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Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
As the four make their way out of the hotel, they each decide where the best place to loot would be...

(By the by, let me know about anything you bought, 15+ pages is a lot to skim through. :3)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

( The only thing of significance that I did was have Emily reload her pistol before she left )
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

((Christie picked up the first aid kit that Caitlyn dropped off! Claire switched her current magazine with a fresh one. :D))

Setting foot outside the Inn gave Claire the shivers, so she stepped closer to Caitlyn for a moment to regain some resolve. Hearing the occasional shot from David's noisy rifle overhead lent both courage and fear to the mixed bag of the redhead's emotions: on the one hand, it meant they were all but safe for now. On the other, it meant that once they were out of range, there would be any number of dangers awaiting them.

Taking a moment to get her bearings, Claire shielded her eyes with her hand as she looked in the direction of the rising sun for a moment, then down the street the other direction. Fuzzy blobs though they were at this distance, she recognized apartment buildings when she saw them.


"There ought to be a few clothing stores that way," she pointed, "and low-rise apartments a block or two beyond that." Taking a moment, casting a shifty look in Caitlyn's direction, she added, "we might find more places of opportunity to loot if need be..." She'd remembered seeing an Adult Stop along that street... though of course that was one of the less pressing needs of the Inn!

"Keep an eye out for monsters, watch each other's backs if need be?" she asked, raising her brows as she tried to confirm whether this would be the proper method. Who knew... the last time she'd been out here, she'd come back with a belly full of bug. Ugh.
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(( Caitlyn reloaded her pistol and did grab one extra magazine, but I think you knew about the extra ammo already. ))

Caitlyn draws her pistol, giving Claire a curious smile at the "places of opportunity" line.


"Right," Caitlyn nods. "If one of us gets grabbed or taken down, our first priority should be getting her free. Try to concentrate our attacks; everybody go after the same thing whenver possible."

She looks around the street with a serious expression, "River and I did okay out here yesterday but we also avoided nearly as many creatures as we fought. With our limited supplies it's probably best to sneak past when that's a possibility."
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Emily shrugged. She didn't really believe they would find anything important out here. Especially after what David told her. These women were bound to have taken anything they found useful to themselves or other people if they were trying to lure them. Still this would help distract her from worrying about Iris. The one named Christie really was a huge distraction for her.


"Lead the way."

She didn't really want to offer any suggestions. She was hoping that they found a survivor or two. After what she did to Azure she wondered if it would work again... although she'd prefer to not use it on one of her teammates... or herself.
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Christie shivered as she stepped out of the Inn for the first time in almost two days. The wind blowing across her skin suddenly made her feel very vulnerable, and she quickly drew her pistol, even though they were only five feet from the building. With slightly shaking hands she checked to make sure she had a full magazine loaded, and the safety off, then looked around.


"Watching each others back is a good idea... Just don't look at my butt," she said, pointing a finger at Claire, then at Caitlyn.
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(Clothing store is the first destination?)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Claire stifled a grin, looking very deliberately at Christie's face.

"Was I admiring your pants?" she asked, drawing her weapon as well, though the safety was on for the moment. "I'll try my hardest." Strange, that sounded like a joke with a seed of truth to it.

Claire nodded down the street, gathering a sigh and blowing it out. "Okay, let's get going." She was no military genius, but she added, "let's keep the chatter, ladies." Not that Emily needed it, but Claire felt Christie could use the reminder, as could she.

She began down the road, keeping close to the other women as she slipped the safety off of her .32 handgun.

((Begin towards clothing stores!))
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Caitlyn proceeds down the street, making sure to check the nearby buildings for more signs of the crab creatures.


"Honestly, we might do well to keep quiet while we're in the street," she says, before smiling, "Besides, that will give me more of a chance to stare at people's asses. . ."
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(Perception check)

As the girls continued into the city, only Claire and Caitlyn heard the fast approaching steps of dogs quickly getting nearer to them, as a large pack of four dogs came running quickly towards their prey.

