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Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea frowns slightly. "Not to bombard you with yet more questions, but... what assurances do we have that you, or anyone here isn't on the Lady's side? Couldn't any one of us be a mole?" she asked, attempting to not draw attention to the demon seated upon her lap.

"Are there any other rules? And what happened last time; perhaps we can bring new light to your plans with what worked and what didn't, and find some new ideas..." she offered.
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Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Mmmm...probably not the best RP format, but most likely the least confusing.)

Responding to each in turn, Reina avoided attaching any true emotion to her tone of voice, making it hard even for the perceptive to decipher whether she was telling the truth or not...

"So, why hasn't someone bombed this 'Lady' into a thousand smoking bloody chunks?"

"As has been stated, the Lady does not appear upon the board until the 7th day. Which has marked the end point for many rounds, save the last and the one before it."

"And how do we capture the 'Lady'? I'm guessing it's not as easy as slapping some handcuffs on her."

"In regards to capturing the Lady however, it is similar to her very own victory condition. We may choose to either eliminate her from the board, or to force her into complete submission."


"Why bother capturing her? It's not half as easy as holding onto someone who doesn't want to be held as Eva over there makes it look. People that get backed into a corner fight twenty times as hard. Especially since this 'Lady' is obviously more powerful than the lot of us put together, the people that brought us here included."

"Granted, capturing her is an easier task said then done. However, recently we are of the belief that although powerful, she is not as omnipotent as she makes herself seem given how a few ploys have managed to succeed in recent rounds, including those unfavorable to her. There is also the fact that this is the only truly feasible condition available to us, thus we are in essence forced to take it or surrender."


"So, I have a question. Four, actually. Firstly, where do you keep your weapons? Secondly, where did you get them from in the first place, if you've been here for so long? Thirdly, where do I learn some of that magic Eva over there so casually throws around? And finally, what's with the stains on the bottom of the page?"

"Upon the conclusion of each round, the game board is reset and supplies are appropriated accordingly about the city. The weapons that are salavged and placed under the management of our mechanic and supplies master, Maggie, who will divide them accordingly to each's needs. As for 'magic'...that will be explained when the time is appropriate."

It should be noted that Reina did not comment on the stains at the bottom of the paper.

"Not to bombard you with yet more questions, but... what assurances do we have that you, or anyone here isn't on the Lady's side? Couldn't any one of us be a mole?"

Upon hearing this, Eva looked as if she were about to protest before being cut short by Reina.

"While we have our own means of ensuring ourselves that no one here is on the Lady's side, I am regretful to say that we can not do more than simply ask for you to trust us out of good faith. Therefore I will state the following: Should any of you desire to leave the haven at any given time due to suspicion in regards to any of the staff or other circumstances, we will take no action to stop you, nor will we take any action to prevent your return should you desire it. I only ask that you remember, so long as you are on this game board, who your true enemy is at all times, for the Lady is not beyond creating internal disputes so as to weaken our side even more."

"Are there any other rules? And what happened last time; perhaps we can bring new light to your plans with what worked and what didn't, and find some new ideas..."

"There are a few rules we speculate to exist asides from what we have confirmed thus far. Such as the use of 'overwhelming force' given that we have yet to be picked off on the first day, whether the Lady herself is allowed to leave the board upon entering it, and so forth. As for the previous round... I will go into it another time. There are other matters to tend before I can relate the whole tale to you. Are there any more questions?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"No more questions from me."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Jen shakes her head no, not comfortable enough to speak out loud. There are just too many people around. She isn't used to being around other people in even a semi-social form.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Ignoring Claire's rudeness, Ashley pays her full attention to Reina. "You said some of the things you tried against the Lady worked? Does that mean you won the game?" she asks, obviously very interested in the game itself.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Rain had listened to every word each person had said, she didn't ever speak out or ask a question, any question that was worth asking was asked already. She simply kept silent as her eyes drifted to whoever had the floor at the moment. When nobody was speaking the girl just looked down at the floor, until the papers were handed out to everyone. When the papers were handed out Rain just focused on it, reading it over multiple times and the held on to Winfred's right hand.

