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The OOC Topic

Re: The OOC Topic

So do we want to try this with stats or...?
Re: The OOC Topic

On a side note, me and DeMatt each got an extra post in, so that matter should be all set.

And as far as multimatches go, I'd be more than willing to try a test for one, hopefully a fair one, at some point. Just to see how it works out.
Re: The OOC Topic

By the way, Dematt, if you are worried about people ganging up, then you need to realize that if you are attacked by two people and you focus only on one, then the person you are working on is handing the third person the victory if they keep focusing on you.
Re: The OOC Topic

Exactly! So the best way for you to win is to make it a fair fight.

Then again, winning isn't really the point of this entire RP. We're supposed to be having fun, not 1-uping each other.
Re: The OOC Topic

That's one of the weaknesses of multi-person RPs. Gotta wait on more than just a partner. But we knew that going into it, so we don't have a right to complain. Unless DeMatt is gone for a week+. >_>
Re: The OOC Topic

*snrk* DL'd Whore Master, let my login dissipate, no worries.
Re: The OOC Topic

So, would you be up for trying a 3 way stat battle? Ganging up doesn't make much strategic sense really.
Re: The OOC Topic

... I thought we were just doing an Encounter - that is, the stats are unimportant, we just post smex.

I suppose we could do it stat-wise, turn it into a Dominance match. Wouldn't want to try and sustain it for long enough for an Endurance match, though.
Re: The OOC Topic

I'd be willing to give it a try if you guys are. Can always change mid match if needed.
Re: The OOC Topic

Dominence would only last a small handfull of posts though. I still vote Endurance 5, or at least 3.
Re: The OOC Topic

Alright, fine. We'll do an Endurance match - to 5, I guess.

So, smarty-pants, how do you propose to convert this "friendly" Encounter to a "competitive" Endurance?
Re: The OOC Topic

Not really much of a conversion... Just do what we'd normally do, in the form of attacks and statery. It can still be 'friendly', just with HP and such.
Re: The OOC Topic

K, so now we NEED a turn order, so... Sen->Mel->Kai?
Re: The OOC Topic

That works. Speaking of which, it's your turn, Ryu. :D
Re: The OOC Topic

Hali, you are aware that energy damage means damage to a person's energy and not energy based pleasure damage, correct?
Re: The OOC Topic

By the way, as you have no declared the topic as an Endurance fight, you won't recieve those pitiful 0.1XP for the RP posts. <,< Knowing what kind of battle it will be can save such trivial losses in the future! HUER HUER HUER HUER. :3