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ADV [Illusion] Box -Hako- English 箱 -はこ

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Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

How do I save the game? I got to day 6 and had to get off, and even though I saw a little thing in the bottom left corner say "saving" I started the game up the next day and there is no continue option, and the start option started a new game
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

How do I save the game? I got to day 6 and had to get off, and even though I saw a little thing in the bottom left corner say "saving" I started the game up the next day and there is no continue option, and the start option started a new game

It should save automatically. But if I recall correctly on day 6 you get another story (which don't matter except for the last on day 16).
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Hrm...odd. could the fact that I installed it in program files on the c drive be it? maybe it doesnt have paranoid vista's permission to save?
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

All I can say is that I haven't encountered any problems with the game yet. I'm running on XP though.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

I haven't had any problems, though I run on vista as admin.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

damn it i have all of the files but # 21 says temporarily unavailable HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

I'm currently uploading it to rapidshare, but it'll take about half an hour.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

oh ok thanks but do i have to DL the whole thing all over again? i hope not
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Yes, yes you do.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

k DLing right now and thanks again
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

I believe Rule deserves another rep point. But I can't figure out what to rep him for... His chat game? This ? I'll do this.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

This thread is the one that made me register and stop hiding in the wood work.

*flings away a splinter being used as a toothpick*

I've downloaded all the parts, but whenever I try to extract them it gives me some weirdness about continually overwriting the existing file. Is this a problem caused because I'm using 7zip? Should I use something else?
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Can you provide a screenshot or just tell us what exactly was the error message?

I didn't have a problem when I extracted with 7zip.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

No gamer, don't worry.

Wow, I can't believe I missed this thread.

Gonna start downloading as soon as I get home tomorrow.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

No gamer, don't worry.

Wow, I can't believe I missed this thread.

Gonna start downloading as soon as I get home tomorrow.

Wow, I can't believe I missed this thread.

I missed this thread.

missed this thread.

missed thread.

Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Specifically it starts unzipping Part1.rar, but after a few seconds it starts Part2.rar and asks me if I want to replace the 80kB ISO file with a much larger one. I tried accepting and denying, and I tried autorename, but after a while each attempt failed.

Part1 is not supported
Part2 and so on end up being broken files

I'll get a screenshot of this mess later tonight after I'm home from work.
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