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Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)



Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Bree would get to the shower unhindered, but as soon as she was naked and the water started she'd feel all the light in the room dim just a little bit. A moment later she'd feel a presence in the room with her, and if she looked out she'd see a who seemed to have the same air about her as Mara. The biggest difference though was that this girl looked noticeably not human.

"Heya!" The succubus said, another difference being she seemed much more enthusiastic about things. "Heard you joined the team. I'm Lilith."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Heading into the bathroom and stripping her clothing off and turning the shower on, Bree stared at herself in the mirror and then looked down at her cock. "Hah... not that I'm against it growing so large, but it is a little cumbersome sometimes, and makes it hard to wear anything but skirts," Bree mumbled to herself before the water warmed up enough for her to hop into the shower.

Pulling the glass shower door closed while she began rubbing soap onto a loofah to wash herself with, Bree saw the light dimming for a few moments and gasped, thinking the power was going out on them. When the lights stopped flickering, Bree noticed a shape on the other side of the glass doors and opened them up, thinking it was Iori or Misa coming to check on her and ask if the lights had flickered in there too.

"Yeah the lights flickered in... here too. Who are you? Are you one of Mara's?" Bree said just before the succubus that was out there instead of Iori or Misa introduced herself, with Bree fully nude and the door wide open. "Y-Yeah... I take it that Mara sent you then? You here about my first mission? Or just interested in the newcomer?" she went on to ask the new succubus, who was noticeably smaller than Mara.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Bit of both." Lilith said with a grin as she looked down at Bree's extra bits. "Boss wants you and I to be partners till you get to know what you're doing better." Lilith bounced up and settled to sitting on the sink counter, the succubus apparently being very light. "We're going to go hunt a low level youma that's living in this area, the creature hunts mostly on non-magically inclined girls and Boss doesn't want that."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Okay, well at least I hadn't started actually washing just yet. Do we need to go right now? If so, then I think I can manage that," Bree replied, shutting the water off and already coming up with a little white lie to tell Iori and Misa to be able to head out with Lilith here.

"Can you give me any more information about this youma?" Bree asked as she quickly dried off and got her clothes back on, ready to go now if Lilith wanted to.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"No need to rush on my account." Lilith said, obviously enjoying what she was seeing enough to not want to have to go immediately. Regardless though once Bree started to get dressed she said. "It's one of the freak youma, some sort of batman or something. Either way he won't be to hard to take out, but you are probably going to want earplugs."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Well, it's better that I deal with it before a shower, since I'd be getting sweaty most likely. That way I don't have to shower again," Bree said, shrugging slightly as she spoke and not caring to go on out now. "And alright, earplugs it is," Bree added, rummaging around the bathroom to grab some earplugs as instructed before heading on out with Lilith.

"Hey girls, I need to run to the store and grab something real quick before I shower. I just now remembered it. I won't be long," Bree called through from the front door to Iori and Misa, heading on out if they had nothing more to say than a goodbye and be careful.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Okay then, lets go." Lilith said, following Bree to the door. When the magical girl called out to leave, her two housemates said back. "Okay." Before Misa added. "Don't be too long, dinner will be soon."

Once they were outside, Lilith took the lead. "Follow me, we already know where this guy is so it shouldn't take long."

With that the succubus would start off at walking pace, evidently Lilith wasn't all that concerned with rushing, and Bree would have some time to ask the succubus any questions if she wanted.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Alright Misa, hopefully I'll be back soon enough," Bree called back inside as she left.

"M'kay, sounds good," Bree whispered to Lilith as she followed her out. "So what should I expect from this guy? I uh... I know all about those crazy hentai anime shows and stuff where monsters grab girls and rape them with tentacles and stuff. Is this thing gonna have anything like that?" Bree asked as they went along at a leisurely pace, making sure to keep her voice down so nobody heard her and thought she was crazy.

