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Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

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Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Moving out past the icy 'teeth,' Rhyst walks into a massive cavern. Here there is enough light for him to see the main, and only, features. The chamber consists of a giant hole bored deep into the ground over which two ice bridges are suspended, connecting in the middle to form a large 'x' shape. Coming out onto one branch of the x bridge, Rhyst sees that the ends of the other bridges each consist of the giant carving of a dragon's head into whose mouth the bridges go. A glimpse behind him shows that the passage he walked out of also has such a carving, although it doesn't look finished. In the center of the forehead of each of the other three dragons glows a large gem. The dragon to his left has a red gem, the one to his right has a green gem, and the one straight ahead has a black gem that seems almost to absorb the spares light instead of give any off.

Above all this, in the air is the source of the noise Rhyst heard. Instead of a waterfall, it is the countinuous sound of hundreds of flapping wings. Through the gloom, Rhyst manages glimpses at there full shapes. They seem much like a four pointed star with two of the points being wings. Also they have three tentacles, two at the junction of their wings and the front facing point, and one trailing from the tip of their rear point.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst stills himself a moment, pondering. He didn't want to attract the attention of the tentacled things, assuming he knew what they'd do to him. He decides to not go to the black gem'd dragon, the lack of light helping his decision. He flips a coin in his head, slowly and quietly making his way to the one with the red gem.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Making his way out onto the icy x, Rhyst turns down the left branch to head for the red-gem dragon. However, his unskilled attempts at sneaking cause him to lose his footing and fall. Thankfully, he only hit the bridge and didn't fall off, but the loud noise causes one of the creatures to come investigate his prone form. Before he can react, Rhyst feels two tentacles grab his waist from behind as the creature starts to pick him up.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

fuckfuckfuckfuck... Let go! Rhyst thinks to himself, not wanting to draw the attention of the others by speaking, drawing his sword and cutting at the tentacles that held him.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

The strike is a glancing blow, shartering off what seems to be several large fragments of ice which fall onto the bridge below. Briefly following the shards down with his eyes, Rhyst realizes the thing is moving with him, although it hasn't gone far above the bridge just yet, possibly he is to heavy for it to lift very well. Rhyst's attention is yanked away from this, however, when he feels a cold, thick object probe his ass before starting to gently slide in.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst figured that would happen, though through gritting teeth, he'd ignore it for now, sword still aiming for the tendrils that held him rather than penetrated him, thinking if he severed even one, it would drop him.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst's blow breaks through one of the tentacles holding him, causing the bird to falter and crash sliding across the bridge sideways with one end held down by Rhyst's weight. Apparently having decided that it could have its pleasure after Rhyst stops resisting, the thing bites at Rhyst and manages to get past his shield slicing his arm with its teeth. At the same time, it continues fucking Rhyst, sliding the rear tentacle in and out of his ass, occasionally bumping his prostate and sending a shock of pleasure through him in odd counterpoint to the pain from his arm.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst hisses in pain at the bite, growling. His body glows red, the thing inside of him activating, speeding him up. He didn't know what was happening himself, but he wouldn't question it, using his newfound speed and slicing at the main body, while also trying to avoid further bites, trying to ignore the thing in his ass for now.

(("unknowingly" use haste curse thingy, then full attack on the tentacle bird.(so it should be 2 attacks)))
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

With a sudden burst of speed, Rhyst stabs back at the thing causing two great holes in its icy body. The thing then tumbles back off the bridge, the two tentacles it still had attached breaking off and leaving themselves still either wrapped around or penetrating Rhyst, the second wrapping tentacle also having stayed frozen around him when he had broken it off. A quick glance shows that Rhyst is near one of the Dragon mouths and that a few of the other flying creatures are noticing him.

(100 xp, 1crp + 1 non-lethal from the ability usage. Oh, and since I forgot it in my last post, 5 points of lethal damage from the bite.)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Panting and bleeding, Rhyst makes a dash to whichever dragon's head he was nearest, hoping it was the red one he was going for, but not caring at the moment, as long as he got away before he had to fight any more of those things.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

One swoops at Rhyst as he runs, but he makes it past the teeth and the creature stops, apparently unable to fit past. The area around him seems slightly more ornate than before. The floors walls and ceiling carved to resemble the interior of a giant mouth to the point where there is even a great tongue made of stone running along the floor anchored somewhere near the back. A glance backward past the creatures and the bridges reveals the head on the far side to be unfinished, the yellow gem barely anchored in place.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

"...Damn. I do NOT want to be in the black one..." Rhyst sighs, then thinks a moment. If the creatures couldn't go past the teeth, he'd attack from where he was, pulling out his sling and hurling bullets at them.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

The bullet from Rhyst's sling merely chips the creature. In response the creature gives off a dissonant howl, before it starts biting at one of the teeth blocking it's way breaking off small chunks. Rhyst hears the howl echo a few times before it starts getting louder and more intense as more of the creatures outside the mouth begin to follow suit. Rhyst watches as four more of the creatures descend to attack the teeth.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

((...Why am I getting the feeling I'm supposed to go to the black one...))

Rhyst redraws his sword, changing to his damage aura and aiming thrusts through the gaps of the teeth at the creatures, starting with the one he hit with his sling.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst's blade gouges the beast, although he has some difficulty attacking through the gap due to the tentacles from the beast he killed having frozen around him or left lodged partially within him. The creature backs off slightly as several more of the creatures move in to start attacking the teeth, Already some of them are reaching with their tentacles past the teeth to try and grab him.

(Well, you took out the right tentacle so it was dragged left to that head by your weight, and then you decided you would take out a few dozen of these things with 40 bullets.)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst growls in annoyance, now realizing there were too many for him to go the way he wanted. Cursing, he retreated, away from the birds and the teeth, not wanting to go this way at all, but left with few options.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

As Rhyst moves off into the tunnel the cries of the beasts grow fainter. The passage, though, retains much of its ornate feel as the walls have the occasional carvings, and the slopes tend to have stairs. Eventually, however, Rhyst comes to a large chamber with a set of stairs spiraling down the outer edge until it reaches the floor. There surrounded by several tall columns is a large pool of glowing green fluid which itself surrounds a small island. On the islands stands what is undoubtedly a door, but even from this distance he can tell that the door seems to suck in any light that comes near.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

"....Maybe it's the way back." Rhyst says sarcastically, though he'd still try and go to it, sighing to himself as he cautiously descends the stairs, looking around for any potential attacks.
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Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

The stairs don't seem to offer up any traps, however, the columns surrounding the pond of fluid seem very weak. A sudden force could likely send any of them toppling. The fluid itself stays a calm surface, the cave not even offering the occasional breeze to ripple its glowing green surface. There doesn't seem to be any way across the fluid though as it completely surrounds the inner island without any breaks.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst reaches the perimeter of the liquid, finding a spot well away from any of the pillars and deciding to take a rest before trying tog et to the door, hoping the area was safe.

((Rest for 5 hours))
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