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The basement

Re: The basement

Neither Iris nor Emily fought back, as the women slowly brought them both down, onto their backs. Legs spread wide, both of their pussies begged for attention, as the women climbed on top of the two girls, and began kissing them more, the aphrodisiac only strengthening in their systems. As they finished their kiss, the women grabbed them by their legs as a tube seemed to come out of their front, like a penis. Both Emily and Iris let out a scream of passion as the women rammed their breeding tubes inside them.

Emily snapped when it's member was inside her, as she pushed the woman down, and began to ride it vigorously, her breasts bouncing as she rode the cock like appendage. She began to play with her breast with her left hand, and started to rub her clitoris with her right as she rode it, over and over. She couldn't get enough.

Iris was laid on her back, as the woman fucked her missionary, her back sliding along the slick, slimy ground as her breasts bounced with each hump. She began to play with her breasts as it rammed it's cock into her wet pussy, letting a cry of passion out with each hump.

Later, their passionate moans began to grow louder, and more enthusiastic as they reached orgasm, their juices mixing with all of the slime on the ground. The women responded in kind, as the one over Iris quickened it's thrusts, and the one under Emily grabbed her hips and began thrusting into her, they both released a torrent of cum inside both Emily and Iris, the excess pouring onto the ground out of their pussies as they pulled their cocks out, and both girls slipped into unconsciousness...

*You guys can role play how the girls gave in, then I'll tell you what became of them*
Re: The basement

As Emily saw the tube appear from what should be the slime girls crotch she got wet from just thinking about what would happen. When it penetrated was the moment she completely snapped. What little thought process she had before was gone. Now she could only think of the tube inside of her. She wanted it harder and harder. She made herself go faster on top the of the slime girl. No matter how fast she went though she still wanted it to be faster. She started drooling even more and her juices were overflowing. Her moans were almost like screams. When she could feel herself climaxing she didn't want it to stop. She wanted to be stuck in this pleasure forever forgetting about everything else. When she did climax she let out a loud scream of pleasure. She felt the slime girls cum enter here and this just caused her more pleasure. As she passed out she dreamed of being penetrated over and over again by the slime.
Re: The basement

Iris laid on her back, breathing heavly, her face red. Iris had never felt this good in her life. She had loved and enjoyed every minute the slime girl had violated her. Iris felt her right hand go down to her womanhood, she began fingering her cum filled pussy. Her left hand was caressing her left breast. Iris wanted more, she wanted to feel the girl inside her again. She ended up taking her right had and spreading her pussy flaps, showing it to the slime girl. Iris had ended up saying-
" D-do it again. I'm all yours..." As Iris laid there she felt herself starting to slip into unconsciousness. She attempted to fight it but ended up passing out...
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Re: The basement

Both Emily and Iris began to regain consciousness, as they began to move around, they both found the slimes that had fucked them, licking their full, round bellies. As both girls came to the realization that these things had impregnated them.

Both Emily and Iris are laying on the floor, pregnant, and they are being held by the slimes that raped them.
Re: The basement

Iris awoke, after a dreamless sleep. When she awoke and found herself being held by a slime woman. Iris felt herself getting aroused, feeling the girls toung lick her belly. She tried to ignore it and think straight. At first Iris had no idea what was happened but soon she remembered everything that had happened to her. The memory slammed her like a ton of bricks. She was fucked by this thing before. As Iris laid there, being held and licked, she didn't know how to react. She felt used and like an idiot but... She had never felt so good in her life. Even now she lusted for the slime to use her again, it was like she was addicted to it. Iris attempted to get the slime girls attention then, hoping for her to maybe... Go another round with her. Iris then said-

" H-hey. Do you want to... Go again?"
Iris attempted to make her understand by moving the slime girls hand to her pussy.

* Attempts to get the slime girl to fuck her again. *
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Re: The basement

The slime ignored Iris' as it kept all of it's attention on her belly.
Re: The basement

Iris tried to get the slime to fuck her again, but was ignored. Her begging hadn't worked and she was getting frustrated over it. Iris was about to try again but the.... Then Iris then stopped. She had finally gotten ahold of herself and her mind. Iris stopped begging for this thing to fuck her and stoped talking, relaxing herself on the ground trying to think. What had happened to her? Why was she like this now? Why had Iris become this sex addicted, depressed, whore? Thinking about it, this all started when she was raped by that damn egg monster. She had gotten depressed after that and attempted to make herself feel better by killing monsters. Things only got worse when she ended up having to blow up that damn breeding den and kill everyone in it, including Shiva. And after those things happened Iris ended up giving in to some crazy slime monsters will because it was making her feel good, now she was pregnant and had even dragged her only friend into this hellish hole to.

