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Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The women woke to minor headaches, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. They could remember who and what they were, but nothing beyond that. No last memory, and no clue as to where they were. Taking stock of their surroundings, they found various weapons laying about the large metal room on the floor. Some seemed familiar to them, while others seemed totally alien, even though they knew what they were. Just one weapon seemed to 'call' to each woman, as if it was something they were experts with. As they sat up, trying to figure out what was going on, and where they were, they were startled to notice that in front of each one of them was a mirror. However, it wasn't the existence of the mirror that was the shocker, but rather what it reflected. Each of the women were completely, and utterly nude. No clothing, no hairbands, and not a trace of their clothing could be found. As this sank in, hidden speakers suddenly came to life, and a booming male voice filled the room.

Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure. You have been brought here to serve as both entertainment, and a new breeding source for my friends. However, I am not completely without heart. As you can see, I have graciously provided you with weapons, as well as imbued you with some special skills you can use. You know what I mean, it's in your mind. All you need do is think about them, and you shall have access to them. In exchange for your new-found powers, you will serve as entertainment for me. Here is your task, and situation. By now you no doubt have discovered all of your clothing has been removed. You won't need them here, this planet is perfectly suited to your needs. Besides, who needs clothing when you'll be having lots and lots of sex? Anyway, your 'mission' is simple. There are a number of areas filled with my friends who are just waiting to get their appendages upon you and pleasure you. Sounds fun to be pleasured by demons, doesn't it? Along the way you may find various items of use to you, and of course you'll find plenty of fun. If you manage to make it all the way to my location you will get to meet me in the flesh, and beg for your ride home. Well, begging won't help, I intend to rape you myself if you make it this far, but you won't. No one ever has. Through the unbarred door you will find a portal leading you to your first challenge. Time is wasting, your friends and family miss you little girls. Why don't you try to get back to them? Oh this will be fun! Well, time to get going girls, and don't think that you can stay there forever. Eventually, we'll come to you!

This was followed by laughter that could only be described as satanic, and then the speakers cut off. As they did, you discovered that like the bastard had said, there was knowledge of some powers and the like within your mind. Knowledge that, despite being unable to remember anything concretely, you felt CERTAIN hadn't been there the last time you were awake. A moment later, they discovered the unbarred door the bastard had spoken of, or rather the LACK of a door. In place of where a door should be was a swirling portal of some kind, and somehow your mind knew that this 'portal' was safe and stable to use.

Party Options:

1: Gather your weapons, introduce yourselves to one another and move onward.

2: Gather your weapons, introduce yourselves to one another, but remain in this room, hoping the bastard is bluffing about his 'friends' being able to get you here.

((Character Stats will be posted upon the party leaving the room, descriptions may be placed in your replies, however if you choose not to they will be provided in the FIRST post upon exiting this room. The party must reach a consensus to leave or stay, and when that decision has been made, the proper post will ensue. Zhara's introduction will come last.))

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

"Ugh, my head," Elia said out loud as she opened her eyes. She raised up from where she laid on the floor and shook the sleep from her eyes, then she saw herself in the mirror in front of where she lay.

"Ahh," Elia yelped.
"Why am I naked."

Elia looked around, trying to get her bearings. The best thing to do is remain calm, she thought to herself. So she shook off the fact that she was naked and stood up. Then as she looked around the room, she noticed five other young women around her, her first thought was to go and see if they were all okay, but just as she was about to, she heard a very loud male voice boom through the room....

When he was done speaking, Elia whispered to herself, "The planet of pleasure."

She searched her thoughts about what the man had said and sure enough she found that she knew certain things that she didn't know before. She couldn't remember much from before she woke up, almost like she had a hangover or had been drugged. She glanced around again and saw the other girls either in the process of waking up, or they had already woken up.

"Um, hello there everyone. My name is Elia," Elia called out to all of the other girls.
"What are all your names?"

After they had all introduced themselves or whatnot, Elia would look around the room and find the weapons the man had spoke of and walked straight towards the one she felt was calling to her. After picking up her knives that were connected to each other by a six foot chain, she looked back at the others.

"I believe it best to move onwards, we may be able to find a way out of this place," Elia said.
"And the quicker we leave this place the better I say. But I'm willing to stay here so we can all get our bearing first if you all need to."

[Choosing option 1, but only if everyone else is ready to leave now as well. Otherwise option 2]


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 28, 2010
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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Upon waking she clutches her head, dizziness setting in as she tries to stand.

In her head she wonders who hit her or jumped her, something bad must have happened for her to wake in an unknown place feeling like she had been hit by a tonne of bricks and left naked.

Surveying her surroundings she realizes she isn't alone and that the place is is littered with several weapons, her observations are further backed by the yelping of one of her would be companions.

"While i can understand the surprise at our shared situation can you please refrain from yelping, i would think we will all have a headache from this" she says calmly.

The booming male voice also not helping her head, she listens carefully and then responds.

"However that is worse and the threat of rape even more so, This is going to be a problem" she contemplates the message further as she starts looking through the weapons finding a slightly rotten bone staff.

In response to Elia's question she responds "My name is sophina, Sof for short" as she turns the staff in her hands, "This will do i guess." as she closes her eyes in concentration of a second, a dark glow coming from her hands as the staff is augmented with runes and a black bone blade, looking more akin to a scythe now, "Yes much more fitting a necromancer."