The dark blue haired girl felt a overwhelmed, she felt scared. She and her best friend were now being forced to be apart of this horrible game, she was going to have to fight as well as do other things. What scared the girl the most was the thought of things coming and wanting to rape her to oblivion. In a state of shock Rain's eyes left the paper and went down to the floor. She stayed silent, still holding onto Winfred's hand.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Fast forwarding~... Mainly as speeches/introductions should NEVER take as long as I've made them >_>. Which... open up another round for filler posts while I finish up the "supplies"/"shop" system.)

"You said some of the things you tried against the Lady worked? Does that mean you won the game?"

Reina shook her head before responding, not wanting to grant false hope to the others.

"Even if certain ploys and gimmicks were effective, it does not necessarily mean that we won, or will win for certain. What it does mean however, is that no matter how small, there is still a chance to win. Anything else?"

After looking around the room for a bit, and observing the facial expressions of all that were gathered, it was then that the white-haired woman brought her hands together and clapped, dispelling the 'emotionless' mask she had worn as she assumed a more 'cheerful' attitude.

"Well then, if that's all the questions everyone has, let us move on to the next order of business, namely handing out clothes and supplies to everyone, and detailing how they'll be distributed from now on. If any questions come up that didn't come to mind at this time, feel free to ask me in private another time. I'd be more than happy to explain to you what I know to the best of my ability."

Rising up from her seat and motioning for the rest to do the same, Reina proceeded to exit out of a door behind her which lead out to the hallway, as the majority of the haven staff began to disperse with the exception of Eva who followed the white-haired maiden out promptly. It should be noted, that if one paid attention to the people in the room, one would have noticed that Maggie was not present in either the room, or the people leaving it...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia kicks back for a moment, pensive, eyes far away, then springs to her feet with a smile. Her gaze takes in the succubus straddling her sister, and the smile falters for a moment, but quickly is set back in place.

"Well, I think we are expected to follow.. that is, if our pet can wait a little longer.."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Claire gets out of her chair and follows the white-haired woman, not bothering to look to see if anyone else followed her as well.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

At Reina's exit, Ashley immediately jumps up and follows her, eager to learn more about the 'game'. She makes a point to ignore the little brat trailing behind Reina.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

River stays up against the wall beside the door until most of the others had left. Not trying to hide it, she looked up and down every person that passed her, though every one that met her eyes would get a respectful nod. Somewhat satisfied, she shrugged herself straight and followed the group.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Jen hesitantly gets up and follows the others, waiting as long as possible, she sneaks out after the last person in the group has left, following them while trying to keep them from noticing her and keeping her from getting free clothes as well.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea nodded, "You'll be okay, won't you Rua?" she asks the demon even as she motions Rua to get up so she can also, and follow the group out of the room.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia mutters something that sounds like a grumble, and narrowly avoids catches her sword on the table leg. With a quick glance around to ensure no one spotted that little mishap, and a quiet personal reminder to find a scabbard as soon as possible, she follows her sister and their newest pet.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Post will be continued in a new thread to go up in the morning after my lectures)

"Yeah, I'll be okay...For a little while anyway."

Putting a slightly mischievous emphasis on 'little' as she replied, Rua rose from Castea's lap so that they could follow the rest out of the room, apparently looking forward to her 'feeding', although abstaining for now so that the twins could get other necessities out of the way...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Rain had taken notice to something then, everyone in the room was leaving, Rain figured now would be a good time to get up and follow. Letting a small sigh out at everything that was happening, keeping how terrified she was hidden, Rain stood up from her spot. The dark blue haired girl looked to her left at her friend, who like her had kept quiet this entire time. " Hey, Winnie..." Rain plainly started. " Everyone is leaving... We should follow them." Rain noticed that she wasn't actually holding her friends hand any longer. She must of let go while she was reading that piece of paper over and over again.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Having heard most of everything, Mirella filed out of the room with everyone, but she was tossing the ideas in her head back and forth, trying to apply logic but trying not to let normal logic from trappring her train of thought...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Yeah, lets go. It'd be nice if we had something to cover ourselves asides from these blankets..."

Grabbing Rain by her wrist, she proceeded to 'drag' her in a sense, out of her seat and towards the procession.

"Come on, lets go..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)


Rain was use to being dragged around by Winfred, so when she grabbed her by the wrist Rain got up and began following her friend by habit. The girl was a little eager to get something to wear, she was embarrassed to be seen wearing nothing but a blanket.

( So... Continue in the Heaven's Depository thread right? )