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Re: In today's news...

Yeah. I get treated like that too. I assume socially "feminine" roles and do get called out on it sometimes. It's like a guy can't be in tune with his feminine side just because society says so. Being a social deviant doesn't have to always be a bad thing.

I'd like to see the day where I can go shop for my niece's clothes without receiving weird looks from the women around me, or being called a faggot by some men.

That's just my two-cents.
Re: In today's news...

Sin, this is a hentai forum with serious bits sprinkled in. Any discussion is bound to become a joke after about 4-5 meaningful replies... this particular topic is a rare exception, as it went a good 14-15 replies before completely degenerating into pictures and unrelated jokes.

If you feel strongly about something, this is definitely not the medium in which to make changes happen. Let me go a step further and turn this back around on you: what have you personally done to solve this problem, besides bringing it up on the Unofficial LineMarvel Forum? Have you published any articles? Written to a politician? Picketed?

I'm not trying to pick on you here, but surely you recognize the futility of bringing up something you want changed in this place. As someone with a history in the military, you of all people should know that change is brought about by actions, not forum threads.

EDIT: Still, I have to respect the fact that you actually speak your mind on here.
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Re: In today's news...

I suppose personal examples and trying to spread awareness ain't enough? Is an American politician going to listen to a Canadian citizen with this particular bit that has sprung up? Doubt it.

I do what I can in my community, through voting, speaking, and bringing points to who I can. But in all honesty without support of people I'm just one person.

Sorry for assuming people here might give a shit about something besides their pricks and cunts.
Re: In today's news...

This may be an H-board, but everyone here still has a functioning brain right? Too much to hope for? I was worried about that. I'm going to say a few things, and then excuse myself from this thread so as to avoid actually getting drawn into an argument or debate this close to work.

On the topic of Pain. Everyone has a different level of tolerance based on experience and its nothing more then that. Having to saw off your own arm really sucks, but if the alternative is death, then its a fair exchange, and the pains of childbirth have are entirely different and as such, making a comparison is pointless.

On the topic of Women. They're people, and should be treated equally in every respect as men, but they aren't and that brings me to a tidbit my father shared with me when I was young. Women Are Different. Not less, not inferior, just different and while full respect should be shown at all time, if society isn't going to play to its own strengths and weaknesses then its already lost. I trust myself to lift heavy objects, work on engines, and stay cerebral to the best of my abilities. And I trusted my wife's judgement when she felt I was out of line or the area which the application of action was more to her expertise then my own, gender rarely had anything to do with it, we knew what we were good at and we backed each other up. I dont get pissed when someone hits a women because shes a women, I get pissed when a man hits a women solely because he thought she was a soft target, or weaker then he was and I always leave that son of a bitch with a friendly reminder that while she may have been a soft target then? his ass was mine now.

Actions always speak louder then words, but that doesn't excuse anyone here for speaking as if they had no brain between their ears and while it may be easy to simply say that our thoughts, words, and actions here have little meaning, every time we interact with each other and feel the need to speak we can hope to leave the appropriate impression. I rarely speak on such topics, content to let everyone here just do their own thing. But honestly? To simply use the origin of this board as an excuse to turn away from the seriousness of a topic is childish and quite frankly annoys me. My rant is finished, take from it what you will.
Re: In today's news...

I'm going to say a few things, and then excuse myself from this thread so as to avoid actually getting drawn into an argument or debate this close to work.
Expect responses anyway.
Having to saw off your own arm really sucks, but if the alternative is death, then its a fair exchange, and the pains of childbirth have are entirely different and as such, making a comparison is pointless.
I don't think there's a comparison between childbirth and cutting off your own arm :eek: with a dull multi-tool.
I never said there was or should be any such comparison.
On the topic of Women. They're people, and should be treated equally in every respect as men...
I'm of a similar mindset here. There are differences and we should all be equal, even though in various fields we aren't. I don't think there should be a difference in society, and I don't see anyone here arguing for gender inequality.
Actions always speak louder then words, but that doesn't excuse anyone here for speaking as if they had no brain between their ears and while it may be easy to simply say that our thoughts, words, and actions here have little meaning, every time we interact with each other and feel the need to speak we can hope to leave the appropriate impression. I rarely speak on such topics, content to let everyone here just do their own thing. But honestly? To simply use the origin of this board as an excuse to turn away from the seriousness of a topic is childish and quite frankly annoys me. My rant is finished, take from it what you will.
To this: I challenge you to find me one member of this forum whose mind has been significantly changed on an issue of importance after a heated debate on this same forum. You'll find a lot of people who clashed and never gave ground, and you'll see a lot of America-flaming bandwagons.

I take most of these debates seriously, but to many people here it's Comedy Central -- that's not a pleasant fact but unfortunately it's just the way things are here. If you want to mount a crusade to change that, I wish you the best of luck. When I try to make changes, I don't do it on forums.
Re: In today's news...

I've changed my mind
Re: In today's news...