"Also, how many of these... things am I going to have to deal with?" Bree asked curiously not long before they made their way to the place they needed to get to.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Yep, that's exactly what'll happen if you lose. He'll try to run off with you and use you to breed more Youma. Though I don't think this one will have tentacles." Lilith said. "And I'm not sure how long you'll have to deal with them, that is on her contract. Though if I were to guess it'll probably be like, a few dozen if you don't decide to stay on longer."

Soon though, they reached a warehouse district, the place mostly empty at this time of day. "Now though, you are alot better at hunting creatures then I am. So do you feel anything?" Bree would indeed feel something, a pull on the edge of her consciousness, seemingly trying to draw her toward it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Oh great... so I get raped if I lose," Bree said with a sigh. "And breeding? God I can't be having babies. Besides I'm a hermaphrodite, I should be doing the impregnating, hmhm," she then asked with a giggle.

Following Lilith along, Bree saw the warehouse district coming into view just ahead. "I am? But I don't even know how to really use my powers yet," Bree replied, looking unsure of herself until she felt the mental tug that was drawing her in the general direction of where she assumed the youma was. "Um... this way I think. I feel something from this direction at least that I think might be what we're looking for," Bree then said, heading in the direction she felt the tug pulling her towards.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Don't worry, Youma pregnancies only last a week at worst. You won't have to much difficulty dissapearing for that long with Mara's help if you need to." Lilith said before Bree pointed the way to the other youma.

The pull lead her to a warehouse just like any other in the area. Though it did look like it was in worse repair then normal. "This the place? Guys probably going to be on the inside of the roof somewhere, so be ready for any attack from above when we go in."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"I don't think I could disappear for even that long without someone noticing me gone Lilith, especially not when I'm sleeping with my homeroom teacher. And I doubt they'd not notice a pregnancy if it happens because I'm also sleeping with my homeroom teacher's sister who happens to be the school nurse," Bree said, looking a little nervous about the fact that she could get pregnant by these things, apparently fairly easily too.

Seeing the warehouse in particular that the youma appeared to be in, Bree pointed it out and sighed a bit. "Yeah that's the place alright. Well shoot, I don't want to destroy any property or anything. but I suppose if I end up having to then so long as I take him with it then it'd be alright. If um... if he manages to you know, um... beat me, please try and not let him impregnate me... would you," Bree said to Lilith, looking tense as she closed her eyes momentarily and did as Mara instructed the first time she did it, and bringing forth her magical form. "Whew that's intense," she commented upon finishing her change and putting on her game face, at which point she put the earplugs in her ears and nodded to Lilith.

"Here I go, wish me luck I guess," Bree said as she stuffed the earplugs into her ears and made certain they were in good, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly just as she did before every match as she started towards the warehouse the youma was in and beginning her search.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Well, when we, or you, can do rather significant hypnosis on the normal people, it makes it alot easier to hide things." Lilith said with shrug. Then she added. "Ya I'll help, this guys probably going to be pretty disgusting anyways, not like one of the fun youma out there you could get caught by."

Once inside the warehouse, the first thing Bree would notice was that it was very dark. Though surprisingly she was able to see reasonably well in the blackness. Her innate detection seemed to stop there though, unable to pinpoint the exact location of the creature, just that it was nearby.

Then there was a movement, and Bree would be lucky she put on her earplugs already, as a nearly physical wave of sound crashed down from the roof and nearly knocked her off her balance. Then with a thump a large humanoid landed infront of her.

The youma was more or less as Lilith described, a man bat. Standing on two legs, covered in fur, and with a terribly ugly bat face. The creature stared at her lustfully, then it charged.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"I don't think I'd want to get caught by any of them to be honest. I wasn't exactly caught by Mara so that doesn't count," Bree said, sticking her tongue out at Lilith before she could say anything about being caught by Mara's charm or something else witty.

Going inside the warehouse, Bree looked around and saw the blackness inside. A chill went up her spine as she looked around inside, worried that he might get the drop on her, whatever he was exactly. As she was trying to locate the youma, she felt a wave of force slam into her, making her glad she'd put her earplugs in as she caught herself. She looked up at where the thing was and narrowed her eyes as it stared at her with lust in its eyes.