"I agree sitting around makes it much easier for them to find us, since no doubt they left us here, soon as you are all ready we should move." Leaning heavily on her scythe then entire time, getting used to the feel.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Tania held her hand to her head and grunted and groaned in a pained way as she struggled to get up from her prone position on the stone slab she would find she was brought to. At first she didn't even seem to notice or register the the other 5 women. Her skull felt as if someone had taken a iron maul to it. She couldn't remember anything from the other night and attributed it at first to her usual indulgence of alcohol. She slowly opened her bleary and bloodshot eyes, and would be at first alarmed then suddenly curious by the wall of mirrors and her suddenly realized naked state. H-huh...... What....... Where the hell am I? she pondered before she was suddenly alarmed and assaulted by the booming male voice of the loud speakers, "AAAARGH! GAWD! CUT DOWN THE DRAMATICS, SNIDELY WHIPLASH! MY HEAD IS FUCKING KILLING ME!" She screamed out at the diembodied voice, after the voice had finished it's schpiel, she would again hold both her hands to the sides of her head, before glaring over at Elia, "PIPE DOWN, PLEASE! I'VE GOT THE FUCKING HANGOVER FROM HELL OVER HERE! Oh....... geezus, my fucking head..... it feels like a bomb went off in there.........." she whimpered out weakly.

After a few more minutes of cradling her head she would look over to the other women, hearing Sophina and Elina's statements. "Hrm, I cna handle myself in a fight alright enough. Either way, seems we have no other choice but to indulge this pyscho in his choice of "entertainment". I'm not so easy to take advantage of, but I agree simply standing around here is a bad idea." She said finally getting up and walking calmly over to the large spiked mace and shield sitting in the corner. She didn't feel "called" to it, but it just felt like her type of weapon. She was more a visceral, direct type of person. Preferring the blunt way of dealing with things. Plus if these monsters were intent to rape, she was not going to make things easy for them, and would enjoy beating and smashing them to a pulp for their troubles, rather then giving them a quick, clean painless death of hack and slash.

After she had picked up the shield and mace, she would walk over to the other women before extending her hand over to the others, "Oh, by the way; I'm Tania. We may as well get to know each other if we're going to have to work together to get out of this hell." She said congenially to the others with a big grin on her face.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Just a tiny bit of light poked through Iris’ eyelids, snapping her quickly back to wakefulness. It wasn’t a particularly pleasant experience. Her head throbbed slightly, a sort of pain she wasn’t used to having. Slowly she sat up on the bed, and a moment of panic set in. Where the Hell was she? Why was she naked? Her mind raced as she looked around, her long green hair swishing around behind her, seeing the metal all around the room, the weapons on the floor. She couldn’t remember going to sleep. She had not the slightest clue where she was or why. Her arms reflexively moved to cover her more intimate areas as she realized she wasn’t alone, and while she couldn’t remember much of anything she did know that she wasn’t quite comfortable with the idea of being seen naked by all these other women.

Perhaps more disturbing was the sight of the weapons that covered the floor. Nestled in the back of them was a small bit of polished wood, and for some reason it resonated with her. She felt that just by looking at it she knew how to use the thing for combat… Iris didn’t get much time to contemplate this before some speakers kicked on, and a voice rang out through the room, causing her head to pound harder. What it said sent a chill down her spine. This is bad… this is bad bad bad bad… she thought, really starting to panic now. Sex? She was fairly sure she hadn’t had any, though she couldn’t be quite certain with the state of her memory. Demons? She was fairly sure those were bad news. The half-plant half-elf began to hyperventilate, her fear boiling over as the voice began to laugh, a wicked, evil laugh. It took her a few moments to calm herself down to the point where she could think again, and she realized that she really did have an idea of what to do. Magical powers she knew she didn’t have before. She got up, moving quite slowly and quietly, hoping not to draw much attention from the other girls as she picked up her wand. It was a beautiful piece of polished wood, made from a sort of tree that had innate magical properties, and it would serve well to focus the energies she could wield against her enemies. She had ignored the other girls who had tried to introduce themselves, mostly out of shyness, though partly because they hadn’t been specifically talking to her. She would continue to stay silent and in the back somewhat unless someone forced her to speak, though she would also follow along with them if they left without complaint.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

The light and noises around her make Lazuli open her eyes, she see herself in a room than she havent see in her whole life, mirrors and weapons around her, her head have a soft headache who she can endure easily. However just when she get up and check the mirror close her, she just completely opened her eyes, there was not doubt than the beautifull blue haired naked girl was her. Why she was naked and surrounded by others undressed women? Her body tried to cover her curvaceous lecherous body instintively. J

ust then a male voice make her focus her attention, she looks around to try to find it in vain, after a time she just understand than the voice come from her own mind, something really new for her. the person continued talking to try to explain their actual situation, in someway all of the girls in the room were now prisioners from these creatures, the disheartened beasts were playing with them and plain to use them as entertainment. Lazuli clench her fists and just take the weapon than was calling to her, all of them maybe will turn into breeders, there was not time to cry or lost now, if they dont join forces these creatures will make them their personal sex slaves. The blue haired girl still cant believe than this was real, but she can feel pain and the things around her like any dream havent archieve, the male also cant be lying as she can remember how to cast some spells.