Iris then made a vow with herself. She was going to stop all this foolish behavior. Iris was going to stop being depressed over being raped and having helped killed those people at the breeding den. Iris was done being pathetic and weak, physically and emotionally. As soon as this humiliation ended and she gave birth she was going to leave this basement and become strong. She was going to become a great warrior like Shiva. If that woman in the white dress was still alive then... Then Iris was going to try and hunt her down.

Iris continued to lay there and wait to give birth.
Re: The basement

Emily woke up with a start. She felt something was licking her belly. Then she realized how swollen her belly was. She barely managed to stifle a scream that was erupting from her. She was so surprised and angry at the same time she wanted to get this slime thing off of her. When she tried to move she realized she couldn't. "How the fuck long have I been out for...?" She thought. She remembered the slime fucking her. It was the best sex she had ever had, although she would never admit she enjoyed it. She realized what went wrong. Iris was still very depressed. She didn't think that Iris wouldn't be used to pushing her pain down into herself like Emily was. Emily felt the soothing touch of the slime and how it comforted her. She was just able to ignore it better then Iris. "Ugh, dammit this is my fault I should have realized Iris would have wanted comfort more then me..." She thought.

"Hey... Iris... you ok?"
She said nervously. Hoping that Iris was still here and at the same time hoping she found a way to escape.

Through all of this Emily felt the strange urge to touch her pregnant belly like in the warehouse, but she couldn't so it was ignored.
Re: The basement

As Iris continued her humiliating wait with this slime thing licking her she heard Emily speak to her. Emily had finally awaken from her sleep. Iris didn't move to look at Emily, she was to ashamed to do that. Iris was ashamed because she was the one who said they should see what these woman wanted even though Emily said they should leave. She had dragged Emily into her stupid her stupid choice.

While stoll facing away Iris finally responded to Emily. Iris said-

" Yeah... I'm fine. Emily... I'm really sorry I did this to us. If there is ever any way I can atone for what I've done to you... Just tell me. Ill do whatever it takes to make this up to you..."

Iris had spoken with pretty low spirits. Even though Iris had vowed to stop moping around and being so weak and pathetic that didn't mean her depression had gone away... She had just ended up supressing it.
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Re: The basement

Emily could hear the depression in her voice. Unlike the first time when she saw Iris depressed back at the warehouse when she asked if these things laid eggs in you she had genuine concern for her. Emily sighed. Life sure was easier for her when she didn't have any friends. Or before this disaster for that matter.

"Hey... don't worry about it... it's not like I was a virgin waiting for her first time or anything."
She said hoping it would help.

"Also, I'm more concerned about my clothes then this thing and my belly. I mean do you have any idea how much those cost? I saved up for 2 weeks before I could finally get them."
She said jokingly, again, hoping it would help.

She would have smiled but it was still dark in the room and thought it was a useless action. Even though Iris was her friend she was still arrogant and wouldn't want to admit how much she enjoyed the slime.

(( RJ never said it wasn't dark in the room so I can only assume, although Iris can see better then Emily ))
Re: The basement

Hearing what Emily had to say Iris felt a little better about the situation. She still felt bad, it was her fault these things were having their way with them. Iris was going to try and do something to atone for this, maybe she could buy Emily a new set of clothing or something.

Iris then thought about the sex she had, had with this slime girl. Iris wondered if that counted as her losing her virginity. When Iris was pumped with eggs by that freak plant/egg thing she hadn't orgasmed. Reguardless if it did or not Iris hadn't ever felt as great as she did when that slime girl had fucked her. Iris wouldn't be shocked if she found herself giving into this thing again after all this. it may make her look like a whore but...

Iris stopped thinking about that stuff and got back to talking with Emily. Iris then said-


" Do... Do you think these things will let us go after we give birth or do you think they are going to keep us here..?"
Re: The basement

When Emily heard Iris' words she thought back to the breeding den at the warehouse. All those hundreds of women. She blocked out the thoughts of what she did to them but Iris just made her realize how grave this situation can be. Emily didn't want to make her more depressed though so she lied.

"Iris... after what we did I bet people will notice we are gone. I mean we are probably heroes among the director's men. Besides you saw that party last night they probably had guards here or something before."