Well I've always been an extremely mathematical and scientific creature, almost to the point of not just disregarding, but not calculating for or even understanding emotion.
Re: In today's news...

I'll happily refrain from light hearted posting for as long as you'd like, if you give me some sort of time frame. Or make a serious thread. This thread in particular can go for quite some time with people just posting links and nobody seriously discussing something (just me being a jackass).

Unfortunatley I cannot discuss this topic in any seriousness because I've never encountered discrimination of any kind, perhaps people talking of it, but never in person. The things you speak of are unfortunate, and I'd like for them to stop.
Re: In today's news...

Why did this suddenly become about who can feel more pain, and what's more painful? Seriously, I bring up an actual fact about how women are being mistreated, and the go to response is to suddenly start throwing in jokes about how men have it harder, and complaining about women saying they feel a lot of pain during child birth?

Heh, that reminds me of this one forum I go to – they go off topic so often that they lampshade it when it happens, and it’s happened so much that two threads were entirely renamed when completely tangential discussions about sparkly vampires and a user’s breasts overtook them. Gosh, if only I could remember the name of the forum that all that happened on. …Oh, right.

But aside from the fact that going off-topic is what ULMF is contractually obliged to do, the reason we’re not longer discussing a terrible law is because there was never anything there to discuss: the law is, objectively, Fucking Terrible. I doubt that there is a single person on this forum who would even slightly defend the dumb shit Arizona is doing, so all that there was ever going to be is a few people saying “Indeed, that is a pile of putrid pus.” There’s no point in saying something that’s already been said, so discussion moved on from a thing there was no reason to discuss, to things that were more in-doubt. (Namely, whether women should be treated better for being pregnant… which then turned into discussion on exactly how much pregnancy hurt, in order to determine exactly how excessive the pain of birth is.)

So, that said, what exactly did you expect the thread to do? Would it have made you feel better if we all degenerated into a pack of screaming monkeys out for blood, filling eighty pages of the thread with “ZOMG HORRIBLE KILL THEM KILL THEM KILL THEM!!!”? Or would you not be satisfied until someone actually went to Arizona to hunt some most-dangerous game? You’ve made us aware of the travesty, and that’s great; now everyone here can decide the degree of action they wish to take about it, whether they want to write a letter, sign or create a petition, or perform any other sort of activistic activity.

This is part of the fucking problem. People refusing to see that there is a fucking problem, and treating it like one big joke.

Nobody here is blind to the fact that there is a fucking problem. There isn’t a single fucking person on the forum, who, when asked if women are still being discriminated against, would fucking reply, “No, women are not fucking discriminated against anymore”. I ask again; what the fucking fuck do you fucking want us to fucking do about it? Should we spend our every waking moment hunting for some injustice to fight, throwing ourselves bodily into conflict and sacrificing our happiness for the sake of people we will never meet? It’s a grand principle, but the reason you didn’t see me next to you while you were serving in the military is because I don’t go for that kind of thing.

We’re talking about removing discrimination that has already achieved a degree of Total. Global. Saturation. Truly removing all trace of prejudice is going to take generations – and I do my small part towards that, but no more. If I see bigotry and discrimination around me, I frown on it, maybe even debate it. I hope that, through the efforts of its constituent parts, society will continue to osmose towards a more tolerant whole. You can certainly ask more than that of me, just don't expect me to concede to the request.

To this: I challenge you to find me one member of this forum whose mind has been significantly changed on an issue of importance after a heated debate on this same forum.

You would be hard pressed finding someone who changed their mind, sure, even though I count myself among those who changed their mind during a heated debate, in fact, one in which I was even a participant. What is far easier to find is people who made their mind up, after seeing a heated discussion about something that they never really thought about before. What you can easily find are the people whose discussion never got heated, because only one or two posts into it, one of the parties realized they had an actual, objective flaw in their logic. What you can find easily are people who, despite not giving up the core of their argument, found themselves with a much more complete understanding of both sides of an issue, people who changed their minds on small things tangentially related to the actual discussion. I can personally vouch for having experienced all of these things while on ULMF; some I can even remember well enough to give examples.

I take most of these debates seriously, but to many people here it's Comedy Central -- that's not a pleasant fact but unfortunately it's just the way things are here.

No. Just… No. In the interest of not subjecting the forum to excessive heated discussion, I’m just going to stop at that.
Re: In today's news...

For anyone else living in the Northern part of the East Coast of the US, You may want to batten down the hatches a bit -- expected to hit between tonight and tomorrow morning. :)
Re: In today's news...

For anyone else living in the Northern part of the East Coast of the US, You may want to batten down the hatches a bit -- expected to hit between tonight and tomorrow morning. :)

... then again, it'll most likely just be a constant downpour with no snow at all, completely sucking ass.
Re: In today's news...

It's definately going to be snowing here, too cold for rain. Temps been down since yesterday.
Re: In today's news...

Host, my issue wasn't that the conversation went off topic, my issue was that the conversation became jokes targeted towards the exact issue I was talking about. When I call out something about derogatory actions in the world, and suddenly there's posts making jokes that help drive the wedge deeper between the two genders, then yes I am going to be upset.