With all this in mind she tried to dont be ashamed and said to all. Hi! Please call me Lazuli, i still cant believe this, but we must leave this place as fast as possible, i want to return to my home like any of you also desire, so lets work together to get out of here.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Zhara woke with a sudden start, the sound of other voices the first thing she heard. She sat up fast, ready to attack when two things hit her at once. First, the voices belonged to completely nude women in the same room as her. Second, the sudden pain from her headache as it caught up to her quick movement.

The woman hissed in pain, bracing herself against the wall next to her to keep from falling over. When the voice boomed across, she winced in pain, but her mind took in every detail. When it described the powers, she felt a sudden rush of it into her head, causing her to blink rapidly in surprise. After a long moment to put aside the pain in her head, the woman slid off her 'table' grabbing a longbow and some arrows from the floor. As she stood, the rest of the group could see her full form.

She was strikingly beautiful, and stood about 5 feet 9 inches tall, with an almost swimsuit model type of body. She had perfectly sized C cup breasts, and her hair was brown, flowing down to her shoulders. Her eyes were a striking emerald green, with slightly pointy ears. One couldn't help but think to themselves that with a body like that, was it really any wonder their captor had brought her here in the hopes of raping her delicious body?

When she spoke, it was clearly and with no fear or hesitation.

"My name is Zhara. If this putrid son of a bitch thinks he's got some easy rape victims and some free pussy, he's got another thing coming to him. Let's get going and teach this asshole not to mess with us, shall we?"

From the weapon she took, and the fact she stayed slightly back despite her strong words, it was pretty clear she was an archer of some sorts, a Ranger or Amazon, though her body structure wasn't like the typical stereotype of an Amazon.

((Party moves out, let us see ...))

Party Composition:

Character Name: Iris
Character Race: Halfling (Elf + Sylvari)
Character Class: Sorceress

Class Information:


Strength: 15
Dexterity: 40
Vitality: 10
Energy: 45
Intelligence: 40

Accuracy: 200
Evasion: 200
Freedom Rating: 150
Sexual Freedom Rating: 125
Speed Rating: 200

HP: 20
Mana: 135
Sexual Stamina: 85

Character Appearance:

Iris stands about 5'5 inches tall, a compromise of sorts between her split heritages, as Elves are typically tall and Sylvari are typically short. She is quite thin for her height, with B cup breasts adorning her light green skin. Her long hair is a darker shade of green, and she generally allows it flow freely around her, though she sometimes braids it if it gets in the way. A few leaves sprout from her head, highlighting her part-plant nature, while her pointed ears highlight her elven heritage. Her eyes are a fairly yellowish-brown.

Character Name: Sophina
Character Race: Halfling (Elf/Sylvari)
Character Class: Necromancer


Strength: 25
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 30
Energy: 25
Intelligence: 35

Accuracy: 175
Evasion: 175
Freedom Rating: 155
Sexual Freedom Rating: 145

HP: 90
Mana: 75
Sexual Stamina: 145
Speed Rating: 175

Character Appearance:

Sophina stands at 6'1, her genetic heritage is clearly more dominant towards her elvish side. Her shape has a slight hourglass hint to it, not being too thin and more average, her form is quite curvy due to this sporting C cup breasts. Her hair is straight shoulder length raven black and her skin colour looks slightly browned, her family always attributed this to her affinity with death and shadow magic since shes the only one in the family with it. Her face is very elven with high cheek bones and elfish pointed ears however eyes are plant green and the only hint to her dual heritage.

Character Name: Tania

Character Race: Halfling (Mathosian/Norn)

Character Class: Warrior

Class Information:


Strength: 40
Dexterity: 40
Vitality: 50
Energy: 10
Intelligence: 10

Accuracy: 170
Evasion: 140
Freedom Rating: 170
Sexual Freedom Rating: 200
Speed Rating: 140

HP: 150
Mana: 10
Sexual Stamina: 210


Tania stands taller then most female humans but shorter than most Norns, showing her mixed heritage. Tania is a good deal stronger then most women owing to her Norn blood. She has excellently developed and toned musculature, long wild crimson red hair, cast iron 6-PAC abs, deep orchid purple eyes, and wears revealing armor, fur trimmed arm bands, black panties with a belt/skirt over it, red sandals and carries a large spiked mace and a buckler. She is also extremely adept at hand to hand combat.

Character Name: Lazuli

Character Race: Mathosian

Character Class: Chantress


Strength: 20
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 40
Intelligence: 25

Accuracy: 145
Evasion: 140
Freedom Rating: 125
Sexual Freedom Rating: 120
Speed Rating: 140

HP: 70
Mana: 80
Sexual Stamina: 180


5'8 inches tall, B breast size

Character Name: Elia

Character Race: Elf

Character Class: Assassin


Strength: 30
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 35

Accuracy: 155
Evasion: 160+50
Freedom Rating: 155
Sexual Freedom Rating: 150
Speed Rating: 160

HP: 105
Mana: 40
Sexual Stamina: 160

Character Appearance:

