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MNF Metropolis Presidential Treatment

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hey guys
i am having a issue to open the game file
start chrome .bat when ever it opens yup it shows that system path is not correct is there any solution to sovle it
hey guys pllzzzz can anyone tell me how to play these games.
i recently updated my pc to windows10 and the game files are not working at all .
Your game folder should look something like this. To play you have to click start
Haha, now they can't say they miss the swf! Thanks, sandchainz is amazing how you always improve yourself. Is there a way to access the scene menu in all chrome games?
Haha, now they can't say they miss the swf! Thanks, sandchainz is amazing how you always improve yourself. Is there a way to access the scene menu in all chrome games?
Thnx through this scene selection method was made by other person lol
It will be implemented with time to all the games don't worry ;)
Huh guys the pre 2014 entire collection is giving error says decryption key not valid what to do?
I try with firefox chrome and edge and have the same issue with all of them and the version really don't know!!!!!
You should use the tool i shared. Or use firefox the older version like 54 or older.
is there a full video on plane fellow?
if there is one, it would cool if someone send the link here