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Ava (Keylo)

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Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava continues to thrash around, trying to break free from her captor. She is drug into the corner and gets her first good look at the creature she has been captured by. She is mesmerized by what appears to be a clump of vines about 6 feet tall with tendrils traveling out into the darkness in all directions. Looking at this mass of vines, she doesn't notice a tendril that knocks a large container from a nearby table onto her. Extremely dazes, Ava begins to fear the worst.

(Tendrils countered, terrible rolls!!)

Ava Defense: 0 + 2 (Clothing)
Ava Constitution: 3
Tendril's HP: 3

Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Ouch... evil dice hate me.)

"No... get away from me..."

Still dazed as she continues her struggles, Ava attempts to get away from the monster using any means possible, brute force, any sharp objects, anything.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava's thrashes become more random and erratic in her painful daze. In her blurry state, she is unaware and unable to fight the tendrils tugging on her jeans.


He heart skips a beat as she is snapped back into reality. The tendrils have reduced her jeans to shreds surprisingly quickly. Ava suddenly realizes the creatures true intentions. A greater sense of urgency overtakes her to break free.

(It rolled a counter again, I swear...)

Ava Defense: 0 + 1(clothing)
Tendril HP: 3

Submit(Risk a "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Yup, dice hate my guts.)

Ava's eyes grew wide as she realized the monster's intentions, causing her to struggle with more fervor than before while screaming to be let go.

"No! Stop! Let me go!"

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava finally lands a heel into one of the main vines and she already feels the tendril loosen ever so slightly. This allows her to roll onto her stomach and she is able to grab a nearby table, pulling herself a bit out of the vines. She looks over her shoulder at the plant in time to see it "burp" what is left of her jeans back into the room.

Ava Defense 0 + 1(clothes)
Tendril HP: 2

Submit(Risk a "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Not wasting time this time, Ava attempts to use the Table as the "leverage" she needs to pull herself out of the mess.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Pulling herself toward the table for leverage leaves her exposed for a critical moment. The plant takes this opportunity to strike out at Ava with a single tendril. She narrowly dodges this latest onslaught, but the tendril does manage to rip a large portion of the front of her shirt off. Buttons fly everywhere as she is further exposed to her captor. A disturbing yet exciting feeling begins to well inside of Ava. She tries to subdue the feeling as her desperation grows by the moment.

(Guess what, a counter)

Ava Defense: 0
Ava Constitution: 3
Tendril HP: 2

Submit(Risk a "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Oh dear...)

Various thoughts began to race through her mind as the front of her shirt was ripped off. What...is this feeling?... Why am I so..excited?... No...I don't like it... I don't like it!


Letting out a scream as fear began to course through her body, Ava struggled against the tendrils with all of her might, in a last ditch desperation to escape.

(And yes, I am implying Ava is a virgin. *cough*)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava Pumps her leg into the mass of vines as strongly as she can, but the foot is caught but a mass of tendrils and pulled inward. Ava's shock forces her to release her hold onto the table. As the shock of her latest failure fades, she finds herself engulfed up to mid thigh in the mass of tendrils. She feels the tendrils begin to wrap around her arms now as well. To her fear, she looks down as sees a single tendril beginning to probe her woman-hood. Ava's face quickly turns red with embarrassment and other feelings she cannot explain.

(Need I say it? Blame my d20...)

Ava Defense: 0
Ava Constitution: 2
Tendril HP: 2

Submit(Risk a "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ava (Keylo)


Ava continues her hopeless struggles against the tendrils, her fear the only thing pushing her to continue her fight. However, at the current rate, it seemed that she would not last for long...

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Continuing her seemingly hopeless struggle, she tries to swap a few tendrils creeping up her body. The warmth building between her thighs is an unwelcome distraction, and as such, she only become further entangles in the tendrils. Now soaked with a cold sweat, Ava begins to give in to the inevitable. Sensing her weakening will, the vine begins to lift Ava into the air as more and more tendrils explore her body

Ava Defense: 0
Ava Constitution: 1
Tendril HP: 2

Submit(Risk a "Succumb- Game Over" roll)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Oh dear... curse you dice!)

"No... no...no..."

Her will growing weak and her strength exhausted, the situation seemed hopeless for Ava. Nevertheless, even in such a state, she makes one final attempt to escape from the tendrils...

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

With her few, final spasms of what she hopes would formulate an attack, the tendrils on her arms tighten their grip on their captor. Pulling her arms backward she is fully restrained by her assailant. Tendrils begin to run though her bra, ripping it to shreds. She is arched backward, simultaneously thrusting her now exposed small breasts to the cool, sterile lab air. Overcome with shame and passion, she loses any will left to fight.

The tendrils begin to tease her nipples and wrap around her waist, slowly, tenderly moving up the small of her back. The tendrils between her thighs begin to tease her clit. Instinctively she moans in submission. She knows this is wrong, but can't seem to muster the strength to do anything. The plant senses her rapidly moistening pussy and probes her womanhood with more fervor. Slowly at first but increasing in speed and depth, the tendrils quickly bring her to her first orgasm. Bucking as much as the restrictive tendrils allow her, she lets out a loud moan of pleasure. That wasn't so bad she thinks.

...But the tendrils were not over. Sliding the tatters of her cotton shorts down off her legs, the plant spreads her legs wide and she sees a large, stiff vine that immediately fills the void left by the retreating tendrils. Thrusting deeper than she could possibly imagine, she rapidly reaches apex again. The last thing she remembers before blacking out is her moving slowly inside of the plant...

Climaxes = 1
Succumb roll = 3 = Game Continues

Waking up in the middle of same room, she feels sore and confused. taking a moment to regain a sense of dignity she feels she may never regain, she notices a note beside her. It simply reads: "I saved you, you may not be so lucky next time. -Dr D." Naked, cold, and scared, she ponders her next move.

Ava Defense: 4
Ava Constitution: 3
Tendril HP: 0

Search the area
Travel North
Travel West
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Saved?...From...what?... It was then that memories began flooding back to her, how she had been captured by tendrils, had her clothes torn off of her, then raped after struggling uselessly. Shocked, and embarrassed at not only what happened, but by her own nakedness, Ava begins to search the room for something to cover herself up with...

(Search the Area)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Opening the first box she sees, she finds a pair of white panties and matching lacy bra. Concerned and a little annoyed that this "Doctor" planted these here for his or her enjoyment, she still puts them on. She is still a little disorented, but at least she is not totally exposed anymore.

Search Again
Travel North
Travel West
Re: Ava (Keylo)

A little bit better...but...

Deciding she might be more comfortable with more clothes on or perhaps a weapon to defend herself with, Ava searches the area again in hopes of finding something useful.

(Action: Search Area)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

As her luck appeared to be turning, the second box she opens contained a black t-shirt. The t-shirt is extremely large for Ava's frame, but the oversized shirt covers up herself down to most her thighs. Putting the shirt on, she can feel her confidence returning. It is slow, but she can definately tell it is there again.

Ava Def: 4 + 1(clothes)

Search Again
Travel North
Travel West
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Feeling much more comfortable now, Ava decides that she should move on before any "experiments" of the doctor manage to find her.

(Travel west)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Traveling through the long Chemistry lab, Ava finds a tattered piece of paper on the floor. While most of the paper is unreadable, she does manage to discern that the paper is an old fire escape map, and it appears to mark a stairwell in the north-Eastern most portion of the floor.

Travel W/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Deciding that if would probably be the best to head towards the stairwell, Ava begins her plan to get off this floor by taking the first step, getting out of the lab she was in.

(Action: Travel west)
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