Elia is a dark elf with perfectly tanned almond colored skin. She is 21 years old, has large DD-cup breasts, snowy white hair that hangs unbound down to her mid back. She's a short elf standing only at 5'4" tall, she weighs about 115 pounds with a slender, yet muscular figure. She has sapphire blue eyes. Elia wears a traditional kunoichi ninja outfit with a knee length skirt and ninja tabi. Her weapon is a six foot chain with a dagger on either end of it(kind of like those cool chain knives from 'Ninja Assassin')

Name: Zhara Maldoran

Class: Amazon/Ranger

Race: Halfling (Mathosian + Elf)


Strength: 35
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 40
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 25

Accuracy: 165
Evasion: 155+20
Freedom Rating: 165
Sexual Freedom Rating: 175
Speed Rating: 155

HP: 120
Mana: 30
Sexual Stamina: 175

Character Appearance:

Zhara is strikingly beautiful, her body structure hiding the strong will and physical strength within it. Many think of Amazon's as hulking women, almost body builder in structure. Zhara is definitely not one of those, but she is just as effective. Standing at 5 feet 9 inches tall, she has an almost swimsuit model type of body, and she has perfectly sized C cup breasts. Her hair is brown and comes down to her shoulders in a flowing style as she doesn't use any headbands or the like. Her eyes are a striking emerald green, and if that wasn't enough to betray her Elven side, her ears of course are somewhat pointy. Because of her mixture, Zhara's ears aren't as "large" as a pure elf's ears would be, but rather they are just pointy enough to indicate her elven side, but more resembling her Mathosian genes. Many would go as far to say that Zhara is drop dead sexy, and the young woman has definitely had her fair share of would be rapists come her way. Of course, nothing she has ever fought against could have prepared her for this nightmare she now finds herself in. Zhara is possibly the youngest of the party, as she is only 19 years old.

The group steps through the portal, and finds themselves in the middle of a large open space, filled with grass and a small river running alongside them. However, as they turn to look at the horizon, that's where things REALLY get interesting. The sky was red instead of blue, and in the backdrop instead of one moon visible during the daylight hours, there were FIVE. Clearly, they were in fact on another world. As this sinks in, the party is faced with two choices.

1. Move Onward.

2. Stay a bit and see what comes to you, while trying to register this shock.
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Demon Girl Pro
Dec 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

As she steps through the portal and is struck by the awe inspiring view and left dumbfounded, "Where in the nether are we... th- this isn't home, this isn't even our sky or stars...". Fear showing in her piercing green eyes only as she fights to not show it.

Equally with the fear a lust for knowledge about this new plane lurks in the back of her head.

After gathering her wits for a second she pipes up, as much confidence and calmness as she could reinforced her words "We either need to stay here and set a trap or keep moving so they cant track us, and they probably can track us since they managed to move us from our home."

She contemplates for a second, "We should also get out of the open, forest would give us some cover if we can find any, or somewhere with cover, unless we want to walk straight into the booming voice's domain which will probably be a trap in itself, its up for discussion at least I hope."
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Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

As Tania followed the other five women through the bizarre portal, she would react to the bizarre new settings with slightly more confidence then Sophina had, it's not that she didn't know fear, but she had slightly more experience controlling or hiding it then the other woman had. "Well..... Something told me that we probably weren't going to be set back in our world, unless of course, he had brought his friends there. But the portal should've been a bit of a give away to be honest. Either way, I seriously doubt we need to be sticking in one place. I feel we have a better chance of surviving if we keep moving. Besides we won't ever get back home unless we make our way to and beat the bastard who brought us here, right? We have to head out." she said following Sophina waiting for the other women to chime in with their thoughts and come up behind them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Elia followed the other girls through the portal and upon making it to the other side, she looked around to try to spot any familiar sights and when she saw the landscape and the sky like they were, she let out a sigh and found that she didn't know where the hell they all were.

"You're right, we need to move. Staying in one place means that we'll be easily surrounded, and Tania is right, we'll never get home if we don't move," Elia said in agreement with Sophina and Tania.
"So I'll follow you all, I don't mind taking the rear guard if none of you wishes to be in the back."

Elia would move to take the rear guard if none of the others stopped her.

"We need to be watchful to make sure his 'friends' don't sneak up on us too," Elia said to the others, making sure to keep a watchful eye out while the others decided whether or not to move onward, as she knew where Sophina, Tania, and herself stood on that matter. Once they did start moving though, Elia would keep an eye out in all directions to make sure nothing was able to sneak up on them.

She wasn't sure about the others, but in the back of her mind Elia was actually feeling kind of exhilarated about this for some reason. Maybe it was the thrill of danger and the consequences of losing that was causing it, she wasn't sure. She did know however that right now, she needed to watch for any of the mans "friends" that might be coming after them all even now.

[Move onward]


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Passing through the portal after end of talk, Lazuli soon notice how different is the planet. She take a moment to see the view, the five moons and the red sky make the planet have an apocaliptic look, her partners soon start to talk about their next move, all of them trying to hide their true felings with their hate and fury, that man must be really strong or have many resources to take girls from others planets to this place only to enjoy looking them turn into mindless breeders.

