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Re: In today's news...

What you need to remember is that these people actually genuinely still believe their magical skyman is real and that his mouth pieces are correct in their teaches about how their's is superior and how the other must be either enslaved or destroyed.

This is because in many places the population is actively kept ignorant. The people organising this stuff know that if the population wasn't ignorant then they wouldn't have recruits.

See also the Taliban attacking schools.
The key to eliminating this sort of extremism would be first to cut off its funding(Stop sending weapons to 'moderate' rebels who turn around and then take those right to ISIS...), and then to give the people in these more backwards countries education so that they can tell these terrorists to get lost

Also on the Paris thing, apparently a suicide bomber was stopped before being able to enter the stadium proper.
By a muslim security guard. So good on that

In other news

I'm not sure what I should even say here. This is retarded. The US has problems, but I'm pretty sure it's not dangerous for black people on the same level as being gay or non-muslim is dangerous in Saudi Arabia
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Re: In today's news...

The progressive agenda has a lot in common with communism. They want everyone to listen and follow suite, to accept statutes of minimal privacy, they literally oppose freedom of speech directly, not even just "problematic" speech anymore just anyone who dares to have the audacity to not immediately fall in line... With an economic collapse, and with rich people already oppressing the poor more or less (Big surprise that most extreme progressivists are rich as shit), and the economic system planned not even being one that has any aims of benefiting the poor... It's rigged up to be a movement even worse than communism in it's original aim.

Marxism has been the cause of the worst authoritative regimes and have almost always ended in the suffering of innumerable innocents. But instead of shouting that you're a communist, a fascist, or whatever, they just call you racist and sexist if you dare to fall out of line. People who catch on to the movement get labeled conspiracy theorists, which is, fucking funny, because it actually is a set of people of similarly agenda'd groups working conspiring together. Yeah, it's a conspiracy theory, because it's a theory about a conspiracy. That doesn't make it wrong fucknuts. Gravity is also a theory, and we're all on the same page about that shit aren't we?

Okay, first of all, you're misusing the term "theory" here by conflating a general, colloquial usage of it (conspiracy theory might as well mean "conspiracy idea/notion") with a scientific theory, which requires a process of attempted falsification in a controlled environment. not sure if you're calling me fucknuts, but I'd ask you to refrain from name-calling since it provides nothing of value to a discussion.

Secondly, I can agree with a number of the things stated: there are group control mechanics to branding any dissenters as racists or "-sists" in many of these movements, and that is manipulative and cowardly.

However, your comparison seems to be based on the notion that free speech control is somehow within the exclusive purview of left-leaning organization, which is patently ridiculous. The limiting of privacy that you're mentioning is as much a product of right-leaning military hawks and national security czars with decidedly conservative views. And that's not even going into historical events, with movements such as de-censoring of press material and fiction largely being championed by left-leaning politicians, and of course the Civil Rights movements and all that.

Point is, limitations of free speech is not a left/right issue, it's an authority issue, and may come from either side - kind of how the US can look into what books you borrow from your local library after the Patriot Act, for some goddamn reason, because they appealed to an authority concept that springs from domestic security concerns.
Re: In today's news...

This is because in many places the population is actively kept ignorant. The people organising this stuff know that if the population wasn't ignorant then they wouldn't have recruits.

See also the Taliban attacking schools.
The key to eliminating this sort of extremism would be first to cut off its funding(Stop sending weapons to 'moderate' rebels who turn around and then take those right to ISIS...), and then to give the people in these more backwards countries education so that they can tell these terrorists to get lost

Then again, not all terrorists are uneducated ignoramuses, the attempted Glasgow airport bombers were Doctors lets not forget.
Re: In today's news...

In other news

I'm not sure what I should even say here. This is retarded. The US has problems, but I'm pretty sure it's not dangerous for black people on the same level as being gay or non-muslim is dangerous in Saudi Arabia

To be honest? They're either morons who actually believe the sewage they're spewing, or they are manipulative fucks that are using the current age of over-sensitivity to their advantage.