I'm not asking for 80 pages of anger, I'm don't even care if a debate doesn't happen. What I don't want is to bring up an issue, then suddenly face jokes that bring about the exact opposite.

But coming from you, who's been hounded before by women of this forum for your attitudes (and not just me), I don't ask much...
Re: In today's news...

Host, my issue wasn't that the conversation went off topic, my issue was that the conversation became jokes targeted towards the exact issue I was talking about. When I call out something about derogatory actions in the world, and suddenly there's posts making jokes that help drive the wedge deeper between the two genders, then yes I am going to be upset.

So, les’see.
The joke starts with Zelzar’s pic, brought on by, in essence, Hope’s belief that the suffering of a woman during childbirth entitles them to a greater degree of respect, and clout in matters that relate to the birthing of children. In the context of Hope’s argument, the first half and presumed original of the pic is divisive, female-superiority centric sexism, effectively amounting to dick-sizing potential pain based on gender. The second half, a presumed response pic, is intentionally overblown for the sake of parody, and mocks the aforementioned dick-sizing, as well as the potentially untruthful nature of information without a source. At face value, it could also be taken as legitimate one-upmanship, though that would require a chronic lack of social understanding.

Slicer demonstrates a chronic lack of meme understanding, and a general distaste for women using the pain of birthing as something which makes them inherently greater than men.

Handofdoz indicates the belief that a broken femur is at least painful enough to be put in the league of childbirth, a statement that can be presumed to be stemming from much the same sentiment as Slicer, giving the phrasing of his post and his earlier responses.

Zelzar indicates that he doesn’t actually know to what degree any of the information in the image he posted is accurate. He further indicates that both acts depicted (childbirth and serious testicular damage) share considerable pain and the potential for death; he displays the belief that a true answer cannot be discerned with the current evidence.

Hooker and Slicer spend three posts pointing out that Slicer really doesn’t know his memes.

Toxic expresses the opinion that accentuating the differences between sexes is a fruitless endeavour, and that instead we should be focusing on the similarities. He points out that both sexes have the capacity to experience excruciating pain, and causes people forum-wide to suddenly start drinking more water. This is the second joke regarding the topic.

Noman, like doz, indicates that extreme pain – in this case, the loss of a limb through violent and presumably percussive force – is likely in the same league as childbirth. This appears to be a random statement or possible thought-exercise, rather than expressing any opinion on the matter. This marks the point at which the thread moves away from actual discussion of the topic of whether a woman is entitled to respect for the pain of childbirth, and into simply sharing stories about pain and painful experiences.

Slicer and Zelzar debate the mechanics of losing an arm in the manner noman suggests.

Obsidious makes an unimportant tangential response to something Toxic said.

Hope points out that the pain of self-mutilation is, indeed, probably comparable to if not greater than that of childbirth, and that a woman indicated that extreme and prolonged physical exertion, such as running a marathon, is more painful than childbirth.

I’ve heard tell that back in the old days of courts and kings, a jester was the person most allowed to speak their own mind; their jokes allowed them to put forward legitimate complaints nobody else had the gall to make. It probably isn’t true, but the idea - that you can hold a serious point while telling a joke - stands. When actually looking at the posts being made, I see people requesting equality between the sexes and being annoyed by a lack of it. Exactly which part of all this was supposed to be making a mockery of your original point, that women deserve to be treated as equally as men, and vice-versa?

But coming from you, who's been hounded before by women of this forum for your attitudes (and not just me), I don't ask much...
And one +rep from a woman for ‘em, too, so there you go. …Possibly two, actually, although I don’t count the one I think was from Copper; it was more neutral than positive.

…Also Hope, for fuck sake, stop using the asshole-smiley. That little yellow shithead is basically only appropriate for someone trying to troll, its little douchey expression looks like it wants to make the reader rage at its smug superiority every time it shows up.
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Re: In today's news...

I'll do a tangent on that behemoth. I've always thought that what democracy needed was a "Jester Council." A group of people, that work for a set amount of time, say, six years, and is a mix of different people. The responsibility of this group would be to find problems, come up with possible solutions, and maybe even go head to head with the media when they're being complete idiots. They would have no power other than a voice, and they would not need to fear for their re-election, and therefore would be able to talk about serious issues, and not just dance around.
Re: In today's news...

unfortunately we have un-elected jesters of the sort already.

on one side we have the dailey show and Colbert report. and on the other side we have fox news.
Re: In today's news...

Never mind Host, you win. Let's all be jesters then.
Re: In today's news...

Exactly which part of all this was supposed to be making a mockery of your original point, that women deserve to be treated as equally as men, and vice-versa?

it was probably the part where the conversation became completely male centric host. there was no inteligent jesting that brings light to the plight of women, because it was jesting that brings light to the plight of men while marginalising the pain of women. if you cannot see that then you truely are a fool.

if i find you response to this lacking host i will simply remove it from the public as i would any uninformed experts.