Lets move then, this planet could be full of his minions, just stay here will make us fall at theirs hands. Lazuli remain at the middle of the group, her spells could help anyone in this way and she could feel herself more protected, even when be in a group of naked women dont help too much, and the breeze looks to not only affect her only, nearly all the women's breasts start to get stiff by the cold breeze.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Iris was actually not that surprised when, upon stepping through the portal, the sky was red and there were numerous moons. It wasn't her own planet, that much was certain. But then again, hadn't the voice said as much? She continued to quietly stand behind the rest, alongside Zhara, shooting quick glances at the tall, beautiful part-elf. She didn't like this, not one bit. She was ready to move, worried about staying too long in one place lest their enemies come to find them. They'd have to fight eventually, though... She shivered with fear as she waited to follow the others with their decision.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Zhara was the last one out of the portal, and when she saw the scenery and skyline, she briefly stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh ... wow."

For a moment she was lost for words, but then she spoke again.

"If it weren't for our situation this would be a rather nice place. It's too bad it's marred by this crap. I agree we should move onward though, the sooner we do, the sooner we can end this."

As the group shuffled onwards, Zhara hung back slightly, adding in an "I'll cover as best as I can."

The group moved onward, and as they did through the seemingly unending plain, suddenly the sky turned black, and the sound of thunder could be heard ...

Trap Encounter: Death Rift

Death Rift: This trap is more a tear in space than anything. Unfortunately, it's what reaches out through the rift that's the danger. If one person gets too close to it, they will be captured by a sea of powerful black tentacles that emerge from the rift, as will the rest of your party. The sheer number of tentacles will quickly penetrate their victims, and begin to rape them. While it doesn't impregnate you, if you are captured by this thing, not only will it try to rape you senseless, but for every turn it has with you caught in it's tentacles, it will add 100 Corruption Points into your meter! It will not release you until it caps your KP. It deals 45 Pleasure per attack.


Capture Rating: 200
Sexual Attack Rating: 200
Sexual Stamina: 200

Trap Evasion Rolls (Intelligence vs. Intelligence Rolls, are you smart enough?):

Iris: 40+82=122 vs. Rift: 40+53=93
Sophina: 35+72=107 vs. Rift: 40+37=77
Tania: 10+18=28 vs. Rift: 40+11=51 CAUGHT!

... and before Tania could move, a mass of black tentacles suddenly shot out of a sudden rip in the air, grabbing her and quickly stuffing themselves into all of her holes. A sudden rush of air forcibly pulled the rest of the group towards the gaping rift, and they too were quickly grabbed and penetrated in the same fashion!

Pleasure Rolls: (Enemy Sexual Attack Rating vs. Player Sexual Freedom Rating)

Rift: 200+24=224 vs. Elia: 150+10=160 RAPED

Elia struggles but to no avail, and quickly finds the pleasure building up as the tentacles thrust within her body and mouth. Elia suffers 45 pleasure which leaves her with 115 Stamina left until she suffers an orgasm. She gains 205 KP from being raped, triple penetrated and from the Rift's corrupting touch.

The tentacles raping her now have 155 Stamina left until they spurt corrupting fluids into her mouth, ass and pussy.

Adjusted Stats (Elia)

Sexual Stamina: 115/160
KP: 205/50,000

Adjusted Stat (Rift)

Sexual Stamina: 155/200

Rift: 200+24=224 vs. Sophina: 145+83=228

Sophina finds herself triple penetrated, but is somehow able to resist the mass of tentacles trying to rape her from pleasuring her. She still gains 160 KP from getting penetrated and held in the corrupting embrace.

Adjusted Stat (Sophina):

KP: 160/50,000

Rift: 200+48=248 vs. Iris: 125+100=225 (ugh, waste of a 100 ...)

Iris struggles with every fiber of her resistance, but in the end the pleasure proves to be too much to deny, and the tentacles within her body and mouth build up to a pistoning motion, even as pleasure tears through her, leaving the young Sorceress already gasping. Iris suffers 45 pleasure which leaves her with only 40 Stamina until she suffers an orgasm. Iris gains 205 KP from her triple penetration, her sudden rape and being held in the corrupting embrace of the rift.

Adjusted Stats (Iris):

Sexual Stamina: 40/85
KP: 205/50,000

Adjusted Stat (Rift):

Sexual Stamina: 155/200

Rift: 200+62=262 vs. Lazuli: 120+98-10=208 (Mathosian Debuff)

Lazuli puts up a heck of a fight, despite the fact her body initially seems to enjoy the sensation of being stuffed so fully of tentacle meat. It felt far better than it should be for what was happening to her, felt almost like a perfect fit. In the end, Lazuli suffers 45 pleasure, leaving her with 135 Stamina until she suffers an orgasm. Lazuli also gains 205 KP from her sudden rape, triple penetration and the corrupting embrace of the rift.

Adjusted Stats (Lazuli):

Sexual Stamina: 135/180
KP: 205/50,000

Adjusted Stat (Rift):

Sexual Stamina: 155/200

Rift: 200+40=240 vs. Zhara:175+62-10=227 (Mathosian Debuff)

Initially Zhara struggled like a woman possessed, trying to resist the fact that suddenly all three of her tight holes were now stuffed with tentacle meat. However, her body seemed somewhat rebellious against her, bucking wildly INTO the thrusting motions of the tentacles within her. She fought still, but it was no use, the tentacles were just too strong, and filled her too well for her to deny the intense pleasure crashing through her young body. A muffled moan escaped her lips as she was forced to have sex with these tentacles, her mind trying to comprehend how such a thing felt so damn good, and why it felt like such a perfect fit, and almost right. Zhara suffers 45 pleasure which leaves her with 130 Stamina until she suffers an orgasm. In addition, she gains 205 KP from the triple penetration, her sudden, pleasurable rape and from the corrupting embrace of the rift.

