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The Green Lizard Tavern

Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"An interesting propisition," the mage said, pulling a skelital arm from her sleeve and using it as a bookmark, shutting the large tome. "I take it you're becoming a Keeper? Most people stopping off here are..."


"It's a simple matter, one of my few magic gifts as well. But please, will you cease your arguing!!!" It was odvious the demon was getting annoyed, his eyes flashing dangerously.


"Sounds good to me!" the girl spoke up, giggling a bit as his comments. "You can call me <Insert Name Here>!!!"

((When you finally come to your choices, you get to name your champions.))


The man thought for a moment, then grasped the warlock's hand. "Well met, stranger. I am known as <Insert Name Here>..."
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Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

can it for a second arguing is done with i gotta get an answer though *she narrows her eyes dangerously at Lene* "ya know lets just get it out the way but what exactly were you gonna say about my keep? hmmmm? out with it girl before a wind blows and snaps you in half.." *her eyes glance to the demons and see that flash but she merely glared back before looking at the girl again*
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"Of course... After all, I'm one who enjoys "new experiences"... To become a master over the masses is something every immortal should attempt once, is it not Miss Necromancer?"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Very well then Sarai. Also, seeing as how I should probably plan to include rooms for your 'followers' that you mentioned, what are their specialties? I'm already planning a large workshop, and I should probably add a bit on for them.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"Please," Lene snarled back, her mouth warped into a sneer. "I'm not here to be bullied by bleach-haired strong-arms like you." Casting a glance up at the demon -- she still had about a half a foot to look even though he was sitting and she was standing -- Lene gave a slight bow, "I'll leave you to this little spit-fire. Good luck, and please do contact me if she comes across one of those leaves of absence."

That said, she backed away from the brewing fight -- something that she had to try very hard to do. As much as she wanted to fight, wanted to bend the upstart over her knee and give her what-for with the flat of her sword, she knew she'd not come out the other side any better for it. The fact that a lot of the people in this tavern were immortal -- or if not immortal, than supernatural in origin -- left her feeling like a minnow in a shark tank. She couldn't allow her wits to become clouded by foolish pride.

Having turned on her heel (if Selesia didn't make to stop her), Lene found herself facing the last of the available Lords... though not for lack of scanning the room over once, twice, looking for some one else who was not occupied.

That dildo-bearing woman's smile seemed somehow more Cheshire than it had at first.

Though she felt her face flushed from chin to hairline, Lene never the less approached the table and settled in a seat across from the woman. "I don't suppose you're more than the tavern's entertainment, my dear?" asked she. Good Gods, she could use a drink... why did things always have to zig when they were supposed to zag?
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Jericho." Finster grimaces slightly at the grip of the warrior, but remains quiet. After their deal the warlock drops a few coins on the counter. "Pork with bread dumplings and beer for me and my partner", Finster orders.
The tense situation with the demon draws his attention. His white eyebrows arch a bit as he waits on what is going to happen next. When Lene backs down he sighs. "Ah, such violent temper. She will have to cool down if she wants to succeed as a Keeper."
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Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The figure stiding into the tavern would likely draw the eyes of everyone in the room, if only for a second. Tall and lithe, with fiery red hair and black leather, complete with demon wings and tail, strides through the doors and sets herself down on a barstool, looking around the room with a seductive smile as she does so. As her eyes pass over every person in the room appraisingly, her smile changes ever so slightly, showing traces of boredom, excitement, and dissapointment for a moment. Content that she had made an appropriate entrance, she locks eyes with the bartender and asks for "Some water. Plain, simple water. In a glass. A plain, simple glass. Please."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The Reaper sighed a bit as he literally facepalms. "Mortals...' he muttered to himself.


The girl that Lene aproached perked her ears up slightly as the girl aproached, but she didn't really act more then wiggle her wings a bit. "Such inpertinence," she muttered, more to herself. "Even I wouldn't be soo rash to judge..."


Jericho nodded as he watched as well, until his drink arrived. Taking a draught, he nodded. "Insulence like that would not be tolorated if it was my choice... I'm surprised Horny there didn't haul off and slice her up..."


"Not too much, most of my friends are used for ranged attacks like me though," she said with a shrug, her gaze going from the argument back to him, now that there was no threat of a catfight.


The mage shruged a bit. "I'm more or less studying theory at the moment, I've barely got the basics. A tutor at the least would be nice! Go ahead, sit down," she offered, sliding her chair over a bit and causing the candles to return to the table.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Hearing the long-eared woman's griping, Lene scowled, but tilted her head in acceptance for her rudeness. It was difficult, playing the humble part, but she had realized that she was going to need to rely on that if she was going to get her point across to anyone around here. "Please, accept my apologies," she told the meagerly dressed woman. Sucking up her pride and stomping on it with a firm heel, the human spoke in a firm tone, as if to save her losses: "I've been having trouble in getting my Keep up and running; keeping imps moving, keeping supplies coming in, the usual blocks and hangups for someone such as myself..."

