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ADV [Illusion] Box -Hako- English 箱 -はこ

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Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

oh srry it took me this long to post....IT WORK...i started to play it untill the first hako girl died T.T but i had some fun before that happen...:p lol thanks again man and a good find
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

It says ingame that you can share Hako Girls with other people, anybody know if this is true? If so, anything anybody's looking for?
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

It says ingame that you can share Hako Girls with other people, anybody know if this is true? If so, anything anybody's looking for?

If so then I don't know how. It's in the manual, and the manual isn't included in the download I think.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

If so then I don't know how. It's in the manual, and the manual isn't included in the download I think.


Specifically it starts unzipping Part1.rar, but after a few seconds it starts Part2.rar and asks me if I want to replace the 80kB ISO file with a much larger one. I tried accepting and denying, and I tried autorename, but after a while each attempt failed.

Part1 is not supported
Part2 and so on end up being broken files

I'll get a screenshot of this mess later tonight after I'm home from work.

A screenie would be a lot of help.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Okay, I tried unzipping the whole thing and now have a 0 KB Iso file sitting in my Hako folder. What the deuce?
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

This thread is the one that made me register and stop hiding in the wood work.

*flings away a splinter being used as a toothpick*

I've downloaded all the parts, but whenever I try to extract them it gives me some weirdness about continually overwriting the existing file. Is this a problem caused because I'm using 7zip? Should I use something else?

And now I have to break my lurkerdom just to answer this... curse you, must be contagious.

Anyway, if this is what I think it is, when you tried extracting the files you weren't using the Japanese settings for non-Unicode. 7zip doesn't handle files named in moonspeak very well unless it knows it's looking at them first, so basically anything with a Japanese filename got viewed as the same set of jibberish, and ended up continously overwriting itself. Just switch your system settings or start 7zip manually through AppLocale and it should work fine.

That or one of the downloads was corrupted.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

D'oh, I should have thought of that. Now I feel like a foolish bug.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

It's all part of learning
Does anyone know if theres a chance where you can specify what kinda of girls you get?
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

It's all part of learning
Does anyone know if theres a chance where you can specify what kinda of girls you get?

If you want that you should download Artificial Girl 3. Past Day 16 you can get your own apples in, but that's as good as it gets. Read the to find out how the apple influences the girl.
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Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Hey!!! Anybody had par21.rar in MEGAUPLOAD!??

I'm very very ... ungry when reach to Par21.rar

MEGAUPLOAD said "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable".

(you can see here)

Can someone help me Par21??

What do you think if you wait for 20 par everyday and meet the time of part 21??? >.<
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

... First of all, spellcheck. You soud extremely wierd. Second of all, read the thread if you want part 21.

That is, unless by helping you Par21 you mean play a good game of golf, in which case you're on your own.

Also, what does it mean to be ungry?
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

I dunno about Megaupload, but Rule posted a Rapidshare link that has it.

Here. Part 21. Just download it.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Lol, I never finished downloading this.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Lawrdy it takes forever...
So is Raptor Jesus about to preform a miracle by raining bits of triceratops from the heavens to feed the masses...?
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Why not have it rain whole triceratops? Making your followers have to run around dodging falling dinosaurs.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Can someone upload part 23 for me please ^_^ for some reason when i click regular download on mega upload it just constantly loads and wont let me download ive gotten every other file no problem so it would really be appreciated.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Try again, it works for me and could be a momentary thing with your computer connection.
Re: [Illusion] Box -Hako- English

Yea it worked thanks ^_^ probably a problem with megaupload because i reset my modem so wasnt my connection
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