Adjusted Stats (Zhara):

Sexual Stamina: 130/175
KP: 205/50,000

Rift: 200+23=223 vs. Tania: 200+78-10=268 (Mathosian Debuff)

Tania felt as if she'd just been thrusted into by a perfect mate or something. It felt so fulfilling to be plugged like this, surely her body was designed to get the most pleasure from being filled by tentacle meat? And then reality hit her, and despite the nagging sensation that she was going to be missing out on a good time, she fought against her rape. For the moment, she was victorious, or was she really? She had managed to resist taking any pleasure, but a very small part of her still was battling against her, and seemed inclined to continue that. Tania gains 160 KP from being triple penetrated and held in the corrupting embrace of the rift.

Adjusted Stat (Tania):

KP: 160/50,000

Initiative Roll (This type of trap always goes first when you are caught)

#1 Death Rift
#2 Elia: 160+72=232
#3 Sophina: 175+51=226
#4 Iris: 200+20=220
#5 Lazuli: 140+60=200
#6 Zhara: 155+28=183
#7 Tania: 140+28=168

Each girl now has a chance to do something, or nothing if they choose not to. Elia, Sophina, Iris and Lazuli go before Zhara (and an update). Tania's turn will be after the update.


1. Attempt to escape your rape (all holes must be freed, escape attempts automatically try to free all penetrated holes, however in this case each hole has a separate roll attempt).

2. Give up your turn and let the tentacles pleasure you further.

((Tenta, I ask that you NOT post for your turn until after the next update from me. I need to have that enforced this time around because the last time this was run it was all helter skelter and led to numerous mistakes.))

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

As they walked on, Elia, who was glancing back behind them to make sure nothing was able to sneak up on them suddenly heard a yelp and her head snapped back around to see Tania grabbed by multiple black tentacles. Before she could move to help her new friend, she felt a rush of air that pulled her and all of the others towards where Tania was being raped.

Elia felt the tentacles wrap around her arms and legs as well, then she felt two of them rubbing at both her lower holes and she struggled to close her legs, but to no avail. She gasped out loud as the two tentacles split her open, which allowed a third to quickly slide into her open mouth.

"Mmph," Elia moaned around the tentacle in her mouth as a rush of pleasure hit her from the tentacles thrusting.

Elia knew that she wouldn't last very long against the pleasure these tentacles were bringing her. Mainly because of the fact that her juices were already squirting out of her with every thrust of the tentacles inside her tight elven body.

Yes it felt good, there was no denying that much, but it was still happening against her will. So she began doing anything she had to do to get free, thrashing her body, kicking her legs in an attempt to hit the tentacles, she even tried to bite the tentacle in her mouth, hoping that if she bit down hard enough it would maybe force the tentacles to loosen while they recoiled from the pain of her biting and give her a chance of pulling free.

[Attempt to escape]


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

(i killed a few of these today, nice adaption from the game)

As the group trudge through the field Sophina could feel her own magical element in the air, the power of death, unfortunately she just attributed it to the planet they were stranded on.

At that point she heard the thunder and she, like the rest of her companions were hit by an air blast and dragged into what she could only imagine was a death rift, a thing she thought mythical from necromancer lore. As she landed out of the corner of her eye she saw Tania becoming victim savagely penetrated by the tentacles that spawned out of the rift. Realizing all too soon she would be joining her in the same fate.

She tried to run, to get away from the rift and help her allies with her magics, but before she could get anywhere near far enough away she felt a tendril wrap around her waist and lift her into the air, immediately she started to struggle and try and pull to off her but she was too slow, tentacles started wrapping around her legs and arms holding her still, despite her now desperate struggles she found her legs forced open and she felt two tentacles weaving up her legs knowing where they were headed, see opened her mouth to yell, this was her worst mistake, she found her mouth fill almost the same second by a thick death tentacle as it started plunging into her mouth. There was no stopping herself being penetrated now, and she knew what was coming, she felt the two thick tentacles press against her nether lips and ass, she couldn't stop them, they plunged deep inside of her. She struggled against them determined not to let herself moan, and for the meantime she succeeded, she was determined to escape this thing, and started to twist her form in an attempt to struggle out of them.

[Attempt to escape]


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Iris followed the group silently as they walked alongside the river, trying to find some clue as to their ultimate destination. The scenery didn’t change, though, going on seemingly forever, which suited the half-elf just fine. It was kind of peaceful, really, and it was a nice view, the numerous moons set against the red sky. As she was watching, though, the sky turned utterly black, and there was a loud clap of thunder. She saw the rip that formed in the air itself, and before she could yell out a warning the one who had called herself Tania was grabbed by a mass of thick black tentacles. Much to her horror they soon stuffed themselves deep inside the muscular woman’s holes.