She tried to sound as convincingly as she could. Iris just made her realize have grave this situation could be. They could be stuck down here forever. Emily didn't show her despair though hoping that what she said was true or that at least Iris will find a way to escape.
Re: The basement

What Emily said didn't fill Iris with hope. If anyone cared or noticed Iris or Emily was missing she doubted they would look here, and for good reasons. It was dark but Iris had noticed that this entire room was empty. There wasn't a thing in this room, aside from these slime things. Iris felt there was a good chance that this was a forgotten, unchecked, room and nobody even knew about it. I mean really, if people knew about this room there would of been a big freak about about rapist monsters inside it! Iris thought that these slimes were going to end up using Iris and Emily to get their numbers large and then raid the inn from the inside!

Iris felt herself lay on the ground instead of sitting up like she was. She felt her eyes start to shut. Iris felt really tired, and the feeling of this slime girl licking her was making her even more tired. Iris, while turned away and having her eyes shut, said to Emily-


" I hope you're right Emily... "
Re: The basement

Emily couldn't see where Iris was. She could only hear where she was coming from. The depression in her voice was obvious to Emily. "Dammit, why can't I help her?" She thought. Then Emily got an idea. What were these things doing down here? She knew she couldn't see down here but Iris might be able to.

"Hey... Iris I noticed you could see these two things when I couldn't... by any chance could you give me a description of the room?"

She said this hoping she was right. Even forgetting that Iris had better eyesight then her. If it seemed like there were no cracks for these things to crawl through then maybe these things were put in here... If that was the case one of her lies might not be a lie.
Re: The basement

Upon hearing Emilys question, Iris's blue eyes opened back up and she got ready to answer. This slime girls toung was distracting her but she managed to ignore it and answer. Iris quietly said to Emily-


" The entire room is empty. There isn't a thing in here, no pipes or boxes or anything... "
After saying that Iris shut her eyes again. Iris felt like she was going to give birth soon, it felt like it was going to happen in a few hours, maybe in less time.
Re: The basement

Iris didn't answer Emily the way she wanted but she thought better to ask Iris if there were cracks or not. She didn't want to fill her with false hopes just to make them come crashing down. Iris also seemed tired. She decided to just let her be.

"Thank you Iris..."
She said in a caring way.

"Now you seem tired so maybe you should sleep..."

Emily wasn't tired but she didn't care. If Iris wanted to sleep she was going to let her.
Re: The basement

With this child growing and feeding off of her body Iris had reached her limit, she was to tired to stay awake, to weak to even move. She had gone limp given in. Iris had started to fade out of consciousness, feeling the slime girl continue to lick her stomach. Before Iris went out she heard Emily say something to her. Iris was going to answer her back but went right out before she was able to. Iris is now asleep.
Re: The basement

Iris awoke, and Emily gave a start, as they both began to feel an erotic feeling coming from their sex. They felt like something was coming out of them. As they pushed some kind of slime out of their pussies, the very same slime began to roll over their bodies, engulfing them it it's sticky substance. It lasted for only a couple seconds, as the things rolled off of them, and began to take shape...

Into identical versions of Iris and Emily.

The two slime like copies of the girls began to interact with their, "fathers" as they formed together into two separate blobs, one held the copy of Emily, the other, Iris. The blobs hardened, as the cores of the slime began rotating around each other, like an atom.

Iris and Emily's eyes had adjusted to the darkness, they could see slightly in the room, well enough to find their clothes, but more importantly, the way out...
Re: The basement

When it finally happened and the slime thing got off of her Iris weakly managed to go crawl over to her clothing and managed to get dressed.Iris quickly slipped on the T_shirt and jeans set after getting her pantys on. Iris was greatful her clothing wern't damaged or anything, all her important equipmnent was with these clothing. Iris was lucky her 9mm and short sword were still intact.

Iris tried to stand up, and managed to get up. Her legs wern't able to support her all that well but managed. Iris then thought to check on Emily. Iris's blue eyes swept the dark room to where Emily was. When she saw her Iris said-

" H-hey Emily...Are you alright...?"
Re: The basement

(( I'm sorry but this is probably gonna be a shitty post because I feel stupid after this little mistake ))

As the slime went through Emily she started to drool a little again. It felt so good to her. Then as a slime version of her appeared she stared at it in disbelief. She looked for her clothes slowly trying not to startle the slimes. After she put on all her clothes she heard Iris ask if she was alright.

"Yeah... I'm fine... I'm trying not to startle them..."

Then she went to the spot where her sword was which was near the door. She opened the door and said

"Come on Iris... let's get out of here."

She waited for Iris not wanting to leave her behind.