"Come on big guy. Looks like you get to tangle with someone who can fight back today," Bree said to him as he charged, drawing her blades and jumping over him in a front flip as she stabbed them downwards at him as he flew under her to pierce him and allow her to keep him from getting away as she held on, calling upon her lightning and arcing it down through her blades to try and partially paralyze him to make him easy to finish off.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Hey, you shouldn't knock it yet, some of the youma are really good in the sack. Especially the incubus!" Lilith said as a parting remark to Bree.

At the fight though, Bree would manage her dodge, flipping over the batman and landing a quick strike at the creatures back. The wound causing the youma to let out another ear piercing shriek. At the much closer distance Bree wasn't able to maintain her footing and she flew across the room and crashed into a set of boxes.

Shrugging off the bruises, Bree would be able to stand up and see the Batman had taken to the air, the youma dropping down at her rapidly with its claws extended.

(Bree 3/4, Manbat 2/3)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"B-But I'm much more attracted to girls, f-for obvious reasons," Bree whispered, blushing red. "I mean... I've seen those tentacles in the anime before and they look fun too. B-But not that I want to just let them have me," she added, her cheeks flushed.


Performing her maneuver as she swung her blades, Bree managed to slash him, but she wasn't able to stab through him and hang on. As she came back down to land though, he screeched again and the wave of force slammed into her and sent her flying. "AGH FUCK!" Bree cried out as she went flying and slammed into the wall.

Scrambling back to her feet, Bree shook her head and looked back to the youma guy as he hovered in the air above her. "Alright you asshole, come here," Bree said, sending her electricity through the sword in her right hand, and then swung it towards the youma, sending forth a beam of lightning at the thing to try and clip his wings.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

The lightning bolt struck true, and the youma let out another piercing scream as it twitched under the applied electricity. When the current finished passing through it the creature's fur was smoking as it focused enraged eyes on Bree.

It subsequent charge was easily dodge by the girl, and the creature crashed into the wall behind Bree. One more, much weaker screech issued from it, and then the creature seemed to dissolve into black smoke, leaving behind a dark looking orb.

"Good work!" Lilith said from the doorway, having watched the fight without intervening. "You are going to want that seed, it'll help boost your strength."

(Hit + Counter, Bree 3/4 HP, Manbat 0/3)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Building up her energy, Bree fired her lightning bolt up at the Batman youma thing, smirking as she landed her shot as the thing was beginning to fry under the current of electricity. As the thing screeched at her and flew down at her, Bree jumped and slashed the things back and launched it into the wall directly behind her, where it apparently broke its neck, because soon after it dissolved and left nothing but a black orb.

"Whew shit, that was intense," Bree said, pulling her earplugs out finally after making sure there was nothing else about aside from Lilith.

Looking over at Lilith when she spoke to her, Bree nodded and took the blackened orb and looked curiously at it. "What is it?" Bree asked.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"It lets you power up, and it will make you more like Mara!" Lilith said with a bounce in her step. "Now come on, you got to get home quick before your lovely housemates get suspicious, and I want watch you burn out your post first battle jitters with those two in bed."

Of course, it would be the succubus that was hoping Bree would end up getting into a three way when she got home. Though given her housemates, that was a rather distinct possibility.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"So... more like a succubus?" Bree asked curiously, smirking as Lilith commented on wanting to watch Bree burn out her adrenaline. "And I'm sure you do, hmhm," she added with a smirk.

With that, Bree put the orb into her pocket if she had any, where she would head back home. She would power down after a few minutes, making certain nothing else was about before doing so, and once she got home, she'd knock on the door and let Iori and Misa know she was home. "Hey girls, I'm back," Bree called out, and when she got inside she'd head straight to the shower to get cleaned up, where she was certain Lilith would likely follow to watch.