weary.
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Sex Demon
Feb 4, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

...somewhere else!
Tag: Asheroth, Xirce, Lena, Ventus,

"Alright, well I can't see shit so I'm going to hold still until someone wants to make a more concrete decision... And I'm in the back this time," she said, remembering the last time she'd gone in swinging. They had the element of surprise... Mostly and while her spells were a good range, her sight wasn't.

"Unless anyone has any better ideas, I say the ranger and Ghost-Xirce each take a flank and hide while I stay here with Asheroth. Wait until they pass you so you can get some rear charges and split them up. If we do this right we could have a decent hammer and anvil I think." Lior kept her voice low, the sound not passing the small range her spell had determined.

She was itching to try out her new spell but they were just starting out on their trip and these folks might not be worth the effort. Unlikely but possible. The thought of the mask floated through her head. It was... attractive in a way she couldn't place. The anonymity of it, the erasure of the self... Oh dear she was getting excited again. Why did her body have to be like this? She offered a small prayer to Sethie in apology.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

? ? ?
Underdark, deeper tunnels
Tag: Lior, Lena, Asheroth

"I think they are whispering to each other, rather than introducing themselfs. So rude." The cloaked figure remarked as both she and her companion, whose shoulders she barely reached in height, approached you fearlessly. "That is very rude, don't you think?" Said the cloaked figure, her voice feminine, but hollow, and as she closed in, those of you that could see in the dark noticed the reason for that hollow voice was a mask, obscuring the figures features. "What should we do with them? Come on, give me some input here." The masked one sighed at the mountain of a man.

"Seriously, he's been like that for ten or so hours, I get out for the first time in.. .. hey, you, whispery ones, what year is this?"

"Target?" The Earth-genasi questioned. "Huuhmn.. Well, they are witnesses." There was a hollow tipping noise of a clawed, armored glove against a mask. "And we are professionals are we not? But what to use..."

The two are now about 60 ft away from you.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Underdark tunnels
Tag: Xirce/Sylvie, Lior, Asheroth

"Aye, I was just mining, looking for a vein of mithral that was rumored to be in a cave nearer to the surface, and the next thing I knew I was pulling a dart out of my neck, fainting, and waking up all tied up and stuff with a collar on. Though... I think now I belong to mistress Xirce now," Lena replied to Asheroth, unable to keep from smiling wryly as they walked along.


Lena nodded when Sylvie told them to hush up as they began to head deeper into the tunnels and whatnot. Scouting just a little ways ahead of the others as she took point, unless Sylvie told her to stay back, Lena would keep a close eye out for anything unusual. After what felt like hours upon hours of walking through the dark dank caves of the underdark, Lena caught a glimpse of someone she thought, and threw her hand up to get the others attention, as they saw them too, where she stealthily moved to the best cover she could find down there to peek out at the two they saw.

Lena crouched and eased her way forward to get nearer to the two along with the others, pulling her bow out and stringing an arrow to fire in case they had to fight. She was completely silent, save maybe her breathing. Even her footfalls were pretty much completely silent as she slowly moved forward. After Sylvie whispered to them, Lena glanced over at the ghost inhabited demonesss and nodded, before glancing back at the hooded figure. "I think it might be one of those girls from the temples, like we fought at the water one," Lena whispered back to Sylvie, before looking past her to Lior.

It seemed though that the two knew they were there, and Lena sighed, and nodded to Sylvie, Lior, and Asheroth. "Already know we're here. Sylvie... do we try talking our way out, or should I shoot?" Lena whispered to Sylvie, looking a bit worried about the approaching foes.


Feb 9, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Everfrost -> Dark Caves
Tag: Scouting Group

As the duo gets closer, Asheroth begins opening her divine senses, toward the approaching group.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: allish

"I have no idea what water temple folks you are talking about. The one Ventus sent you to? You meet those guys there?" Sylvie informs Lena, who had neglected to tell much about her watery adventures to the ghostly butler or Xirce. "Well, if any of you is really good at talking your way out of things now's the time." She rolled her eyes in a 'do I have to tell you everything' kind of manner.

Meanwhile Asheroth indeed detects evil from those approaching the group.


Feb 9, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Dark Caves
Tag: Scouting Group

Asheroth immediately scowled as the two got into range, her fingers tightening around her weapon. "Yep, they're evil. Well, I might as well start things off." She whispers, to the group, a light growl coming from the back of her throat. With a deafening roar, Asheroth begins to charge, running at a blinding speed, her halberd aimed directly for the chest of the large man. Yelling out a prayer to Iomedae, her Halberd begins to glow with divine power, ready to purify and darkness in it's path.

Asheroth activates her Bloodrage. Asheroth uses a charge attack. Asheroth uses divine smite. Asheroth uses Power Attack.


Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

? ? ?
Underdark, deeper tunnels
Tag: Lior, Lena, Asheroth

"AAand just like that, negotiations have broken down." The masked one chuckled, shrugging her shoulders ever so slightly.
"Now I can pretend it was all in self-defense." The masked one grinned and with a wave of her hand, about a dozen of her masks floated out from her, propelled by whisps of purple energy, as she pulled what appeared to be a strange, two pronged spear out from under her armor, seeming to prepare.. something.

Berg meanwhile simply raised his towershield, awaiting the attack.

Xirce(and it was Xirce now, with those that closely watching noticing a whisp of ghostly smoke leaving her and entering the ground shakes her head, seeming staggered for the moment. "Wha? Huh.. oh, don't worry, the GREAT XIRCE will protect you." "Oh so you are that one after all, wasn't sure with the robe and shapeshifted, talk about two gnomes with one hammer, eh?" "Target!" Berg affirmed, but was busy with Asheroths charge.

???: Initiative 10

Masked Witch: Initiative 9

Xirce: Initiative 7 (Staggered as posession ends)

Berg the Earth Genasi: Initiative 5