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Re: Mjorna

It is Irias who replies. "When a criminal has to be punished, I am the one that punishes. The blade that you hold has cut off hands, ears and heads of delinquents for generations." He turns his head to look over his shoulder. "I'm not exactly proud of my profession. I can only hope that they all deserved it."
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra tilted her head, "So you're an executioner?" she shrugged, "How does that deserve this reacion?"
Re: Mjorna

Tork stares at Phaydra in disbelief, while Irias' eyes take on a look of curiosity. "I've been putting more people to death than most soldiers do in their entire career. I tortured and disfigured, and it doesn't bother you at all?"
Re: Mjorna

"It's your job." Phaydra said, "I'm indirectly responsible for many deaths myself as a blacksmith. You do your job to the best of your ability, and if any of them really were innocent, well you didn't know that now did you?" Then she grinned, "You being human bothers me more than you being an executioner."
Re: Mjorna

Irias shakes his head as he fully turns around. "Me being human bothers a lot of people. You can deal with my profession, but you dislike me because I was born this way?" Irias scoffs. "That's like me hating you for having scales."
Re: Mjorna

"I've had bad experiences with humans..." she laughed, "But I haven't had any with executioners."
Re: Mjorna

"Most don't", Irias murmurs. "But one is enough in most cases." Now that the tension seems to be gone the deathsman relaxes somewhat. "So, uh, you going to give me back my sword? It's been in my family for many years."
Re: Mjorna

"Only if our Prior says you can have it." Phaydra said in a more submissive tone.
Re: Mjorna

Wulfric looks at Phaydra blankly for a long moment before nodding. "Yes, give him his sword back. It shall serve him as a reminder of his past as he serves the community." Tork groans out. "You're going to let him stay?!"
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra also seemed a bit skeptical, but did as she was told, and handed the human back his sword, hilt first.
Re: Mjorna

Toya pipes up at last. "I see no reason against it. Everyone has a job to do. He just does his. And as far as I can tell, he's doing nothing for us not to trust him thus far."
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra seemed to want to argue with Toya, but she kept her mouth shut, and instead spoke to Tork, "Is there something I should do? I don't want to be around the human any more than i have to."