(Claire and Caitlyn have the initiative)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Bum-staring she might have been, but Claire did have hear ears peeled at the very least! As she heard the scrabble of paws on asphalt, the redhead turned and noticed the pack of great big dogs. Unnerved (she was a cat person after all, and these dogs were large!) she raised her gun, giving a warning shout as she lined up her sights and fired a shot at the lead animal.

(Aimed shot at leader dog!)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Caitlyn moves to put herself between the charging animals and Emily and Christie, who she sees haven't had a chance to react yet. She lines up an aimed shot and matches Claire's target, firing once at the lead dog.


"Bad doggie," she growls, "Sit. Stay."

(( Action: Aimed shot at the lead dog. ))
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Emily confused at what was happening turned around. Sheepishly she looked at the two girls getting ready to fight. She wondered why. When she finally noticed she didn't have enough time to draw her weapons before they came at her.


"Oh fuck."
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]


"Wait, wha?" Christie says, dumbfounded as everyone around her springs into action.
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(Claire attacks, aimed shot)

Claire tries to aim as best she could but the dog was moving so fast, her shot missed as she fired.

(Caitlyn attacks, aimed shot)

Caitlyn also missed as the dog's fast speed stayed out of her sights.

As if under the orders of a great strategist, each of the dogs maneuvered in a way that allowed them to run behind all of the girls, then mount them from behind as each girl in the group found themselves captured by these strange, large dogs.
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(lol, WHUT? XD Talk about bad rolls for everyone!)

There were too many to track; Claire found it too difficult to arrange another target in her sights -- or when she did have one, she worried that she might accidentally hit one of the girls.

"Woof!" she exclaimed as the wind was knocked out of her: one of the animals had leapt upon her and knocked her to the cement.

Furious, Claire propped her elbow back, butting the muzzle of her gun against the beast and squeezing the trigger.


"Son of a motherfucking bitch," she cursed, heart trying to tear out of her throat and run screaming back to the Inn.

(point blank shot at the dog mounting Claire)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]


"Aahh!" Christie squeels as the dog forces her to the ground. "What the?" she asked, though she knew exactly what was going on. Thinking quickly, she remembered the pistol in her hand. Letting herself fall forward, Christie caught herself on one arm and tried to turn at the waist to get a shot off at the dog. Even if she only winged it, the pain should convince it to leave her alone.

*one shot at the dog mounting her*
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Emily was still surprised as the dog mounted her. She never thought to consider these things had intelligence. The way they moved though made her think they either were very smart, had a strong natural instinct, or were still evolving very fast. Still thinking fast she attempted to flatten her level so the dog wouldn't be directly on top of her. She then drew her sword and attempted to swing at its throat.

"I got someone to see... so GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"

She thought back to Iris. How would she feel if she never did see Emily again?
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(Claire attacks)

Claire couldn't get enough leverage under the dog to aim at it, as it leaped off of her for only a second, to rip her pants off with a tear of it's jaws, then mounting her again, it's cock getting erect as it prepares to fuck it's new bitch.

(Caitlyn attacks)

Caitlyn knew she couldn't overpower the dog, so, barely managing to aim her gun back at the dog as it attempted to hold her, she shot at the dogs body, delivering such pain that caused it to retreat off of her as she got back to her feet.

(Christie attacks)

Christie tries to aim at the dog, only to get shoved down all of the way to the ground, right before it takes a good rip at her pants, mounting her ass as it's cock becomes erect, pressing against her folds.

(Emily attacks)

By some stroke of luck, Emily's blade cuts along the dog's body, extremely injuring, but not killing it as it retreated away from her.
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

The shot went wide -- damnit, this thing was too fast! Claire cursed again, teeth gritted as she tried to shoot it again. It was too heavy to lever off, she didn't know what else to do!

(Single shot at the dog mounting Claire. X3 Point blank, I think?)