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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'd call myself a handsome devil, but I'm afraid I'd be dealing in half-truths. :/
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hipster werewolves
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Forgetful goldfishes.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Not sure what's worse...a sparkling vampire or a hipster werewolf...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

hipster vampire is the worst, by far
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Fuck that, sparkling hipster.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm Bigby style of werewolf. Really manly and with hair everywhere. Also enjoys being a dick to everyone.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

An actual announcement from me, I'll be heading to Texas in a couple of weeks. Gonna check out SGC.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Have fun, Termite. Don't die in the heat.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So I used to be kind of a fixture around here and in the past few years have become much... less so. Well, marriage will do that to you. I'll still occasionally hang out in the H-games section but don't have much time for that anymore. In the next couple of months my wife and I will be moving to Japan, so I may have more time... or even less. Not sure what life will be like yet. Hopefully I'll be able to get a better grasp on the language.

Also, since this is literally the only place I can brag about this and feel safe about her super-conservative Catholic parents not finding out, we've also begun sharing our bed with our big-breasted best friend (her maid of honor). It's pretty awesome.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So I used to be kind of a fixture around here and in the past few years have become much... less so. Well, marriage will do that to you. I'll still occasionally hang out in the H-games section but don't have much time for that anymore. In the next couple of months my wife and I will be moving to Japan, so I may have more time... or even less. Not sure what life will be like yet. Hopefully I'll be able to get a better grasp on the language.

Also, since this is literally the only place I can brag about this and feel safe about her super-conservative Catholic parents not finding out, we've also begun sharing our bed with our big-breasted best friend (her maid of honor). It's pretty awesome.

Oh man! Many dream with that life, congrats for your marriage and new challengues in your life, really you are one of my heroes now

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well done, though I do hope she's got more skills in the sheets than big breasts.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Best of luck to you, Alias, on the move and the new directions in life. Stop in as you can, as you know you'll always have a place here.

And, as you did use the word "bragging," congrats on the development in the relationship as well. Your secret's safe with us.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Is she coming to Japan with you two
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, roughly 9 months to the day of taking possession of LC, my darling new car, I'm sitting at a red light as I head over to my friend's house to shoot zombies when suddenly, my car jolts forward with a KBANG! sort of noise. Seems the driver behind me was a wee bit sunblind and didn't realize that there was a car in front of her.

I am, at the moment, fine, but LC has a crunched in ass end, the trunk looks like someone folded it in, the side panels of the car are jutting out a little, there's a chip in the back bumper, and I can't open my trunk, either.

Said friend complimented me on my ability to game after something like that happened and I told her it was due to having my mother's temperament. While outside I'm asking all the questions about insurance and assuring the other woman that, yes, I feel fine, internally the monologue is something along the lines of "GodfuckingdammitmyNEWCAR! I haven't even had this thing a whole year yet and you RUINED IT! Flighty ass bitch!"

So the insurance is calling me this morning and we'll see what they have to say about the matter. Wish me luck, though fairly straight-forward this. Getting the car in to be worked on is going to be the real bitch of it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Aw, thanks you guys! Wasn't sure if anybody would even remember me. Toxic, no, she's not going with us, but she does plan on visiting if she can afford it.

Sorry to hear about your car Copper =\
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I heartily encourage trips to Japan, particularly since I want to take one myself at some point in the future.

And yeah, deductible waived because other driver was at fault. Got the estimate today and it was about $3500 dollars with parts and labor. They're going to set me up with a rental while it gets worked on (whenever that might be). Sigh. Again, at least it's not coming out of my pocket, not like last time.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I found something in Texas.

The picture is kinda big and kinda blech. I'm not all that good at taking pictures with my phone, but I was amused by this, so I thought I'd share.

Re: Member Announcements Thread