In either event, let them go. Shit help them along their way, give them $1000 to get the fuck out so I don't have to hear their whiny bullshit anymore. They're sooo fucking mad about their ancestors being brought here? *1 Send them back to the tribes they came from. See how much they like that. *2

And here's a radical fucking idea, don't want to get shot by a cop? Stop committing crimes. Cant bring yourself to do that? Don't try to run from, or shoot at, the cops. Comply with their orders and you, more than likely, won't get killed. Don't want to be profiled as a gang member? Stop dressing, talking, and acting like one, hell maybe stop associating with them too. No-one will ever profile me as a member of the KKK why? Because I don't wear a fucking white hood and robe, and I don't hang out with them.

*1 Yes slavery is bad and all that, but these cunts were never enslaved so they are not entitled to bitch about it.
*2 I realize the African Union (Is that what it's called?) has been making some decent progress, but the point is that these people are complaining about piddly shit (that more than half the time isn't true) and would have real goddamn problems if they had been born there instead of the US.
Re: In today's news...

Looks like it's war then. France initiated an airstrike on several ISIS strongholds on Raqqa, Syria a few hours ago

Re: In today's news...

Israeli government officials, including their top...Uh..Eccentric leader. Lets say that, yeah. Won't be visiting Spain ever again

Or they'll be arrested

Re: In today's news...

The verdict has come back on Jared's child sex and pornography case and his plea to get his sentence reduced to 5 years have failed, he will now serve approximately 16 years in prison. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

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Re: In today's news...

Atleast he's used to eating foot longs.
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Re: In today's news...

As if I didn't already have enough reason to despise this presidential election's GOP frontrunners, Donald Trump recently said . When this was compared to the policies of Jewish registry under the Third Reich, he didn't even bother to deny it: "Why don't you tell me [the difference]?"

And then we have Ben Carson to

I just... can't... even...

Re: In today's news...

And here I thought our UK political masters were vaguely silly and unpleasant.

Once again America, you impress me.

Alas, Labour Leader Jeremy Courbyn has been heavily criticised by most of his own party during a Parliament Debate, for saying that he 'wasn't comfortable allowing Police Officers to shoot terrorists' in the event of an urban attack, akin to those of our neighbor. Having his back-benchers literally walk out one by one until he was left with two nearby didn't help. He's since backtracked on that statement.

Speaking of the Police, we're beefing our forces up, saw the image of one of our armed response units, almost military-grade kit with 'low visibility grey' fatigues, semi-automatic rifle and the rest.

Which also ties into the legalities of the Police and Military doing their job and having to wonder; "If I shoot this maniac who's solely focused upon killing civilians, will I be hunted by lawyers?" As shown with various incidents in which Police have shot suspected/confirmed terrorists and being charged with murder, or the still on-going Corporal Blackman case (killing an already wounded insurgent on the battlefield), that needs to be sorted out.

In the EU, not only have multiple countries literally put up barbed wire fences and solid walls around certain national boundaries, the notion of 'free movement' is increasingly under attack by various sources, with the question of passport checking and security being raised regarding travel inside the EU.

Edit; One of the stories shown in Hope's links is 'Russian aircraft pilots writing 'This is for Paris' on their bombs'... huh.
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Re: In today's news...

And here I thought our UK political masters were vaguely silly and unpleasant.

Once again America, you impress me.

Thankfully, Donald Trump and Ben Carson are not political leaders yet. As of a year ago, they weren't even political figures. This is not so much an indictment of the candidates (though it is) as an expression of my deep disappointment in my own people, for backing these two loud-mouthed, racist buffoons in such large numbers; especially now, as they've shown their true colors a bit more clearly.
Re: In today's news...

I did phrase that a tad vaguely, leaders and prospective leaders... anyhoo.

I must admit to being genuinely confused about any great amount of supposed support for people who literally seem to go out of their way to spout stupid, short-sighted and cynical things purely to capitalise on people's feelings...

...going off topic, but that probably encompasses quite a few individuals, in and out of politics. XD I don't know a great amount about the higher-echelons of American politics, but you're correct, that isn't a positive indicator for prospective leaders.
Re: In today's news...

I really really hope Courbyn doesn't win the next election, unfortunatly its Liebore's turn again after two terms of the Con-artists.
Re: In today's news...

I'm fairly sure a large amount of people these days are voting for Trump just to see how shit it could get.

That, or they just assume he can't possibly fuck up any worse than the others. And given what I've seen of the other GOP candidates so far, that is a fair assumption
Re: In today's news...

And then we have Ben Carson to

I just... can't... even...