Iris gripped her wand hard and prepared to try to use some of the magic she had been given, but before she could a powerful gust of wind behind her knocked her off balance and pushed her forward, into the grasp of the tentacles. They quickly wrapped around her thin body, hoisting her up into the air as she squirmed and struggled with all of her might. It wasn’t nearly good enough, and in a swift movement the thick black tendrils forced their way into her pussy and ass. The young half-elf screamed out in pain as her virginity was stolen away, which only opened the way for another tentacle to force itself into her mouth, muffling her cries. Without mercy the tendrils began to piston into her, stretching her tight, virgin holes around them, and her body went limp with the pain of the sudden rape. It wasn’t long, however, before the pain faded away, to be replaced by the most pleasurable sensation she had ever experienced. Muffled moans began to escape her lips as the foreign feeling flooded her, each thrust better than the last as her body warmed up to the sensation, and for a few precious moments she allowed the tentacles to use her as they pleased.

Even as the pleasure built up inside of her towards a height she had never felt before something told her to fight back. This was exactly what that voice wanted, to watch her lose herself to its minions, to corrupt her innocence until she couldn’t resist him. She renewed her squirming, her thin green arms moving to tug at the tentacles. She had to get them out of her, immediately, or else she was in grave danger of losing her first battle…



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Walking at the middle, Lazuli tried to look everywhere to be ready of an ambush without know than something slightly different wait for them ahead. Without know one of the team have activate a trap, the blue haired girl soon notice how Tania press something in the floor and then a strange powerful trap get activated and the area get engulf by a dark essence. Lazuli like the others tried to reac to the sudden danger around them, but she get pulled to the center by a evil energy, in no time many tentacles wrap her body and the Mathosian begin to struggle in an attempt to get free of the dark appendages. Her hands get secured to deny any attempt to cast an spell and her legs were moved aside to have a better space to insert more tendrils in both holes.

Lazuli tried to endure what will come now, but the pleasure was more of what she expected and a painfull groan make her lost the chance to avoid than another tendril get inside her mouth, all the three tentacles fit her perfect at her already wet holes, the taste and smell also are something nearly irresistible for Lazuli, as if her body has been completely made to be used by these tentacles, in a distant part of her mind she beg for more tentacles to use her body, but even then the brave Mathosian fight to maintain the control. She continue using all her will to resist the sudden urge to let them rape her and continue her struggle to get free of this tramp, even when it is nearly impossible to do it.

(i will need help to escape of this place or maybe i can wait until orgasm and be able to activate the Chantress
passive power)
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Escape Rape Rolls:

Elia: 150+63=213 vs. Rift: 200+61=261 Ass Penetrated Still.
Elia: 150+90=240 vs. Rift: 200+80=280 Pussy Penetrated Still.
Elia: 150+43=193 vs. Rift: 200+49=249 Mouth Penetrated Still.

Elia struggles but to no avail as the tentacles continue to impose their will upon her.

Sophina: 145+65=210 vs. Rift: 200+58=258 Ass Penetrated Still.
Sophina: 145+26=171 vs. Rift: 200+73=273 Pussy Penetrated Still.
Sophina: 145+49=194 vs. Rift: 200+1=201 Mouth Penetrated Still.

Sophina is unable to break free in any way, and the tentacles continue to work her body.

Iris: 125+79=204 vs. Rift: 200+59=259 Ass Penetrated Still.
Iris: 125+25=150 vs. Rift: 200+55=255 Pussy Penetrated Still.
Iris: 125+92=217 vs. Rift: 200+2=202. Mouth FREE.

Iris struggles, and while she can't get her ass or pussy free, she does manage to force the tentacle out of her mouth!

Lazuli: 140+79-10=209 vs. Rift: 200+22=222 Ass Penetrated Still.
Lazuli: 140+76-10=206 vs. Rift: 200+20=220 Pussy Penetrated Still.
Lazuli: 140+80-10=210 vs. Rift: 200+17=217 Mouth Penetrated Still.

Lazuli puts up a hell of a fight but is unable to free any of her holes. However, she does note that for the moment at least, the beast seemed to be having difficulty containing her.

Zhara: 175+21-10=186 vs. Rift: 200+78=278 Ass Penetrated Still.
Zhara: 175+9-10=174 vs. Rift: 200+76=276 Pussy Penetrated Still.
Zhara: 175+88-10=253 vs. Rift: 200+33=233 Mouth FREE.

Zhara fought hard, though the beast had a firm lock inside her tight ass and tight pussy. She wasn't able to free them, but she was able to viciously YANK the tentacle in her mouth out. She gasped for air, the pleasure mixing in with the sudden rush of air into her lungs causing her to pant, even as her body continued to buck in pleasure.


Tania's turn, and then the Rift gets it's next shot at the women.

1. Try to get free!

2. Do nothing.

((plmnko, you may have just pointed out a potential flaw here. Most traps don't HAVE HP, which therefore makes the Chantress's special ability useless on them. We shall see how that goes, if/when the time comes I may have to come up with something where perhaps it gives a % chance to instantly free one of her holes (or completely depending upon the trap and how many holes were plugged.))
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Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Tania is caught off guard as the hole rips open in space and the mass if black tentacles appear and ensnared the woman, attempting to rape them. The Mathosian blood in her caused her to feel unwanted pleasure from the tentacle monstrosity, but at the same time her nord heritage also instilled and influenced in her the desire and determination to fight back. After a few moments of limply hanging there and letting the appendages fill her, she would suddenly get her focus and thought back and immediately shut her eyes closed tightly and viciously sink her teeth into the (hopefully tender) flesh if the tentacle, while attempting to grab the tentacle in her ass and pussy to pry them out of her orrifices, struggling with all of her might to shut the pleasure trying to build in her body and mind to the blackest, furthest untouched parts of her consciousness.