Pausing, finding herself unable to look at the woman for long (something about the way she held herself was far more imposing to Lene than the Reaper could ever be, even if he were larger and pointier!) Lene began to push the cuticles back on her fingernails, finding something to keep her hands and eyes busy with. "I could use some motivation to back me up -- rather, to work in my stead." Why did she feel as if she were mincing across eggshells? It was probably that she didn't want the woman to take her the wrong way. Lene would never proposition someone for sex, especially not in a run down tavern like the Green Lizard. The very (inescapable) thought sent a fresh wave of heat to her face.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*turning her attention fully to the reaper her arms crossed over her chest* now back to the matter of importance. i need a taskmaster basically.. you look well suited to the job of being my second. My location of choice just began construction and is well on its way to being servicable soon but still construction takes time. you want a job?
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"Theory alone won't get you anywhere my dear... magic is something that requires experience, or at the very least... power."

Seating herself upon the chair offered to her, Mia observed the mage intently for a few moments, hands folded under her chin, a grin breaking out across her face.

"However my dear...you seem to be lacking in that department if what I sense is correct. By my standards anyway. Tell me, how would you feel in regards to entering a contract with me? All you would be required to do is to keep me amused during my stay in this world... Oh, and some "simple" tasks involving dungeon management. In exchange, you would receive proper training in the magical arts... and access to my own person reserves of Mana.

A sinister smile on her face, the demon continued to goad her subject of interest on.

"Think about it... being taught first hand by an immortal who's experienced eons of magical combat and never having to worry of becoming exhausted from the over expenditure of magical energy. You'll even be granted eternal life in this pact, all for keeping a simple demon entertained. An offer to die for is it not?"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

So, I should probably include some sort of firing range in my plans. Well, at least your followers seem to know that you can't get hurt if your opponent can't get near you. Simple principle, that. Dravan replies to the catgirl.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Finster nods in approval at Jericho. As his food arrives he samples it cautiously, chewing for several long moments before nodding and swallowing. "A pity, really. It would be. . . interesting to see two with such a quick temper escalate. Of course, the aftermath would be messy, but I'm not the one who would have to clean it up." The "messy" part leaves plenty of interpretation, of course.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The elven girl looked over at Lene with a interested face. "I dunno much about imps, dearie, but I might be able to help out in general," she pointed out with her silky voice, repositioning herself gently so she was sitting properly. "I wouldn't worry too much about Horny over there, he'll eventually send some sence into that imbicile, as for your propersition, I'm listening..."


"If you treat your equals as well as you're subordinants, I'm a little tentative, but what the hell," he said, with a slightly enigmatic grin. "Consider yourself with a employee, keeper. I usually go by Horny, but you can call me <Insert Name Here>."


She giggled a bit. "Y-yeah, I realized that," the catgirl joked. "Not all of them are that smart, though. Aw well!"


"You really are drawing a sequential bargain, demonoid," she pointed out, sliding her greenish eyes closed and straitening her violet robes a bit. "I'm curious though- what is this 'amusing' chore you keep mentioning?"


Jericho chuckles darkly again. "Well, let's just say that the lass is eventually gonna get some sence knocked into her.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"Oh nothing major... a few "games" between us now and then, playing with a few "heroes" in creative ways, and keeping me "company" during my stay in this world. Surely you can do that?...

A mischievous grin breaking out on her face, the demoness opted to tease the necromancer further by layering a "seductive" tone onto what she spoke next.

"Of course... you could always offer me your body instead... Magicians are always rather delectable... in more ways than one." Well?...

It was rather obvious that Mia had already designated the night-elf as her personal "toy" for the next few centuries, regardless of what the sorceress was to choose.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Finster nods and takes another look into his fist. "Ah, they're making some progress. Good, I want the dungeon heart set up when we return." He carefully divides the dumplings into little pieces and soaks them in sauce. "Yes, I figure the Reaper will live up to his nickname sooner or later."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The elven girl looked over at Lene with a interested face. "I dunno much about imps, dearie, but I might be able to help out in general," she pointed out with her silky voice, repositioning herself gently so she was sitting properly. "I wouldn't worry too much about Horny over there, he'll eventually send some sence into that imbicile, as for your propersition, I'm listening..."

'Dearie', that was a new one. Lene lifted her brows, really rather appeased when the woman expressed her opinion over Selesia. So she wasn't the only one to find the white-haired fool's antics to be rather overstated. That was something of a relief.

"As for my proposition," she echoed, settling better into her chair and forcing her hands to be still in front of her. "Money isn't an issue, provided you... and yours? The Reaper suggested that he had access to helpers, do you have the same benefit? ... in any case, so long as you're willing to delegate work appropriately and to ensure that the building that needs to get done, does get done, I can keep you well paid."

Lene took a breath, closing her eyes and thinking her next words out before she spoke them. "Construction is only one part of my proposition, however. I'm not too fond of heroes, and I'd really rather like to ensure that any that happen to come my way are taken care of appropriately." She scowled, thinking of her family of money-seekers, adventurers... do-gooders, in any case. As embarrassing as speaking to this woman was, now, Lene would give anything to see a cousin trussed up in her Keep, begging for his life. She was sick of humanity, her extended noble-blooded family being at the top of the list of those she'd prefer to off.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Keh, well, I guess not everyone can be smart. On another note, I wonder when the building crew will send a person down here to tell me that they're ready. Dravan says.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

A bit after their meal a blue glow starts to come from Finster's hand. "Well! That's the signal. Shall we?", he asks, getting up from the bar stool.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Shortly after Finister leaves a man walks up to Dravan. Construction is finished, sir. He says.

Ah, good good. Well then, Sarai, shall we be off? Dravan says standing up before moving towards the exit.