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Madrigal OOC Chatter

Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Hah. I think killing another player would automatically get you kicked out of the randomization bag!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

"It was a heart attack, I swear! Those gouts of blood and stab-like wounds are symptoms, and that gasoline dousing his body that's quickly lighting on fire is natural!"

Maybe next time, good sir. :)

Aaand with that, I'm back from work. I'm tellin' ya, for having computer access all day, this 'job' thing is really putting a crimp in my style. It's only mildly excruciating knowing that I could be online and replying to you guys, save for the pesky fact that I'm at work and people are all around and... this forum is the antithesis of safe for that sort of environment.

I'm going to try to drop as many posts in the next couple of hours as I can! Sorry for the drastic change in wait time!

eta: Rule, if you don't drop that XP into Tillias' sheet from last night, I'm not obliged to do it for you! Your loss if you forget about it! :p
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I'm going to spend 5xp on an agility point for Shale.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Makes sense to me! Feel free to update the sheet. XD I need to balance the XP gain a little more, I think.

>.> Start having more crazy sex, you guys! Pheonix... have less. ;)
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Whatever the case, she was able to make her way all the way to the ramp that led up to the third tier without incident... nor without meeting anyone, least of all Flaqus or Ozen!
Do you mean 'or without'? 'Nor without' implies that she did meet someone as 'nor' is basically the same as 'or not' and is typically used in a neither...nor... phrase.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Dur, I meant that there wasn't anyone there. *goes to edit* sorry!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

That's perfectly fine! I've haven't put as much focus as I should into individual posts tonight: a combination of rushing along and being mildly pooped have left my brains a little more swiss-cheese than normal. Let me know if I goof up again somewhere that jeopardizes the clarity of a post!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Swiss cheese. Mmm... Can I eat your brains?
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Now now, you don't want a zombie honeymoon, do you?

I'm going to drop one more post to Alexis and Enhuvin, then I'm taking off for a shower and sleep. :x Hope that's okay! (Waiting on a post from Irene before doing anything else in the main cavern, though if anyone else wants to pop in, be my guest!)
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Don't be so hard on yourself wallpaper! You had a busy day! probably... We're glad you're here at all :D

And don't let kattunge eat your brain, we need that to be able to keep playing Madrigal ;)
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Kattunge: How about this... if you eat my brain, you have to take over the GM section of the game. Though I suppose that'd make Enhuvin's thread one long storyfic!

eta: I see you buttering me up, Xiv, and I like it! *basks*
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Darn it. XD What if I made pizza from it and then fed it to both of us?

...okay a bit creepy. :D Sorry.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Swiss cheese. Mmm... Can I eat your brains?
We have humans, daemons that can be anything, several breeds of demon and of dragon; do we really need zombies?

Buttering you up, basting you in herbs, or just plain old throwing you on a charcoal grill, xivvix is correct. You're doing a wonderful job. (and I suppose that kattunge person up there is as well.)
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Seriously. You guys are making me hungry. I really want to roast a chicken right now. D:

X3 Thank you, Goldstein, but please direct all praise at wallpaper; I'm just playing with my brain toys and that only just happens to involve sharing information with interested parties. It's all for my own entertainment.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Oh sure, go all Moloch-like on me, you two. Just don't expect me to explain every single roll to you guys and things will be peachy... considering the system is so loose that sometimes I fudge things to make more sense or make more drama... then again, I never promised to be a hard-core, dice-rolling GM. XD

Okay, I'm for serious disappearing for the night. Have a good one, you all!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

So... as a sort of 'congrats on sticking around for so long!' I'm going to be awarding XP for every two hundred posts your guys threads get, alongside the random give-aways and the post-sexxings rewards! Half of those posts are yours, after all, and getting up to 100 replies is pretty good, in my books. :D

Also, I'm going to be away at 2pm (or about half an hour from this posting) until probably 8pm my time, just so you know! Work's throwing me a buddy every afternoon, and I can't visit this site when someone's looking over my shoulder! :x