((Attempt to escape))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Escape Rape Roll:

Tania: 200+22-10=212 vs. Rift: 200+1=201 Ass FREED
Tania: 200+83-10=273 vs. Rift: 200+12=212 Pussy FREED
Tania: 200+29-10=219 vs. Rift: 200+10=210 Mouth FREED

Tania goes absolutely ape shit on the trap, tearing tentacles out of her and off of her like some kind of possessed woman. Soon enough the woman is back on the ground, free and recovering. She takes note that for the moment none of her team mates have gotten very far. She also notes that the tentacles that had briefly held her were retreating into a part of the rift that was closing. It seemed if they could get free, this thing would shut down, which led her to believe it literally was feeding off of their sexual energies to stay open.


#1 Death Rift
#2 Elia: 115/160 Stamina, 205/50,000 KP. Fully Penetrated
#3 Sophina: 145/145 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. Fully Penetrated
#4 Iris: 40/85 Stamina, 205/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated
#5 Lazuli: 135/180 Stamina, 205/50,000 KP. Fully Penetrated
#6 Zhara: 130/175 Stamina, 205/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated
#7 Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE

Pleasure Rolls:

Rift: 200+25=225 vs. Elia: 150+46=196

Elia again is unable to keep the tentacles from pleasuring her body, and they continue to thrust in and out of her. She suffers 45 Pleasure and has 70 Stamina left until she suffers an orgasm. She gains another 145 KP, giving her 410 total.

The Rift now has 110 Stamina left until it spurts corrupting fluids into Elia.

Rift: 200+55=255 vs. Sophina: 145+3=148

Sophina's luck ends as the tentacles suddenly find her sweet spot, thrusting deeply into her before working up a rhythm. The end result is pleasure crashes through her body, and Sophina suffers 45 pleasure which leaves her with 100 Stamina until she suffers an orgasm. She also gains 145 KP.

The Rift has 155 Stamina left until it spurts corrupting fluids into her.

Rift: 200+54=254 vs. Iris: 125+58=183

Iris is unable to stop the tentacles from continuing to thrust inside of her pussy and ass. She can feel the pleasure building with each thrust, knowing she can't take much more of this ... and just as she thinks that, everything hits her at once. She tries to fight what she knows is coming, but she is unable to fight it, completely unprepared for the magnitude of it all. As her body wildly thrashes and betrays her, a white hot orgasm rips through her body, causing her to shudder and convulse. The pleasure continues to tear through her until finally it subsides somewhat. Iris feels very weak, but before she can comprehend why, she realizes the tentacles have NOT stopped working her. In fact, she can feel them beginning their work to try and force her to orgasm again! Her mind realizes this, but her body is completely paralyzed by the power of her orgasm and refuses to obey her. Iris suffers 45 pleasure which depletes her stamina bar, causing her to suffer an orgasm and lose a turn. She now has 80 Stamina until she suffers another orgasm. Iris also gains 195 KP, the extra 50 coming from her orgasmic experience. Iris will be unable to offer any resistance on the next rape round, nor can she attempt to get free. She is a sitting duck.

The Rift has 110 Stamina left until it shoots corrupting fluids into her body.

Rift: 200+1=201 vs. Lazuli: 140+82-10=212.

It seemed her struggle to get free earlier disrupted the tentacles somehow, as Lazuli was able to beat back taking any pleasure from her continued rape. She does still gain another 100 KP though due to remaining in the tentacle embrace.

Rift: 200+96=296 vs. Zhara: 175+22-10=187

Zhara doesn't have a prayer of resisting the pleasure from the tentacles still filling her ass and pussy. In fact if anything, the tentacles seem to piston in and out of her with more determination now that she's freed her mouth. The brutality of her rape causes Zhara to gasp, and another moan escapes her lips, this time fully audible. Zhara suffers 45 Pleasure and has 85 Stamina left until she suffers an orgasm. She also gains another 145 KP.

The Rift has 110 Stamina left until it fills Zhara with corrupting fluids.

Updated Stats:

#1 Death Rift
#2 Elia: 70/160 Stamina, 350/50,000 KP. Fully Penetrated
#3 Sophina: 100/145 Stamina, 305/50,000 KP. Fully Penetrated
#4 Iris: 80/85 Stamina, 400/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (Lost turn)
#5 Lazuli: 135/180 Stamina, 305/50,000 KP. Fully Penetrated
#6 Zhara: 85/175 Stamina, 350/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated
#7 Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE


Elia, Sophina, Lazuli and Zhara have their turns now. Iris has lost hers due to her orgasm. The options are as follows.

1. Try to get away again.

2. Give up your turn and let the beast have another crack at you.

((Tiffanian if you wish to post something for Iris I won't stop you there, however bearing in mind basically all she can do at this point is scream in pleasure and hang there limply wishing she could move.))
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