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Girl's night out

Re: Girl's night out

As Jenn ran across the now lightless, dark campus, she saw a woman who had hair so white, that it seemed to shine through the darkness of the night.

The woman held out her hand to Jenn, as if wanting her to stop.


"Wait" she asked in a soft whisper.
Re: Girl's night out

Jenn was torn. On one hand it'd be best to get out of here ASAP, on the other running would be suspicious.


"Um... sorry but I seem to have torn my pants, I can't really stick around."

Jenn slows to a walk before passing the woman, but keeps going.
Re: Girl's night out

The woman calls out to her, her voice still soft


"You were attacked by a possessed woman, am I correct? There will be more, unless you come with me. It's not safe to be walking alone."
Re: Girl's night out


"I... I was, but how do you know? How can you tell if someone is... possessed?"

Jenn comes to a complete stop, facing the woman. Her rapier is still out, but not even in a defensive stance.
Re: Girl's night out

The woman nods,


"Their eyes will glow brightly, and they will act very suspicious." she said as she folded her hands behind her back, combined with the maid outfit she was wearing, she looked very loyal in that posture, "I'm on my way to a safe place, you may follow me, if you wish." she said as she turned from Jenn, and began to walk in the direction she was going before Jenn found her.
Re: Girl's night out

Jenn glanced back over her shoulder, in the direction where Jessica's body lay. Then in the direction where her room was.


Well, getting away was the idea... but I only have her word for the glowing eyes being proof, and no way to judge know if her personality has changed. On the other hand by that criteria anyone I meet would have to be suspected.

After a few seconds, Jenn decided that the uncertain safety to be gained by following this woman was better then the certain unsafety of standing around near a dead body holding the weapon used to do the killing. She paused a further moment to do her best to cover herself (pulling on Jess's pants if she's still holding them and that's feasible over the remains of her own) and ran to catch up.

(I'm going to go ahead and assume that she leads me safely to the inn? And that in doing so she conveys the jist of the situation... don't think it's worth the effort of a scene to repeat things I already know >.>)

(Oh, and speaking of repeating things I should already know, can I get an inventory of exactly what I managed to hang on to by the time we reach the inn?)
Re: Girl's night out

(All Jen has are the clothes on her back, and her rapier. She never saw Jessica's rapier after she went missing and became possessed.)

As Jenn asks her, the woman tells her that many creatures have appeared out of nowhere, and have begun to invade the town.

As they walked through the powerless town, they eventually reached the only building that seemed to have lights on. as the woman approached the door, someone was already there to open it for her.

The woman instructed Jenn to go inside,


"You'll be safe here." she stated. Then, she gave a slight bow to Jenn, "I still have more things to do, excuse me." she said as she walked back outside the Inn, leaving Jenn inside.

Jenn was treated by the guard woman with keys to her own room, and some food in the mornings.

Jenn, forced to kill someone she's been friends with for a long time, spent a couple days just lying around, taking in the situation. Until she finnally decided that she wasn't going to lay around anymore, as she decided what she was going to do around the hotel...

(You may join the others at Apple Inn)