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Re: In today's news...


New rouble symbol is pokemon currency.
Re: In today's news...

Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional

Re: In today's news...

I don't respect Miley Cyrus' nipples, but I'm willing to lay down my life for her right to show them.
Re: In today's news...

During the unrest in Sudan, 4 US troops were hurt during an evacuation mission to get US citizens out

Sudan has been a bit chaotic for a while now, with the south trying to split off from the north but neither side agrees on exactly where the border should be
Re: In today's news...

Family of 9-11 victims are now allowed to sue Saudi Arabia, as this country provided most of the funding for the attack

What 'conspiracy theorists' have been saying all along about the Saudis is now open to legal trials, and victims, both those who lost family, and those who lost property(Or suffered damage to their property) can now sue

Whether the Saudis actually agree to be sued is a different question(Or care at all about what a US judge says), since they're kind of a different country
Re: In today's news...

Well that would be tantamount to saying "we did it! yep that was us."

It also sets the precedent that if someone funds terrorism they are open to litigation. That word "knowingly" won't last long.
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Re: In today's news...

So during the last few weeks, my e-mail provider of choice covered the following story on its front page:

TL;DR: Thousands of Germans got fined for watching copyrighted movies on Redtube. Their IP addresses were likely gathered illegally, the court in Cologne sent the letters due to misinformation, the entire thing is blowing up in their face.
Re: In today's news...

In Christmas news

North Korea publicly declares they are preparing for war with South Korea
They then go on to say that war will come without warning (After just warning South Korea)

Source is a little unreliable, but still.
Re: In today's news...

Thats because the source is north korea. They've been declaring war for the past 20 years.
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Re: In today's news...

Russia had a bit of issues with terrorists lately, with a terrorist suicide bombing killing 14 and wounding another 30 within 24 hours of the last one

But now nearly 2000 tons of explosives went missing from a chemical plant in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg

Russian authorities believe the target is likely to be the Winter Olympics, or rather, the people going there

Edit for water quality in the US
Good job USA
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Re: In today's news...

Half a month late, on us gov being absolutely retarded and just resorting to plain intimidation tactics like thugs

In short: Attempting to shut down a sustainable community without any reason to do so, on trumped up charges, with as much force as possible, and destroying a load of crops and materials while they're at it
My thought on this can be summed up as:
"So y'see, if you don't pay us, we come over and break your storefront, but we can sell you insurance so that doesn't happen"
The cops seem to be lucky they went after a peaceful community, I can't imagine it would be a good idea to go after the ones that are a bit more militant about being able to live off the land
Re: In today's news...

To add to the above post, looking through the comments section of that article - perhaps not as clear-cut as one might think.


Edit; In other news, the new head of RBS has quietly received £1.5 million worth of shares for three months work because he missed bonuses from his last appointment, and 115 Goldman Sachs executives have received £3 million, each. Not bad considering the former were slapped for intentionally driving small businesses to the wall in order to strip/sell their assets, and the latter for having a hand in the financial crash and under-valuing the Royal-Mail sale.

More fuel for the anti-bank fire I guess.
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Re: In today's news...

I used to work for RBS, they are quite literally satan on earth
Re: In today's news...

Hnn, any upside-down symbols, pillars of fire and ominous laughter involved by chance?

In other news! The North Korean leader has tastefully celebrated the execution of his uncle, and a Chinese newspaper has detailed the actual event, news seem to hint they might be getting weary of his... mannerisms.

Edit; 'From what I read', I cannot claim to be a factual outlet for all news, simply from what I see, seems confirmed, repeatedly, he had his uncle eliminated, just the 'how' and the 'why' as well as his choice/timing of celebration doesn't exactly paint him any better than before.
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Re: In today's news...

FYI - Newegg DOT com was compromised... check your accounts
Re: In today's news...

In other news! The North Korean leader has tastefully celebrated the execution of his uncle, and a Chinese newspaper has detailed the actual event, news seem to hint they might be getting weary of his... mannerisms.

Edit; 'From what I read', I cannot claim to be a factual outlet for all news, simply from what I see, seems confirmed, repeatedly, he had his uncle eliminated, just the 'how' and the 'why' as well as his choice/timing of celebration doesn't exactly paint him any better than before.

He's doing what dictators do and "consolidating his power." My understanding is that his uncle was perceived as a rival, and while I'm quite certain that the majority of his purported offenses were broadly overblown (or more likely complete falsehoods), in any of the harsh forms of dictatorship the person who sticks his/her head up is going to get it lopped off.

This is actually somewhat in keeping with Machiavelli's The Prince, in that King Jong-un is feared AND loved by his people (mostly because they're too afraid of the consequences of not loving their supreme ruler).

For similar leaders, see Kim Jong-il, Kim Il-sung, Saddam Hussein, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Slobodan Milošević... the list goes on.

For benevolent dictators, see Marcus Aurelius... um... High King Peter of Narnia and his Siblings... King Aragorn of Gondor... there really aren't that many people in history that have acquired absolute power over a province and not abused the heck out of that power.

EDIT: And to be clear, I know that the characters from Middle-Earth and Narnia aren't real. Unless you believe my sister and her RIDICULOUS story about this wardrobe...
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Re: In today's news...

California proposes a bill to cut off all utilities to both the NSA and those who assist the NSA
This would essentially mean the NSA will need to work out its own water supply and electricity should it pass

The bill was proposed by people from both the big US parties(Democrats and conservatives), showing that people from both of those do not want the NSA to continue

Edit: An interesting bit on Jewish religious based laws and privacy

Turns out, Jewish scripture says the NSA is not a good thing, and that privacy is very important
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Re: In today's news...

The jewish angel really seems quite pertinent. Especially in places like this, a lack of privacy means that places like ulmf wouldn't exist.
Re: In today's news...

Apparently the Russian Orthodox Church has offered this calendar for about $6, as "an excellent gift for veterans and history buffs," with who (which Nikita Khrushchev would later replace with a swimming pool), in initial collectivization efforts, and signed off on as part of his Great Purge of the Soviet Union. He also had a when he realized that Russian nationalism (and religious sentiment) would boost morale and help the war effort during the Great Patriotic War against Hitler.

One : "The link between the Moscow Patriarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church and Stalin remains close to sacred."

Somehow the Russian Orthodox Church is surprised to find itself under criticism.
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