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What do you like in those ?

Consent is fun, guys, I promise. It's like my favorite thing. 10/10, would seek consent again.

In all seriousness, that's becoming a big thing for me. I used to be turned on by rape before my girlfriend showed me the wonders of consent - And started tickling me far, far too much.

... She's better now, that's not the point. o3o

Not hating on fictional non-consent and the enjoyment thereof, to be clear, especially since, again, the bestiality thing. If/when I make related content, consent or some alternative would be included, but it's hard to find content like that.

Anyway. *pours milk on the wet head panty*
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>1973 vintage
>Rare to acquire

Do you want ear-raping marathons? Cause that's how you get ear-raping marathons.

I earn money!
Lots of money!
That 1973 vintage
is kind of ridiculous though, I admit that.
Unless you are a collector of liquors, for there are less than 400 bottles in the world.

I don't know how that relates to any sort of ear-rape marathon, but just by the sounds of it, I "respectfully disagree".


I was impressed and honoured, until you pointed out the ears. You are making me just more of a target with that. >.>
I was impressed and honoured, until you pointed out the ears. You are making me just more of a target with that. >.>

My fervorous bellows have thus betrayed my sacred mission :cry: Forgive me, my Stuffie, for I have failed thee. *bows with hanged head*

That is how they get that f*cked-up idea in the first place. <.<;;;;

Be faithful to Stuffie, stand up tall, and defend my ears with all your might!
VERILY! Let it be known that I, Woodle of Lewd, shall defend the divine sanctity of Stuffie, even threatened a fate worse than tentacle rape! *hefts mighty shield and spear with renewed conviction*
Let it be known that I, Woodle of Lewd, shall defend the divine sanctity of Stuffie, even threatened a fate worse than tentacle rape! *hefts mighty shield and spear with renewed conviction*


Such a strong and faithful protector at my side!

*towards the common ear fetishists*

You're too kind :3 It is my pleasure to aid the oppressed. I am so bound by my code of being a royally appointed hitman on a horse chivalry :unsure:
Guys you need to stop, Yosh needs our help!

Something I carelessly said made him feel small and insecure, and it seems like the more I try to make it better, the more I hurt him!
You realize I don't watch tubelinks right?
@super_slicer: Basically, Stuffie is telling you to stop being a faggot.

@Stuffie: I, personally, prefer the female derriere to the degree that one may qualify it as an obsession of sorts. I mean, ear-rape is fine and all, but .


I'm not entirely sure which of my actions you believe to be a giggle o3o; So I'll just say that the chivalry-is-horse-riding thing was, indeed, a giggle of historical nature. If that answers your question.

I am also not aware of what the implication of the video linked was >3>; Are you, perhaps, calling me a phony?
Actually, I botched the share option. It was only supposed to have the "I'll slap your shit, boy!" part, but fuck the mathematical precision of sharing a clip and specifying where you want it to start.
fuck the mathematical precision of sharing a clip and specifying where you want it to start.

HAH. Oh, I hate when that happens. I did get there was an attempt at that, but it was hard to discern the meaning. Oh well :3 Too bad there wasn't an entire song dedicated to your message :p

Weirdly, the internet has a ton of content about whooping someone's ass. From the idea, to the contemplation, the act, and the aftermath.
the dick obsessessed crybaby is right liking futa is gay gay GAY there are no chick with dick only man with tits! no vagina = GAY

slicer why have you not responded too my messages this site looks different but i still can not find the vanja games?
Hey now mister! Yosh isn't obsessed with penises! Even though he said this:
don't bullshit me with "better of two words", all of you (artists included) are mainly focused on that futa dick...
it's not like whenever he sees one all he can think about is sucking it and taking it up the ass even when there's a perfectly good vagina next to it!|

the dick obsessessed crybaby is right liking futa is gay gay GAY there are no chick with dick only man with tits! no vagina = GAY

Well you're kind of correct no vagina = gay is a pretty good argument, however futanari HAVE vaginas see:

Whate you've probably seen are "futa" which are not futanari as I explained earlier.

So unless you're 'Dick Obsessed' (pointedly doesn't look in someone's direction, wouldn't want them throwing a bigger tantrum now, would we?) futanari porn probably falls a little more into a gray area of sexuality.

slicer why have you not responded too my messages this site looks different but i still can not find the vanja games?

About the Vanja games sub... I guess I should come clean. There never was one, I just used you to increase my rep. Sorry! I tried telling you in a PM before but I'm guessing you haven't logged in since the site conversion and it must've been lost during that.