Really? I mean, I don't disagree that being a racist moron seems to be a requirement to get office as a member of the GOP, and he chose some rather poor terminology. But allowing anyone reasonably able to fight to leave their country during a civil war? Just seems wrong to me. Sure there are special considerations, but if you're a fighting age male with no mental or physical defects, and didn't bring your wife or children (should you have them) your ass shouldn't be getting through the border.
Re: In today's news...

Really? I mean, I don't disagree that being a racist moron seems to be a requirement to get office as a member of the GOP, and he chose some rather poor terminology. But allowing anyone reasonably able to fight to leave their country during a civil war? Just seems wrong to me. Sure there are special considerations, but if you're a fighting age male with no mental or physical defects, and didn't bring your wife or children (should you have them) your ass shouldn't be getting through the border.

A "fighting age male?" I hope this is just poor phrasing. First, this implies that males at a certain age can (or should) fight. Are you prepared to stand at the border and make that determination? I'm at a fighting age, and I'm not sure if I'm prepared to pick up a gun and fire bullets at someone who's also firing at me.

Second, it implies that the females cannot fight OR perform acts of terror--the past several decades have proven that many of them can do both.

Understand, also, that we're talking about untrained civilians who do not have access to weaponry, going up against trained fanatics with guns and bombs. It's easy, from the comfort of your home with the internet between you and these events, to say, "Well those fighting age males should be fighting, dang it!"

I doubt you'd be saying the same thing if you lived in a war-torn country. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
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Re: In today's news...

It's less that those fighting age males should be back home fighting and more for the potential that terrorists are slipping in.

200 people died last week because soft hearts have not only allowed everyone in from the recent conflict in Syria but for decades have allowed every one in that wanted to get in.
Let's not forget that only one of the Paris shooters had snuck in as a refugee, the other seven were French nationals (of foreign decendency).
Re: In today's news...

It's less that those fighting age males should be back home fighting and more for the potential that terrorists are slipping in.

200 people died last week because soft hearts have not only allowed everyone in from the recent conflict in Syria but for decades have allowed every one in that wanted to get in.
Let's not forget that only one of the Paris shooters had snuck in as a refugee, the other seven were French nationals (of foreign decendency).

I'm... not exactly sure what the point is that you are trying to make. Are you suggesting that governments are wrong in ever permitting immigration or emigration? Or maybe you're feeling more ambitious, and would like to see everyone returned to their ethnic point of origin? That would leave the United States in the hands of Native Americans, and a lot of people of mixed descent unsure where to go.

I don't think you've actually got a plan. I think you're trying to criticize, while allowing the panic of the moment to carry you along.

Terrorists. It's in the name. Their tactics are meant to inspire terror and to convince you to come up with oppressive, ultimately-destabilizing laws and policies. They would love to see us "register" Muslims, or ban immigration, or kick foreign nationals out. That would ultimately fuel their own causes and beliefs.

In terms of causes of death around the world, terrorism doesn't even make the top ten.

I'm not attempting to trivialize the victims of terrorism, but blaming it on open borders is to suggest that it's someone else's problem. The fact of the matter is that most of us were much more comfortable when suicide bombings and other related forms of violence were exclusively problems for the Middle East. If you give in to panic and try to shut out the problem, it will only grow worse, especially if you lump third parties (Muslims or foreign nationals) in with the terrorists categorically.

I think our governments are doing the right thing at the moment: formulating and executing a global response to what is clearly a global problem.
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Re: In today's news...

My point is that there's not a right lot of point putting asylum seekers through a sieve when there's already plenty of radical cunts here already, most of them aren't themselves immigrants but were actually born here.

I'm not American and don't give a toss about the mexicans trying to retake California.

What I do care about it that large areas of Europe are turning into immigrant ghettos because socialist policy after socialist policy after socialist policy has given us decades of unchecked immigration.

I work in schools as a mobile IT techy, and most of the schools I work in the city there's not a single English kid in a class.
Which isn't surprising because large swathes of the city are already complete muslim areas.

Unless you've lived in a town thats a near non-native majority you won't know what its like to have suspicious glances thrown your way like they're saying "what's he doing here?", and made to feel like you're the foreigner in a strange land.
Re: In today's news...

Because I decided I needed more positive stories in my life.
