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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Hey, on the bright side, I get to test out a few mechanics such as:

A. Orgasm damage calculations.
B. Whether I should have purity damage be dealt AFTER your character orgasms, or during the rape.
C. How to calculate stamina damage after orgasm as well.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Hurray for being a guinea pig! :)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

The letter, unlike the previous one, only contained a a single phrase:

"Exodus 20:13"​

Upon reading the simple letter, it is then that a red glow begins to emit from six closed rooms in the hallway, a number painted on each of them in some sort of red ink.


Whatever Rain did, it would have to be fast, as a resounding crash from the floor above indicated that the "blob" had just smashed through the door above.

Hmm... Exodus 20:13 is the sixth commandment in the bible, thou shalt not kill. There seems to be a sixth door. My best guess is that I'm suppose to have Rain go through door number six.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

There's something bugging me about that first puzzle. How many of these characters even READ the Bible in the past few weeks - which is to say, how many of these characters would know that Exodus 20:13 is a Biblical quotation, far less that it is the sixth Commandment?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Yeah :x...I should have the puzzles include a mini-bible from now on. Would make more logical sense. Thanks for pointing that out.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

There's something bugging me about that first puzzle. How many of these characters even READ the Bible in the past few weeks - which is to say, how many of these characters would know that Exodus 20:13 is a Biblical quotation, far less that it is the sixth Commandment?

No clue. I never even thought about my characters religious preferences. I guess I could always edit her bio saying that she does believe in god and did go to church during the two weeks she remembers.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

It's not just Rain. It's in the Gemini thread and it's in Jen's thread (though she's still trying to peek through cracks rather than read the envelope). I think Keylo's going to have to spot people this bit of knowledge.

Though once they definitively have it, there's no reason not to exercise it...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Off to eat again, be back in a bit.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Roger that.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Please don't base puzzles off of religious texts... Otherwise that means some players won't even be able to solve the puzzles, let alone characters.

Edit:... DeMatt =/= Keylo...
Last edited:
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Arriving at the ground floor, it is then that the pounding noises caused by the blob begin to become faint, before stopping completely. It would appear that the the monstrosity had given up in its chase for now. However, whether or not it would desire to resume it was another story...
So... is Rain going to get some "encouragement" (presumably in the form of some heavy firepower like Danielle) to go back and rescue her friend, or will she get rescued separately?

Or is Winnie gone for good?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

If Winnie is gone for good I'd better get a damn good replacement for her.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

She'll be rescued separately :p, so no worries there. Also, most of the players will be rescued by separate NPCs, so as to help introduce the Haven's "cast" more.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Speaking of the Havens cast. We should all have some of our characters from AWMBI make cameo appearances as guards and other things for the lulz.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Uh, no. Don't even think about it. Just no.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Hahaha, I was just kidding.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Is the 'The price of a soul' thread for the character 'Rin' or the character 'Serina'?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Is the 'The price of a soul' thread for the character 'Rin' or the character 'Serina'?
Um... if you read the backgrounds for the two characters, it's kind of obvious that the thread is for Rin Umiko's character Rin. Given her focus on money and all.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Going to play some Silent Hill tomorrow so I can have a better idea in regards to the last area for BG's scenario. Mainly as I'm trying not to have it be the same/too similar to Ashley or Jen's scenarios... I'll update the rest for now though.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

so no/less updates tomorrow?